October 24, 2024

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 39

Well, this week has been a mixed bag. We’re having a slight heat wave here in South Jersey (high 70s and low 80s in October is wild) but I already took out my AC so the nights have been muggy. I’ve been sleeping like absolute crap which is really frustrating. Weather’s getting slightly better before a warm day next week and then hopefully in November, it’ll finally be seasonally cold at night.

But I was able to get a lot of work done yesterday because the kids were testing and they didn’t put me on a duty roster, so I had the morning to work in my room. I got a lot done — and then today, I took a mental health day because I was starting to feel the edges of burnout. I worked pretty much until 3PM, then took a break. I feel a lot better and more organized. It’s just been a lot these first few weeks. I’ve never had two subjects to prep like this, both from scratch, and it’s really been a learning curve. Every time I think I’m okay, lol, something switches. But maybe this time it’ll be different ;P

In happier news, Elizabeth has been on so much lately! She was in more episodes in September than anyone else! I don’t remember the last time she was in the top 10, much less the number one spot. And we’re pretty sure we’ve seen Kelly’s last scenes as Sam as she was wheeled into surgery today. I can’t believe we’ve finally reached the end of that gravy train. I didn’t think she’d ever leave, but I’m looking forward to her death.

Right now, the plan is come back tomorrow around the same time and update Masquerade. See you (hopefully) then!

This entry is part 39 of 39 in the Flash Fiction: Chain Reaction

General Hospital: Carly’s Room

It was difficult to keep her eyes open, to force herself to stop drifting, not to give in to the fatigue pulling at every muscle, but Carly was determined to find out what was going on.

Because something was going on—something that was somehow more terrible than the prospect that Sonny was part of what had happened to her. Had he shot her, thinking to protect her from Ric? It was too awful to be true, and yet—

Her mother returned from the hallway, after another phone call she’d left the room to take, that fake smile stretched across her face. “Are you up for some dinner? I thought maybe Leticia could come by and bring Michael—”

“I want that, yes, but—” Carly stopped, searching for the right question, the right turn of phrase, the magical words that would keep her mother from shutting down, from telling her there was time for that later, after she’d rested, after she’d recovered—

Bobbie straightened the sheets at the bottom of the bed, flicked at some imaginary lint. “He’s such a resilient little boy, you know. Rolls with the punches.”

“That’s…Jason’s…influence.” Carly pressed her lips together. “He hasn’t been to see me.”

Bobbie stopped, looked at her with wide eyes. “Oh. But he has. He just keeps missing you with tests and, oh, he’s had so much on his plate, Carly, you can’t begin to understand—”

“Let…me try. Elizabeth…she was there that. She was hurt, wasn’t she?”

“Y-yes,” Bobbie said, a bit hesitantly. She sat in the chair next to the bed, perched on the edge as if ready to take flight. “But not as badly. A bullet to the shoulder. She was released a few days ago.”

“I—I know about them. Jason and Elizabeth. You don’t have…to protect…me. I know. Jason—Jason told me. I mean, he…” She heard the word slur and squeezed her eyes shut. No. No, have to stay awake. Have to know. “He didn’t have…a choice. I…heard. I heard her. And Ric. I know. I know that. You…don’t…have to protect…me.”


Carly rolled her head to the side, pressing her cheek against the pillow, looked at her mother. “Courtney. Not my friend. Maybe not ever.”

“I can’t speak to that—”

“She hasn’t been here either. She knows. That I know.”

“I—I don’t know if she did—” Bobbie closed her eyes, and the expression that crossed her mother’s face—the panic-tinged regret managed to get through the fog creeping in.

“Mama. Where…where is she? Did Ric…”

“I don’t know. We don’t know much. But, honey—” Bobbie reached for Carly’s hand, squeezed it. “She’s gone. She died.”

Carly looked up at the ceiling, swallowed hard. “Dead. Someone…Sonny? Was this him? Is what you’re trying so hard not to say? Did he hurt me? Did he hurt Courtney?”

Bobbie exhaled slowly. “We don’t know what happened to Courtney. But yes, we think this was Sonny.”

Kelly’s: Courtyard

He taken Mike at his word that Courtney’s father would keep things civil, that whatever anger and resentment he had about the end of Jason’s relationship with his daughter, he’d keep it to himself for now.

But Mike had just been playing games, Jason realized, standing between the older man and Elizabeth. Playing with words. He’d held in his anger at Jason because Mike still needed access to Sonny—

But Elizabeth, apparently, was fair game.

Mike clenched a fist at his side. “Jason, I told you, I don’t want to do this with you—”

“But you’ll do it to Elizabeth,” Jason said. “You forgot to tell me that when you were reassuring me.” He turned his back, looked at her, at her stricken expression, the guilt swirling in her eyes. “Let’s go—”

“But—” she began.


“I get that it would help you deal with all of this if you can find someone to blame. And that’s fine. You blame me,” Jason told him, flattening a hand against his chest. “I’m the one that proposed, I’m the one that broke his promises. And I’m the one who made sure that when it was done, Courtney hated me. Elizabeth did nothing—”

“Except let everyone think that my daughter conspired with a psychotic kidnapper. What’s more likely, Jason?” Mike challenged. “Courtney turning her back on everything she knew about that man or Elizabeth lying to cover up for him like she has for months?”

“Shut up—”

“No, no, please—” Elizabeth flew between them, holding her hand up, her fingers trembling. “Please don’t. Don’t do this. Okay? Jason, don’t.” Tears spilled down her cheeks when she turned to Mike, his face florid. “If I thought for one minute I could make this easier for you by lying, by letting you think that it was true, I’d do it, Mike. Because the truth is awful for everyone who loved her.”

“It can’t be true, okay? You misunderstood. You had to—I just need you to think, to go back and see if maybe you just didn’t understand—” Mike’s voice faltered. “You have to be wrong.”

“I wish I was. I wish—” Elizabeth closed her eyes, touched the arm still tucked into the brace. “I wish I could take it all back. To go back in time and stop it somehow. I regret every minute I ever spent with Ric Lansing. I need you to know that I don’t blame you for doubting me—”

“Elizabeth, you don’t have to do this,” Jason told her. He laid a hand on her shoulder, tried to propel her back but she shook her head. “You don’t owe him anything—”

“Don’t I? Don’t I owe a debt for the way I kept Ric in this town? I trusted him, and he broke me into pieces—” Her lips trembled, and she looked to the ground. “And I can’t ever undo that. But I left him. I wanted to be done with it. You know that, Mike. You know that Ric was bothering me. I wasn’t going to say anything, but Nikolas forced me to—”


“He knew her schedule, Mike,” Jason said tightly, and Mike looked away. “Did you give it to him?”

