September 7, 2023

Update Link: Signs of Life – Chapter 11

Hope you’re all having a good week! It’s Wednesday night, and I’ve completed my first two days. Not exactly sure how I feel, to be honest. My projector hasn’t worked which has limited my instruction — my French program relies on, you know, French audio and visuals. And even though I thought we’d agreed on a program for me to use with my class this year, my instructional supervisor is changing it AGAIN after I’ve started teaching, so I had to prep for a meeting tomorrow where I kindly tell her that she selected a Spanish program that’s comprehensive (but still has its defects because its assessments aren’t actually aligned with NJ standards), and its companion French program is, uh, trash.  The Spanish program has 27 units which sustains a middle school program and four years of high school. The French program has 9 units which is…one year. So how do I say “You’re an idiot” without saying it? That’s what you get when you buy curriculum from TeachersPayTeachers without researching it.  Still working on the diplomatic approach. I’ll let you know how that works out.

Anyway, the projector is supposed to be fixed, and I’m pretty sure my supervisor doesn’t actually know anything about French, so I’ll just do what I want and hope they appreciate it later. (Or that she agrees with me tomorrow). Anyway, hope you enjoy this update!

See you on Saturday for the next Flash Fiction update!

This entry is part 11 of 41 in the Signs of Life

When I’m lost, in the rain, in your eyes
I know I’ll find the light to light my way

When I’m scared, losing ground, when my world is going crazy
You can turn it all around yes

And when I’m down you’re there pushing me to the top
You’re always there givin’ me all you’ve got

I Turn To You, Christina Aguilera

Monday, January 3, 2000

Port Charles City Hall: Fourth Floor

Elizabeth didn’t really know what she expected when she stepped off the elevator the next afternoon, but it wasn’t Sonny and Alexis standing next to Jason. “Um, is everything okay?” she asked, shifting her purse higher on her shoulder. “What’s going on?”

“We need witnesses,” Jason said to her. “For the, uh, ceremony.” He put his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. “Emily went back to school this morning—”

“Right. And the witnesses need to be here when we apply. I forgot.” Or hadn’t really thought about who those witnesses would be. This wasn’t a real wedding. There wouldn’t be a dress or a ring. A church.

It was paperwork.

She looked over at Sonny and Alexis. “Is there anything I need to do before—”

“Well,” Alexis said, uneasily, “as Jason’s attorney, we need to discuss a prenuptial agreement—” Jason glared at her and she closed her mouth.

A prenuptial agreement. Because Jason was a literal millionaire and she was a waitress from the docks with twenty dollars to her name after she finished paying for classes and rent. She bit her lip. “I can do that—”

“I told her I didn’t care—”

“But it looks—”

“Anything we can do to make this look legit,” Sonny cut in, silencing Jason and Elizabeth. “Alexis, you have something for them to look at, don’t you? ” When she nodded, Sonny looked at Elizabeth. “Great. She can go over with it back at the penthouse, and I can find someone—another lawyer—to look it over for you,” he promised Elizabeth.

“I—this—” Elizabeth folded her arms, her cheeks flaming. “I don’t need that. Just say I get nothing and we can move on—”

“That’s not—”

“I don’t want anything anyway. That’s—” She shook her head. “Ever. I mean, even if this were—” She wiggled her shoulders. “Anyway. That’s what I want it to say and it should be up to me since I’m the one signing something away.” She met Jason’s gaze. “Okay?”  She was never going to give anyone the chance to say she was using Jason like Carly had. She didn’t give a damn about his money.

“Elizabeth—” Jason began, but Sonny cut in.

“We can talk about it later,” he said. “Let’s apply for the license.”

Elizabeth watched Jason complete his part of the form. He handed her the pen and slid the paper towards her. Without looking at him, she scratched out her name — Elizabeth Imogene Webber — and the rest of her information. Then Sonny and Alexis completed their sections.

The clerk stamped the form and smiled at them. “Congratulations,” she said brightly. “And good luck!”

They would need it.

Harborview Towers: Hallway

The moment the elevator had arrived at the top floor, Elizabeth told Jason she wanted to talk to Alexis alone about the prenuptial agreement. He opened his mouth to argue, but Elizabeth just lifted her chin.

“I’m the one that has to sign it,” she said, repeating what she’d said at the registrar’s office, “so wouldn’t it be better if we started with what I wanted it to say?”

“I think Jason’s just worried you won’t even take gas money,” Sonny said dryly as Jason bristled.

“Well, I won’t. I don’t have a car. I take the bus.” She folded her arms. “So if you want to negotiate bus fare—”


“I’ll see what we can come up with before tomorrow,” Alexis told Sonny and Jason. “My job is to protect your interests, so I’ll do that.”

“I don’t care—” Jason began again but Elizabeth turned and disappeared into the penthouse, ending the conversation. “Alexis—”

“This is not the worst problem in the world,” his lawyer told him. “I’ll talk her into something you can live with. Trust me. You and Sonny should make sure you have everything for tomorrow and I’ll let you know when we’re done.”

Jason grimaced as Alexis followed Elizabeth, leaving him alone with Sonny. This was all happening too fast, and he was starting to think it was a massive mistake.


“Let’s just get whatever we have to do done,” Jason muttered, brushing past him and Max to go into Sonny’s place.  Sonny sighed and followed.

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

“You know he’s not going to make you take millions of dollars,” Alexis said.

Elizabeth turned to find the other woman stripping off her coat and setting it over the back of the chair. “That’s not—”

“Considering this was accidentally my idea,” Alexis cut in, “let me first apologize for putting this in Jason’s head. If you’re not comfortable with this, it’s not too late. I can find you a criminal attorney—”

“I talked Jason into it,” Elizabeth said, shaking her head. “He was ready to leave town forever, and I just—all his ways of solving this doesn’t stop Carly from destroying everything. She’s threatening me and Bobbie, too. If he left—”

“She’d know he did it to protect you. I get it.” Alexis tipped her head. “If you and Jason were planning this for other, happier reasons, can I tell you where I would start negotiations?”

“I don’t want—”

“Happier reasons might include a future family, and Jason’s estate is complicated. There are layers,” she continued. “So, yeah, I get it. You’re not doing this for the money. But you are doing this to protect him.”

Elizabeth sighed and perched on the arm of the sofa. “Yes. I want to protect Bobbie, too. And myself. But I don’t want him to get hurt by Carly again.”

“A marriage damages Carly’s credibility and it complicates any attempt to leverage you against Jason or vice versa,” Alexis said, “but it’s not foolproof. If the DA or the PCPD can prove you’re doing this to circumvent the law—” She paused. “This needs to look as real as it can.”

Elizabeth pursed her lips. “What does real mean?”

“Sonny and I discussed this. He doesn’t want Jason to leave any more than you do, so he’s pulling strings with Father Coates at St. Timothy’s.”

“Wait—” Her eyes widened. “Sonny’s making it so we can get married in the church?”

“At the church Jason attends and where Michael was baptized. There will be witnesses. Pictures. But that’s the ceremony. It’s afterwards that we need to worry about. You getting married will make everyone suspicious. There might be search warrants for the studio, for here at the penthouse. They will assume you have something to hide.”

“We do, but there’s no physical evidence.” Elizabeth chewed on her bottom lip as the gravity of what Alexis was saying sank in. It would be important that everyone outside these walls saw them as being in a real and committed, if hasty marriage. People already thought she was a gold digger—that wasn’t going to change after tomorrow. It would only be worse. And if Jason’s enemies, the men who may or may not have put a bomb in her studio only a few days ago—if they thought this was a legal fiction—


Elizabeth bit her lip. “Okay. If this was happening for other reasons, how would you write this prenup?”

Corinthos Penthouse: Living Room

Jason felt like he was crawling out of skin as he paced the room, waiting for Alexis to tell him she’d finished talking to Elizabeth.

“Alexis will get it sorted, Jase. She’s got a good head on her shoulders, and she’ll talk some sense—”

Jason whipped his head around to glare at Sonny who stopped talking. “Elizabeth isn’t an idiot. Don’t talk about her that way.”

“No, I know.” Sonny put up his hands in surrender. “I’m sorry. It was a poor choice of words. She’s just very proud, and she doesn’t want you to think she’s using you. If this were happening for other reasons, you’d probably still be fighting with her to take a nickel.”

“Money doesn’t matter to me,” Jason said, rolling his shoulders. “I’ve lived without it, so I don’t need it. But it’s there and it’s just—” Collecting dust in his accounts. He barely touched it most of the time, and the last time he’d talked to Benny about his share of the warehouses, the accountant had looked appalled by the lack of investments.

“When I say Alexis will convince her, I mean that she’ll remind Elizabeth that prenuptial agreements might start as private documents, but leaks could happen. And she’ll need to accept more than bus fare.”

Jason scrubbed his hands over his face. “This is a mistake,” he muttered. “There should be another way out of this.”

