August 22, 2015

So it’s been about six or seven weeks since the last update. I wanted to give you guys some concept of how we’re going to go forward into the fall since I’ll be juggling five classes and a part-time work schedule (and baby-sitting nieces and nephews!)

Site Features

1. I want to add a new sort feature that will give better ideas on length. If you want a full-length novel (more than 50,000 words), you’ll be able to find that. If you want something shorter, you can go to novellas, which will range from 15,000 to 50,000 words. Everything else will be in that short story, ficlet range where it already exists.

I had contemplated reoganizing the site and moving stories around to reflect this change. For example, a story like Spinning On An Axis which has always been located in the Alternate History section would move to the novellas area, because it’s about 32,000 words long. But instead, I’ll just tag it with the word “novella” the way I would tag it with a character or couple featured, so if you wanted something that was mid-sized, you could get it.

Adding this feature may seem like a waste of time, but sometimes the chapter length doesn’t give you an accurate idea of how long something is. For example, Spinning is 15 chapters long. Shadows is only three parts, but it’s 20,000 words. You’ll have a better idea of what you’re getting yourself into.

2. On the subject of adding more usefulness to the sort features, I want to start working on adding summaries to the Sort By Title page. I think that this is probably the most visited page in that section, and while I do list where the story is located, it still doesn’t give you enough information to decide whether you want to read it. This is going to be kind of time-consuming, so I’ll be working on it on and off in a separate file. There are around 100 stories listed on the site at the moment.

3. I need to be better with ebook releases. I still haven’t added All We Are, even though the ebook for that is finished. It needs to be converted into two other formats. But I’ve been meaning to set aside one day a month to do ebooks so I can do a new release every month. I hope to fix that going forward, but we’ll see.

Those are the major site changes I’m planning. They go along with the normal stuff — I’m working on a fall layout, but it’s taking longer than I expected since I’m rewriting the WordPress theme code to better reflect everything I’ve learned.

Story Status

The Best Thing – So I’ve finished writing through Chapter 30. I’ve planned and storyboarded through Chapter 35, which with the addition of an epilogue, will complete the story. I’ve tentatively scheduled myself to finish the last five chapters this weekend and part of next week, but definitely by September 1. I’ll continue posting once week to give me a finish date (projected) of October 10.

Damaged – I have done a ton of work on this story this last week and have planned the major storylines through the end of Season 2 and Season 3, with some tentative work on Season 4. At the moment, there’s no plans to go beyond Season 4. I may do a wrap up Season 5 depending on how things unfold as I continue writing.

If everything continues to go to plan, Season 2 will finish on October 8. I’m not positive about when Season 3 will premiere. I took a month off between seasons last time, but it wasn’t enough time, to be honest. I’m thinking a premiere date of December 1 would be the best bet, but it might move up depending on how things move along.

For example, I’ll be finishing The Best Thing by September 1, so while I’ll be working on the next story, I might take the opportunity to write two episodes of Damaged a week. If I can finish writing the season sooner than October 8, I’d feel more comfortable bringing it back in early November.

I can’t make any promises since I don’t know how heavy my schedule will be.

Bittersweet – Because I’ve been concentrating on completing The Best Thing by September 1 and Damaged Season 2 by September 15, I’ve pushed Bittersweet to the back burner a bit. It’s the still the next story I’m working on, but I’m glad I decided not to start posting it this week. I’ms still looking at a mid-September, early October launch. I should know by the time I finish writing The Best Thing.

Other Stories

Up Next: Burn in Heaven, Mad World, and Feels Like Home are all on the roster to be written next. I know I’ve been saying this for a year, haha, but as I remarked before, I’ve been burnt out on writing Liason 2004-08 just due to the elements that have to be dealt with. I have no problem writing Sam and Courtney, I’m just tired of writing the baggage, and all three of these stories incorporate it to a certain extent. So I’ll be taing a break to work on Bittersweet, then coming back to these three projects.

These Small Hours – This story is still on my radar, make no mistakes about it. I’m eager to get back into it, but the outline is coming out right because it’s more ensemble than I had anticipated in the initial outlines. It was originally going to be straight Johnny and Nadine with Jason and Elizabeth as supporting characters, but I underestimated how much I would have to deal with Sonny and Kate, and when you deal with them, you have to deal with Jason and Elizabeth more.

So I’m trying to shift it so that it’s written more like The Best Thing, only in reverse with Jason and Elizabeth as the semi-main characters but it being Johnny and Nadine’s story. TBT has Jason and Elizabeth as the main characters with Sonny/Carly and Nikolas/Emily, with some Steven thrown in for good measure. Like Sonny and Carly, the Liason subplot will be fully fleshed out, but won’t steal the focus. That’s if I can make the outline behave.

Counting Stars – I’ve been tempted to sit down and just write this story because it’ll be less than a full novella. It’s kind of like All We Are with an even more narrow focus and less twists and turns. I could probably write it in about a week if I had no other distracts, and doing that and posting it would give me more space to work on more intensive story.

Any other stories not mentioned remain on the drawing board. 🙂

August 10, 2015

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the Workshop: Plot Sketches

A couple of things: This plot sketch is not something I go back and check for spelling or typos, so they’re messy by nature.

This is what I sent to Cora for outline thoughts.

Set October 2006. Elizabeth and Jason have had the initial paternity test discussion in which he asks her to marry him regardless of the results. She has rebuffed him. Lucky is away in rehab, she has contemplated filing for divorce but has not yet done it Jason and Sam are not together, have not broached such a subject.

Elizabeth takes the test at Mercy hospital, worried that the Quartermaines or someone else she know would have access to the results. Two weeks until the test results come in. A day or so later, Epiphany informs Elizabeth she’s been suspended due to suspicion that she funneled drugs to Lucky — meds are missing after all. Elizabeth is horrified, but is confronted by Ric in the parking garage. If she wants this suspension and possible termination to go away, she needs to testify at a grand jury he’s empaneling to investigate Jason and Sonny. She refuses, and then Ric insinuates that not only will she lose her job, but possibly face legal repercussions for stealing the meds. Maybe she might lose custody of Cameron.

Horrified, Elizabeth sits in her car for a long time. She knows she has to tell Jason about the threats but worried that contacting him would be an admission of guilt, so she goes to the Quartermaines to visit Emily. She begs to borrow Emily’s phone, knowing a call to her brother would be relatively routine. Emily balks at first, wanting to know why she’s so upset, but Elizabeth isn’t explaining. Emily agrees, and Elizabeth calls Jason, arranging to meet out at Vista Point.

Emily still presses her, particularly on the suspension, trying to remind Elizabeth Jason’s having problems of his own with Sonny’s illness and the breakup with Sam. Elizabeth fends her off and heads out for the meeting.

She tells Jason about Ric’s threat. She’s pretty terrified if they force her to testify, there’s a lot of little things she probably knows that might be the nail in his coffin. They’ve known each other nearly a decade, after all. Lucky used to work for him as a courier. She’d been kidnapped and accosted by men like Sorel and Roscoe, even Manny. Jason recognizes the threat—they don’t know particularly what fishing expedition Ric might be on, but the net is wide considering how much Elizabeth has, even accidentally, been privy to. He’s also worried about the missing file from that summer—he doesn’t want her to have to answer any question about it. If she doesn’t testify, Ric might be able to railroad her into taking the fall for Lucky and his pills. She suspects Maxie but there’s no evidence. God knows, Elizabeth has a history of covering for Lucky and his issues, going back to the brainwashing.

Jason agrees it’s a problem. How long did Ric give her? A week. He asks her for one day to talk to Diane, to figure out options. He’s not going to let her end up in trouble for him. They’ll figure out what to do next.

The next day, he calls her from a different cell number so it’s not immediately traced to him. They meet again at Vista Point. After discussion the generalities with Diane, the best way to keep Elizabeth from being compelled to testify is if they fly to the Dominican Republic, where she can have a divorce from Lucky in twenty-fours, and they can get married. He starts to explain they’d need Lucky’s consent for it be valid in New York, but she’s still mostly stuck on step two of the plan. Get married? Haven’t they already been down this road before?

Jason eventually convinces her, and already has the paperwork Lucky will need to sign. She’s not sure how she’s supposed to get that dealt with, but since it’s already Saturday, and she only has until Friday morning, she agrees to let him know as soon as she can get it signed so they can go. Kind of dumbstruck and still not entirely convinced, Elizabeth goes home, but Ric is waiting is waiting at her apartment when she gets home. He just wants to remind her that Cameron’s safety is at stake here. If Elizabeth is proved to have provided her husband with the meds, why would they leave a small child with her? Add to the fact that she has yet to file for divorce—

Elizabeth tells him to get out or she’s going to call the police. Once inside her home, she calls Nikolas. She wants his help to go to the rehab tomorrow so she can get paperwork signed for an uncontested divorce. She’s hoping with Nikolas’s encouragement, Lucky will sign it and not realize she’s having the divorce done in the DR. She figures it’s best to present as a fait accompli.

Nikolas agrees to help her, but wishes she would give Lucky a chance. Elizabeth explains that the hospital has suspended her, pending investigation into the loss meds, ommiting Ric’s involvement. This is her best chance to retain her job and health insurance. She has a son and one on the way to worry about. He gets it, and suggests they frame it to Lucky that way — surely he’ll understand that she needs to cut ties with him for the moment.

Lucky is having a good day and readily agrees to the divorce. He’s full of apologies, he hates what he did, he had no idea Maxie would steal the drugs. Elizabeth doesn’t necessarily want Maxie involved, but appreciates the offer to sign an affidavit that Elizabeth has nothing to do with it. She’s confident she’ll be exonerated.

The paperwork in hand, Elizabeth grabs Cameron and tells her grandmother she’s leaving town for a few days to take a breather. Audrey agrees. She arrives at the airstrip to learn Sonny has become involved. He wants this to look as good as possible for all their sakes — Robin is coming along as maid of honor, he’ll be best man. After the divorce is final, they’ll head to the island for a private beach wedding. Elizabeth is extremely uncomfortable with that, but agrees.

Robin tells her that Sonny didn’t ask Emily because of the connection to Lucky. In private, Elizabeth fills Robin in completely — Lucky and Maxie, the one night with Jason. The possible baby. Robin is concerned. Have they even discussed what might happen if Lucky turns out the father? Elizabeth isn’t sure. Mostly because, she’s hoping it will be Jason’s child. He’s the better father all around. Robin agrees, but they should address the situation.

