Update Link: Dear Reader – Part 9
soooo heeeeyyyyyyyyy
Sorry for totally disappearing on you for the last *checks notes* week. I’d like to tell you I was hunkering down and finishing the edit on Book 2, but it would be a lie. (I did edit and we’re making good progress but it’s not where I want to be just yet). I just, uh, didn’t want to write? Is that allowed? I don’t know, lol. I was just feeling blergh on inspiration and wanting to do anything, even prep for school. Probably just a little bit of burn out. I felt better by Monday and did an insane amount of school prep thanks to the snow day and our two-hour delay this morning.
I also got some encouraging health news. I had my annual bloodwork done, and it turns out I’ve got a Vitamin D deficiency which could (and hopefully does!) account for a few lingering issues — some extra muscle aches, some mental fog, extra fatigue — I started supplements last week and I hope to feel better soon.
I’m not committing to a second update this week just because I really do want to focus on editing Book 2 and getting that out this month.