“If there was, we’d be taking it, Jason. Elizabeth was right to remind us that Carly doesn’t go away because you do. She absolutely would still throw Elizabeth under the bus to punish her, and she’d drag Bobbie with her. If you sent Elizabeth away, Carly would still be a factor for you. Still using Michael against—”

“I don’t want to talk—”

“We’re going to talk about it because it’s business,” Sonny said flatly. “You don’t want to talk about December, I get it. I haven’t said a damn word about it—”

“You had no right—”

“Maybe not, but it’s done. You don’t trust me anymore, I can live with that. But what I did—what Carly and I did—it’s the reason you were dying out in the middle of nowhere. Elizabeth and Bobbie wouldn’t be at risk if I’d been a better man.”

Jason exhaled slowly, looked away from Sonny. “There’s no point in talking about this—”

“There is. Because in less than twenty-four hours, you’re supposed to be marrying that girl across the hall, and you need it get it out of your head that you’re making a mistake. She can see it, and she’s probably already thinking the worst.”

Jason blinked at Sonny, unsure where the other man was going with this. “The worst?”

“It would be one thing if you and Elizabeth were doing this before things had changed between you. You’re not strangers getting married. I get it—you hate that it’s happening. You wish there was another way. But this is the only way we can clear everyone, stop Carly, and protect Elizabeth from Sorel. Do you see anything that does all three things and keeps you in town?”

Jason grimaced. “No.”

“That—that right there—” Sonny stabbed a finger at him. “You make that face one more time, I’m gonna deck you. Elizabeth Webber is making a massive sacrifice to get you out of trouble and to keep you in town. To keep you with her. You know that’s why she’s doing it, don’t you?”

“I—” Jason paused. “But—”

“And it’s why you’re doing it. This is not a mistake. It’s awkward, it’s frustrating, but none of this is a mistake, Jason. Elizabeth is an adult capable of making her own choices and mistakes. You keep making that damn face, she’s gonna think you want to be anywhere else but with her.”

Jason fell silent. There were so many things that he didn’t always see right away when it came to personal relationships, he realized. He could read people in business all day long, but when it came to the women in his life that he’d cared for, they were often a baffling mystery. But Elizabeth had been upset when he’d told her was leaving—she’d insisted on finding another way out. He’d thought it was because Carly would still be a threat—but had she been as upset as he’d been at the thought of never seeing each other again?

“We both know it’s not true,” Sonny continued, his tone more gentle now. “But she’s been through a lot, and she’s taking on the big leagues now. She needs your support, not your doubts. Trust Alexis to convince her to let us both protect her, and do whatever you can to make this work. There’s no going back after tomorrow.”

There was a knock at the door, cutting off whatever Jason would have said next. Max opened the door, and Alexis came in.

“Well?” Sonny asked. He poured himself a bourbon. “How did negotiations go?”

“Not as well as you’d like,” Alexis told Jason, “but I’m mostly satisfied. She’s agreed to letting you buy her a car, knowing you might assign her a driver at any point. She also agreed to a bank account with whatever you want to put in there, except she said she won’t use it unless she doesn’t have any money of her own.” She pursed her lips. “She offered a payment plan for the car and the account after dissolution, but I talked her out of it.”

“Christ,” Sonny muttered, rubbing his temple. “She probably wanted a used car.”

“I talked her out of that, too. I reminded her you’d need to upgrade it for security.” Alexis paused. “But she wouldn’t budge on dissolution, Jason. You both walk out with what you came with.”

“What about property acquired during the marriage?” Sonny asked. “You can buy her a house and then make her keep it,” he suggested to Jason. “Property during—” He saw Alexis shake her head. “Oh, man.”

“She was ready for it. All property purchased with Jason’s assets stays with him.” Alexis sighed. She raised a brow at Jason. “Do you want to counter?”

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

Elizabeth was perusing a takeout menu, considering the twenty dollars in her account and wondering if she was being too stubborn when Jason came back from Sonny’s. She offered him a weak smile. “Hey.”

“Hey.” He reached for Elizabeth’s jacket, stripped off his own, then hung them both in the closet. Then he sat next to her on the sofa, took the menu from her, and set it on the coffee table.

“You’re mad,” Elizabeth said, her stomach twisting. “About Alexis—”

“No, not—” Jason paused. “Thank you.”

She frowned, then narrowed her eyes, looking for the catch. “For what?”

“Money doesn’t matter to me. Don’t get me wrong—I like having it and it makes life easier,” he admitted. “After I left the Quartermaines, I didn’t have any. It wasn’t fun, but I didn’t need much. I just need a place to live and food to eat. I live here because it’s better for business, but I was happy in the boxcar, too.”

Elizabeth shifted on the sofa to face him, tucking a leg underneath her body. “I can take care of myself. I make good tips—”

“I know, but—” He paused. “Thank you,” he repeated, “for doing this. I know it might seem like I was okay with leaving, but I didn’t want to. I told you that before, but I wanted to make sure you knew that I meant it. I didn’t—” He paused. “Yeah, Alexis suggested this, and I thought it was asking too much of you, but I should have given you all the options before I made a decision on my own. I’m sorry.”

“Oh.” A weight slid from her shoulders, and she smiled. “I can do this. It’s a lot, but—”

“It is, but it won’t be that bad if we talk to each other. That’s what we do best, right?” he asked her softly. “We listen to each other.”

“Yeah.” Feeling a bit brave, she slid closer to him and was rewarded when he tucked her against him. It was so warm and soft and lovely to be cuddled up together on the sofa. “I guess you’re about to do some talking and I have to do some listening.”

“Yeah.” He touched the edge of a curl, pulling it down and letting it pop back up. “I know the prenup is a lot. I wasn’t expecting Alexis to bring it up.”

“It’s okay. She explained it—”

“Still. Thank you for agreeing to let me buy you a car,” he continued. “You can pick it out, it’ll be in your name, but it would make me feel better if you had a safe way to get to school and work.”

“I can do still do both of those?” Elizabeth asked hesitantly. “I was worried—”

“Yeah. I already took care of Kelly’s,” Jason told her, “or Sonny did when you started taking care of me and going back and forth. We added extra security after I left the studio. You have a guard — I’ll get Francis registered to audit your classes, and I’ll make sure he leaves the suit at home,” he added when she wrinkled her nose. “It won’t be forever, just until we’re sure the danger is passed.”

“Okay. That’s good.” She bit her lip. “Is that it?” she asked hopefully. She smiled. “I mean—”

“I know you want the studio for painting,” he told her. “But it needs to be secured. Will you let me do what needs to be done there?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Does that mean buying the place?”

“It might.” He paused. “Alexis is drawing up the paperwork the way you asked her to, but there’s something I asked her to change.”


“I don’t know how long this is going to last,” Jason said after a moment. “And I don’t know what’s going to happen over the next year. It’s important to me that you’re protected. Not just because of this, but because I care about you.” He reached for her hand, his fingers surprisingly soft against her own.

Sneaky bastard. “What’s the change?”

“Anything income either of us makes while we’re married,” Jason began, “gets split equally at dissolution.”

She scowled. “Oh, okay, so you’ll get half of my tips and I get half of the million you’ll make this year? That’s not going to happen—”


“I don’t want—”

“I know that. And I’m not doing it because I think you want it. Or need it,” he added. “It’s because you deserve it.”

Somehow that sounded wrong, and she was trying to pinpoint why. “How do you figure? I’m not exactly some great bet— ” She could be a terrible investment after all. What if she really did hate sex? She certainly wouldn’t deserve money then.

“I’m alive because of you,” he told her. “Every day I’m here, it’s because you dragged me out of the snow and forced me to live. I can make all this money I don’t even want or need because of you. I want to share what I have with you. Will you let me?”

“I knew you’d find a way to make this feel like a favor.” She sighed and slumped back against the sofa. “Fine.”


He was quiet for a moment, and she opened her eyes to find him smiling at her, his expression amused. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Because I can.” He leaned down to kiss her. She touched his jaw, spreading his fingers over his skin, marveling at the fact that in twenty-four hours, he’d be her husband. And in moments like this, the reasons why they were doing this seemed a million miles away.

September 5, 2023

This entry is part 10 of 41 in the Signs of Life

Always pushing and pulling
Sometimes vanity takes vacation time on me
I’m in a daze stumbling bewildered
North of gravity head up in the stratosphere
You and I roller coaster riding love
You’re the center of adrenaline
And I’m beginning to understand

The Best Thing, Savage Garden

Sunday, January 2, 2000

Corinthos Penthouse: Living Room

Alexis yanked off her reading glasses and stared. “What did you just ask me to do?” she demanded.

Sonny held out a mug of coffee. “Draw up a preliminary prenuptial agreement for Jason and Elizabeth and refresh yourself on spousal privilege. Oh, and meet us at the clerk’s office tomorrow to get the marriage license.”

Alexis didn’t take the coffee, so Sonny set it down in front of her. “He’s not really going through with this asinine plan, is he? When I mentioned it, it was—he wasn’t supposed to take me seriously!”

“I wondered who planted the seed in his head.” Sonny returned to the coffee bar, poured his own cup. “It didn’t occur to me, to be quite honest, but it really does solve a number of our problems.”