Once Elizabeth attains her divorce, Sonny surprises them with that beach wedding, down to outfits and photographers. Jason doesn’t seem to argue with it, and Elizabeth suppose it’s all for the appearance, but shortly before the ceremony Jason tells her he knows this is overwhelming, and wants to make sure she’s okay with everything. They haven’t really settled any details for what comes after. She acknowledges she’s a little apprehensive. What if the baby is Lucky’s, for one thing? Jason is less sure about that, but promises if she wants him to, he raise the child as his own. Elizabeth is not on board with that—Jason doesn’t deserve that to happen to him again. It doesn’t bother him—but it bothers her. If Lucky stays clean, and she hopes he will, she doesn’t want to cut him out of his child’s life. Jason can understand that and they agree to table that for now. She feels better that they’re at least talking about what’s next.

The wedding itself is actually really nice, and Sonny has timed it for just before sunset. Robin tells Sonny later if she hadn’t known they were both in serious relationships, she would have thought the ceremony was real. Sonny agrees.

There’s an awkward tension in the villa they’re sharing, but Elizabeth decides to go for it. They’re married, she tells him. They were both free before and it’s not like they’re not attracted to one another. They sleep together and it’s kind of acknowledging their marriage is going to be real.

Once they return to PC, it’s Thursday. The next day, Elizabeth is due to receive the results of the paternity test and it’s also Ric’s deadline. Sonny had their apartment packed and moved into Jason’s penthouse, something that did not go unnoticed by Nikolas and Emily. They confer on it and Nikolas reveals Elizabeth’s quick divorce. Emily has a feeling she knows what’s up, but doesn’t say anything to Nikolas.

Elizabeth doesn’t seek Ric out, knowing Sonny put a wedding announcement in the paper scheduled to run that morning. Instead, she goes to pick up the results, resolving not to read them until she and Jason are together. She runs into Emily who’s waiting outside Cam’s preschool and has seen the paper. She had suspected it, but wonders why her friend didn’t tell her. Elizabeth really isn’t in the mood, particularly since Emily had continually encouraged her to stay with Lucky and give him chances. After ditching Emily, she grabs the results and heads back to the penthouse.

Where she finds Sam shaking the newspaper in Jason’s face and crying. Elizabeth attempts to just get out of the room so Jason can deal with it, but Sam begins to light into her as well with some choices names, causing Jason to step in and tell her to knock it off.

They’re in the middle of this when Cody announces Ric is on his way up with a detective. Great timing. Luckily, Sam doesn’t really care for Ric so she decides to hide out in the kitchen. Ric comes in and snarks at Elizabeth about her decision — this is how she’s going to shore up losing her job by marrying money? Elizabeth remains silent while Jason tersely tells him that if he has anything else to add, he should contact Diane. Ric storms out, obviously annoyed with being thwarted.

Sam comes back in from the kitchen, slightly more calm. She apologizes, she thought they had continued their affair, but obviously they’re just protecting Jason. When she leaves, Jason apologizes for her behavior and that she left with the wrong impression of the situation, he just didn’t want to make things worse. She ignores that for now because she’s not really sure she wants to know what he thinks the right impression would be, so she changes the subject and pulls out the test results. She’s scared and Jason finally asks her what does she want it to say. Of course she wants him to be the father, Elizabeth replies as if it should be understand. After surviving the summer with Lucky, who put her son in such danger with his drug habit, she knows Jason is the better father and even before this complication, she wanted to give him a child, because she remembers how much he loved Michael.

And it goes without saying, it would be easier if the man she was married to would be the biological father of the child she was carrying. With that in mind, she hands him the envelope. Jason takes it and reads it out loud, pausing at the news that he is declared the father with a 99.93 certainty. They’re both more relieved than either had realized and reach for each other. Looks like their marriage of convenience is convenient for a lot of reasons.

Afterwards, Elizabeth asks if maybe they could pick Cameron up from preschool and grab lunch at Kelly’s. It would probably be good to be out in public, she tells him, and she wants Cam to be comfortable with. Jason agrees, and while in the car after picking up Cam, Jason receives a phone call from Sonny. He has an inkling of Ric’s next move and wants to meet with him. Jason tells him he’ll be there after lunch with Liz and Cam. Sonny tells him he’ll join them.

While at Kelly’s, Elizabeth is a little annoyed Sonny is going to join them, but understands it. It’s a good show of solidarity. Sonny tells them that source in the DA’s office has heard rumblings about a grand jury being empaneled even though Elizabeth would not be a voluntary witness. She’s confused—wasn’t the marriage supposed to protect them? Sonny responds that he’s setting up a meeting with Diane on Monday to discuss options. There’s no way a grand jury can be summoned fast, so they’ve got time to see what might be happening. He chats for a bit with Cam, suggests maybe hooking him up with a playdate with Kristina, Morgan, and Michael before leaving.

Elizabeth decides she doesn’t want to deal with any the drama over the weekend. She just wants to settle into their new home and into their new life. Jason agrees since he knows it might be the last bit of downtime they get. The weekend is relatively light though Elizabeth does get an annoyed phone call from Emily, doesn’t appreciate being avoided, and an angry one from Lucky who threatens to contest the DR divorce. Elizabeth ignores both for the moment — Emily is always annoyed, and she’s sure Diane’s paperwork for the divorce was good.

On Monday, they drop Cam at preschool before meeting Sonny at Diane’s office. Diane has done some digging and has some rough news for them. Yes, marital privilege applies — but only to what what is said between them. Elizabeth can still be compelled to testify since the matters Ric may be referring apply to before the marriage. Most of the time, prosecutors elect not to press it as it can get dicey and depends usually on the judge to apply it. In that case, communications may be privileged but what she saw or did is not protected.

So Diane needs an accounting of what Elizabeth may have told Ric at any time about Jason or Sonny. Elizabeth says almost nothing. Looking back, she figured Ric initially targeted her because of that connection, but he was subtle. She wasn’t really that receptive but things with Lucky and Jason were difficult and then things with Courtney had blown up, so she’d gone ahead and started to date. But Ric’s questions were just…what normal people ask. About previous relationships. It really came up when Ric started working for Sonny, because Elizabeth mentioned she knew Sonny, and Ric referred to hearing a rumor about her dating Jason. But she never told him anything specific, much less anything that might incriminate them.

Sonny’s patience is wearing thin and he kind of snaps at her. Even when you were demanding I leave him alone? When you were protecting him while Carly was his hostage? You never talked about the things she’d seen. Elizabeth is annoyed by this, but Jason tells Sonny to back off. Elizabeth says that she had come forward when she realized Carly was in the house. It’s hardly her fault if Sonny never had Ric arrested for kidnapping or taken out. Diane hates that term, but Sonny just retorts well she married him despite all that, so what the hell.

Elizabeth is truly pissed off. She tells Sonny that even though he mostly forgot her existence when she wasn’t doing him a favor or useful to him, she took her friendship honestly, and fuck it, she had too much going on in her life to give a damn about him. She’d had a miscarriage, her marriage was never stable for a minute, her blood pressure was through the roof by the time she left Ric. Diane calls for a time out. She honestly feels Ric is going to go on a fishing expedition, which is why he’s not bringing general charges. He’ll keep badgering Elizabeth with the very little he does know until maybe something slips.

Jason wants to know their options, he doesn’t want to hear about the past anymore. He’s confident Elizabeth never said a word to Ric, even if Sonny isn’t. Sonny apologizes and Elizabeth accepts. Diane says her first move is to get Ric taken off any case relating to Sonny, Elizabeth . Being the ex-husband, it’s a huge conflict of interest. With any luck, that will be the end of the matter. Sonny again apologizes, more sincerely. He’s just angry about the situation, that Elizabeth is being targeted again by Ric simply because of her relationship with Jason. He’d hoped it would go away. Elizabeth responds more sincerely as well. Ric is a lousy human being who’s been terrorizing them all just a little too long in her her opinion.

After they give Cam dinner and put him to bed, Elizabeth admits she’s worried Diane won’t be able to stop Ric from putting her in front of a grand jury. Because she thinks he might contact other people who might give him information, particularly people who’ve known them forever and might not be happy with them. Like Lucky. She thinks even Emily might be forced to testify. If Diane can’t get Ric off the case, there’s no telling the damage he might do. Jason recognizes the risk, and they’ll do what they can to minimize it, but it’s not good to think about things that might not happen at all. She agrees, and they table it. Yet another thing they’re procrastinating about.

Nikolas visits Lucky in rehab and learns his brother is pissed about the ruse Elizabeth pulled. Nikolas, realizing Elizabeth had also duped him, doesn’t feel much better. Lucky begins to make threats about Elizabeth’s child, not having made the connection that the marriage might put the paternity in jeopardy. He confers with Emily, who thinks maybe that’s why the marriage was hurried for the sake of the baby. They wonder whether to intimate that to Lucky, but decide it would affect his recovery.

A few days pass and there’s no developments. Emily catches Elizabeth at Kelly’s and asks, tentatively about the status of her job. Elizabeth hasn’t thought much about it, she’s been unpacking and dealing with things at the penthouse, particularly refining th/e security detail on herself, the apartment and Cam. As far as she knows, the investigation is still ongoing. Relieved Elizabeth isn’t blowing her off, Emily asks how she’s feeling, re the baby and all. Elizabeth tells her as well as can be expected. And then Emily goes and asks is the baby the reason they got married? Elizabeth decides she might as well come clean and admits yes. She’s not sure if or how to tell Lucky. She hadn’t intended on telling him about the baby at all until things were settled, but matters forced her hands. Emily agrees waiting would be best, but with the marriage to Jason, it might not be feasible. Elizabeth figures she might be right.

Almost two weeks after the meeting with Diane, she calls Jason and Elizabeth back to her office. She has filed a motion to recuse Ric from all matters relating to Sonny, Jason and Elizabeth. Scott Baldwin has been appointed special prosecutor in his stead. Though Sonny has a complicated past with Sonny due to his daughter, Karen, it’s tenuous at best. Elizabeth feels slightly better — she doesn’t even know Scott that well so he likely won’t harass her. Diane wants to have her optimism but isn’t feeling it.