“Of course not—”

“Courtney didn’t just tell me to my face. She was still working with Ric. That’s why Carly was here that night. To tell Elizabeth what she’d overheard. Carly heard her. It’s not just Elizabeth’s story. Are you telling me Carly’s lying, too?”

Mike dragged his hands down his face. “I can’t—it just can’t be the way it happened. There’s something missing. He forced her. Like before. Like this spring. Blackmail or something. She knew what he was. She knew.”

And because the horror in Mike’s voice was sincere, and because Jason had his own guilt, he swallowed his irritation. “She knew, and she hated me enough that it didn’t matter. She went to the cops and tried to frame me, Mac. Why do you think she wouldn’t hate me enough to do worse?”

“I can’t—I can’t do this. I don’t want to—” Mike turned and left the courtyard without another word.

Elizabeth turned to face Jason, tears glinting on her cheeks. “I’ll never be able to make up for  what I did, will I? For all the months I defended Ric. No wonder he hates me. I just don’t understand why you don’t hate me, too.”

PCPD: Commissioner’s Office

Scott paced from the door to the desk, then back again, waiting with little patience as Mac finished his conversation on the phone. He made a little circle in the air with his index finger, indicating it was time to wrap it up.

Mac shot him the finger and Scott just scowled at him. “Yeah, Robin, I appreciate it. Okay. I’ll take it from here. No, don’t come home. I’ll keep you in the loop, but right now, the last thing we need is someone else on the ground that we have to worry about. Keep that up, and I’ll have your mother pull strings to get your passport revoked. Stay in Paris.” He dropped the phone back on the base, then sat behind the desk with a sigh.

“That doesn’t sound good.”

“Brenda spent some time in Paris with Robin, and was just putting together plans to find a new agent and get back to modeling—but then Lorenzo Alcazar showed up. He found them in Paris, wanted to let Brenda know there weren’t any hard feelings.”

Scott stilled. “And no one bothered to tell you? Or anyone? What about Morgan and Corinthos?”

“Brenda called Jason. He arranged for her to get off the grid. She left Robin in early June, and Robin hasn’t had much from her since. A few phone calls, but nothing that would give us a location. I don’t know what, if anything, Sonny knows.”

“Alcazar goes to see her personally, and Brenda disappears? That might explain why Alcazar came here, focused on Sonny again. He thinks he’s hiding her—”

“Actually.” Mac tipped his head. “I think that might explain why he started with Ric. Because Jason’s hiding Brenda. Jason’s the one that married her to protect her from Luis, remember? And who do Ric and Jason have in common?”

“Ah. Well.” Scott sighed. “Well, if we’re going to ask Morgan for help again, it probably should be you. I think he might be a little mad at me.”

“A little?”

“Yeah, yeah, you were right and I was wrong. You don’t have to rub it in, okay?”

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

She hadn’t been in a hurry to return to the penthouse, not after learning of Courtney’s death and being here looking at what remained of a life the woman had planned with Jason. She’d avoided the conversation of where she was going to stay, knowing that the studio was out of the question and that, security wise, her grandmother’s house wasn’t exactly ideal.

But Elizabeth almost wished she’d spoken up so that she’d have some warning for what confronted her after Jason pushed the door open and stood aside to allow her in.

It was like a time warp. Nearly every item of furniture was gone, save the pool table, a single photo of Michael, and a familiar brown leather sofa. “W-What—”

Jason blinked, looked around, then rubbed the back of his head. He dropped his keys on the desk. “I forgot. Mike said he wanted to get Courtney’s things, and I wanted—I wanted to make it easier on him, so I had some guys —”

Remove every evidence that she’d ever existed. Elizabeth braced a hand against her abdomen, almost protectively splaying her hand over the baby she couldn’t feel yet. It was all so impossible suddenly, and she didn’t really understand why the stark emptiness of the room should make her feel that way—

“This is—this is too much. I can’t do this. I can’t—” She fumbled with the clasp on the brace, dragged it over her head, then cradled her damaged, weakened arm, her shoulder aching.

Jason came forward, a hand outstretched. “Hey—careful—”

“I can’t do this. I can’t—” She stepped back from him. “It’s too much. It’s just too much. This isn’t what it’s supposed to be like. We’re not supposed to be doing this.”

“Doing what?” Jason said carefully, holding his hands up, almost as if he was trying to ward off the levels of crazy she felt sure were radiating from her trembling body.

“Any of this. All of it. It’s just so fast, and out of control, and I don’t know how to make any of it stop, I don’t know how to do this. What am I supposed to do? We’re acting like all of this never happened, like we weren’t basically at each other throat’s throats for a year, and I told you I wish you were the one who was shot—”

“Okay, maybe you need to take a breath,” Jason said, taking a step towards her, but she backed up.

“No, no. I just need to—” She let her arm fall to the side, the useless dead weight of an arm she could barely lift, much less use to create. “I don’t know. I don’t know what I need. I just know it’s not this.”

“This,” Jason repeated. He stiffened. “Me?”

“No. I mean, yes, no—” She squeezed her eyes shut. “I don’t know. I don’t know anything. We had that night, and then we walked away, and we were barely even scraping together an idea of what might happen in the future, and then I’m pregnant, and shot, and almost lose the baby, and Carly’s in a coma, you get arrested—and now courtney’s dead, and you just erased her like she didn’t happen, but she happened, okay? It all happened.”

Her chest was heaving when she finished, and Jason just looked at her a little wide-eyed, startled, because he hadn’t expected any of that. Neither had she. But something about seeing the penthouse look exactly as it had a year ago.

A year ago when she’d stormed out and it had all gone insane.

“Do you want me to take you to your grandmother’s?” Jason asked finally. He lowered his hands to his side. His tone was careful, his expression blank.

“I don’t know what I want, and I just—” Her head hurt, and so did everything else. She sat on the sofa, stared at the blank wall straight ahead. “I don’t know anything. I feel like I’ve been walking in a stupor since I woke up and you got arrested, and I don’t know how to make it stop.”

“Okay—” Jason drew out the word uncertainly, but a knock at the door kept him from continuing if he even knew what to do with her insane meltdown. He looked at her again, then went to the door. He grimaced, then pulled it open. “If you’re here to arrest me again—”

Mac put a hand against the door frame, blocking Scott partially from view. “Ignore Baldwin. He’s just here because I didn’t lock the car door fast enough.”

“Look, I dropped the charges. Don’t I get credit for that?” Scott demanded.

Mac ignored him, focused on Jason. “We have a problem. You’re hiding Brenda Barrett.”

Jason blinked, thrown by the commissioner’s statement. “What?”

