60 x 60
100 x 100
I spent all day on this bastard. I don’t know if it’s decent, so be gentle. It’s the first thing I’ve done since 2008.
Luckily, I knew I was putting Jason and Liz in the story, so they’re in these credits. Again, though, ignore the web address and the insinuation I post every Thursday. That was a beautiful plan once 😛
This was created before I reoutlined the story to balance it more with Jason/Elizabeth, so it’s more Johnny/Nadine. Also, ignore the web address in this video. I had hoped to edit it out, but I would lose some of the content quality.
I am unlikely to create more videos for this story, simply because I no longer have my 2008 clips (not even my Liason DVDs) and Johnny and/or Nadine clips are not as easy to find as you might think 😛