Lucky’s sixty day rehab is up and he goes home to apartment, seething that Cam and Elizabeth’s things are gone. He’s lost his job, wife and son, but he’s going to keep his kid. He storms over to the penthouse, demanding entrance. Elizabeth, bolstered by the fact Jason and Sonny are across the hall in an office talking about business, allows him in. He starts ranting about her abandoning him and that he’s going to sue for custody of Cam and the new baby, she won’t keep him out of their lives. If she fights, he’ll tell anyone who will listen Elizabeth stole pills for him.

Any thought of trying to ease into the truth flies out the window. Elizabeth tells him the baby is Jason’s, and that he never legally adopted Cam so he can go to hell. She tries to kick him out, but he doesn’t go right away. The guard on the door interferes and there’s a scuffle, which draws Jason and Sonny from across the hall. Sonny decides what the hell, and calls the police. The guard finally gets the upper hand and Lucky is arrested for assault and trespassing. Once he’s gone and Sonny and the guard go to file the charges, Jason lights into Elizabeth for letting him in the penthouse. She’s really not in the mood and storms out, angry Jason thinks he can control her.

While Elizabeth is blowing off steam, Diane calls Jason. She’s finally got a lead on what Scott is planning and says to get Elizabeth home. She’ll be right over.

Elizabeth returns and things are still tense when Diane arrives. She says that the investigation into Jason’s missing police files from the summer has been reopened. She fears that this, in addition to the pill charges, is the leverage over Elizabeth to flip on Jason and Sonny. Elizabeth is now legitimately scared — the pills are a bogus charge, but she and Jason both know she’s guilty of stealing and destroying Jason’s file. Does Diane know what evidence they have for either charge? Diane isn’t sure, but Scott would have to show his hand if he thought he had the pressure. She’ll keep them informed, but she’s not sure where this is going.

Once she leaves, Elizabeth tries to talk about what they’re going to do. Jason is pissed that the authorities intend to go after his pregnant wife to get to him, but he’s not sure if they need to act at the moment. If they’d had any evidence Elizabeth destroyed that file, they would not have waited all this time to use the charges. He again tells her not to get stressed over something that might not happen. She blows up because she’s tired of not stressing about things that might not happen. He didn’t want to talk about how to tell Lucky and then hated how she handled the situation, he doesn’t want to talk about how to get rid of their legal troubles and they sure as hell aren’t talking about the baby and their future together. Why bother since she’ll probably be giving birth in jail?

Kind of stunned at this new explosion, Jason doesn’t immediately follow when Elizabeth flees, but sends a guard. She picks Cam up at preschool and checks into a hotel. She’s just…frustrated and wants a moment. She’s not thinking how it’ll look.

While Elizabeth is gone, Sam shows up. She wants to talk about getting back together now that Ric has been removed as prosecutor. Surely whatever he was doing to Elizabeth is a moot point. Maybe they can do something, and Jason is kind of annoyed because he didn’t think he’d have to have this conversation. He tells Sam that Elizabeth is pregnant, that its his child and that they’re actually married. She’s kind of…slow to understand what he means by that final thing, and just thinks it’s for the baby, which she gets, but—and then it hits her. She demands to know if they’re sharing a room. Jason doesn’t understand why she’s pushing this. They broke up almost six months ago and she slept with her stepfather, so…Sam tells him it was mistake, but he really doesn’t want to hear it. He thinks she should leave before Elizabeth gets home. She’s truly pissed now and storms out.

Carly, having been informed Elizabeth booked a room, goes to see her. She wants to know what the hell the problem is but stops before freaking out completely because Elizabeth is exhausted and Cameron is whining. She picks Cam up, and cuddles the three year old on her lap, showing him how to color in a book he had thrown. Once Cam is calmed down, she takes pity on Elizabeth, who is too tired to fight. She tells Carly about the last few months, including why she and Jason are married, and their possible legal troubles. Carly says she was stupid to destroy that file, but hell she probably would have done the same thing if given the opportunity. She can appreciate why Elizabeth blew up. Pregnancy and all that, but walking out is the wrong way to deal with it. Jason’s partially right — there isn’t much they can do until Scott shows his hand, but don’t let him dismiss her concerns.

Elizabeth takes Cam home and apologizes to Jason for blowing up, and he admits they’re not handling the situation well. He didn’t think things through — figuring that spousal privilege had protected Sonny and Carly all those years before, and it had protected him and Brenda after Alcazar’s murder. He didn’t know the ins and outs of it, didn’t realize how things could get complicated. She asks if he’s sorry, if he wishes they weren’t married. He immediately rejects that. One, he doesn’t like to think about what ifs, and two, he’s satisfied with how things are. Satisfied is such an anemic word but Elizabeth lets it go for the moment. He’s a good father, and he’s a good husband. He wouldn’t cheat on her or take pills. Her standards are low these days. If sometimes she wished they were in love, well, that was a fantasy for a woman who wasn’t about to become a mother again. She tells him to have Sonny drop the charges against Lucky. Christmas is in a few weeks, and she just…wants to pretend things are normal. He agrees.

Christmas Day passes peacefully. Jason and Elizabeth decorate and try to make the day special for Cameron. He’s happy in his school, happy in his situation, and really starting to be attached to Jason and to the idea of being a big brother. They go to Sonny’s for dinner, where he’s been allowed to have all three of his children for a change and the three of them completely avoid any talk of legal troubles though they know, in this case, no news is probably bad news.

Shortly after the beginning of the new year, Diane calls. Scott would like to sit down with Elizabeth and Jason to discuss a few matters. They can refuse, but this is their opportunity to see what’s up his sleeve.

Scott begins the interview by stating that they intend to charge Elizabeth with possession of narcotics and intent to distribute and obstruction of justice in tampering with evidence—the latter of which may be upgraded to a federal charge. Diane tells Scott this is all nonsense, but Scott thinks a jury will buy that Elizabeth kept her husband drugged up, hoping he wouldn’t notice her affair with the local mob enforcer, whom she protected from jail by destroying crucial evidence. The pills went missing on her floor, on her shifts, her husband acknowledged an addiction for which he’d been fired, and Elizabeth was in the squad room when the evidence went missing. Coupled with her hasty divorce and remarriage, Scott is confident a jury would connect the dots.

Diane snarkily asks if he’s so sure, what the hell are they doing there. Elizabeth is sheet-white and Jason is stone silent. Scott admits it’s not Elizabeth he wants and certainly doesn’t relish putting her in jail. Elizabeth begins to stay something, but Diane quiets her. What exactly does Scott want? Scott doesn’t want Elizabeth to flip on Jason. No, he wants Jason to flip on Sonny. If Jason agrees to testify and provide evidence against his boss, then his wife and unborn child will be spared the stress of an arrest and trial.

Elizabeth is horrified. Of course that’s not going to happen, but Diane again quickly quiets her. Diane tells Scott he has no case, and shames him for attempting to scare the bejesus out of a woman who had already suffered two miscarriages. Scott tells them that he’s not in a hurry. He’s confident when Jason has time to think it over, he’ll come to the the right decision. After all, isn’t Elizabeth in this position because of him?

Diane hustles her clients out into the car, and explodes. Of all the nerve. Jason quietly asks Diane what exactly the options are this point now that Scott has shown his hand. Diane’s not sure. She would petition for discovery, to learn exactly what evidence Scott has, but that wasn’t possible until charges had been filed. Elizabeth is upset that she’s put Jason into this position. They married so she would be protected from Ric, and now her own actions, her own previous marriage threatened to jeopardize Jason. This was not what she wanted.

Diane tells them she’s going to keep working, hoping to get more information about Scott and his sources. She’s not going down without a fight.

Once at home, they table conversation until Cam is in bed. Elizabeth is very scared now. The way Scott laid out the charges, she’s worried a jury would convict her without strong evidence, and hell she was actually guilty. Jason tells her not to worry. She did it to protect him ,and he’s not going to let her be punished for that.

Emily and Nikolas have lunch and reflect on the fact they’re so far apart from Elizabeth. Emily is sure something is going on, but Elizabeth is just not talking. She knew Robin knew something, but the other doctor had remained mum and Elizabeth hadn’t really been keeping in touch, the investigation at GH still being conducted. Nikolas is frustated because he’s pretty sure Lucky is using again but he can’t prove it.

Jason meets with Sonny, but Sonny doesn’t have much to offer. It’s a shitty deal no matter what and they’re both worried about the stress on her pregnancy. Scott hasn’t made a move yet, but Jason doesn’t know how long he’ll have.

Elizabeth meets wih Diane separately. She wants to start guardian ship paperwork for Cameron in case the worst happens. Diane agrees, but wishes she’d have more faith. Elizabeth is just out of it.

After two weeks of radio silence, Scott makes another move. He contacts Diane to guage how Elizabeth is feeling. Would she be up to another meeting, by herself? Diane balks. Can’t flip on the best friend of the husband without the husband being there. She’s not even confident Scott’s case is good—

So Scott, as a courtesy, sends over copies of his files. Diane is troubled and calls Jason and Liz in for a conference. The pill charges are shaky — really just that the timing matches and Lucky’s addiction, but the evidence is much stronger against her in the file theft. Elizabeth signs in for the crucial ten minutes in the squad room and at least three detectives are willing to testify she was close enoug to Alexis to overhear the damning information. Hospital security files show her standing in front a shredder for nearly five minutes, though no idea what she’s doing. Diane remarks it’s possible she might have been on the computer, but it might be a tough sell. The PCPD isn’t thrilled, seeing her as abandoning a brother in blue for a criminal.

In other words, Elizabeth asks dully, Scott actually has a case. Diane admits he does. Elizabeth asks about a possible plea agreement—which Jason tries to veto immediately, but Diane says its not much of an option. She could get ten to fifteen years if convicted of both at trial, though she could, under normal circumstances, plead it down to a misdemeanor which might lead to a fine and suspended sentence. But Scott has hinted that he is not open to a plea agreement, and if she just plead guilty, she’d be at the mercy of a court.

A plea is completely out, Jason tells her. She is not having their child in prison, she’s not doing a damn minute of time. He’s the one who breaks the law, not her. He’s not letting her pay for his crimes. Elizabeth is almost hysterical since she’s actually being accused of at least one crime she did do, and she says she’d do it again to protect him. She doesn’t want to go to jail, but what’s the alternative? Diane leaves them to duke it out.