“Oh, if Audrey ever finds out about this, she’s going to murder me,” Alexis muttered. “You know, I was already on thin ice as the hospital’s attorney after I took you and Jason on as a client — she’ll be calling the board of directors—”

“Elizabeth is an adult—”

“Who graduated from high school last year,” Alexis said. “She’s a child—”

“And Jason woke up from a coma four years ago without a single memory of his first twenty-two years. His life experience was reset to zero,” Sonny interrupted. “Look, I’m not going to stand here and tell the man he’s too old for her. I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my relationships — it’s not like he’s a grown man who’s been out here for seven years as an adult—”

“No, but—” Alexis held up her hands. “Okay. Okay. I get what you’re saying. It’s just—I mentioned it to Jason because he seemed upset, but because I knew he’d never go for it—”

“It was my impression,” Sonny said carefully, “that he hadn’t intended to consider it seriously. Our plan was to have him leave town. I imagine when he presented that to Elizabeth, she pushed him for other options. Having negotiated with Elizabeth on other matters, I know that she’s tough and doesn’t back down when she knows she’s right.”

“But is she?” Alexis wanted to know. “Can she possibly understand what she’s getting herself into?”

“I don’t know if anyone ever really knows what they’re getting into when it comes to marriage,” Sonny said. “There are people who date for years, get married, and divorce within the first year. Alexis, if you’re not comfortable—”

“I just—I feel responsible.” Alexis picked up the coffee. “She’s been through a lot. And it’s not just losing Lucky Spencer last year. Sonny, I don’t know how familiar you are with her history—”

“I’d heard a few things from Luke, but nothing solid. But when she let Jason stay in her studio last month, I wanted to know how she’d hold up. I had Benny run her.” Sonny sat down, his eyes sober. “Her outcry at the trial last year made the papers. I was just getting settled back in town, I missed it. She accused a photographer of raping her.”

“The same photographer who blackmailed Emily Quartermaine and held her and Elizabeth hostage in his studio,” Alexis said tightly. “Yes. He confessed to the rape when Elizabeth went to help Emily. I don’t know any of the details—”

“It was Valentine’s Day, she was sixteen, and it was in the park,” Sonny said quietly. “Don’t ask how I got the police report.”

“I wasn’t going to.” Alexis’s features were pained. “She was a baby, Sonny, and it was only two years ago.”

“I’m not going to sit here and pretend that I can sit in judgment of anyone, but particularly Elizabeth Webber. I know that she’s had dozens of opportunities to cut ties with Jason. At great personal and public cost, she’s rejected every one of them. She lost her reputation, her grandmother, and friends over this. If she has agreed to marry Jason to keep Carly from screwing up her life, I’m not going to tell her she’s not ready or old enough to make that choice.”

Alexis nodded. “All right. All right. And you have to know, I’d have these objections even if it weren’t Jason. I like Jason. I like him better than you,” she added, and Sonny made a face. “I just—I’ll feel responsible if this ends badly.”

“I think they’re going to surprise you,” Sonny said. “I’d worry more about protecting both of them from the amount of stupid they’re going to face when the world finds out.”

“That’s certainly true. All right, I’ll draw up the preliminary details to have them review tomorrow, and review the literature on spousal privilege.” She sighed. “What are you going to be doing while I slog through paperwork?”

“Planning a wedding.” Sonny smiled as he raised his cup. “This has to look real, doesn’t it? So I’m calling Father Coates, and, uh, I do need one more favor from you. What do you know about wedding dresses?”

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

Elizabeth fiddled with the hem of her sweater as she made it to the bottom of the stairs and found Jason at the desk across the room, his pencil moving swiftly over what looked like accounting books. The chair squeaked as he straightened and twisted to look at her. “Hey.”

“Hey.” She nibbled on her bottom lip as she remained standing there. Yesterday everything had seemed so much more simple, she thought, even after the bomb in her studio. She and Jason were on the same page regarding their non-existent sex life, and she knew she could sleep in the same bed with him.

Now, she was staring across the room at her future husband, and she’d just had a massive panic attack about everything that label could and should mean.

“Are you hungry?” Jason wanted to know. He pushed himself to his feet. “I could—” He frowned towards the kitchen. “I don’t know if there’s any food in there, but maybe—”

“I’m okay.” She wasn’t. Her stomach was growling, but the words were out of her mouth before she knew she was going to lie, and why had she done that?

Why was it so hard to talk to him? Where had that ease and comfort gone? Had it disappeared the moment Carly had swaggered into Kelly’s and reminded Elizabeth of all the ways that she could disappoint him?

Jason didn’t seem to be any more at ease than she did, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I have to finish the books for the warehouse, but if you want—do you have to work today?”

“No. No, I usually have Sundays off.”

“We could go out. On the bike, I mean. Or go to the studio and get the rest of your stuff.”

“Both of those sound good. I don’t really have much there anyway. I didn’t bring it from my grandmother’s.” Elizabeth paused. “Um, I guess I can’t—or I shouldn’t tell her. Right? Until it’s over.”

“You can tell anyone or whoever you want,” Jason said. “But—”

“But my grandmother might not keep it to herself, and this only works if Carly doesn’t find out until after. Yeah. I figured.” Elizabeth nodded. And Audrey would hardly attend or be overjoyed. “Okay.”

“I’m sorry—”

“Why are you apologizing? This was my idea,” Elizabeth interrupted. “And my friends and family are the reason that any of this is happening. I didn’t know Carly followed me to the studio. No one, including Sorel, would know where you were if I’d done a better job.” She sighed and wandered across the empty space between the staircase and window.

“It’s not your fault. You can’t control how people react—”

“Really? I could have predicted it,” Elizabeth muttered. She sighed. “I’ll find something to keep myself busy until you want to go—”

“Hey.” Jason came to her, took her hands in his. “It’s—it’s not too late. If you want to change your mind.”

Her eyes flew up to his, but his expression was guarded. Did he want to back out? Did he think he couldn’t because she had pushed for it? “No. But I think maybe you do.”

“I don’t—”

“It’s just—” She paused, trying to articulate what was swirling in her head. “Alexis told you about this, and then you didn’t say anything. You didn’t even suggest it until I got upset. If you’d rather go—”

“If I went,” Jason said, cutting her off, “I might not be able to come back. And you’d still be here. You were right last night. None of this goes away because I go.” He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. “I didn’t want to go. I just thought it was the best way to protect you.”

“I can protect myself—”

“I know you can.” He smiled, almost reluctantly. “But it doesn’t stop me from wishing you didn’t have to. Or wanting to take care of you. I care about you.”

“I care about you, too,” Elizabeth replied, though the word felt weak and vague. “I just—I don’t want any of this—or what’s going to happen to…” She paused. “I feel like we were just starting to figure out what this is, and now—” She shook her head. “I don’t want to lose that.”

“We won’t.” Jason kissed her forehead, then his lips found hers, and she sighed, melting into his embrace, wishing she felt as confident as he sounded. They were pouring gasoline on what had been, until then, a small flickering flame. Sure, it would burn hotter, brighter, and more intensely than before — but it could also just as quickly burn itself out before she was ready to let it go.

But it was too late to turn back, and she’d just have to hold on for as long as she could. Jason might not have wanted to leave, but that didn’t mean he really wanted to marry her. She just had to remember that part of it — the marriage, the wedding, the way the world would see them — it was just business. A way to protect her from Sorel, and to keep Jason and Bobbie safe from Carly’s lies.

Jason cared about her, but he didn’t love her, and he wasn’t going to promise her forever after a few weeks.  It would be a terrible mistake to forget that it was all just a fantasy, a dream that wouldn’t—couldn’t—last.

PCPD: Squad Room

Taggert rubbed the back of his neck as he flipped through a surveillance report, scowling at the notation that Elizabeth Webber hadn’t spent a night in her studio in two days. They’d had a guy staking it out for any trash or anything she might discard because he knew that the typo on the search warrant had ruined their best chance at getting any solid evidence.

He hadn’t really expected to find anything at the studio — Morgan was too smart for that—and, Taggert reluctantly admitted to himself, Morgan was also unlikely to draw Elizabeth in that directly. Maybe she might look the other way if he was recuperating from an injury, but there was little chance she was a direct accomplice.

But he’d wanted to find something, anything, that might suggest Morgan had been injured. A blood stain. Maybe some medicine she wasn’t supposed to have — he just wanted to get Elizabeth on her own and talk some sense into her. She was a good kid, with a soft heart. And unswerving loyalty. Morgan had earned it, somehow, but it could be broken.

Taggert just needed to find a fracture in their relationship that could shatter the whole damn thing and get him what he needed.

He pulled out the autopsy report on Moreno, looking for anything he’d missed. Two gunshot wounds. One to the chest, one to the head—execution style. Different bullets had been pulled from the body, he noted. He went for the ballistics report —

“Any progress?”

Taggert glanced up at the commissioner, shook his head. “No. Just thinking it through. They pulled two different wounds from Moreno. One matches the type of ammunition for the gun registered in Morgan’s name, but it’s common. We’d never get a direct match.”

“The other?”

“From Sig-Sauer. Not that he couldn’t have two weapons, just doesn’t—” Taggert paused. “Doesn’t seem right. He follows the right laws,” he muttered. “Has a concealed and carry permit for the Glock. He has a different license for two more Glocks — but they’re for premises. Can’t carry them outside the house and he’s never been caught with them.”

“He only uses the Glock?”

“That we know of. No telling how many unregistered he’s got squirreled away—” He paused. “The chest wound matches Morgan’s usual gun. But not the head wound.”