“Brenda. Robin said she called you when Alcazar showed up in Paris. It seems like you arranged for Brenda to go missing, and then a few weeks later Lorenzo Alcazar showed up here in Port Charles. At Ric’s, where he found Carly in a panic room. But we don’t think he was looking for her.”

Jason’s hand fell slowly from the door. “What do you mean, he was at Ric’s?”

“He was there that night.”

Jason turned, looked at Elizabeth whose expression had gone still, the whirl of emotion faded entirely. “What?”

“The night Carly was kidnapped. He called the cops when he found me passed out on the sofa. He knew Carly was in the panic room. Ric got the cops to leave, but he never knew why they were there. But it was Alcazar.” Elizabeth came forward, her eyes on Mac. “You think he came looking for me.”

“Yeah. I do. But how did you know that?”

“Ric told me when he came back from Venezuela. He was trying to make me think he was forced into kidnapping Carly, but it was a lie, and he dropped it. I would have told you. If you’d ever followed up on my original statement.”

Jason pressed his lips together, looked from Elizabeth back to Mac. “You think Lorenzo Alcazar is looking for Brenda for revenge on his brother? I didn’t understand why Brenda was afraid — she’s not the one who killed him.”

“No, but she is the reason Luis came to Port Charles, why he went after Sonny in the first place,” Mac reminded him. “You ever ask yourself, Jason, why if Lorenzo Alcazar wanted revenge, he was playing games? Kidnapping Carly, then releasing her? Hanging around to make Sonny crazy?”

“I—” Jason was missing something, and he didn’t know what to think. “I don’t know, but it sounds like you have a theory.”

“I do. I think Lorenzo Alcazar is the brother who went over the balcony, and Luis Alcazar is back in town, finishing what he started.”

October 18, 2024

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 38

I was hoping just taking a break from writing this and going into a different genre would clear my head, and it did 🙂 I mostly have the ending visualized in my head, so I just have to sit down and plot how many parts I need to get there and resolve my loose ends.

I finally got around to updating my Recent Updates page by adding Masquerade. I’m gonna be REAL sad when I have to archive that page for 2024, because I wrote so much. It’s actually kind of stunning, lol, when I look back at it. I really think over the last two years, I’ve really taken the Flash Fiction category which really only began for fun and is now the big draw for new readers. It makes it a lot easier for me to take my time with the longer novels.

I haven’t forgotten my Taylor Swift project! I’ve been super busy at work — it’s a lot this year with two subjects to prep, but I’m working on it behind the scenes, I promise!

See you guys next week (probably Mon/Wed/Fri again, but don’t quote me :P)

This entry is part 38 of 39 in the Flash Fiction: Chain Reaction

Written in 63 minutes. Had to double check some earlier Mike scenes and it took some time.

Lake Onatario: The Deck of La Revanche

The city skyline was a pinprick in the horizon, suggesting they were closer to Canada than New York. Ric stood at the railing, watching the sun hover the cursed city, pondering the mess he’d made this last year.

Kidnapping Carly had probably been the the turning point, he thought grimly. He’d managed to get Sonny to swallow the story about their supposed paternity and bought himself some breathing room. Then Elizabeth had told him about the baby and had, for some godforsaken reason, decided to give him a second chance.

Maybe they weren’t related, Ric mused, but he and Sonny certainly shared the same tendency to let women destroy their common senses.

“Considering a swim?”

Luis appeared at his side, but Ric said nothing, hoping the other man would take the opportunity to fill the silence. What did he want with Ric? What the hell was his plan and why had he let them all, including Ric, think he was Lorenzo all this time?

“I’m trying to stay alive,” Ric said when Luis only remained silent. “What are you going to do with me? I’m just a witness—”

“That was before Courtney’s body was discovered too soon,” Luis muttered, his hands gripping the railing. “Morgan had a solid alibi. Now, you’re not much more than a loose end.”

“Who knows a great deal about the men you’re trying to destroy,” Ric reminded him. “You hired me to destroy Sonny, remember? I’m closer than you were ever able to be—”

“Oh, I don’t doubt you have some value. It’s why you still breathe.” Luis turned to him, keeping one hand on the railing. “Sonny’s locked up in a private mental hospital, but Morgan’s still out there, the dragon at the gate as always.”

“And he hates me,” Ric said, helpfully. “I can get under his skin—”

“Hate might be too weak a word to describe the loathing.” Luis scrutinized Ric, his eyes squinting. “What might he trade for a chance to end your life personally?”

Ric pressed his lips together, looked back out over the water. Nearly anything, he thought, but said nothing. “Jason’s not one for revenge. Not when he got what he wanted. My wife. The child she promised me.”

“Ah, yes, the lovely Elizabeth Webber, our Helen of Troy. I’ve been thinking of the question I posed to you a few nights ago. How to tell Sonny what he nearly did to his own sister. I must confess, since then, I thought of little else. It’s the missing piece to my own plan. The final twist of the knife to break Sonny so badly he’ll be begging me to kill him.” Luis sighed. “But I worry she’s too well guarded to get to, and well, where’s the fun of telling Sonny if I can’t see the horror on both their faces?”

Ric arched a brow, sensing his opening. “After everything else you’ve done, are you saying you’re not up to the challenge?”

Luis just arched that brow again, then left him standing at the railing pondering just how Ric could use Luis’s obsession into gaining his own freedom. If Luis believed the lies Ric had hoped to use against Sonny without bothering to verify any of it for himself, well, then he might be desperate enough to do anything.

Which was exactly the way Ric liked it.

Kelly’s: Courtyard

Elizabeth stared at Mike for a long moment, her free hand fluttering up to her chest. “You—you startled me.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Mike gestured to the diner. “Did you want to come in? I don’t—I don’t know who’s on shift. Penny’s handling that.” He moved past her, looked inside the diner, took a deep breath, then looked back at her. “I haven’t been back here since that night.”

“Neither have I.” She cleared her throat, but there were no words that followed. She didn’t know what to say to him. At the hospital, after Jason’s arrest, and in the few days that had followed, there’d been a strain, a horrible awkwardness in every interaction. They’d never spoken of her pregnancy or what it meant for Courtney.

But then Courtney had died, and Elizabeth had grappled with the terrible guilt of not really feeling guilty at all. She was sorry Courtney was dead, mostly because Mike cared about her, and he was a good man. Sorry for Michael who loved his aunt, and for Carly because that would only complicate her recovery. Sorry for Jason who had loved her once.

But there was no guilt, no sense that Elizabeth had anything to do with how Courtney’s life had ended. She’d played a role in the end of Courtney’s relationship with Jason, but those weren’t related, and not feeling guilty had only made her feel worse about all of it.