She’s so tired anymore, tired of waiting for the second shoe to drop and learning it’s an avil. What is the alternative? Jason can’t flip on Sonny, that’s not even on the table. Forget the friendship, it would be suicide from their enemies—Jason would always be labeled a snitch. It’s got to be her. Jason tells her they’ll keep dogging Diane for other options. He’s not letting her be the sacrificial lamb. They’re only going after her to get to him, and he’s not going to let it happen, no matter what he has to do. She’s too tired to continue to fight, so the topic gets shelved.

Jason meets with Diane. He wants to know if Scott would take a plea from him. He’d cop to something on his own, something mid-level. He would do the time. Diane thinks this is the dumbest idea in the history of world, but agrees to put the feelers out to Scott.

Emily visits Elizabeth, but is rejected at the door. Elizabeth is feeling ill, she’s told. Stung, she reports to Nikolas it’s like she doesn’t even know her friend anymore, the way she just abandoned Lucky. Nikolas thinks something else is happening.

Jason learns from Diane Scott isn’t interested in him. He wants Sonny. Sonny and Jason have been making calls of their own, and Sonny says that they should let Elizabeth go on trial, and they’ll just buy the jury. Jason isn’t so sure it’s worth the risk. Sonny remarks that Jason could probably get Witness Protection for him and his family if he were to flip completely on Sonny. Jason angrily tells him to fuck off. How dare he think he’d sacrifice Sonny’? Sonny tells him he’s going to have to make a choice.

In the midst of this drama, Jason and Elizabeth have an ultrasound and learn they’re having a boy. At home, Elizabeth tells Jason she’s drawn up guardianship papers for Cameron in case she ends up in prison after all, which only makes him angrier. Why can’t she trust him to make this go away? Because making it go away isn’t an option, isn’t that clear to him by now? And wouldn’t it just make his life so much damn easier? He wouldn’t be saddled down with a wife he didn’t want, just her kids. He could even get back together with Sam—

At this point, Jason is strung so tightly that he punches a hole in the wall with Elizabeth’s pronouncement. He knows this isn’t going away, and why the hell is she even bringing up Sam? She’s not even the radar. Elizabeth, their family, this life, it means everything to him and he’s not going to let Scott use her to break him apart. He admits he tried to plead guilty on his own, but Scott refused.

Mostly stunned by the last five minutes, Elizabeth focuses on that last part. What the hell, you bastard. How dare you think you going to jail can be the answer here? Doesn’t he know how much she needs him? How absolutely vital he is?

And of course, they both kind of stop because they know there’s nothing left to say. They’ve admitted the strength of their relationship, their connection and the impossibility of the situation. And there’s still no answer to this situation. Cam’s guard brings him home from school, so they stop dealing with it.

The next day, while Cam is at school and Elizabeth naps, Jason goes to Sonny. Sonny wonders if Jason is here to give him warning. Jason isn’t sure. He tells Sonny he tried to make his own deal, but Scott wants Sonny and no one else. He can’t let Elizabeth pay because she protected him, and she’s certainly not guilty of the drug charges. Sonny admits he’s not happy about things. Diane just dumped him as a client to prevent conflict. She can’t tell Elizabeth to tank another client, after all. And maybe Sonny should do time. Jason hates that option, he doesn’t want to turn on Sonny, but this is his wife, the mother of his children. Before the conversation can go further, Jason receives a frantic call from Diane. A source at the PCPD says Elizabeth there in a room with Scott and waived all privilege. Jason and Sonny rush to PCPD, where they’re prevented from stopping the interrogation.

Inside, Elizabeth tells Scott she’ll plead guilty to the evidence tampering, but not the drugs. She didn’t do that. Scott tells her there’s no plea agreement. She could do five years, at least for the charge. And he won’t pull any strings to delay her sentencing until after the baby’s birth. Elizabeth accepts that, and Scott tries to play her a bit. How it must feel to know her husband would let her go to jail rather than turning on a friend. How little she meant to him after everything she’d done for him. Elizabeth isn’t fooled. She knows how this is tormenting Jason and she’s worried Jason would end up choosing her. She did the crime. She’s not going to let Scott go after her husband when she’s guilty of that at least.

Scott is really annoyed. This is not the confession he wanted, not the defendant, and now he’s faced with actually putting a mother in jail. A woman with no history, into a prison with violent offenders.

She looks like Karen a little, with her fierce expression and the tilt of her chin.

Scott rips up the confession and tells her to get out. They’re done. She leaves the room, and Jason and Diane are frantic. Scott tells them all to get out.

Diane is satisfied with Elizabeth’s explanation — that she had gambled with a confession, knowing Scott didn’t really want her. Once he had walked away from her confession, he had tied his hands. He could never go after her again for those charges with explaining why he’d let her go.

When they return home, Jason is pretty livid that she risked everything without even talking to him. She apologizes but she knows he never would have allowed it. She knew that Jason was at Sonny’s possibly discussing Jason turning in Sonny. He admits they had begun to talk about the possibility. She would never forgive herself and any hope for a future would have been poisoned if he’d betrayed himself that way, turning on Sonny, particularly to protect her from something she had actually done. She thought this would give them their best chance. He’s relieved her gamble worked, but he doesn’t want her to take chances like this again. This is their life, and they’re in it together. Hard to argue with that.

Epilogue: Elizabeth gives birth to Jake, and it’s a special moment. Jason tells her how much he loves her, and their sons.

Cora responded with some thoughts and ideas:

Great setting for the story. Almost all the MOC stories I’ve read have taken place during the 2002/2003 time period so it’s nice to see one that is in the later half of Jason/Elizabeth. The timeline works well for the setting of the MOC.

I like that there is a semblance of a friendship between Sonny and Elizabeth. I always did enjoy the scenes where they are actually friends. I also like that they have a blowout scene where Liz gets to yell at him for being a jackass to her during the LiRic storyline.
I enjoy how you are using Carly in this storyline. It’s refreshing that she’s not Liz’s adversary but actually helps her.
I love the turn of events in the storyline (Scotty is going after Sonny and not Jason). It’s a new twist that not many people write about. I also like how the case is built up against Elizabeth. It’s completely logical and the character’s reactions to the events are on point. (Jason trying to make a deal with Scotty to get Elizabeth off the hook). I can easily picture this story playing out on the TV screen.
It’s nice that Sonny actually considers letting Jason flip on Sonny. It shows that Sonny cares for Jason and is willing to go down to protect Jason and his family after all the times Jason has protected Sonny’s family.
I like that they keep tabling the conversation about their problems. Classic Liason.
I think it’s a great plot point to have Elizabeth confess to Scotty and having him doubt his actions and think of Karen. I love any throwbacks to the past. haha. I don’t think you need to have the trial to make the story compelling. While it would be a good plot point to bring in other characters (Audrey, Robin, etc) it might drag the story out. On the other hand, if you do decide to write in the trial it could be a good way to resolve the Emily/Nikolas questions I mention below.
I wonder if you can bring in some flashbacks from Jason/Elizabeth’s conversations from their ONS/NOP in this story. For instance, they talk about how life always gets in the way and timing is everything and their’s suck. I believe it was 8/15/2006. You could use that perhaps in the scene where they realize the marriage of convenience is not just to protect each other from testify but it allows them to build a life together.
Several questions to consider:
How does Elizabeth agree to marry Jason? During the NOP and reiterated in Elizabeth’s scene with Cameron on 9/12/2006, Jason lives a dangerous life and she can’t bring her child into that world. I think a scene that explicitly shows Elizabeth considering this thought and changing her mind (and why she does) is needed. I understand she wants to be protected and protect Jason from Ric’s investigation but it seems a bit weird that she’s apprehensive about it but then decides a MOC is okay.
I’m interested to see how the wedding scene plays out. Do they discuss safety/security concerns for the family during these scenes before they consummate?

The ball was dropped on the Emily/Nikolas/Lucky aspects of the story. Does Emily/Nikolas ever find out what Elizabeth was keeping from them? What was their reaction to the fallout about what happens to Elizabeth? Did Lucky fall off the wagon? Is he back in rehab? Does Robin make any other appearances in the story?

Is their going to be a scene where Ric gets all huffy and puffy with Diane or another character for getting recused from the case?

And my responses to her:

I was thinking maybe of having Elizabeth explain her reasoning to come out during the conversation with Robin. I’ve always seen that part of the scene as a defensive tactic – Elizabeth walking away before Jason could. I’m not sure she would have been able to imagine Jason wanting to continue seeing her, so she said what she thought he might be thinking. So when Jason suggests this plan, she doesn’t quite jump at it, but she doesn’t pull away from it either. I remember that her refusal to that first proposal didn’t stem from the violence (in fact, at no point does that come out as a reason to hide the paternity until February — Elizabeth’s original reason for keepnig the scret was not to wreck Jason’s life). Elizabeth almost appeared to consider it until Jason didn’t really know what kind of marriage it would be. So I’m kind of working from that concept, but yeah I’ll definitely have to address that.
And I think there has to be an element of that in the scene before the wedding. Because everything’s been a blur up until that point, it’s been fear and desperation for her boys and that instinct of wanting to protect Jason ,but not sure she could and do what she needs for her own family. So Jason’s plan offers her a way to do that, she agrees, but then she actually has her quickie divorce in her hand that it’s starting to feel real. Sonny’s explaining this wedding plans, she sees the dress. She starts to freak because she’s starting to accept the fact that her love for Jason has just been buried, never gone and it’s there again, but what does that even mean? So I think she’ll instigate the conversation, because she’s having cold feet. What does this mean for the future? The paternity aside, there’s Cameron to deal with, and how long would something like this last. I want Jason to give her answers to reassure her, but nothing quite definitive, so I’d have to play with this.
As to the rest of it, it’s just a matter how much to put other characters in. I’m trying hard to write a straightforward story with main storyline almost in the the line of A Few Words, but that had some Sonny and Carly stuff in there, dealing with their guilt. I want to use other character to enhance it without taking away from it. So I know I have to put a bit more Robin in there. I want to do more Emily, but I also want it be about Elizabeth finally taking stock of her friendships. Emily was not all that supportive of Elizabeth during the drug storyline — and she, along with Nikolas, factored into the guilt I think Elizabeth felt about not really having her heart in her marriage, worried that her night with Jason would send Lucky over the edge again. Once she realizes how Lucky has put her at risk (through the drugs and being suspended). So while I have to deal with Emily/Nikolas, I do want a distance to be created.

