April 19, 2024

This entry is part 3 of 36 in the Flash Fiction: Warning Shots


“When was the last time we did this?” Lucky split the last brownie in half and dropped a piece on Elizabeth’s empty plate. Around them, Kelly’s was quite, partially in shadows. After closing, she and Lucky had cleaned up and then had dinner on their own.

“Oh, probably since before Thanksgiving,” Elizabeth said, her smile fading just a bit when she remembered their last dinner date had ended with the rushed trip to the airport and the humiliating fight in the courtyard. She cleared her throat. “But hey, my last final is this week, , so I’ll be all yours for a month.”

“Just like old times.” He flashed her that grin she’d fallen for first, then popped a piece of brownie in his mouth. “Are you tomorrow? I thought we could take a look at few places. I know you want to be on the bus route so you can get to campus—”

Elizabeth wrinkled her nose, sat back in her chair. “Lucky, we’ve talked about this—”

“No, I’ve talked about this, and you keep acting like we didn’t have a plan.” He pushed aside his plate, folded his arms, leaned forward. “When you didn’t get into New York, we sat down, remember?”

“I do—”

“And we looked at our savings — neither of us had pretty much anything. We were going to get housing from your school, and I’d pick up jobs, but we were always planning to live together eventually. You said you’d room with Emily for the first semester because her housing was already paid for. The old man just picked up a phone and pulled a few strings to get you in.”

“I remember all of this. And yeah, that was the plan in June. But I also remember telling you in August that I thought we were better off waiting until next summer to get a place. I’d be able to save up so much more, and you said you were going to pick up some courier jobs with Jason and Sonny.” She lifted her brows. “Did I imagine that conversation, Lucky? Because it sure feels like only one of us was listening.”

“Come on—you can’t really want to be on campus for six more months. That room is so small and you’re sharing a bathroom with half the floor. That’s better than living with me. I’m sorry I don’t rate—I just wish you’d told me you changed the plan.”

“I’m talking to myself obviously because I told you in August. Why can’t you just be okay with this?”

“I don’t know. Because we used to see each other practically every day,” Lucky said. “But now you’re off at college, and you’re never around. You’re always working or in class and you have time for parties—”

“I make time for you, Lucky—I just—” Elizabeth sighed. “Okay, maybe I didn’t make you a priority. I’m sorry. I just—I had so much fun the first few weeks. It was a lot of fun living with Emily, and I didn’t expect that. I think maybe—maybe I want to put off living together until…maybe after graduation—”

“After graduation—” Lucky scowled. “In four years?”

“Well, three and a half—”

“Don’t get technical. We had a plan, Elizabeth. It’s not fair you to just to change it without talking to me.”

“I’m talking to you right now but you’re not listening—”

“Are you nervous about us living together? Because you know…” Lucky reached across the table, took her hand. “You know, I’m okay with waiting however long you need. But if we live together, you might get more comfortable—”

“It’s not about that. It’s not. And I—” She chewed on her lip. “I’m working on that. I want us to be together. All the ways. And you’ve been really great about that. You know how much I appreciate you not pressuring me. But I’m telling you I’m not ready for us to live together and it’s like you can’t hear me.” Her throat was tight and she had to blink back tears. “We fight all the time now. I don’t know. I don’t know what I did to make you so mad.”

“I’m not mad. I just—” He stroked her hand with his thumb. “I miss you. We were basically attached at the hip for over a year. You know? Always together. We slept under docks together and you’ve spent the night at the garage with me a few times. You can trust me to keep waiting.”