Was Mike angry at her? Was he holding back his anger with Jason because of Sonny? Would he do the same with her because of her injuries, because of the baby?

“I just wanted to stand here,” Elizabeth said finally, and their eyes met. “I hoped if I could just do that I could remember better what happened that night.”

“I, uh, thought Jason said Michael confessed.” Mike folded his arms. “Unless he’s changed his mind and thinks Lorenzo did it after all.”

“No, he, um, he  hasn’t said differently for me. Sonny remembered being here. And well, it makes the most sense, I guess. But I just—” Elizabeth turned slightly, facing the courtyard the way she had that night. “I thought if I just stood where I did that night, if maybe it might jar something.”

“Well, talk me through it. How did it happen?”

Elizabeth flicked her eyes to Mike, but his expression didn’t change, didn’t seem unfriendly. She nodded, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “Um, well, I was closing that night. I told DJ to go home. I thought Carly’s guards were out here. And—”

“And Jason was on his way,” Mike said. The words were offered without emotion, but his posture changed slightly, just a slight tensing of his muscles. “He was worried about you after the night before. Wasn’t he?”

“Y-yes.” She licked her lips. “Carly didn’t want to wait for him. She knew he’d be angry—so she came out into the courtyard, and I followed. I wanted her to wait. To come back inside, so we could lock the door. But she just wanted to go home. She was upset—”


“W-what?” Elizabeth blinked at him, confused. “Why what?”

“Why was she upset? What so important that she came to see you that night? Waited for you to close and be alone?”

“Mike—” Elizabeth hesitated. “I don’t—that’s not important—”

“Maybe it is. Maybe you shouldn’t decide what’s important without considering everything,” he interrupted. “Courtney said Carly was here to confront you. She was upset about you and Jason, wasn’t she?”

“I—” Her throat was tight. “No—”

“No? Courtney was her best friend—”

“That’s why she was upset,” Elizabeth said softly. “Mike. You know what happened. Why—”

“I know what Jason’s told me. But I think maybe you need to say it. To my face.” Mike lifted his chin. “Tell me that my daughter was conspiring with the psycho who went after Carly.”

“You—you don’t believe—”

“Courtney knew from the first day what Ric did. She knew what he was before you did. She tried to tell you, remember?” Mike said, and Elizabeth’s eyes burned. She looked away, her vision blurred as the hot spiral of shame swirled up into her throat. “She didn’t have to sit by and be poisoned by him, to live in the same house while Carly was trapped in the walls. You’re telling me with everything she knew about Ric and what he did to Carly, she went to him because of what you did to her. I’m supposed to believe that she was that spiteful and vindictive.” He shook his head. “No. I don’t believe it. You need her to be the villain. You need it to be that way so Jason isn’t sorry she’s dead. But there’s no proof—”


They both turned back towards the back entrance, and Jason was there, coming forward and standing between them.

“This has nothing to do with you,” Mike told Jason. “This is between me and Elizabeth and the lies she wants to tell about my little girl to make herself feel better—”

“The truth that she said to my face,” Jason retorted. “Go ahead. Call me a liar, too.”

PCPD: Commissioner’s Office

“No. No. Because this is all twisted and convoluted enough without adding another damned layer.” Scott jerked out of his side, dragged his hand through his hair leaving it standing wildly on end. He turned back to Mac. “What the hell are you trying to tell me?”

“I don’t know anything for sure,” Mac said, holding up his hands. “I just think  there’s a pretty good possibility that maybe Luis Alcazar is still alive—”

“No. I rebuke this. This was supposed to be a simple case of Sonny Corinthos going loco and shooting up a courtyard, okay?” Scott slapped his hand against his open palm. “I force Morgan to give up the ghost, and then we get our guy. And if we’re lucky, I get to make things right and take down Lansing so maybe Bobbie won’t plot my demise. That was the plan, Mac! Not whatever cockamamie twisted story you got cooking in your head—”

That plan went out the window the second Courtney turned up with a bullet in her head and Lansing went AWOL. We still don’t know if he disappeared himself or is floating somewhere.  But Lorenzo Alcazar? Carly remembers hearing his voice that night. And he’s the only one who’d want to frame Morgan for all this.”

“But it didn’t work, okay? How do you figure that—see—see—this all falls apart—maybe Lorenzo Alcazar is being framed by all of them—”


Scott collapsed into the chair, his head in his hands, letting out a low moan. “I just want one normal case, Mac. Just the one. Is that too much to ask?”

“I know you think this makes it more convoluted,” Mac told him, “but it actually streamlines it.”

“Uh, how do you figure?”

“Alcazar’s got too much heat on him. He had to know his days were numbered. He calls his brother — tosses him over the balcony—”

“That was Alexis Davis—”

“Okay, so maybe Luis just set Lorenzo up to be killed, and went underground to regroup. He comes back out, and decides to pick up where he left off. Remember? He started by wanting to get rid of Sonny. But now, he’s angrier. More obsessive. He’s lost Brenda. Sonny—and now Jason—are the ones protecting her. Keeping her away. Ric’s in town, going after Sonny, so now Luis — as Lorenzo — can come in, get under Sonny’s skin. He rescues Carly, treats her well in captivity knowing it’ll send Sonny through the roof—”

“But it doesn’t just make Sonny reckless and angry—” Scott straightened, his eyes sharpening. “It makes him go actually crazy. Alcazar’s got eyes on Sonny and Carly. He’s gotta know something isn’t right. Either he’s following Carly or Sonny that night, it doesn’t matter. He sees Sonny shoot up the courtyard, and figures this is his time—”

“Except Courtney and Ric get in the way trying to frame Jason. Alcazar tries to make that work for him, but it goes south again because Sonny gets himself committed. He’s under lock and key. And Jason’s not taking the hit for Courtney because we’re his alibi.”

“Okay. Okay.” Scott got to his feet, started pacing, then he whirled around, looked at Mac. “You know what we gotta do? We gotta throw him off course. We gotta mess with him. We got leverage. He doesn’t know what we know.”

“I know exactly how to do that. What does Luis Alcazar want more than anything in the world?” Mac leaned against his desk, smirked. “I think it’s time Brenda Barrett comes home for a visit.”

October 16, 2024

Update Link: Masquerade – Part 5

Hope everyone’s having a good week! I really wanted to update last night, but I just got slightly off schedule when I got home from work, and then I was just too tired. The good news is I finished another chapter of Book 2 for These Small Hours, so that’s a good sign. And I didn’t do any work after I left school today except printing an assignment I need to make copies for. Yay for me, lol.