As for Lucky, I don’t want him to be the villain. He’s angry initially because he feels like Elizabeth tricked him into the divorce, and maybe it could feed into his old insecurities about Jason — she’s leaving him for Jason like he always thought she would, and maybe it hadn’t been Patrick, but Jason. Elizabeth’s paternity test and pregnancy is not really well-known, but during that confrontation, when Elizabeth tells him the truth about the paternity and points out Cam hasn’t been adopted, I have to figure out if I want Lucky to just deal with it, be pissed, but walk away or still make trouble somehow. I really don’t want him to be the villain, because he’s going of going to be in Broken Girl, and I would rather not repeat myself more than I have to considering I’m dealing with the same time period.

I left in some hints for another story I’m working on set during the same timeframe 😛

So that’s the first approach at All We Are. I think, for the most, I kept most elements. Cora pushed me on Lucky/Emily/Nikolas, which I’m so happy about because I think the resolution of all three of those relationships with Elizabeth worked well.

I didn’t end up going with some of the Liason conflict I planned, though I wrote the scenes. I realized it didn’t need to be a conflict and it villanized Lucky more than I was comfortable with.

I also didn’t tie up all the loose threads — I never dealt with Elizabeth’s job at the hospital or whatever Ric might cook up to get them back. I did that on purpose. You never tie up loose ends in a soap opera 😛 You never know when you need them down the road for another story.

I hope you guys like the look at the plotting process. I take my writing very seriously which is why I often have trouble. I like to know what I’m going to do and why and utilizing the character backgrounds to drive more story.

July 10, 2015

I’m leaning towards trying to do these status updates once every two months 🙂 So here we are.

First, an overall update for my writing in general. When I returned to writing in February of 2014, I had about three straight months of prolific output. I wrote all of A Few Words, a few short stories, a few novellas and delved into The Best Thing and Damaged. Due to my dissertation, moving back home from London, and then being ill for several months this last year, I started to lose my mojo.

But not only has my health straightened itself out, so has my general disposition. I was feeling a bit low last winter–a job I had hoped for after my masters degree didn’t pan out, so I was unemployed for several months. I started working finally in February and then really started to pick up hours in April, so it’s no surprise that as my spirits picked up, so did my writing.

I took a mental health break for about two months, but since I started writing again in May, I’m writing better than I have in years. I found a way to focus myself and stay on task and I’m really looking forward to continuing my updates. You guys were so wonderfully supportive last summer and then this winter when I struggled. I’m ridiculously appreciative.

In Progress

Damaged – Season One has wrapped up. Season Two has been largely storyboarded, though I’m still working out a few various details. I’ve written the first episode and plan to do two or three more episodes over the next week now that I’ve gotten myself back into the groove with my writing.  I have vague concepts for Seasons Three and Four so I can start planting small hints and laying foundation now. The website was relaunched.

The Best Thing – I was struggling a bit with this story, mostly because as you guys know, I’ve tried really hard to do all the characters justice, including Sonny who’s struggling with a mental illness I’ve only seen on television. So I wanted to do more research into actual people who suffer from it, and how it might affect someone with Sonny’s specific personality. I also was feeling weary of writing it because I knew I had so much story left to go. Not that I don’t still love it, but sometimes when you’re writing a long story, you can start to get fatigued and it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So I looked again at my plot and moved some things around and cut some things in order to keep the tension and the pace in the story moving along. I feel a lot better and cranked out four chapters in four days last weekend. I hope to do it again next week once I’ve put away more of Damaged, Season Two.

All We Are – A few weeks ago, I wrote Chapters 9-13 over a weekend, then I took a break, and in about three days, I finished the story. So, it’s seventeen chapters long with an epilogue. It still needs Cora to sign off on it and some cleaning up, but I’m going to start fixing up an ebook. I plan to post one chapter a week until about August 10, so hopefully the ebook will be ready by the end of the month so I can do a giveaway.

What’s Next?

Now that All We Are is finished and The Best Thing will be wrapping up soon, it is time to turn my attention to a story to work on next and to have ready to post when TBT is finished (I’m leaning towards posting it during the hiatus between Season Two and Three of Damaged).

I haven’t really settled on it, but I’m leaning towards Bittersweet, my summer of 2002 rewrite. There are a few reasons for this — while it’s not as developed as some of the other stories on my coming soon list, it’s set in 2002. For the last year, I’ve been pretty solidly set in 2003-2006, dealing with Ric, Sam, Courtney and all the stories that unfolded after Elizabeth walked out on Jason in October 2002. I’m a bit burnt out on this era, so I wanted a break.

So, I’m playing with Bittersweet today which has a ton of work done with it, but I haven’t pulled any of it together into a cohesive concept and outline. I may change my mind, but I think I’m pretty sold on this.

And once I have my breather from 2004 and 2006, I’ll be turning my attention to Mad World and Burn in Heaven, both of which are outlined and storyboarded, I just haven’t wanted to write them quite yet. So since I usually work on two stories at once, Bittersweet is taking All We Are‘s place and I think Mad World will likely settle into The Best Thing’s slot once I wrap it up.

All the other stories on the coming soon page are still in active development. I pick them up, play with outlines and scene ideas, but I haven’t found the sweet spot for any of them yet. Their time will come, I promise 🙂

May 15, 2015

It’s been a long time since the last time I did one of these posts, so I wanted to do an update so those of you looking for a specific story will know where it is on the drawing board.

Because I haven’t done one of these posts since February (wow!), this will be a full update as a lot of things have shifted around priority wise.

In Progress

Damaged is finally back and rolling along. I’ve completed five smaller episodes over the last two weeks out of a planned thirteen in the first story arc. I plan to take two weeks between story arcs to recharge and devote time to other stories. Also, I hope to get in a habit of completing the episodes on the weekends so I can write other things during the week. It may take some time to get into this habit, so I hope you guys are patient with me. It’s taken me a year to get back to Damaged this way, and I don’t want to lose the flow while I have it.

The Best Thing and All We Are are in the same boat, so I’m doing them together. I’m having a bit of trouble getting back into both of them, but have stuff written for both. I hope to get into them over the next weeks and be posting them again sometime in June, but  for me, once I lose a story, it can often take a bit of time to get back into it. I’m frustrated by that since both stories were rolling along fine before I lost them.

Planned and Upcoming

Mad World and Burn in Heaven are both outlined and I’ve been working on scene break downs. There’s still some refinement that has to happen so I can’t give you guys an ETA on this. I expect Mad World to be my next Alternate History.

Bittersweet and Untitled 2003 Rewrite are both in the outline stages. They’re both intense and complex and will be super long (like The Best Thing) so I’m trying to line it up that once I start one or both of them, I have no other major projects to distract me. Possibly will dig into them during my summer vacation.

On the Drawing Board

Counting Stars, Fallen From Grace, For the Broken Girl, These Small Hours, Illusions are all in the outining stages and there’s no ETA on when they’ll written. It just matters if something starts flowing for me, and I haven’t opened most of these files in a few moths.

Untitled Alternate Universe – An homage to Nora Roberts’ Chesapeake Bay quartet, it wasn’t much more than an idea but I was a bit burned out on writing GH canon (my alternate histories that take place within the universe of the show). So I opened it up and started to play with it. It’s working for now, so it might be along soon but I’m going to try to have it be finished before I post anything.

April 2, 2015

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the Miscellaneous Stories

I had a concept for Chapter 9 that didn’t feel right as I wrote it. It felt like I was dragging the story out and I thought it was slowing my writing down. So I rewrote it — and you’ll get Chapter 9 eventually. But these scenes were cut and at the moment, I have nothing planned where I could use any of the content, so I thought you might enjoy it since my updates for this week are otherwise non existent.

It hasn’t been edited so there’s no italics or anything added other than my usual scene settings. I haven’t even really looked at it for typos.

Chapter Nine

Friday, October 27, 2006

Morgan Penthouse: Master Bedroom

He was going to be a father. He was a father. How different his life was today than merely a week ago. He had been trading words with Carly, trying not to think about Elizabeth still married to a man who did not deserve her, possibly pregnant with his child—but more likely her husband’s.

He had been feeling guilty for not feeling worse about Sam and Ric, had been living with a general…dissatisfaction with how things stood in his life.

But now, just a week later, he lay in his bed, his wife curled up beside him as she napped after they had made love to celebrate their child.

He had a wife, a new child on the way, and he had Cameron, his stepson who he would treat as his own, never making him feeling different than Jason’s biological child.

He was a father, something he had always wanted to be again, but never truly hoped for.

“What are you thinking about?”

Her cheek against his bare chest, he could feel Elizabeth’s lips as she spoke, as they stayed curved in a slight smile.

“How different everything is,” he admitted, his fingers lightly stroking through her hair, letting the strands slide through his grasp, falling down to rest against her bare shoulders and his chest. “Good different,” he clarified before she could think he meant anything else.

“I know,” she murmured. “Considering everything that’s waiting out there, I suppose I should feel…less at peace, but I can’t help it.”

Something inside him released as she said this—he had told Sonny he wanted to take care of her, an emotion he wasn’t used to feeling. He was used to taking care of people—he’d been carrying Carly on his back for nearly a decade, and of course he had taken care of Courtney and Sam, but—

It was different—this urge to make Elizabeth’s world better, to ease her burdens. She always took on too much, worried about people and things she shouldn’t. She had always internalized everyone else’s problems and taken them home with her.

He had never wanted to be one of those people who used her generosity and warmth to make themselves feel better.

“I just…I hoped if we did this, that I would truly feel as though it had been the right choice. Not just for the moment, but…” Her arm, draped over his waist slid up his torso, her fingers tracing some abstract pattern as they moved. “But later. When the craziness of this moment had passed.”

He knew what she was trying to say, what she didn’t have the courage to put into words. He had suggested marriage as a solution with an expiration date, but something had shifted in the days since—beginning with the conversation before the ceremony and continuing to this moment.

He could no longer see a reason to consider what was between them as something that should end, and Jason thought she possibly felt the same—even if she wasn’t ready to put it out there.

It had only been a week after all.

“I know Ric is not going to go away just because Diane gets him thrown off the case, and I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of people who aren’t thrilled that we’re having a child together, but…” Elizabeth tilted her head up, resting her chin on his shoulder. “I can’t bring myself to worry about any of that. It all…it feels so far away right now.”