“Not the kill shot.” Mac sat next to him. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking Joseph Sorel probably doesn’t mind Moreno being gone. And maybe, just maybe, he took advantage of a situation to make himself come out on top. We got reports of gunshots down near the pier that night. Late on November 30, almost into the next day. But by the time cops showed up, the scene was clean.”

“And Moreno was pulled out of the harbor downstream.”

“Figured he got dumped in a hurry.” Taggert leaned back. “I can’t prove it, but I think Morgan took fire, probably got wounded. He’s responsible for the chest, and Sorel finished Moreno off.”

“And you think he was injured because he disappeared,” Mac continued. “And that’s when the rumors started swirling about Elizabeth Webber.”

“I hate that she’s screwed up in all this.” Taggert met the other man’s eyes. “You know what I mean. Robin finally got out.”

“Jason nearly did, too,” Mac reminded him. “Maybe he would have stayed out if Sonny hadn’t come back. Careful with this, Taggert.” He got to his feet. “I saw the report on your interview with Elizabeth Webber, and the search warrant dismissal. She’s a smart one. And she was with Lucky Spencer long enough to be introduced to the Spencer way of life — laws are more like suggestions to them.”

“Yeah, I know about that.” Taggert nodded. “I’m not an idiot, Mac. I’m waiting on a solid lead to come through. But someone has to know something about those weeks Morgan was out of sight. All I need is one domino to fall — I get Elizabeth in the box, I can find a way to get the truth out of her.”

“Good luck.”

Harborview Towers: Lobby

Carly looked around the nearly deserted lobby, making sure that no one could recognize her. The last thing she needed was some helpful Good Samaritan reporting to her husband or his damned family that she’d made a visit to Jason’s place of residence.

When she was satisfied that no one could possibly know her, she went to the security desk. The guard behind it looked up, and his expression shifted to wariness. “Mrs. Quartermaine.”

Carly flashed a forced smile. “Hey. Wally, it’s good to see you. Been a while. Can you let Jason know I’m here?”

“Uh—” Wally sat straight. “No.”

Carly narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean, no?”

“You don’t have access to the penthouse floor.” He paused. “Mr. Morgan told us so a few days ago. If you need him, I can call him and see if he’ll come meet with you—”

“Then do that,” Carly said, her teeth clenched. Jason thought he could avoid her? No. She’d given him time to think about her offer. She needed to make sure he understood what was at stake.

Wally sighed, picked up the phone. “Mr. Morgan, Mrs. Quartermaine would like to see you. Okay. Thank you.” He set the phone down, met her eyes. “He’s not available.”

Carly gripped the edge of the counter. “Wally, you and I go way back—”

“I have my orders, Mrs. Quartermaine—”

“Stop calling me that!’ she snapped.

“Maybe you can try again later.”

“You make sure Jason knows that he can’t avoid me forever. He’s got forty-eight hours. You tell him that. I’ll be back then to get my answer.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Update Link: Signs of Life – Chapter 10

By the time you’re reading this, I may or may not be surviving my first day teaching high school French. Cross your fingers for me. I’ll let you know when I check in during the next chapter on Thursday.

This chapter is new, but I think I posted it as a previous chapter sometime last month, but it was not in the original flash fiction. So enjoy and let me know what you think!

September 4, 2023

Update Link: Watch Me Burn – Part 47

I hope everyone is having a good Labor Day weekend! I’m spending my day trying to manage a balance of last minute prep tasks (my Remind classes got messed up, so boo to that), household prep (meal & laundry), washing my hair, paying the bills, and somewhere in there I wanna write, relax a little, and watch the Phillies.

*considers that list* Might be asking too much of myself.

Anyway! Today marks the end of my Labor Day marathon for Flash Fiction! My hope is to bring this back more often with some upcoming breaks — particularly the two four day weekends in November.

I haven’t updated that Recent Updates page in FOREVER, lol, so I need to go find a way to summarize the last, um, year of updates and starting fresh. If you ever fall behind, I do have widgets in the sidebar that list the most recent updates for Flash Fiction. I have to add the widget for Signs of Life as well. Probably by the time you read this, I’ll have done that.

Don’t forget — if you’re not someone who replies, a really easy way of letting me know you were here is to click the little thumbs up at the end of each chapter 🙂

This entry is part 47 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

Written in 61 minutes.

Elm Street

Elizabeth could see Jason and Patrick just behind the barricades — Patrick was, predictably, pacing back forth, stopping occasionally to say something probably rude to the officer and rake his hands through his hair. Jason’s hands were resting on top of the barricade, but he was otherwise still.

“I’m so glad you’re here.” Elizabeth slid her arms around Jason’s waist and he pulled in her tight, dropping his head down to the curve of her neck. “It’s so awful.”

“They wouldn’t tell us anything.” Jason raised his head, smoothed her hair back from her face, leaving his hands cupping her cheek. “What’s going on? What happened?”

“They didn’t tell you?” Elizabeth said, dread swirling in her stomach. And she hadn’t said anything either on the phone. She’d been too upset, too stunned — she’d only told him they’d found a body —

“It was Sam,” she said softly, and his eyes widened. “Sam was—he killed Sam.”

His body tensed, and he exhaled slowly. “Sam,” he repeated.

She pressed her hand against his heart, prepared for whatever grief would sweep through him. For all Sam’s crimes and manipulations, she’d been someone Jason loved. Had planned to share a life.

He cleared his throat. “Wait. It was only Sam?” he frowned, looked over at Robin who was carefully explaining to Patrick that she did not need to go to the hospital, that she was completely fine — and also fielding the same argument with her father. Jason looked back at Elizabeth. “That—that’s not like the others. It’s not the same—”

“I—” Elizabeth grimaced, dipped her head. “It was only her, but they still think—can we go home? I really just want—I want to go home.”

“Yeah, okay.” He kissed her forehead, looked over at the guard. “You can follow us back, right?”

“Sure thing.”

“Call me,” Elizabeth told Robin.

“Yeah, no problem, you’ll probably find me in the ICU,” the other woman muttered darkly. “Dad, I’m fine. I just want to go home—”

“We can ask Kelly to come over,” Patrick was suggesting as Jason led Elizabeth towards the SUV he’d parked at the curb.

“He’s going to drive her insane over the next seven months,” Elizabeth said, looking at the pair fondly, grateful for the small distraction. She climbed into the car and wondered how exactly Jason—or Patrick—was going to handle the news that she and Robin had been mere minutes and one guard away from being the next victims.

Lake House: Living Room

Mac stepped up to the deck that sat just outside the house, staring inside at the sofa where he could see Alexis sitting with one of her daughters, the youngest he thought.

Christ, how many notification would there have to be on this case? He’d had to tell too many people about Georgie. He’d called Chelsea’s family. The call to London. The Quartermaines.

And now he’d have to tell Alexis the daughter she’d found a year ago was dead. Murdered just like all the other girls — and worse, would she have to learn that Sam hadn’t even been a target? That the killer had only ended her life because Sam was in his way?

Mac knocked lightly on the door, and Alexis turned. She could see him through the glass door. Her smile faded and she rose. She said something to Molly, and the little girl frowned, but went out of the room.

Alexis came towards him slowly, her eyes on his. She slid back the bolt on the lock, then opened the door. “Mac. It’s a little late for a social call.” The words were light, and there was some attempt in the tone, but he could see it in her eyes. She already knew. Somewhere deep down.

“Alexis. Tonight at Kelly’s, in the parking lot, Sam was—they found Sam’s body. She’s…” Mac took another breath. “She’s gone. I’m sorry.”

Alexis raised her hand, fisted it. “How? An accident? Or—”

“It was a homicide. That’s all I can tell you right now.”

“Homicide.” She touched the door frame. Closed her eyes. “Murdered. Was it—is it related to the others?”

“We think maybe. But we don’t know for sure yet.”

“Okay. Okay.” Her hand shaking, Alexis pressed it to her mouth. “Okay. Um. Okay.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “Okay.”

“Can I call someone?” Mac wanted to know. “Can I—”

“No, I’ll—I can do that. Thank you. Do you need anything from me? Do you need—”

“No, not at this time. I’ll let you know. Alexis, I’m sorry.”

“Yes. Thank you.” She closed the door and he stepped away.

Alexis stared into the living room, not seeing the furniture. The floor. Nothing. Molly was only a few steps away, down the hall in her bedroom. Kristina was with her father. Oh, God, how did she tell her girls?

She walked over to the phone on the table next to the sofa, picked it up. “Ric? I need—I need you. Can you—thank you.” Quietly, she hung up the phone and looked at the mantel. At the photograph of her girls at Christmas. The first Christmas she’d ever had all of her daughters together.

And now it would be the only one.

PCPD: Commissioner’s Office

Mac had no sooner sat at his desk to look over the initial reports than there was a knock at his door. “Harper? Did you turn anything up in the canvas?”

“I gave that to Rodriguez. Uh, we might have a small problem on our hands.” Harper folded his arms. “Sam McCall came in on Halloween to make a police report. Apparently, she was accusing Jason Morgan of grabbing her arm, dragging her into an alley, and threatening her life.”