The plan for Friday is to update Chain Reaction because I know what the next part is going to be, but don’t be surprised if it ends up being Masquerade. I plan to sit down this weekend and finally tackle it now that I’ve had some space and the chance to reset, so if not Friday, definitely next week.

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the Flash Fiction: Masquerade

Written in 6o minutes.

It had to be a trick, a lie to lure her back inside the inn, back to a miserable future—

Elizabeth took one step away from the tree, towards the man who held her daggers in his hand, the only link she had to her heritage, to the world she’d known before that terrible day.

The winter wind swirled around them, rustling through the trees. The air grew more bitter, the chill deepening, but still she stood there, a foot separating her from her captor, from her weapons.

Jason Morgan tipped his head to the sky, then brought his gaze to hers as the first snowflakes fluttered past his cheek, dancing down to the forest floor thick with leaves and foliage. His eyes were shadowed, but she could see the corner of his mouth turning up in a half smirk. “Do you think you can freeze me to death? Is that how you plan to end this?”

She drew in a sharp breath, fought the urge to deny it. This man, this puppet of Valentin Cassadine held too many secrets—but how? Why would Valentin put so much trust in an underling? Or was Jason Morgan hiding secrets of his own from the Cassadine?

Elizabeth flicked her wrist and the wind settled, the flurries fading from the sky until they fell no longer. “I could bury you in a snowdrift,” she bit out, “if I so chose. Give me a reason not to.”

Jason flipped one of the daggers in his hand, a neat little twirl that she’d never seen anyone else complete — save for the man who had taught her. Had Alan Quartermaine trained him as well? But then who was he? And why had Valentin sent him?

Pressure built behind her eyes, an itch in her throat that she forced down. All she had was her dignity, her self-respect, and she would not fall apart in front of this man, in front of any man.

“That is not a reason, and I grow weary of this conversation. Keep the daggers.” She lifted her chin and stalked across the clearing, nearly reaching the other side before his voice traveled to her on the wind.

“A few months back, in another place, a woman came to a pub. She had a pair of those daggers.”

Elizabeth stopped, but did not turn around. Another trick, another lie.

“I was there on other business, and found myself in a meeting with her and an associate who knew something of my background. He thought she was lying, trying to lead him on a wild chase or steal something from him. But then she reached into cloak just the way you did — pulling one of these from some pocket that could not be detected. A dagger from Nevoie. They are not given to all members of the line. Just the women in the line of succession.”

“There are no survivors from Nevoie,” Elizabeth said, but her voice was soft, almost inaudible. “That’s not possible.”

“It’s what I would have thought. What we’ve been told.” Jason took a step towards her, almost hesitant. “A sickness spread in the household and the village. Too fast, too deadly. No survivors. That part is no lie, is it?”

“No. There was a fire—” Her throat tightened, the acrid smell of smoke still lingering in her memories, choking her from beyond. “After. They burned the village to the ground, then the house.”

“To stop the disease from spreading.”

“To hide their crimes.” Her fingers fisted in her skirts. “But I was captured in the woods. We ran. We ran, and we ran, and I lost her somewhere. I heard her screams. There are no survivors from Nevoie,” she repeated.

“You survived,” Jason said, taking another step towards her. “Is it so impossible that you alone could have?”

“I—” Her eyes blurred and something unfurled inside her. An emotion she could scarcely recognize. Hope. No. “She told you this. She told you that Nevoie was a massacre, and you did nothing. She showed you daggers, and you did nothing.” She swallowed hard, and her heart hardened again. “I expect nothing less from a Cassadine pawn—”

“What would you have me do? Tell the king that his aunt and her family were slaughtered like animals? She wanted no justice. Just vengeance. She came to my friend looking for revenge.”

“You still have told me nothing that convinces me that I should go inside or continue this conversation. You weave nothing but lies designed to trick me into trusting you.”

“I tell you the truth as I know it. She gave no name, and she never spoke of her relatives. She didn’t need to. The daggers—” Jason held them out to her again. “They don’t take kindly to being separated from their mistress, do they? That’s how you came to have them after all this time. Why they didn’t burn to the ground with your home or become the property of whoever kidnapped you from the woods that day.”

“How can you—” She bit back the demand, clenching her hands so tightly her nails dug into her palms. “Then you know that if you withhold them from me, they’ll only find their way home.”

“I do. So why go to that trouble when you can take them now?”

Her hands itched to take the offer, to snatch the daggers from him, but what if he were lying? What if he knew the power the weapons held, and he had a charm to bind them to him? What if she held out her hands and he grabbed her—

She was just so very tired.

With trembling hands she reached out, held out her hands, and nearly wept when Jason carefully laid the hilts in her palm, his fingers closing her hand around them so that his larger hands engulfed hers.

Their eyes met, and Elizabeth drew in a shuddering breath. “I don’t understand you.”

“I’ve heard that before. From the woman in the pub who also was unhappy that I knew the origin of these, that I knew their power, and declined to tell her why.”

“And do you think it fair that you seem to know all my secrets, and I still know nothing of yours?” she demanded.

“You know the one I’ve told no other. You just haven’t put the pieces together.” Jason released her hands, then drew his sword. Elizabeth leapt back, set herself to ward off the attack—but he held the hilt towards her, as if handing her the sword.

Elizabeth furrowed her brow, lowered her hands to her side, the tips of the daggers brushing her cloak. On the base of the hilt was the same insignia burned into hers. “The Quartermaines. They do not make weapons for the common people. They’ve made our daggers, and—” Her eyes rounded. “You’re a Quartermaine?”

“By blood,” Jason said, sheathing the sword again. “Not by right or name. I was honest when I told you I was a bastard from Wymoor. I just didn’t specify whose bastard.”

The information didn’t fit in neatly with everything else that she knew. The Quartermaines looked after their own, and clearly he had been part of the family at one time. He’d been trained and outfitted by Alan Quartermaine.

And yet—

“You take coin from the blood enemy of your family?” Elizabeth asked. “You think that to be reassuring?”

“You’re betrothed to the blood enemy of yours,” Jason returned calmly and she flinched. “Does that not make us the same?”

“I don’t know,” she said, lifting her brows. “Were you held prisoner for six years, then bound to a small, remote village for another eight? Did you bargain for the false pretense of freedom by trading your future?”

“Bound,” Jason repeatedly slowly. “I don’t understand.”

“Then let me make this very clear, Master Morgan.” She stepped close to him, their faces so close that the breath she exhaled mingled with his. “I begged Valentin to release me from the   locked room that had been my whole world since the day he slaughtered my family and took me prisoner. He brought me to Shadwell, to that cottage, and once I stepped across the border of the village, he relished in telling me that I was to stay there until he had need of me, and the only way he’d ever let me leave was if I agreed to marry him. Or else I’d rot away in my isolation. And for eight years, I prayed he’d find another way, another route to the power he so desperately craved. As long as the king drew breath, there was hope. And then you came.”