“Good,” Jason said, not telling her that’s exactly what he wanted. He didn’t think she’d respond well to his urge to make her problems go away. He had always been one for letting people live their own lives—except for Carly, who had proved she could not do so without some sort of supervision—but it was different with Elizabeth. It always had been.

“Boy or girl?” Elizabeth asked, leaning up a bit more, leaning on her elbow. “Which do you want?”

“Healthy,” Jason answered, his fingertips drifting up and down her opposite arm. Her skin was so soft…

“That’s it?” Elizabeth asked. “You don’t have a preference?”

He hesitated. “I don’t know,” he answered. “I guess a boy would be easier because we’ve both been around them more, but it might be nice to have a girl.” A daughter. With her smile. He could see that.

“I guess I’m supposed to want a girl,” Elizabeth said. “Because I have a boy, and most people want a matched set, but it’d be nice for Cameron to have a brother.” She pursed her lips. “I really don’t know. Do you want to find out?”

“Can we?” Jason asked, frowning slightly. “Isn’t it a bit early?”

“Oh…” Elizabeth sat up, the sheet pooling to her waist, her hand braced against her still flat tummy. “Yeah. I’m only—it’s about ten weeks right now. And I—I think we have to wait another six, maybe ten weeks before it can be seen on an ultrasound. Kelly and I didn’t talk about it yet.”

“If you want to find out, we can.” Jason lifted a shoulder. “It—it doesn’t matter to me much—” He hesitated, because maybe that sounded like he didn’t care overall, but she just smiled.

“I know, you’ll love the baby no matter what. I don’t know. I found out with Cameron because it…” She bit her lip. “So much about my life was out of my control at that point, but knowing whether I was having a boy or girl, planning for him, picking his name? It was something I could do.” She chewed her lip. “I’m just not sure I could wait until May.”

“You’re due in May?” Jason asked, bringing one of his hands to rest behind his head. There was so much he didn’t know—he had tried to stay out of it, not speak about it, but now that he was the father, now that they were a family—

“May 15.” Elizabeth hesitated. “Though Kelly might adjust that at the next appointment since well, I clearly know the date of conception.” Her blush crawled up her neck, her cheeks flaming as he grinned.

“Clearly.” He laced their fingers together, her small, pale hand enveloped his larger, darker one. He had always liked the way they fit together.

“Anyway, waiting to find out is a nice idea, but I’ll probably go insane by then.”

“So we’ll find out when we can.” He tugged her towards him so he could draw her in for another kiss. It was barely noon and they still had a few hours before Cam needed to be picked up.

He wanted to spend those hours with her.

Elizabeth drew back a moment later, her brows furrowed. “What’s that sound?”

Jason blinked, then listened to the tinny sound of his phone ringing somewhere at the foot of the bed where his jeans had been discarded. “My phone,” he said flatly.

“Oh. Okay.” Elizabeth sat up, tugging the sheet to cover herself.

“Just—I have to…” He stood and quickly located the phone in his pocket, scowling when he saw Sonny’s name on the screen. “Sonny?”

“Hey, man. I know you wanted to kind of settle in today, but—”

“Is it important?” Jason demanded, because he had told Sonny to handle things for a few days to give himself time to get into a routine with Elizabeth, with Cameron.

“I promise—and I need to talk to Elizabeth as well.” Sonny sounded serious, and Jason remembered the trouble his friend had gone to make sure they had a nice wedding.

Jason scrubbed a hand over his face. “Okay. It’s about noon now. We have to pick Cam up at school at—” He looked to Elizabeth. “What time?”

“Two-thirty,” she murmured, her eyes blank, her expression still as she seemed to be preparing for him to leave her alone.

“We’ll stop by Greystone on the way to get Cam, around one-thirty. Is that enough time?”

“I mean…yeah, but—”

“I promised Cameron we’d buy race cars after school and I’m busy right now Sonny. Is it going to make a difference if we deal with it in ninety minutes and not now?”

“No,” Sonny admitted. “I’ll see you at one-thirty, Jase.”

Jason set the phone on his nightstand before climbing back into bed. “Sorry—”

“You—you could have gone,” Elizabeth said, chewing on her bottom lip. “I’m—I mean, I get it. It’s like the island, right? You have to deal with things—”

“He wants to talk to you, too,” Jason told her. “Which means it’s not life or death. If it needed to be taken care of immediately, Sonny would have said something.” And he could remember now all those years ago when he and Elizabeth would be together, and he’d leave her for Sonny or worse, for Carly’s nonsense.

And how she’d walked away from him after weeks of leaving her alone in the penthouse.

“There are going to be times when I have to leave when Sonny calls,” Jason told her. “And I’m going to hate it. It’s going to be in the middle of the night, it’ll be in the middle of dinner or breakfast. There’s nothing I can do about those times. But not today.”

“If you’re sure…” Elizabeth took a deep breath. “I’m ready for that, I promise you.”

He cupped her cheek and drew her closer. “Where were we?”

Greystone Manor: Foyer

Jason touched Elizabeth’s elbow. “Hey. Could you—just wait here a minute, okay?” He gestured towards Max. “Catch up with Max. I’m sure you remember him.”

“I do, I harassed him just this summer when I was trying to find you after you checked out of the hospital.” Elizabeth said.

Leaving them, Jason closed the door behind him once he was in the main room. “Sonny—”

“Hey, man…” Sonny came away from the windows. “I really am sorry about this—”

Jason held up a hand and shook his head. “I get it, but I just—” He hesitated. “I know there are times when it has to be me you call, but I think—”

“We need to get someone else,” Sonny finished. “Delegate. You’ve got a wife and son at home now, another baby on the way. I get it. We can do that. I thought about it after I called you—” He paused. “You got the results this morning, didn’t you?”

“We did, but—” Jason hadn’t expected Sonny to know exactly what he was thinking. “Let me get Elizabeth.”

Jason opened the door just as Elizabeth was looking at something on Max’s forearm. “I don’t think it’s infected, Max, but you need to take better care of these kinds of things,” she said. “Don’t you guys keep a doctor around for this kind of thing?”

“Sure, Mrs. Morgan, but it wasn’t much,” Max said. “It didn’t even hurt.”

“Well, clean it with some peroxide, keep it clean and covered for a few days.” Elizabeth blinked at Jason. “Hey, ready for me already?”

“Yeah.” Jason frowned at Max. “You okay?”

“Oh, yeah, just a cut I got in the kitchen.” Max rolled down his sleeve.

Elizabeth joined Jason at the door. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I just—Sonny asked about the test and I didn’t know if you wanted—”

“We can tell him if you want

The above scene is unfinished because I ditched the concept in the middle of the scene…and apparently, the line. 😛 Like I said, some of the dialogue didn’t feel right, some of it felt forced, at least to me, and I like the changes I made. You’ll be able to make up your own mind soon, I hope.

February 21, 2015

So honestly, not much has changed since last month. I was sick for a lot of the time and was trying to play catch up with current projects.  I’m back to work now and anticipate working at least four days a week for the foreseeable future. This is actually a good thing as it’s going to allow me to finally get into an actual schedule. Left to my own devices for so long, I actually end up spending too much time procrastinating and not enough time writing. Super excited.

So I’ll list the projects that have changed or been added since I last posted. If something you’re looking for isn’t listed, then just scroll down to January’s update.

The Best Thing – I’ve finally figured out how to end this since I changed my original outline. I had a concept that could have extended the story another ten or so chapters, but I’m tweaking it a bit so that the story still feels wrapped up but there are enough breadcrumbs laid out so that if I wanted to revisit this particular story universe, I could pick up some of the loose threads. But we’re looking at about 42 chapters, give or take one or two on either side. I’ve written up to 21, and posted 19, which means I’ve only got a buffer of two more chapters. I’ll get ahead again next week.

All We Are – I got stuck a bit writing Chapter 8, which you’ll understand better when I post it in a few weeks, but we’re past most of the heavy relationship stuff and moving into the plot so it’ll go much faster now and I should finish writing it sometime in March.

Damaged – I don’t have an ETA for a return on this, but I’ve been working on the storylines a bit this morning and I think I fixed one of the problems that was holding me back. I have a few more story notes to work on, then some episode outlining, but it’s back on the radar.

Mad World – Right now, I’m developing a more detailed scene breakdown, which I’d like ready when All We Are is finished being posted sometime in April.

Bittersweet – I’m still outlining this story, so expect it to show up after Burn in Heaven, which is after Mad World. I have a lot of fun stuff planned for this story and I’m sooo excited to write it since I haven’t written 2002 pretty much since 2002 actually happened, ha.

Untitled 2003 Rewrite – Originally conceived as a possible I Shall Believe rewrite, but quickly morphed into an entire rewrite of the fall out of the panic room storyline, so there’s that. This is still in the brainstorming stages, but it’s going to be an interesting one.


Yeah, not much change going on, I know. I’m looking forward to not being sick, to working and getting a new car so I can go write at Starbucks without borrowing my dad’s. 😛

January 15, 2015

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the Workshop: Plot Sketches

A story I’ve decided for various reasons not to deal with. There are two plot sketches. One is my first pass at the overall picture and the second is my more detailed synopsis–my first attempt to break it down scene by scene. The second one isn’t done, so it just breaks off mid synopsis.

I haven’t done anything with any of this in month so take that for its worth. I also haven’t spellchecked it or reread much for typos.

If you’d like to use any of this in your own work, please let me know–particularly if you utilize any the individual scene ideas. I don’t care much because I’m not writing it, but it’s a courtesy thing 🙂

Big Picture Outline

Robin arrives on Cassadine Island, finds Jason, Helena, and Stavros on ice. After a few months of struggle, she spies a boy playing in the gardens, and is struck by how much he resembles Jason. She manages to strike up a conversation, and is stunned to learn he is Jake Spencer, presumed dead years earlier.

Robin confronts Victor on his next visit, who admits that before Helena’s death, she believed Jake to be Lucky’s son and was waiting for an opportunity to carry out the plan she had concocted for Lucky all those years earlier, only to start earlier from childhood so that the brainwashing would stick. Victor isn’t sure how Helena managed it, might be similar to Katherine Bell’s dive off the parapet and survival, but the boy who Robin and Patrick operated on and donated his….(liver, kidney?) to Josslyn Jacks was not Jake Spencer.

Victor discovered Jake’s existence after learning of the cryogenics, and didn’t see the hurry in reuniting Jake with his family. He sweetens the pot — she may spend time with the boy, tell him the truth, and if she manages to wake up Jason and his family, he’ll allow Jason to take Jake home.