Mac shook his head. “This isn’t him—”

“The murder doesn’t fit the pattern—”

“Sam wasn’t the target, Harper. She was just in the way. So unless you think Jason Morgan is our killer and was planning to murder his fiancée tonight along with my niece, then I don’t know what we’re doing here—”

“Okay, look—” Harper sat down, and Mac scowled. “Look, I get why you don’t think it’s him—”

“I don’t think, I know. This isn’t him, and I’m not wasting police resources—”

“That report I mentioned? It was never filed. The detective on duty ignored it. And apparently ignored a few follow-up requests. She came in a few days ago and finally talked to someone else. You think that’s not going to leak? She made a scene on Halloween when the cop didn’t do anything. More than a few uniforms probably know about it.”

Mac sighed, then hesitated. “Halloween?” he echoed.

“Yeah, Halloween. Lucky Spencer took that report. And ignored the follow-up. Now you and I both know he probably just forgot about it after the murders came in. And Sam McCall probably wasn’t much of a witnesses, but now we can’t confirm the story without video.”

“Christ.” And if it did get out to the press — that’d be the last thing he needed.

“You should have taken Spencer off this case that night, Mac, and you know it. Emily was the next thing to family to him. And it involved him questioning his ex-wife and her boyfriend — after he’d lost custody of his kids to her.”

“Damn it—”

“Now it’s going to look like you let him stay on it and screwed it up. Sam doesn’t fit the profile. That’s going to leak. You know it is. Maybe you’re right. Maybe there’s a reason she’s not like the others. But you’re on thin ice, Mac, overseeing a case with your own relationship to Georgie.”

“Watch it—”

“Let me handle it, okay? I can snip this thread off quietly. Morgan’s got kids now. Word on the street is he’s been laying low since the truth about the baby got out. Spending time at home. He probably has solid alibis for all three murders. I get those on record, you take Spencer off the case, and there’s no blow back.”

Mac grimaced. “I’ll talk to Lucky when he gets in. But you keep it quiet. This isn’t Morgan, and I’m not having this department opened up to harassment. The man lost his sister, damn it.”

“Yeah, and now an ex-fiancée who was bitter and causing issues is dead now. There’s a lot of people in this city that already think he got away with murder this summer, Mac. I’ll take care of it, but you better get Spencer off this case. Otherwise, if we catch this guy, and there’s no DNA on Sam McCall, we don’t nail him for her murder. I’d like to see you explain that to Alexis Davis.”

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

Elizabeth stepped down from the last stair, her hand resting on the banister. “The boys are both down. And Spinelli’s trying to finish his paper in his room.”  She folded her arms. “I guess we should talk about what happened.”

“Yeah.” But Jason remained across the room at the window. “I was thinking of calling Alexis, but I doubt she’d want to hear from me.”

“She might. It’s okay, you know,” she added, and he met her eyes. “To be sad. To miss her, I guess. Or grieve.”

“I don’t…” Jason shook his head. “I don’t really know what I’m feeling,” he admitted. “For a long time, I loved her. But after these last few months, I think I was just a mark to her. Someone else to con.” He looked back out over the harbor. “And I was an easy one. I didn’t really have much else. Courtney divorced me — couldn’t handle the job. Sonny and Carly were imploding again. And Sam needed me. And there was the baby.” He cleared his throat. “I don’t know. But that woman—the one I asked to marry me — I couldn’t see her anymore. She was gone, and there was just this bitterness. This anger. Resentment. Hatred,” he murmured. “And I wonder now if she ever loved me at all. If it was all just a lie.”

“You don’t have to have the answers tonight.” She slid her arms around his waist, rested her head against his chest. He kissed the top of her head, stroked her back. “But I’m sorry for Alexis. For her sisters. I know they loved her.”

“What did the cops say at the diner? Do they think it was connected to the other murders?” Jason said finally. “This was different, wasn’t it?”

“That’s the other part…” Elizabeth bit her lip, stepped back. “Robin and I ran into each other inside, and we were going to walk out together. With Frankie, right? And Sam came in. We had…well, you know, we weren’t kind to each other. Then Sam left, and Robin and I hung back for a minute. I wanted to be sure she was gone.”

Jason’s hands had still been stroking her back, but now they stilled. “How long was she gone before you went out?”

“Minutes. There was another customer. He left as Sam came in. I don’t know what he looked like. Robin didn’t know either. But he could have overheard us talking about leaving.” Her voice trembled. “Her body was still warm when we found her, Jason. And we heard him run away.”

“You…” He swallowed hard. “You heard him run away.”

“Yes. We passed under a light, and he saw Frankie. He ran away. He said something — it sounded angry, but we never saw anyone. And then Robin stumbled, and Sam was there—that’s when Frankie made us go back inside.”

“The—he was right there,” Jason said. “The man who killed Emily. And Georgie, and—”

“Yes. Lucky said—” Elizabeth closed her eyes. “Lucky thinks the guy was waiting in the parking lot, and just grabbed the first woman. When he realized it was Sam, he…”

“Killed her quickly and sat back to wait.”

“Y-yes.” She cleared her throat. “But we weren’t alone. I don’t—I don’t think he was ready to deal with that.”

Jason pulled her tight against him, his hand in her hair. “He was waiting for you. For you and Robin.”

“If you hadn’t given me the guard—If I hadn’t gone to Kelly’s tonight, oh, God, what if it had been Robin? Maybe she would have gone out with Sam. Maybe—”

“It could have been you.” Something rolled through his body, and he had to take another deep breath. “It almost was.”

“It’s so—God, it’s so terrible to be relieved that it was Sam, and not me. That she was so bitter and hateful that Robin and I chased her out — instead of us leaving first —” She felt his lips against her forehead.  “I always felt safe at Kelly’s. Always. But this man — this evil bastard who already stole Emily from us — he was just waiting. Do you think that’s what he does? He just waits in public places?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know.” He kissed her again, lingering.

The phone rang across the room, and Elizabeth jolted, startled by the sound. Jason took another breath, cleared his throat, and left her at the window to take the call. “Wally? Hey. Yeah, um. That’s fine. Send them up.”

He set the phone down, dragged a hand down his face as she joined him at the desk. “It’s a guy from the PCPD. Probably some follow-up questions.”

“Maybe they want to see if we can remember what the guy who left looked like. I can’t believe—” Elizabeth bit her lip hard, until she tasted blood. “Now I’m going to wonder if every strange man I see is just waiting to find me alone. It’s terrible. It’s just like going back to the rape. That’s what it was like—”

“Hey.” Jason cupped her elbows, drew close. “Hey. There a security tapes, okay? They’ll find this guy on them, and they’ll catch him. And you don’t have to go out until they do. And if you do—”

“I just hate all of this—” She broke off at the knock on the door. “And now the PCPD is here to ask me questions I don’t know the answer to.”

“They’ll have to accept that, okay? Let’s just get this over with.” Jason opened the door, frowning when he didn’t recognize the man on the other side.

“Detective Harper,” Elizabeth said, a bit surprised. “I didn’t know you were working this case.”

“We need all the warm bodies we can get,” Harper said, stepping in. “I, uh, had a few questions.”

“Yeah, I figured. Um, Jason, this is David Harper. Detective, I mean. We met earlier this year, I think.”

“Yeah, at the wedding.” Harper was looking down at the notepad he’d pulled from his pocket and didn’t see Elizabeth flinch. “My questions are actually for you, Mr. Morgan.”

“Me?” Jason echoed. “Why?”

“Because Sam McCall filed a report of assault and named you as the assailant.” Harper lifted his brows. “She said you threatened to kill her. So I need your alibi for night. And if you could tell me where you were on October 31 and September 14, that’d be great.”

September 3, 2023

Update Link: Watch Me Burn – Part 46

Happy Sunday 🙂 Only one more day until the students are back. I’m pretty solid for the first two days. All the Google Classrooms are prepped, assignments are scheduled, instructional materials are set. I’m going to work a bit today and tomorrow getting Thurs/Fri ready and sketching out Week 2 to get off on the right foot. It really helps that my district is letting me use the same textbook program — I know those first few units inside and out, so it’s just about elevating the material and breaking it into smaller pieces for shorter classes. Fingers crossed I get off on the right foot.

I got some writing done yesterday, which makes me happy. I finished two chapters, and I’m hoping to write three more today. I usually wouldn’t set that goal, but these 3 chapters are short, action-packed, meant for maximizing cliffhangers with a car chase. Once I get into the second half of the draft, I’ll be able to reuse a lot more of the first draft scenes. I really felt like I got a better handle on the characters when I was writing the back half of the first draft, so I’m not surprised the beginning of the book needed extensive work.

We have two more days of updates from me on Monday (last round of Labor Day Flash Fiction) and Tuesday (Signs of Life update!) before we settle into our normal Tues/Thurs/Sat update schedule. Have a great Labor Day weekend!

This entry is part 46 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

Written in 58 minutes.

Kelly’s: Dining Room

“She’s probably gone by now, don’t you think?” Elizabeth asked. She picked up her order, and made eye contact with Frankie, the guard that had followed her to the diner that night. “Come on.”

“I used to hate all the guards,” Robin said as Frankie held open the door for both of them. “But after the last few weeks—”

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Elizabeth smiled faintly at the guard. “Not that I don’t appreciate it—”

“Wouldn’t like being followed either,” the guard said with a shrug. “But orders are orders.”