Jason took a step back, confusion swirling in his eyes. “He bound you to the land, but I spoke no words to release you—”

“You did not have to. It’s an oath. When you came and you asked me if I was his betrothed, I fulfilled the contract. I agreed to leave with you. But Valentin does not respect the old ways, the magic. I agreed so that I could leave. But I will never marry him. And if you force me, if you drag me to the capital, I promise you, Valentin will not live long enough to take the throne.”

Jason looked at her for long a moment. “Good. Then we are agreed.”

“We—” She blinked, shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

“You wish to see Valentin dead. But I will tell you what I told your kinswoman — if you want Valentin’s blood, we are in accord. I’d prefer to do the deed myself, but if you need to have a hand in spilling it, that can be arranged.”

October 11, 2024

Update Link: Masquerade – Part 4

Finally made it to the three-day weekend! We had a half-day with the kids and then a two hour in-service. I’d rather have had the full day considering our instructional supervisors decided that the best thing for teachers to do at the end of a Friday is a scavenger hunt, sending us all over the school with clues to determine the next location. So much for an easy day, ugh. I’m so tired, lol.

Anyway — the Phillies got eliminated so I, uh, have a lot more free time on my hands now. I’m taking it a lot better than the rest of Phillies Twitter, lol. They wanna DFA the whole team (release them for the non-baseball readers). I also made some adjustments to my workload and I’m in a much better place than I described during the last update. I can’t wait to sleep in and relax a little this weekend, and actually do something fun. 

I should be able to update on Monday in the evening since I’m off, but I’ll update the sidebar with planned updates (and try to keep them a little better this time!)

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the Flash Fiction: Masquerade

Written in 60 minutes.

He scarcely had a chance to deflect the dagger before it sliced through his neck, but Jason managed to lift his arm, knocking her wrist back. He made a grab for her, but Elizabeth danced backwards, doing a roll that allowed her snatch up the first dagger, glinting on the forest floor.

“What—” Jason began but had to jump back when she swiped out again, nearly taking his intestines. Grimacing, he drew his sword. He had no taste for fighting a woman, even one who was armed—

And who had been trained well enough to dodge his attack. With the sword he kept her from another frontal attack, and held up another hand, hoping to suggest he meant her no harm.

But the meek woman he’d escorted from Shadwell and traveled alongside for the last two days had disappeared, replaced with a ball of fury. The hood had fallen back, and hair tumbled and loose around her face, only illuminated by the slice of moon visible through the gray skies.

“I don’t want to hurt you—”

“Says a man who takes the coin of a murderer,” Elizabeth spat, and he blinked at that accusation, and the rage shaking in her voice. That split second of confusion gave her an opening and she flew at him, one of her daggers slicing through his upper arm.

Jason hissed in pain, decided the time had come to end this farce. He threw the sword aside, grabbed one of her wrists, wrapping his hand around it like a manacle, tightening it. She cried out and the dagger fell to the ground.

When her other hand swung around, Jason was ready and within seconds, he’d wrapped her tiny wrists in one fist and backed her hard against the bark of a tree, holding the hands over her head, leaving a hand free.

“Let me go!” Elizabeth panted, twisting back and forth. When her knee came up towards his groin, Jason had already deflected it, curling one of his legs around hers, trapping it against his own.

Her chest was heaving, her breath a white cloud fading into the cold night, but despite having been completely disarmed and literally backed against a wall, Elizabeth’s turbulent eyes didn’t show even a hint of panic or fear.

“Let me go,” she forced out between clenched teeth. “You wouldn’t want to damage the merchandise.”

“You fight well,” Jason said, not bothering to respond to her barb. “But you should have finished your training.”

Her eyes narrowed into slits, her mouth little more than a white line. “What does that mean?”

Jason arched a brow. Without taking his eyes from hers, he shifted his boot slightly, kicked it, and then reached out to retrieve the dagger she’d dropped. He held the blade near her face, the tip just beneath her chin.

And still, no fear. No panic. Just the slide curve of her lips.

If only she knew that she’d lost whatever leverage she possessed with that twitch of the mouth, she might not have smiled.

“I could slice you open here,” Jason said almost casually, the blade resting against her skin, just below the curve of her jaw. One flick of his hands and he’d have her life’s blood spouting. “You think me afraid of the Cassadine?”

Amusement flared in her eyes, and the corner of her eyebrow quirked up. “I think you very stupid. Go ahead and try it.” She tilted her head slightly, revealing more neck.

“If I value my life, it will be the last thing I do.” When her eyes came back to his, the arrogance in her eyes fading. “Or were you hoping I wouldn’t recognize the daggers from the House of Nevoie?”

She said nothing, but there was a small flare of alarm now, and his smile only grew. “These daggers are charmed to protect their mistress. They bring no harm to you. They can’t.”

Her lips parted slightly, and now, finally, there was a lick of fear in her eyes. “I know not of what you speak—”

“If I even moved this blade a hair closer, I would be on the ground, fortunate to wake up hours from now with nothing more than headaches and regrets. You think your house has fallen into memory? That no one remembers the Ladies of Nevoie?”

“I think,” she said carefully, “that you have been told stories—”

“Stories?” he scoffed, dropping the blade to his side, but not loosening his hold on Elizabeth. He had no doubt she’d be going for other discarded dagger behind him if he gave her half a chance. And while he was sure she hadn’t completed her time with Alan, there was no telling what she could still pull out from beneath that heavy cloak.

After all, the house of Nevoie was known for more than their bespelled weapons.

“Tell me why you never finished your training,” Jason said again, and she furrowed her brow, not expecting that turn of conversation.

“What makes you think I didn’t it?”

“Because Alan Quartermaine never returned a lady of Nevoie without knowing how to disarm her attacker. This,” Jason said, pressing just a bit closer, pressing her more tightly against the tree. Her chest, still rising and falling with panicked, heavy breathing, had little room to expand. “This,” he said, bringing his face a bit more close so that there was little more than a breath separating them, “was his worst fear.”

“You aren’t going to hurt me,” she said, but her voice was smaller now, almost as if she were saying the words as an affirmation, to persuade herself rather to taunt him.

Jason pressed his lips together, stepped back, releasing her so fast that she was almost spinning. By the time she came back to herself, Jason had scooped up that second dagger and sheathed his sword.

Her eyes were huge now, focused on his hands, on her weapons. She flattened her hands against the tree, her fingers digging into the bark. “Give them to me,” she said, the words bit out from behind her clenched teeth. “They are mine.”