Robin concentrates on all three, but focuses her energy on reviving Jason. She finally manages to do so after a year on the island. When Jason awakes, he is confused and disorientated. His last memory is falling into the water. Robin explains what’s going on in PC. Victor has allowed her secure web convos with Patrick and Emma once a month. She tells Victor that her strides in reviving Jason will make Helena and Stravos more easily, and agrees to stay on if he allows Jake and Jason to go home.

After securing Victor’s agreement (but Jason must keeps mouth shut about Robin and the Cassadines), Robin tells Jason about Jake, whom she has been spending time with, talking about his parents. Jason, struggling with all the news at once (that it’s been three years since his resurrection, that his first-born son is alive, that Sam’s son is actually his, that Sam remarried to Silas, etc.)

He decides to tap into the funds that no one else knows about and go back to Port Charles on the down low. He rents a house under an assumed name, and sets up shop there with Jake, trying to figure out how to break the news to Elizabeth and Sam. He finally arranges for Robin to contact Elizabeth to come to the house so she can grab some paper work. When Elizabeth arrives, she sees Jason and begins to panic, thinking she is reliving the same delusions she had after Jake’s death. As Jason is trying to calm her down, Jake becomes impatient and comes in, calling Elizabeth Mommy. Recognizing her son, though four years older, Elizabeth passes out.

When she wakes, she is still panicking, but Jason manages to convince her that it’s real. Elizabeth joyfully reunites with her son and begs Jason for answers. He tells her that as a condition of their freedom, he can’t say anything. She’s frustrated, but wants to reunite Jason with the rest of his family, particularly his son, Danny.

Elizabeth visits Sam, and breaks the news gently. Sam is rocked with guilt. She had believed him alive for so long, but had finally been forced to give up when there was no word. She immediately tells Silas, who tries to take news one day a time, fearful of losing Sam after everything else they’ve gone through.

Sam hurries to bring Danny to visit with Jason, while Elizabeth seeks out Carly and Michael to relate the same news. Michael, too excited, lets the news slip to AJ, who is afraid with Jason back in the picture, he’ll lose his son again.

Jason and Jake’s resurrection quickly makes the rounds. Sam is torn, confides in her mother. She loved Jason so much, but she’s moved on with Silas. She loves him, too. Alexis recommends she talks to Elizabeth, who went through a similar situation.

Sam tells Elizabeth that she is overjoyed to learn that Jake is alive, and that with the news in the open, he and Danny can be brothers. As to Jason v. Silas, Elizabeth cautions Sam about feeling obligated. She wasted so much of her life, feeling obligated to love Lucky the way she had before he died, that she drove herself insane. They fell in love again years later, but she could have handled it so much better. She should be honest with herself, and the men she loves, and to not feel guilty about moving on.

Jason struggles to find his place in the world again, with Sonny having replaced Jason with Sean and Duke. Sonny is relieved to have his best friend back, but wonders if Jason should return to the life. He talks to Carly about his problems, and wonders what he should do in his life, beyond the organization and his sons.

Carly recommends he find something that he loves, and relish this chance to live a normal life.

AJ visits with Jason, trying to figure out how to make amends. Jason is shaken at finding his brother alive, and that he had dated Elizabeth briefly. He’s disturbed that Michael has a relationship with him, but Michael assures him that AJ has been sober for nearly a year, since he was cleared of Connie’s murder.

Sam tells Jason that she loves him more than anything in the world, and she is so happy to have him home, that he knows Danny is his, but she cannot lie to herself. She tells him that she’s going to stay with Silas. Jason is disappointed, but understands her decision.

Cam and Aidan are excited to have their brother back, but are disappointed that Jake and Danny have Jason as a father, while they haven’t heard from theirs in years. Elizabeth has been trying to contact Lucky for months to tell him the good news, but cannot find him. Luke eventually tells her that he’s blocking her attempts. He told Lucky when Jake came home, but Lucky still wasn’t ready to come home, and asked Elizabeth to stay away from him.

Destroyed that her betrayal has cost her sons their father, Elizabeth tries to accept the decision, but tells Luke that the Spencer abandonment gene has clearly been passed down, and that Luke should remind Lucky of his promise to be nothing like his father. Annoyed, Luke agrees.

Jason decides, if nothing else, he’ll open a garage for bikes and cars. He liked doing the manual work, and doing the books will keep his mind busy. He buys a home of his own, allowing Sam to retain the penthouse. He starts to rebuild his life, with visitation rights to his sons.

Christmas 2015 rolls around, and Elizabeth still hasn’t heard from Lucky. She is planning a big family Christmas, but Jake wants his father there. Reluctantly, Elizabeth extends the invitation to Jason, who agrees.

Just before Christmas, Jason hears from Robin. She’s unfortunately resurrected Helena and Stavros, so Victor says she can return home. She is disgusted with herself for bringing them back, and losing another two years with her family. When she comes home, she wants to talk to him about doing something about the Cassadines for good.

Jason finally admits to Elizabeth that Helena Cassadine and Cesar Faison were behind faking Jake’s death and holding them both captive. Elizabeth is enraged. She goes back to Luke, and fills him in. Helena let him believe he murdered his own grandchild, and was actually responsible for the death of another child. He tells her Helena is dead, there’s nothing to worry about. Elizabeth, leaving Robin out of it, tells him that Helena and Stavros are alive, and who knows what they’re planning next. Maybe revenge will be enough for Lucky to come home.

Luke heads off to let his son know. Nikolas, who had been living in London after leaving Britt, returns at the news that his crazy family is alive. Robin arrives home, to the relief of her daughter, but Patrick hands her divorce papers. Two years is two years too long. He kept his mouth shut, even when Jake returned home, but he wants out of the crazy WSB life. It’s cost him too much.

Nikolas confronts Robin about resurrecting his family, but finds it hard to argue with his reasons. He goes to Elizabeth, who isn’t interested in talking to anyone related Cassadines or Spencers. She’s just so angry that four years with her son was stolen from her because Helena didn’t know Jake’s real father. She’s angry with Jason, too, because while the initial decision was hers, he never wanted to come forward, leaving Jake vulnerable.

Lucky finally returns home, and goes to Elizabeth. He received the message from her about being like his father, and wants to re-establish himself with the boys. Elizabeth tells him too little, too late. They barely ask about him any longer, and she’s not sure it’s worth it since he’ll probably take off again. Lucky acknowledges that, throws her affair back in her face, he’s never felt like any of their fathers, since he believed Nikolas to be his Aidan’s father, and her other two bastards belong to other men.

Elizabeth throws him out, annoyed at her entire life.

Victor checks in with Robin. Stavros and Helena are under house arrest, and he wants to know if the Spencers are out for revenge. Robin hangs up on him. She wants nothing to do with the man her cost her life. She’s back to working at the hospital, trying to delay the divorce so maybe Patrick can forgive her somehow.

Jason tells Elizabeth that he’s talked to Sonny about going after Helena, but Elizabeth tells him she doesn’t want him, too. That’s how it keeps going. Retaliation for retaliation, it will never end. Jason reluctantly agrees, and they begin to build a better friendship, particularly after he learns how Lucky has treated Cam and Aidan. He begins to ask if they can join Jake when Jason has Danny, so that they can grow up together and become friends. Elizabeth agrees.

Luke, Nikolas, and Lucky have taken off to go after Helena and Stavros, but everyone else in Port Charles has decided to move on. After almost six months of being at home, Patrick agrees to go to therapy rather than divorce. Better for Emma. They can rebuild their trust. Sam and Silas are happy together, considering having another child. Jason and Elizabeth are towards another go at their relationship, brought together by their boys.

Detailed Synopsis

Main Story: Jason & Jake Are Alive


Robin goes to the island


Sam is married to Silas

Jason is alive: What about now?

Jason can’t tell the truth

Lucky won’t come home

Robin returns home. Patrick wants divorce

Jason tells the truth. Time for Spencer vs. Cassadine

1. Robin Goes To the Island

Against her husband’s wishes, Robin heads to Cassadine Island in the Mediterranean. She begins work on Jason, Helena and Stavros, surreptitiously focusing on Jason. After few frustrating months, in which she has been able to write Patrick and Emma and only have one Skype chat, she spies an eight -year-old boy playing in the gardens. She thinks he looks familiar.

As she grows closer to reviving Jason, Victor arrives and Robin asks about the boy. Victor has been saving this news—the boy was kidnapped from General Hospital by his sister-in-law, much the way Helena had stolen away Katherine Bell, and she planned to use him the way she had failed to use Lucky Spencer all those years ago—she thought starting younger might be a good idea. That doesn’t answer her question, Robin presses. Victor replies that he is Jake Spencer, and that Helena did not know his paternity at the time, had thought he was Lucky’s biological son. The truth only came out after Jake’s “death” so Helena just held him captive, waiting for him to be useful.

Robin is horrified, but Victor tells her if she succeeds in reviving Jason, he’ll allow him to take his son home. Robin gets back to work. Eventually, her work is fruitful. Jason is disorientated, he only remembers falling into the water. He is stunned to learn that he has been in a type of coma for almost two years (Robin succeeds in Fall 2014). Robin tells Victor that the process with Jason was less complicated, as he was not cryogenically frozen. She begs for Jason to be allowed to go home—he’ll keep his mouth shut about Robin’s work, and in exchange, she will stay. Victor agrees. Then, Robin tells Jason about Jake, that for the last six months, she’s been telling him stories about his parents, and how she’s going to get him back to them. Jason reunites with Jake and promises they’ll go home together.

Robin also fills Jason in on the changes in PC. Sam had married Silas earlier that summer, but Danny is Jason’s son. Elizabeth is raising Cam and Aidan, without Lucky, who still hasn’t returned home. AJ is alive, and is struggling with sobriety after Ava Jerome killed Connie and framed him. Sean and Duke Lavery work for Sonny against Julian Jerome and Ric Lansing. J

Still feeling disoriented, Jason makes preparations to get back to Port Charles with Jake under the radar.

2. Jason Returns to PC

He checks into a motel outside town, and thinks about his next move. He wants to see his son, but with Sam’s new marriage, it might be better to approach Elizabeth first and reunite her with Jake. He sends her a text, asking her to meet him at Vista Point.