They walked the short distance to the parking lot, Frankie walking beside them, stopping at the first row of cars. “Where are you—” Elizabeth began, but then Robin stumbled. The guard caught her. “Whoa, are you okay?”


Then there was a crash, an angry swear, and footsteps running away—fast, as if they were being chased. Elizabeth whirled to see where the sound was coming from as Frankie pulled his gun, holding it low, scanning the parking lot.

“Oh my God!” Robin cried. She fell to her knees. “Oh my God, call 911!”

Elizabeth turned back and lost her breath. Robin was kneeling next to a woman—


“Is she—” Elizabeth had her phone in her hand as she rushed to Robin’s side, kneeing down, but even before she’d finished the sentence, she saw the open, glassy-eyed stare, the way Sam’s head limply rolled to the side. “Oh God.”

Robin pressed two fingers to Sam’s neck. “She’s dead.”

“Both of you—” Frankie barked, roughly taking Elizabeth’s arm, tugging her to her feet. “Back inside, now. Now!”

Elizabeth didn’t bother to argue — and neither did Robin. Sam had been dead only a matter of minutes, maybe less. And the footsteps?

Her killer making his escape. And if not for the guard at their side—

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

“Why do they always have to ask about symbolism?” Spinelli muttered, flipping rapidly through the book. “Who cares what the whale means? It’s a whale.”

“What’s simbism?” Cameron wanted to know, climbing onto the sofa next to Spinelli, peering over his shoulder at the laptop on the coffee table and the book in his hand. “And is it like Free Willy? He jumped real high.”

“Symbolism. When something means something else. Maybe there’s no symbolism. Maybe the author wanted to make a buck. The Jackal is most perplexed.” He glanced over at Jason at the desk, scribbling something with numbers. “Is Stone Cold positive the Jackal shouldn’t search for this answer?”

“How hard did you try to answer it on your own?” Jason asked absently.

Spinelli grumbled. Felt like Jason was a lot more like a father now that the little ones had moved in. Maybe he was practicing for teenagers on his own. He missed the guy who barely noticed him.

“So Willy means something else?” Cameron furrowed his brow. “I don’t get it.”

“You and me both, Little Dude.” He pinched his brows. “There’s this captain guy and all he wants to do is get this whale, right? Ahab wants to hurt Willy.”

“That’s not okay. Willy’s good.”

“Yeah, the Jackal doesn’t get it either. But I’m supposed to know what the symbolism of it is, and I don’t get it. Like the guy is just obsessed with the whale. Why does it have to be more complicated.”  He slid another glance at Jason. Would he even know if Spinelli did a quick search—

“You need to think about it for at least ten more minutes,” Jason said, and Spinelli scowled.

“I help,” Cameron said. “I fight sometimes. With Jake. He steals the rabbit. I steal him back. Then he steals it again. And I think hard to get it back. Does that count?”

Spinelli frowned. “You know what—a little, yeah. Thanks.” Cameron beamed.

The cell phone at Jason’s side rang, and Jason picked it up. “Hey—what? Where are—”

Spinelli watched with wide eyes as Jason shoved the chair back and was already halfway to the closet to yank out his leather jacket. “I’ll be right there. Okay? I’ll be right there.”

He clicked off the phone, his eyes a bit weird. “Spinelli—”

“I got the munchkins, no worries. Go where you need to go.”


Jason left, not even stopping to say goodbye to Cameron or to Jake in the playpen across the room. Most strange, and a bit worrying with Fair Elizabeth not at home. Spinelli closed his computer, put away the book. “Little Dude, why don’t we play a video game?”

Elm Street

Jason jerked the SUV to stop, pulling over to the curb, his blood bumping when realized the parking lot was cordoned off. Another car squealed to a stop behind him.

Jason slid out of the driver’s side, and frowned when he recognized Patrick Drake. “What are you—”

“What—” Patrick swallowed hard. “Robin called me. Is Elizabeth okay?”

“Yeah. She called—” Some of the tension released. Patrick wasn’t here for another reason. “Elizabeth said she’d found a body in the parking lot. I didn’t wait for details.”

“Me either.”

They both stepped onto the sidewalk, heading towards the barricades. “Damn it, I knew I should have dragged Robin to Vegas,” Patrick bit out. “They’re never going to let us back there—”

“You can’t go any further.” As if on cue, a uniform held up a hand. “Diner is closed—”

“My fiancee is in the diner,” Jason said, trying to not to be irritated. The cop was just doing his job. “She called me—”

“Mine, too,” Patrick interrupted. “Okay? And mine is pregnant, and I’m a doctor, so I need to make sure she’s okay. Robin Scorpio. Find the commissioner. He’ll tell you I can—”

“No one goes through,” the officer said blandly. “I don’t care if you’re dating the president’s daughter. I got my orders.”

“This is bullshit,” Patrick said, and Jason thought the doctor might take a swing. He took him by the arm, tugged him back. “Hey—”

“They’re inside the diner with the cops. And Elizabeth has a guard. He won’t let either of them out of his sight until I’m there.” And just saying that out loud, reminding himself that he’d spoken with Elizabeth. That Robin had been the one to call Patrick—

“You’re telling me to listen to the cops, to sit back and wait? Didn’t you break into the hotel last year because they sucked at their jobs?” Patrick demanded.

“Yeah, and the place still exploded, and I ended up getting Elizabeth trapped in an elevator, so not exactly my best effort,” Jason retorted. “Getting arrested isn’t going to make any of this easier, so knock it off—”

“You know what—” Patrick took a deep breath, exhaled in a rush. “Okay. Okay. I know you’re right. I just—” He closed his eyes, dragged his hands through his hair again. “Second time. Second time Robin’s been this close to a murder. That night—God, that night, she switched places with Leyla. Could have been her. It’s making me a little nuts.”

“Yeah, okay. I get that.” Jason couldn’t blame the guy. Even as he’d reminded himself Elizabeth was safe with a guard — it didn’t help as much as he wanted it to. He wouldn’t feel right until he saw her. “They’ll let us back there as soon as they’re done with the statements.”

Kelly’s: Parking Lot

Lucky swallowed hard as Sam’s body was tucked away, zipped inside the body bag. “This doesn’t make sense.”

“It doesn’t fit the profile all the way no,” Robert said. “Solo victim. No signs of ligature—looks like a broken neck. Like he just—” He made a gesture with his hands, and Lucky’s stomach swirled.

“I’m gonna go inside, take Robin and Elizabeth’s statements,” Lucky said. “Sam wasn’t dead long—”

“Yeah, I’ll go with you.”

On their way in, in the courtyard, a uniform stopped Robert. “Uh, we got two angry guys at the barricades. Claiming their fiancees are inside—”

Lucky exhaled slowly. “That would be Jason—”

“And Patrick. Which answers a lingering question I’ve had,” Robert quipped, though the tension in his face conflicted with the humor in his tone. To the uniform he said, “Hold them off. As soon as we’re done with our wits, we’ll release them. I don’t want anyone else on the scene.”

Inside the diner, most of the patrons had already been questioned and released. Elizabeth and Robin sat at the table, along with a taller man Lucky didn’t recognize. A different uniform was holding them.

“Dad.” Robin leapt to her feet and nearly jumped into her father’s arm. Robert hugged her tightly, kissing the side of her head. “Oh, God, it’s so awful.”

Lucky turned his attention to Elizabeth, pale and shaken. He pulled over a chair. “Hey. How you holding up?”

“Not having a great night, but I’m—” She picked at her fingernail. “But you have questions, so—”

Robin returned to the table, and to her seat. She reached for Elizabeth’s hand, squeezed it. “Yeah, I want to get this over with. I called Patrick—”

“Yeah, he’s at the barricades along with Morgan. So as soon as you’re done,” Robert said, remaining standing, “we’ll get you on your way. Did either of you see Sam before you found her in the parking lot?”

“Yeah, um—” Elizabeth scratched her eyebrow, exchanged a troubled look with Robin. “She came in. And we definitely, um, well, it wasn’t friendly.” She glanced at Lucky then dropped her hands into her lap.

“Still a little bitter after her breakup with Jason?” Lucky said, wishing like hell he’d made Mac do this. What kind of universe kept forcing him to deal with Elizabeth during this investigation? First Georgie, then Emily, now— “And probably not happy that he moved on.”

“Yeah, she was…unhappy. But Robin and I sort of…God, this sounds terrible now,” she muttered.

“We weren’t friendly right back,” Robin admitted. “She took a shot at me, about not having kids because of my HIV, and I might have called her the barren one—which, now, of course, sounds even worse. But—”

“But she left. She didn’t get the reaction she wanted, I think, so she left,” Elizabeth said. “Robin and I were already on our way out, but I wanted to wait. I didn’t want to deal with her again in the parking lot.”

If they’d left right after her—oh, man.

“When we went to the parking lot, I, um tripped over her leg,” Robin said. Her voice trembled for a minute. “And then we heard sounds—footsteps—”

“There was something that fell. I don’t know. Something metallic crashed, and I thought I heard a voice,” Elizabeth added. “But then running. I told Frankie—” She looked at the man with them. “He’s…Jason wanted someone with me after Emily…”

Lucky straightened, the horror of what might have happened. Sam’s killer had still be in the parking lot. And he’d only left because Robin and Elizabeth hadn’t been alone. “He was waiting for two women to leave a public place,” he said. He looked at Robert, saw it sink into him. “Do you think he was inside?”