“I have no need to take them,” Jason said, with more warmth in his tone than he’d exhibited their entire acquaintance. “They must be the last of their kind.”

“Very nearly, and—”

“After all, the house of Nevoie has been extinct these last ten years. More,” Jason murmured.  “I was young when it happened, but not a child.”

“Extinct. Is that what your master told you?”

“I have no master, save myself. And no one told me anything. You think Valentin would have let me anywhere near you if I knew who you were or what value you bring? He’d never tell someone who could use that for his own gain.”

“Oh, and you’re so noble? So honorable?” she spat. “Are you so different  that you wouldn’t steal me for yourself?”

Jason raised his brows, then bit back his instinctual response. “I have no taste for the throne,” he said, his words pitched lower. Their eyes met. “Or need to steal a woman for any other reason.”

The shadows hid her, casting her face into nothing more than gray and white. But he would have gambled any amount that she’d flushed with embarrassment.

“But I’ll forgive you that accusation,” he continued, “as we don’t know each other very well and you’ve likely seen more men of that ilk than not.”

“All men are the same.”

“Did the training end when your family died? Did they not send you for another summer because there was left to do so?”

“You would dare to speak of this to me. The audacity,” Elizabeth breathed, “to stand there with the coin of Valentin Cassadine rotting in your pocket, and speak of my family. Of my mother who he slaughtered, my sister, my only blood—”

“Slaughtered?” When she just glared at him, Jason shook his head. “There must be some mistake. The last ladies of Nevoie died in the sickness—” He stopped, looked away as awareness awakened. “A story. A lie. You say Valentin Cassadine murdered the House of Nevoie? How do you know this?”

“I owe you no more answers,” Elizabeth said, lifting her chin. “You have a choice. Return my belongings, allow me to take my mare, and I’ll cease being your concern.”

Jason looked down at the dagger in his hand, turning it to see the end of the hilt, at the small insignia burned into it. The familiar mark of his family.

“I could do that,” he said, slowly lifting his head until their eyes met, held. “But I don’t think you want to leave just yet.”

“Oh, I assure you, I do—”

“Or will it not bother you how a bastard urchin from Wymoor knows who you are? Why I know so many of your secrets?”

Her eyes burned, and if she had the power, Jason was sure, he would have been engulfed by flames on the spot.

“Valentin would have told you—”

“Would he?” Jason demanded. “He would never have risked it. He knows who I am.”

“Who are you?” Elizabeth challenged, stepping forward, then her lips parted when he lifted his brows.

“If you want the answer to that question, you can come inside. Or— ” Jason held out the daggers, and her eyes went to them. “Take these and go.”

October 6, 2024

ETA: I really wanted to come back tonight, but it’s just not in the cards. I definitely won’t be able to do it Tues/Wed unless my school closes, lol, I’ll see you Thursday!

Update Link: Masquerade – Part 3

I feel like the last month has been super frustrating in so many ways, and I am so irritated because I spent the entire summer trying to prep myself to make life easier for me. Ugh. Anyway, I’m gonna go into more detail below, so if you care, click the Read More link, but if you don’t, that’s fine, lol.  There’s nothing story-related other than an explanation for why some deadlines might not be met even though Flash Fiction gets posted.

I’m working very hard to make those These Small Hours Book 2 & 3 deadlines, and I have no reason right now to expect they won’t happen. Except the universe and I aren’t friends right now. If this was the price I had to pay for the Liason hug the other day and Sam’s imminent death–

Anyway. Right now, the plan is to do flash on Monday and maybe Thursday.  But I wanted to make up for not coming back on Friday (me and the printer had a fight, and then the Roku declared war, but I think I won.) See you tomorrow!

Continue reading

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the Flash Fiction: Masquerade

Written in 60 minutes.

They made good progress that first day — Elizabeth was a far more skilled rider than Jason had expected, though by now he had few expectations left of the woman he’d been sent to fetch. She must hold some value, he reasoned, to wed the scion of a powerful family, and given the timing of the wedding, perhaps she had some role to play in the growing succession turmoil.

Though this reasoning made sense, it did little to quell Jason’s rising unease as the questions that had been lingering since he’d been given the task had only increased. And, he had to admit, he had Mary Mae’s warnings in his mind. She’d never trusted the Cassadines, Valentin least of all.

Elizabeth Barrett was a curious woman with her skill in not only riding, but handling of her mare. Even as the sun traveled across the sky, slipping behind clouds sending the temperatures plunging, she did not ask to stop or to locate the nearest inn and hearth. She merely tugged the ends of her velvet-lined cloak more tightly around her, the hood obscuring the profile of her face save for the occasional glimpses of the tip of her nose.

Jason had never been one for conversation, but even the quiet was unnerving. No idle chatter, no rambling, no questions, not even a question of where they were going and how long it would take to arrive.

It was as if he traveled with a ghost.

“An hour north of us,” Jason said, speaking for the first time since their departure, his voice rusty. “We’ll stop for the night. There’s a village with an inn. There won’t be another until long after dark. Will that suit for you?”

“Whatever you find necessary,” came the answer in a disinterested tone. Was he escorting her to a wedding or a funeral? One wouldn’t be able to guess, but it was none of Jason’s concern and he’d long promised himself to stay out of other people’s business.

Before long, they reached Ebonhollow, and the front yard of the Black Dragon. Jason turned to assist Elizabeth’s dismount only to see her already on the ground, a valise pulled from the saddlebag in her hand. She handed her reins to a stable boy, then looked at him expectantly.

He exhaled a long careful breath, then handed over his own reins. “Let’s go inside. I arranged for rooms in advance.”

She said nothing, but trailed after him. Their rooms were ready, arranged across from one another in the hall. The innkeeper had no sooner opened her room than Elizabeth had gone inside and closed it behind her, forestalling any conversation.

Jason stared at the wooden door for a long moment. Ignoring that growing concern that something was not right was becoming more and more difficult, but a quiet woman who kept to herself was not committing any crimes.

Jason went into his own room, looking forward to washing off the dust of the road and a hot supper.

Across the hall, Elizabeth let out her own sigh of relief, setting her bag on the small table. There was a pitcher of water with a bowl and a dry cloth. She eagerly went to wash her face and hands, unloosening the laces of her bodice slightly so that she could get the dust that had kicked up.

She rinsed the cloth, then left it to dry, returning to her valise. Inside, she plucked out her map of Tyrathenia, eager to locate this village on it and determine how best to proceed. “Ebonhollow,” she murmured, tracing its route from Shadwell. The corners of her mouth dipped down. They’d traveled inland, away from the ports.

