Strong Enough

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the Wishes Came True


I watched four episodes of General Hospital today (August 7, 2020) and I was inspired to write three different stories. It’s upsetting, and I’m gonna need you guys to support me through this strange moment of liking the show. I’m sure it will pass. It was so lovely to feel like — oh, the episode’s over but man I have just this one idea that could have made it better!

Timeline & Setting

If you haven’t watched the show in a bit, here’s a brief recap. Sonny’s dad, Mike, has Alzheimer’s and has been taken to GH to have a feeding tube put in. Watching Sonny struggle with this decision inspires Jason to make a decision about his own end of life decisions, and for various reasons, asked Carly to have his power of attorney. Elizabeth has been one of Mike’s nurses and counsels Sonny about the feeding tube. Earlier, Felix told Sonny about a patient with Alzheimer’s on a feeding tube and ventilator. The patient is Yvonne Godfrey, someone that Mike connected with at the nursing home and, in their dementia, had a marriage ceremony with.

Jason and Carly came to the hospital to talk to Sonny about the feeding tube and came in at the end of Elizabeth’s conversation with Sonny.

Maybe that’s the point
To reach the point of giving up
‘Cause when I’m finally
Finally at rock bottom
Well, that’s when I start looking up
And reaching out

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

General Hospital: Nurse’s Hub

“I think I broke a law today.”

Elizabeth Webber frowned, looked over at her co-worker and friend. “Again? Felix, I don’t have bail money—”

“Funny,” Felix DuBois said dryly. He leaned against the counter and folded his arms. “I might have violated a few privacy laws.”


“I swear, I had a good reason. Let me explain, and then you tell me whether or not I gotta find a lawyer, okay?”

“Let’s hear it—”

“I saw Mike Corbin’s name on the schedule for a procedure today,” Felix began, “and, well, I got curious—you know, I really like Mike—” He hesitated. “He was supposed to have a feeding tube put in—”

“You took Sonny to see Yvonne Godfrey.”

Felix winced, then nodded. “Yeah.” He scratched his temple. “I made it seem like casual conversation, but I kind of spilled, uh, everything. I just didn’t want Sonny to do the feeding tube—”

Elizabeth picked up a chart. “Don’t do it again,” she told him. “I’m serious—these patients trust us, and it’s not like Yvonne and Mike actually got married. Sonny wasn’t entitled to that information—”

“I know—”

But—” She offered him a faint smile. “I might have done the same thing if I had thought of it.”

“I knew you’d have my back.”

“I don’t think Sonny’s gonna tell anyone, so you’re probably in the clear.” She checked her watch. “I have to drop these off. I’ll see you later.”

After leaving the charts with the resident on call, Elizabeth walked past the waiting room again. She stopped when she saw Jason sitting alone on the sofa, where she had spoken to Sonny earlier. “Hey—I thought you’d left earlier. Are Sonny and Carly still here?”

“Uh, yeah.” Jason blinked, looked up at her, then stood. “Hey. Yeah, they’re still with Mike. I was just thinking about—” He exhaled slowly, looked at the floor, put his hands at his waist. “Thank you. For talking things over with Sonny.” He looked up, and their eyes met. “He’s been struggling with this, and it’s hard for Carly to really—I don’t know. Whatever you said—”

“He was already halfway there. I think I just helped him be okay with it. I meant it—I always liked Mike.” She smiled. “He always told me I’d have a job at Kelly’s if I needed to go back.”

“I almost—” Jason smiled. “I almost forgot you’d worked there. It’s been so long—” He looked off in the distance, towards the elevators. “Feels like another lifetime.”

“Sometimes, I think it was.”

“Uh, do you have a minute?” Jason asked. “I wanted to talk to you about Jake.”

“Yeah, sure. What’s up? Do you need to cancel this weekend—”

Jason shook his head, folded his arms. “No, it’s just—with Mike—I’ve been thinking about my own decisions. You know? Who would—I don’t want anyone to worry about what I’d want,” he told her. “To see Sonny dealing with this decision—I don’t want it for anyone.”

She wanted to tell him that it didn’t matter—but the life he lived—of course, it mattered. How many bullet wounds and injuries had she patched up for him in the twenty years they’d known one another? “Are you thinking about a living will?”