“Someone left when Sam came in,” Robin remembered. “Oh my God. Oh my God—” Her hands shook. “Oh my God.”

“Sam left first,” Elizabeth said. “Oh God.”

“We’ll get security tapes.” Robert looked at the guard. “Do you have anything to add?”

“No,” the guard—Frankie, Elizabeth had called him—said. “As soon as I realized what was going on, I got them back inside, and called 911. But Miss Webber is right. Definitely someone swearing and running away. I kept close to both of them, just like I’m supposed to. He would have seen me as soon as they got into the parking lot. We passed under a light.”

“But we weren’t together inside,” Elizabeth said to her guard. “You sat by the door.”

“So he didn’t know Elizabeth had a guard.” Lucky nodded. “Okay. Okay. I don’t have anything else for you right now. I’m going to check in with Mac.”

“I’ll stay here,” Robert said. “Walk them out to the barricades.” He squeezed Robin’s hand. “Not ready to let my little girl out of my sight.”

“You and me both,” Robin said with a sigh.

Lucky left them in the diner, went back out to Mac who was overseeing the crime scene unit. “They heard him running away,” he said immediately. Mac looked at him, frowned. “Elizabeth and Robin were going to walk out together, but Sam showed up first. There were words exchanged, and Sam left first. Robin said someone left just as Sam came in.”

“You mean—” Mac scrubbed a hand down his face. “Oh, damn.”

“Our guy saw a woman in the parking lot, grabbed her, hit her in the head—and when he realized she was alone and wasn’t the right target, he eliminated her and waited for the ones he wanted. But they had a guard with them and he wasn’t ready for that.”

“Holy hell.” Mac had to take a deep breath, lean over. “You telling me my niece is alive because she happened to run into Elizabeth and a guard hired by the mob?”

“Yeah. Yeah.” And what if Elizabeth hadn’t left him? What if she hadn’t moved in with Jason? Would she and Robin have been alone in this parking lot? What if it had been Elizabeth’s body Lucky stood over—three weeks after losing Emily— “We’re pulling security tapes.”

“Yeah. Maybe we’ll finally get a break. Get our eyes on this guy.” Mac rubbed his eyes. “I need to go. I have to make the notification.”

Across Town

A bookcase crashed to the ground, but it wasn’t enough. It didn’t release the frustration. Nothing was going right—nothing was the way he wanted it—

The table was flipped next, and then he heaved it into the wall, feeling nothing when the leg snapped off. His chest heaving, his heart racing — he slumped to the ground.

Failure. That’s all he was. All he’d ever be. He’d spent weeks planning the first set. His perfect girls. The college roommates. The perfect pair. He’d learned about their habits, found just the right way to make sure they’d be alone—

And then that sweet, lovely release when he’d slid the wire around the second girl, knowing that he’d found his perfect pair.

The second set, his second pair, had almost been perfect. He’d felt it rushing through him — but then he’d learned about his mistake. Not a pair. Not good enough.

Tonight, he’d meant to fix it. To create another perfect pair to complement. One doctor, one nurse.

Instead—he hissed, digging his fingers into the threads of his carpet. Instead it was even more wrong. It was another failure. All he’d ever do was fail, that’s what they’d always said, that’s what his father had always said, just another fail—

But he’d showed his father hadn’t he?

He crawled over to the desk, still standing, using it to haul himself to his feet and looked at the photos of his perfect girls. His Georgie Jones and Chelsea Rae, laying next to each other, preserved forever in this moment.

He just needed to think. To take a breath. He couldn’t rush it. That’s how tonight had happened. He’d rushed it. He hadn’t made sure of his quarry.

And that woman didn’t even count. No, she wouldn’t count. She was just a mess he’d needed to clean up. She didn’t deserve to be one of his girls. One of his perfect pairs.

No, he’d just have to find another way to fix it. To make Robin Scorpio finally pay for escaping her fate one too many times — it was her fault that Elizabeth Webber was going to die. It was Robin Scorpio’s fault for all of this, and he was going to make sure she paid for what she’d put him through.

He smoothed out the photo of Georgie and Chelsea. And then when Robin and Elizabeth were dead, he could take their photo, and then he’d have three perfect pairs. He’d be finished.

He would be more careful next time. Make sure that he was ready for a possible third victim. Just like the woman tonight. She’d taught him to be prepared for obstacles.

And next time, he’d be ready.

September 2, 2023

Update Link: Watch Me Burn – Part 45

It’s amazing the difference 24 hours, tons of ice packs, half a bottle of ibuprofen and two doses of medication can make. Plus a full night’s sleep. Light years better, though still a bit tired and sore. I can actually focus now!

I hope you guys enjoyed the first two chapters of FMT. I really love this draft, and I’m excited to get back to writing it this afternoon, hopefully getting a few chapters done. And thanks for the response to Signs of Life! Honestly, giving that story a full revision process and not just cleaning it up was the best decision I could have made and will definitely be a consideration going forward with the Flash Fiction series.

Starting tomorrow, all weekend Flash Fiction updates are going to move forward an hour — I’ll start writing at 11 and posting at noon. It gives me a bit more time in the morning and I think it’ll work a bit better.

I hope you guys enjoy today’s update, see you tomorrow!

This entry is part 45 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

Written in 65 minutes.

Patrick’s Condo: Living Room

“That’s the last one, I promise,” Robin said, watch Patrick grimace and drag the last suitcase in from the hallway. “I don’t even know why I packed everything — I won’t fit into it in a few months. And I could have helped—”

“No.” Patrick closed the door. “It would be just my luck that your dad and uncle would get here with the boxes and they’d see you lifting something. They’d never find my body.”

Robin furrowed her brow, but realized he was only half-joking. “I’m barely two months pregnant,” she protested, following him into the kitchen where he got a glass of water. “You have to let me do some things.”

Patrick leaned back against the counter. “Hey, if you really wanted to carry a suitcase, it’s not like I tackled you.” He smirked. “Admit it, you kind of like it when I force you to take a break.”

She pursed her lips, narrowed her eyes, then sighed. “Yeah, maybe a little. You’re the only one who does.”

“See? We understand each other.” He brushed a kiss against her forehead, his lips lingering. “Are you hungry? Or tired?”

“You’ve been reading the books again, haven’t you?”

“Week 9, fatigue and cravings set in.”

“Just a walking encyclopedia,” she grumbled but he wasn’t wrong. She opened the fridge and searched until she found the strawberries she’d stashed earlier. “Um, so about Thursday. I know I sort of told you that you had to go, but I know it’s not really your thing.”

“No, but I’ll remember this when I want you to go to a NASCAR race,” he quipped. “As long as your dad doesn’t pull out a shotgun, we’re good.”

Robin bit her lip. “Yeah, so about that. Dad didn’t really ask me anything when I told him, but if he brings it up—” She fumbled for a knife to slice the strawberries. “Um, we haven’t talked about it—”

“It’s an option that’s on the table if you want it.”

Her fingers stilled, and she looked over at him. “What?”

“But that’s not a proposal,” Patrick continued. “If you want us to be married before the baby’s born, that’s okay with me. But I know it’s not what you want. To be married because of the baby. And I know you’re still unsure about all of this, about me, so I’m not going to ask until you are.”

“Who are you and what did you do with Patrick Drake?” she asked suspiciously. “You couldn’t run fast enough when I started talking about kids—now you’re talking about marriage without having a panic attack—and you probably know more about what’s going on in my body than I do—”

“There was a moment,” Patrick said quietly, “that night when I thought you were the other victim.”

She closed her lips. “Patrick—”

“They said it was two women. And I knew you were going out that night. I knew you and Emily were together. I couldn’t wait for an elevator, and even the stairs wasn’t fast enough. I  was convinced that I would get to the lab and you’d be gone, and then someone would tell me  you were dead.”

He cleared his throat. “And then I saw you, and you were alive. After that, everything I was worried about—the future—it just seemed like it was stupid. I didn’t want to fall in love, but there you were and I did. And I didn’t know if I’d be a good husband or a father, and you deserved both, so I thought, I’ll let her go so she can be happy. Because that’s what I wanted.”

He hesitated. “But then that moment came, and I realized that I wanted you more. And if I could learn how to be in a relationship, I could figure out how to be a father. I know it feels like I changed my mind overnight, but I’d been trying to think through it since we broke up. Elizabeth can tell you I was already halfway there before I found out you were pregnant.”

“Why was that night different from the hotel?” Robin asked. “I almost died six months ago.”

“I don’t know. Maybe because I knew the whole time you were alive. You were hurt, and I couldn’t be there. But I didn’t know you weren’t laying dead in a parking garage until I saw you.” He sipped his water. “But like I said, I know this is happening fast for you. So until you’re sure, we’ll hold off. But in the interest of keeping your uncle and your dad from going for the shotgun, maybe you could just tell them I asked.”

“Yeah. That seems fair.” She slid her arms around his waist and leaned up to kiss him. “I love you. I know that much.”