She’d hoped they’d hug the coast since Port Tonderah was, of course, on the water, and the eastern portion of the island but he’d taken them towards the center. Surely he had his reasons, but how did Elizabeth convince him to go the other way?

They’d have to come back out to the coast at some point, she thought, but when? Could she take the chance of waiting? The closer they came to Tonderah, the more dense the population. The more chance that Valentin had spies waiting and watching.

She went to the window overlooking the stableyard, making an even more upsetting discovery — the stables were not close to the inn, but more than fifty feet away. Traversing that in the dark, with nothing to light her way—it would be difficult, if not possible to find her way.

With frustration, Elizabeth folded the map, set it back in her bag. She should have run a long time ago. Should never have hoped that every passing year had meant Valentin had forgotten her. Had found an easier path to the power he wanted.

Just as thought bloomed, a spiral of shame came after, just as it always did when she thought of escape. She was the last of her family, the last of her kind. And if she did run, as she planned, then there would be no one left to demand justice.

There would be no vengeance.

She retrieved the box of daggers, opened it, and drew one out, sliding her fingers over the smooth side of the blade. Every woman in her line had been given a set of these. She’d been the youngest, and now they were all gone, sacrificed in the name of power. Her line on both sides had been all but extinguished as two men had vied for control of a hunk of land.

But would the mother she’d never known wish Elizabeth to sacrifice herself? Would the family she had known want this future for her?

She could escape to one of the port cities, board a ship, and go far away where Rhigwyn and maybe even Tyrathenia was nothing but dots on a map. She could have children, maybe tell them the story of her family.

There could be a daughter to give these daggers to. Was that not also honoring the traditions? After eight years of solitude and isolation, Elizabeth finally had a choice before her.

Which would she make?

Elizabeth requested dinner sent to her room, so Jason ate on his own in the common room. He should be grateful to have been asked to escort a woman who made nearly no demands on his energy or time, but their first conversation continued to linger in his mind. The dread in her eyes, the sigh she’d made when admitting her identity.

The name she carried. Barrett. It was significant, though he couldn’t place it, and made a note to apologize to Mary Mae for not paying more attention during her lessons.

The storm Jason had feared had gone towards the coast, and they’d avoided it by turning in land. It would add a few hours to their trip to travel back west, but they’d have lost days even weeks if they’d run into the snow and ice.

Still, the sky was a weary overcast with no hint of the sun. The only difference between night and day had been the shades of gray in the clouds. Elizabeth was ready before he was, standing expectantly in the common room, her valise in her hands, her cloak already donned.

“We’ll stop at Elemvale tonight,” he told her while he paid their bill and gestured for her to head towards the entrance. “It’s eight hours of riding. Will that be a problem?”

“No,” she answered, her eyes still not quite looking at him. Looking past him, he realized, and maybe that the source of some of his discomfort. She’d been polite, of course, but she hadn’t really acknowledged him. Hadn’t seen him.

She said nothing else, and Jason had nothing else to offer, so off they went, making their turn back to the coast, and another long day of quiet, unsettling travel.

Elemvale. She’d noted it on her map as a possible escape route the night before, a sign that she should seize a chance to have a future. He was taking them back towards the coast, and Elemvale was a sizeable town, much larger than Shadwell or Ebonhollow.

That evening, when Elizabeth saw that stables actually adjoined the inn, she could have wept with joy. She’d have her chance now — able to flee into the night, taking her mare and disappearing. With any luck, she’d be at the coast in the morning, and on the water by the next nightfall.

She requested dinner in her room again, and was relieved when her guard agreed without complaint. Now that her course was set, Elizabeth turned some of her attention to the man who had disrupted her quiet life. He’d accepted her lack of conversation or interest in his person without a protest which was a relief. She’d had all manner of guards before her exile eight years ago, and she never trusted the friendly ones.

But he couldn’t be much older than her, Elizabeth though. Maybe half a dozen years? And he was clean, another improvement over many of her previous guards. His hair fell over his eyes, down to the collar of his shirt, but it, too, was clean and well kept. He bathed, a rarity in the men she’d dealt with.

And he was kind, she thought grudgingly. He’d turned more than once to help her mount or dismount, but never made a sound when his efforts were unneeded or unnoticed. He’d arranged for her to have her own room both nights, not insisting on sleeping on her floor or staring at her while she ate.

In truth, she felt the pull of worry for the man. What would happen to him when Valentin learned she’d fled? Would Jason, as he’d called himself, be held to task for not guarding her more closely?

But just as quickly, that worry hardened. He’d chosen to work for Valentin Cassadine, Elizabeth decided. And whatever punishment came his way was a just one for choosing the side of evil.

She listened at the door once more. The inn was quiet, and she’d heard Jason go into his room across the hall more than an hour ago. Surely by now, he’d gone to sleep.

Elizabeth removed the daggers from her bag, strapped them both into the special pockets of her cloak, then headed to the door, valise in hand.

It was time.

Jason had been a light sleeper all his life, and so when the door across the hall creaked open, his eyes had opened. He sat up in the bed, then listened again, very carefully. Was Elizabeth simply restless? Was she intending to go down to the common room? Maybe she’d heard something he hadn’t.

He waited — there wasn’t a sound again for some time. Then, there was the lightest of footsteps, the toe of a boot hitting the wooden floor. Then another. A door easing closed. Footsteps moving towards the stairs.

Jason quietly got out of bed, dressed, and threw on his cloak. He picked up his sword, and then with his boots in his hand not on his feet, he headed for the door.

He reached the bottom of the stairs, and saw nothing. So he took another moment, listened. Heard the creak of the door to the stable yard. When it was closed, he followed again.

In the stable yard, outside the inn, he grimaced — the doors to the stable were closed and locked tight, a fact that the figure standing at the entrance had only just learned. He watched Elizabeth shake it slightly, then sigh. The sound didn’t travel across the stable yard, but the quick rise and fall of her shoulders suggested the disappointment.

Jason started to step back, sure that now she realized she could not retrieve her horse and leave she’d return to the inn and he didn’t want to be seen.

But instead, Elizabeth crept towards the trees, towards the main road. And cursing himself, Jason hurriedly stepped into his boots and followed. Then she ducked into a copse of trees alongside the road, and he lost sight of her.

When he came into a small clearing, he grimaced, looking around, wondering how he’d explain to Valentin that a woman who stood no higher than his chin and could have lifted with one hand had managed to elude him.

The only warning he had for what came next was the cracking of branches behind him. Jason swirled, and just barely managed to draw his sword to block the dagger aimed at his neck.

Elizabeth hissed in disappointment, and then with another flick of her hand, from what looked like the air, she drew a second dagger.

And attacked.