“Yeah, but also—” He paused. “I don’t have a legal next of kin,” Jason told her. “Jake and Danny—they’re not old enough—and I know there’s Monica—but after everything she’s gone through, losing Emily and AJ—Alan—”

“You don’t want her to have to make that decision about another child. Yeah. I—I know we got a miracle with Jake,” Elizabeth said, and they shared a look—both remembering that terrible night and the fight they’d had about turning off life support. “But I’ll never forget what it felt like. So—is it Sam? Is that what you wanted me to know—”

“It didn’t—” Jason shook his head. “We’re not married, and we’re not—” He grimaced slightly. “We’re not going to be together. At least—not for a long time. And giving her that responsibility when we’re not married because she’s Danny’s mother—it doesn’t feel fair to you—”

“Oh—” Elizabeth put up a hand. “No, Jason. I wouldn’t even think of that way—”

“I know I made a lot of mistakes,” he continued. “And I wasn’t always fair—to either of you—I love both my sons. I don’t want them to ever think I chose one over the other, and I thought—” He looked away. “And it also can’t be Sonny after all of this.”

Elizabeth nodded, and with a slight laugh, she said, “It’s Carly, then? Last woman standing? You know she’ll never turn off the machines.”

“She might have trouble doing it,” Jason admitted with his own hesitant smile. “But I’m sure you’ll be there to remind her that it’s what I want.”

She rolled her eyes. “And then I’ll have to hear about how I killed you for the rest of my life. Gee, thanks.”

His phone buzzed, and he pulled it out. “I’m sorry, I have to go—there’s someone I need to meet.” Jason paused. “Thanks. For understanding about the POA.”

“I know how much you love Jake, Jason. And he loves Danny, too. I’m glad you’re thinking about the future and making sure that they never have a reason to doubt how much you love them.” She waited. “Let me know if Sonny needs anything. The next few days—if Mike doesn’t start eating—” Elizabeth sighed. “You know where to find me.”

“Always. And—” Jason studied her expression for a moment. “You know where to find me, too, if you need anything.”

They traded a smile before he went to the elevators, and she went back to work.



  • I loved this! It’s so strange to enjoy GH in some aspects, even more so to see a positive future for Jason and Elizabeth separately and possibly together. This was a great add on! Amazing work!

    According to Tania on August 8, 2020
  • Thank you for this. I like the care in both topic an conversation. Also thanks for giving the timeline and setting otherwise i would’ve been lost. Interested to see where you’ll take this.

    According to Aradia on August 8, 2020
  • This was a very nice surprise. I enjoyed the Liason conversation very much. Look like it is complete but someday if the mood strike it could be expanded. Sounds like based on your descriptions of the show, it could prod me to watch. Nice that someone open the vault and pulled their head out of their posterior and remembered that once upon a time Elizabeth and Sonny had a friendship. Look forward to see what you come up with for the next one.

    According to nanci on August 8, 2020
  • What an awesome surprise!

    According to Laura on August 8, 2020
  • Wow, happy birthday to me! Who knew present day GH could still inspire a true Liason interaction (well with your help). Even your enthusiasm is not enough to make me see if I can find episodes to watch. Loved this and the flash fiction updates!

    According to LivingLiason on August 8, 2020
  • I can see your vision on GH. I loved the talk between Jason and Elizabeth.

    According to Carla P on August 8, 2020
  • Thanks for the recap. I don’t watch GH these days so I also would have been lost. I like your take on the scene; the fact that Jason spoke to Elizabeth about his decision was great. I also like that he was thinking of Jake. I haven’t watched in forever, but that was one of the reasons that I stopped watching—his lack of parental skills involving Jake, IMO.

    According to Felicia on August 8, 2020
  • A wonderful surprise. I liked the liason conversation. Glad he thanked Elizabeth. Thanks

    According to Sandra on August 9, 2020
  • I watched the clip with Becky & MB she made me sigh that was such a wonderful scene–while I’m not a Sonny fan MB did a decent job. Becky brought actual tears to my eyes with the ‘grace realized’ part.

    Jason always annoys me with his convoluted reasoning. He isn’t a father more like a sometime friend. However they seemed okay with the outcome, but she’s right about Carly

    good story.

    According to Pamela Hedstrom on August 9, 2020
  • I don’t watch GH since 2008 I am happy you wrote this story. I just can’t stand Jason he should not have come back he acts like Liz is just an acquaintance not his first son mother.

    According to Shelly Samuel on August 9, 2020
  • I love your stories! It’s always amazing to me that you get these characters that you write them true to form. I just love it. Thanks for sharing.

    According to Felicia Mason on December 27, 2024