“I love you, too.” He kissed her again, cupping her chin. “And the rest of it? We’ll get there when we get there.”

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

Watching Cameron race around the room, chasing an opponent only he could see, no one would believe he’d woken in the middle of the night with a sick stomach.

“Should we be letting him run around?” Jason asked, appearing in the kitchen doorway, Jake in his arms. “Maybe he should rest.”

“I was just thinking that, but he woke up without a fever. And he ate every bite of breakfast.” She made a face, then turned to face him. “And we’ve never been that good at getting him to take it easy.”

“No, that’s true.”  He went back into the kitchen to set Jake into his high chair. The infant had woken late and was just showing signs of watching something to eat. “Spinelli was out of here early.”

“Yeah, I think he was worried we’d ask him to do more laundry.” She smirked and went over to sink to rinse the breakfast dishes and stow them in the dishwasher. Then her hands hesitated over the faucet. “Did you have a chance to talk to him last night?”

“No, I got in too late. And we only talked for a minute in the laundry room. Why?”

“He came in from Kelly’s and went to lay down in his room. He was quiet and upset. He, um, had a run-in with Sam at Kelly’s.”

At the mention of his ex-fiancée, whom they hadn’t spoken of since Halloween, Jason froze, looked at her. “What?”

“I don’t know much about it, other than Spinelli felt in necessary to clarify to her that they weren’t friends anymore. Um, it just…I guess, after Halloween—” Elizabeth shrugged. “I just wondered why she’d bother with Spinelli when she hasn’t in months. At least that I know about.”

“I don’t know.” Jason sat down next to the high chair, twisted the top from the jar of baby food. “I forgot about that night,” he admitted.

“Yeah, so did I.” She sat at the table, watched him feed their son for a minute. “It got lost in all the rest of it. What—um, what did you say when you got rid of her?”

“Same thing I told her in August. To back off you and the boys.” Jason glanced at her, then focused on Jake again. “And maybe I suggested no one would look that hard for her if she went missing,” he admitted.

Elizabeth blinked, stared at him. “Oh.” That was certainly something she hadn’t expected. “Um—”

“I wouldn’t—” Jason grimaced, and she knew it was because he hated talking about of anything. He didn’t want his work in their home, and he didn’t like that she knew anything about that side of him. “I wouldn’t. Unless I  thought she was a threat.” He winced. “Not that she isn’t—”

“She’s looking to cause trouble,” Elizabeth said. “Which isn’t the kind of threat you need to worry about. I get it. She tried to latch on to Lucky—which explains why he was going so hard at the beginning. With her in his ear, yeah. But I guess he backed off, and she’s angry about that.”

“She’s also pissed because of the trial and Diane’s cross-examination. I wasn’t interested in protecting her. Not after Jake.” Jason met her eyes. “I don’t know how to make her stop bothering you or Spinelli. I’m sorry.”

“We’ll just take it one step at a time. I just thought you should know she’s still around.” She rose, kissed the top of Jake’s head. “I’ll go do the dishes.”

PCPD: Squad Room

“Good work,” Robert said, sitting next to Lucky’s desk, peering over the list. “Ten names is a great place to start.”

“I tried to eliminate more of them, but based on the DMV database, these ten fit the profile you put together. They’re average height and build, and they all have a connection to the hospital and the campus.” Lucky leaned back in his chair. “Most of them work for the security company. The hospital and PCU contract with the same one, and once we got the subpoena for their employee information, it went faster.”

“What about the rest of them? What’s the connection?”

“They’re outsourced employees for the security. Most electronics. I put them last,” Lucky continued, “because access to the cameras and how they work wouldn’t mean they know the layouts of the crime scenes.”

“No criminal records?”

“No. Nothing more than bumps or scrapes. At least that I can find. I, uh, thought you might have some contacts at the FBI and WSB that would know more.” Lucky paused. “Do you think our guy is on this list?”

“I think it makes the most sense. And if we can get this list down even further, we can follow them. Try and get some DNA. All it takes is one thrown away cup or bottle.” Robert scrutinized the list again. “It’s good work, Spencer. Ten names is better than the hundred or so we started with. I’ll see if we can knock it down some more.”

Robert rose and headed down the hallway towards Mac’s office, and Lucky breathed his first easy sigh in a weeks. He hoped like hell he’d done something right and that they’d find this guy before he struck again.

Kelly’s: Dining Room

“Hey!” Robin grinned as she returned from the bathroom and found Elizabeth at the counter. “What you are doing here?”

“I called in an order for dinner,” Elizabeth said, smiling as the doctor slid back onto the stool. “Patrick let you out of his sight?”

“Ha. You joke, but it’s not that far off,” Robin muttered. “He got called into surgery, and I had a craving for Ruby’s chili. How are you? I feel like we haven’t seen each other since…” She trailed off.

“Good. Things are—we’re managing. I think it’s going to get harder with the holidays coming,” Elizabeth admitted. “I can almost pretend it isn’t real because we didn’t always see Emily every day, but Thanksgiving at the Quartermaines without her? She’s never missed a single Christmas Eve with Cameron, and—” She shook her head. “I don’t know. I should ask you the same.”

“Yeah, it’s the holidays that are bringing it back. Just when you think you’ve got a balance and you’ve come to terms with it—” Robin swirled her spoon in her chili bowl. “It hits you all over again. And it shouldn’t still feel fresh. But it does.”

“You forget for a few moments, and when you remember, it’s like it happens all over again.” Elizabeth tucked her hair behind her ear. “Cam still asks for her sometimes. He looks at her picture on the mantel, and asks. But I’m glad. I know one day—”

“She won’t be more than a picture to him. Yeah, that’s how I feel about this baby and Georgie.” Robin smiled wistfully. “She’d be such a good aunt, you know? She’d balance Maxie.” She took a deep breath. “But I try to focus on what I have. Patrick keeps surprising me. It’s like maybe he secretly wanted a kid all along and now he gets to show it.”

“I think it’s freaking him out how much he does want it,” Elizabeth told her. “It’s like he spent a decade telling himself he wasn’t into monogamy and kids and love — but it’s almost like that player personality he moved here with was just a shield, you know? Because it’s been you for him since the beginning.”

Robin bit her lip, then smiled. “You’re not wrong.”

A waitress came out with Elizabeth’s order and Robin asked for her chili to be wrapped up. “I’ll walk out with you,” Robin said, and rose.

The bell behind them jingled, and they both turned to see Sam coming in, sliding past another customer. Elizabeth grimaced. The last thing she needed.

Sam’s face lit up when she spied them at the counter and sauntered towards them. “Well, hello. Isn’t this great timing? All of Jason’s exes in one spot. The brunettes anyway.” She raked her eyes over Elizabeth, then Robin. “He sure has a type, huh?”

“I don’t know. I think Carly and Courtney would have something to say about that,” Robin said dryly, taking her bag from the waitress.

“Oh, God, don’t remind me about either of them.” Elizabeth wrinkled her nose. “Do you have any idea how much grief I went through with Carly? Not as much as you.”

“I still have nightmares about her,” Robin said.

“Well, you know, maybe Jason was just searching for someone who could actually have children,” Sam retorted, clearly irritated that her dig hadn’t landed.

Robin furrowed her brow. “That one doesn’t make any sense. Carly and Courtney had kids. I’m pregnant. Aren’t you the only barren one here?”

Sam’s nostrils flared. “How dare you—”

“I wouldn’t start with that one, Sam, since you were clearly showing my HIV in my face with that kids crack. Shows how much you know. Not very bright, is she?” Robin said to Elizabeth, who tried not to snicker.


“Sam, can you just get to the point?” Elizabeth said. “I get it. You hate me. You hate my kids. And you want Jason to be miserable. Message received. Have you thought about getting a life?”

“You think this is over because you’re wearing his ring?” Sam spat. “I was engaged to him, too. It’s not hard to get him to do that—”

“This is really sad, you know that?” Robin made a face. “It kind of reminds me of every time Carly tried to corner me about being the only one who really understood Jason. At least she’d do it in private.”

“You, too, huh? Man, she’s really predictable.”

“I hope you both choke on your self-righteousness,” Sam spat. Then whirled around to leave.

“She is a deeply unpleasant woman,” Robin said, watching her go.

“You have no idea. Let’s wait a few minutes,” Elizabeth suggested. “Make sure she’s gone. I really don’t want to deal with her in the parking lot.”

Kelly’s: Parking Lot

He’d slipped out of the diner just as Sam McCall had entered, ready to make his move. He’d waited for days until both his targets were in the same place — in the right place — and now they were leaving together — it couldn’t be more perfect.

He lingered just behind the brick wall separating the parking lot from the courtyard, listening for the telltale jingle of bells, knowing his quarry were on their way out.

He heard the footsteps, saw the dark hair woman walk past him. He leapt out, his crowbar raised to crack her across the face. She never saw him — but when she slumped to the ground, and he turned to get the second woman —

There was no one. She was alone.

He hissed, turned back to the woman and kicked her until she fell onto her back, her face visible in the moonlight. She was already coming around, her word slurred. “What—what—

She wasn’t the right woman! Damn it—his targets were still on their way out, and now he had a witness—

Well. Not for long.