Elizabeth, who has been struggling since Nikolas married Britt, and then learned Britt had known all along about Lulu and Dante being the biological parents, left her and took Spencer to London, receives the mysterious message and decides that she might as well. The last time she was at Vista Point was Jason.

At Vista Point, she sees Jason standing there, and she begins to panic. She thinks she’s having the same hallucinations she had after Jake died, but Jason manages to convince her that he’s alive. Over joyed, Elizabeth embraces him, begging him for details. He can’t give her any right now, but he wants her to come back to the room where he’s staying.

Once they arrive back in the motel room, Jason tells her that he can’t tell her where he was, or who helped him, but the same person found someone else where Jason was held hostage. He opens the door to reveal Jake sitting on the bed. He’s three years older than when he supposedly died, but with his bright blond hair and blue eyes, she knows him immediately. Elizabeth is overwhelmed at having her baby back, and Jake is happy to meet the woman his father tells him is his mommy.

After a reunion, Jason reluctantly asks Elizabeth if she can help him spread the news. To Sam and Danny, to Carly, and to Sonny before they make any decisions on what to do next. She doesn’t want to leave her son, but knows that the sooner everyone knows Jason is alive, the sooner she can bring Jake home to his brothers.

Elizabeth goes to the penthouse first to tell Sam. At first, Sam thinks Elizabeth is having a breakdown—she knows it’s been a tough year, but Elizabeth insists. She shows her pictures on her phone of Jason, standing with Jake, in a motel Sam knows was built after Jason’s death. Elizabeth gives her the address and room number, and leaves to tell Carly and Sonny.

Stunned, Sam tells Silas she has to find out if it’s true. Silas agrees, but wonders what it means for them and their new marriage. Sam hurries to the motel and does find Jason and Jake waiting. She doesn’t know what to say, she’s torn between incredible happiness and immense guilt. She tells Jason about Danny—he already knows, and she wants them to meet as soon as possible. She offers to get him now, but Jason knows it’s getting late, and suggests tomorrow. He’s expecting Sonny and Carly any moment now.

Elizabeth has had some difficulty convincing Carly and Sonny, but her pictures give them hope, and they both hightail it to the motel. While Elizabeth continues to keep her sights on Jake, Carly, Sam, and Sonny reunite with Jason.

When everyone but Elizabeth leaves, Jason knows that news will spread from there. He looks at Elizabeth, and they wonder what to do next. Elizabeth suggests she and Jake go home to the boys, but Jake panics at leaving his father. Upset that her son doesn’t seem to want to be with her, she hesitates, but asks Jason to stay with them in the guest room until they figure out what to do, so Jake can get back to his own life.

Jason agrees, and they head back. Jake seems uninterested in reuniting with his brothers, neither of whom remember him a lot, though Cam knows who he is. Elizabeth puts them all to bed, lingering over Jake, before returning to Jason.

They talk for hours. Elizabeth presses him to talk about Sam, and how he feels about. What he thinks his next move might be, should he go back to Sonny. Elizabeth admits she dated AJ for a while, which Jason finds only slightly annoying, but he knows AJ is sober and that Michael loves him.

The next morning, Elizabeth wants to take the boys to school, so they can get Jake placed in a grade, unsure of his education while he was away. Jake balks at leaving Jason behind, who plans to head over to the penthouse to see Danny and see about any of his belongings. Uneasy with how much Jake refuses to go anywhere with Elizabeth alone, Jason decides to accompany them to drop Cam and Aidan at school, enroll Jake, and then go to the penthouse.

At the penthouse, the air is tense. Jason and Jake talk with Danny, while Sam and Elizabeth sit uncomfortably across the room. Jake is much more interested in his father’s other son than he is in his mother’s other sons. When Jason suggests Jake hang back here with Elizabeth while Sam takes him down to the storage locker where she’s put his clothes and promises his bike is in the garage, Jake refuses to leave his side. Sam, seeing how upset Elizabeth, gives Jason the key and tells him the location. He takes Jake with him.

Elizabeth tells Sam that she’s having a hard time, because Jake doesn’t remember her, that she’s a woman named Mom, without any sense of the meaning, and that Jason was the one who brought him home. She’s reminding herself to be grateful, that the situation will eventually adjust. Sam admits to her own problems. Silas slept in the guest room the night before, and she’s not sure what she should do. She and Jason divorced before he was declared dead, so her marriage is legal, but she feels guilty she moved on, Elizabeth confides her experience with Lucky and Jason, and says the best thing Sam can do is be honest with herself.


And yeah, that’s how far I got. Again, it’s fair use if you want to adopt the concept but just let me know and give me some credit 🙂

Your monthly ramble about what I’m writing now and what I’m planning to write next.

In Progress

The Best Thing – The ending of this story is still in flux. I made a story change that affects how long the story will be. I can do two things: I can gloss over some of it in a few chapters or I can use it as launching pad in a possible sequel to continue the progress. I’m not positive which way I’ll go yet but I should know within a few more chapters. The story, as always, works in fits and starts mostly because of writing in Sonny’s POV with his disorder. I’ll be able to talk more about the changes once we hit the section of the story where it comes into play, but a lot of what’s happening Chapter 18-Chapter 21 or so were scripted another way.

Anyway. At the moment I’m typing this, I’ve completed nineteen chapters with an eye towards getting around to about 30 by the end of the first week in February.

All We Are – I hit a bit of bump after  I completed Chapter 7. Not because the story is difficult, I just haven’t had a ton of time to write it.  I’m planning to stake out some space in Starbucks over the weekend (and maybe even tomorrow) to knock out another chunk of chapters. I plan on posting the first chapter on 30 January 2015 and then once a week for a bit.  As I always mention, this is a relatively straightforward story that doesn’t depend so much on character as it does on plot, so when I sit and write it, it flows relatively well. I just have to…sit and do it.

Damaged – Oh my God, it’s actually back in the status list after completely disappearing for some time. If you visit the site, you can probably see that it’s in maintenance mode because I’m doing a few things with the site, but I walked away from the story just to see if I could come back to it with any kind of enthusiasm. I haven’t quite mastered the enthusiasm but I’m sitting back with some of the concepts and I’m tweaking it. It’s back on my radar, so it’ll be back.

Life For Rent – It’s about to be moved from in progress to series, so there’s less pressure on me to get it going with the second part. It’s on my radar and it’s actually relatively well plotted and story boarded. I just…have to sit down and tweak a few things. Honestly, I could get hit with the muse and it could be started tomorrow. There’s no reason it hasn’t been written yet except I haven’t gotten around to it. Ha.

Turning Points/Come On Eileen – Pretty much in the same both. At some point, I’ll deal with them. I promise. That’s why I leave them on the in progress page so I don’t forget.

Coming Sooner

Mad World – I’m pretty well settled on this story being next in the rotation which I plan to start digging into as soon as All We Are is finished being written. It’s plotted and storyboarded (with a few minor exceptions). I’ve even worked out the sequel in some fashion so I can lay breadcrumbs. I still want to run it by a beta reader first for thoughts, but yeah, it’s as ready as ready can be.

Burn in Heaven – I’m still ironing out plot details. The overall outline is done but the timing of some incidents is still be worked out and the ending is still a bit vague. I know how I want it to end, but I’m not positive how to get the scene to unfold in a believable way. But it’ll be here soon enough.

Coming Soonish

Counting Stars – It’s relatively in the same space I was the last time I discussed it.  My first pass at the outline was a bit superficial in some ways, so I wanted to pull it back a bit. I haven’t had a chance to go back and work on the outline, so until that happens, it doesn’t move up on my radar.

Bittersweet – So the thing about this story is that I swear it’s a rewrite of The Sisters, but not a rewrite of that story as it existed on this site. It’s actually a rewrite of the Luis Alcazar storyline, which The Sisters is supposed to be about. Because ha, The Sisters is a rewrite of Deserving, which is my version of Alcazar. I know it’s convoluted. Anyway, in my outline, I’m actually rewriting Jason’s entire return. I have a ton written for this, and like The Sisters, it is going to be a series (or least two stories with an open possibility for a third). I’m still working out the large picture details, but I have a ton of individual scene ideas.

The odds are that of all the stories in this section, you’re more likely to see this before you see anything else because it’s working for me right now in a way that some stories haven’t and you never disturb the muse. But I still want to do Mad World and Burn in Heaven first.

Fallen From Grace – This is basically in the same place it was before — I’m debating revisiting my original outline to see if I want to play with it a bit or write it as I had originally intended. It’s pretty low on my list priorities at the moment but I’ll come back to it because there were some scenes I wanted to work with.

For the Broken Girl – I’m still doing the background research on this since it’ll deal with drug abuse and domestic violence–cheerful, right? I’m also trying to visualize how I want the first half of the story to work and the ending. It’s one of those weird stories where the middle scenes are so detailed in my head that what I know about the story is already 5000 words, ha. Yeah. I just have to continue my research.

These Small Hours – It’s the age old question — when is this coming back? I’m still working on the outline, I know. I’m sorry. It’s been a tough one to reoutline because I want it to work for all the characters and aspects. My original outline ignored everything in favor of the Johnny/Nadine, but it doesn’t work that way. I’ll get it there, I promise. I just..have a lot going on in my head.

Illusions – I haven’t even looked at this story in a few months. I have some research to do on New York City in the 1940s, Pearl Harbor and whatnot.

Stories and Concepts

Collision – The issue with this story is that I actually have it mostly plotted out and broken down into scenes, but it was going to be a rewrite of the show on the same scale that I’ve done with Damaged and honestly, that’s not something I can deal with now. So I just want to pull it back a bit, I have to do some cutting and refining. I haven’t really sat down to do it, but I still love love love the concept I had for this story and I’ve never really seen it anywhere else.

Heaven Forbid – This story is going into the trash heap. I’ll be posting the discarded plot sketches shortly.

Inside Your Fear – It’s waiting to be reoutlined. I had envisioned it as a short story, but it’s not going to work that way. Probably going to be a full length story when I get around to it, but more novella than novel. Think maybe a bit longer than Shadows.

Slide – As the sequel to ISB, it’s still going to get written, I just haven’t quite done a lot with the concept. I have a feeling the major reason I haven’t worked on it much is that I’ve fallen out of love with ISB quite a bit. It’s the same reason why Burn in Heaven as a sequel to Poisonous Dreams never quite worked out, though my dislike for ISB is not at PD levels so it’s not likely I’ll rewrite ISB, ha. I just have to get over my issues.