“But you’re always so annoyed when I bring up anything about school. Or when I want to do something you don’t agree with — like, that whole thing with Juan—”

“Oh—” Lucky rolled his eyes. “Come on. You know I’m right about him—he’s no one, Elizabeth. He came to town looking for a hand out, and he picked up the richest girl in town. Emily’s naive when it comes to these kinds of things—”

“Emily’s been through so much in her life, Lucky. She’s happy with him. So what if he doesn’t have any money? It’s not like you and I are rich. I didn’t think you were a snob—”

“I’m not. I’m just looking out for Em. When Juan shows his true colors—”

“You’ll be right there to tell you I told you so. Just like the airport thing. It was fixed and no real harm was done, but you just had to make sure everyone knew you’d been against the whole thing. I mean, you were willing to abandon Emily at the airport—”

“I don’t want to get into that—”

“Why? Because you don’t want to talk about how mortifying it was with you berating me in front of Jason—who by the way, doesn’t like Juan either, but he doesn’t make it his whole personality.”

“Yeah, Jason’s great. He saved the day. So what? What does any of this have to do with getting a place or changing the plan so that it’s four years away instead of a few weeks?”

“Here’s a newsflash, Lucky, I get to change the plan when it’s about me. I’m the one who has to live there, too. And I don’t want to live together yet. I want to go to college. I want to stay up late with Emily and be silly. I want to have fun. It took so long for me to get back there, you know? To be light, and happy. To not have—” She closed her eyes. “To not be afraid all the time. I just want to be eighteen and stupid sometimes. I want to help my best friend be in love even if sometimes we do foolish things. And I want the guy who says he loves me to understand that just because I don’t want to live together, it doesn’t mean I don’t love him anymore.”

“I’m sorry if I take it a little personally that everything you want to do has nothing to do with me.” Lucky shoved his chair back. “Fine. Stay with Emily this summer. Whatever. Do what you want.”

He jerked his jacket from the hook by the door and had left the diner before she’d even processed the whole thing.

Shaken, Elizabeth rose and started to clean up. She’d unpack all of this later — and maybe when Lucky had time to cool down, he’d see that she was right.

Jason headed into the office, surprised to find Lucky already in there, on the computer just like always. He tossed the work orders on his desk. “Hey. Did I know you were working today?”

“No, I’m just trying to distract myself,” the younger man muttered. “Figured I’d get a head start on the paperwork from yesterday. I was supposed to be looking for apartments today, but that got cancelled.”

Jason heard the petulant tone in his voice and wondered if Lucky had finally started listening to his girlfriend. Jason barely knew Elizabeth, and even he knew Elizabeth and Emily were planning to keep rooming together.

“Hey, can I ask a question? You don’t have to answer, but —” Lucky swirled on the stool. “When you and Robin starting dating, she’d just been diagnosed, right?”

Surprised, Jason nodded. “A few months earlier, yeah. They didn’t get the medication—the protocol—until we were together. But yeah, why?”

“Sex was an issue, wasn’t it?”

Jason stared at him. “Excuse me?”

“I know, I know, it’s none of my business — I just—” He grimaced, looked back at the computer screen. “Emily said she’d told you about that photographer last year. What he did to Elizabeth.”

Jason tensed, the memory flooding back of Emily painfully telling Jason she wanted to be as brave as Elizabeth had been when confronted with her rapist. He hadn’t thought about it much after that — Tom Baker had made a deal, and Jason had made a promise to himself to handle the situation before the asshole would ever see the light of day again. “What does that have to do with Robin?”

“Elizabeth and I—we haven’t—she’s not—”

“Lucky, I really don’t think this is something she’d want you talking about with me,” Jason said, realizing too late where the kid was  going with all of this. “I’m not even sure Emily should have told me, either—”

“Yeah, well, Emily does a lot of things she shouldn’t,” Lucky muttered. “But I think that’s why Elizabeth doesn’t want to live together, and I just—I figured you had that problem with Robin—”

“I am not talking about this with you,” Jason said, heading for the door. He stopped at the threshold, feeling irritated with himself because he liked Elizabeth and the way this idiot was talking, he’d probably say something to put that look in her eye again. “Look, I won’t pretend to know what Elizabeth went through with that—”

“It was awful, but I’m not going to hurt her—”

“I don’t know what she went through. But I do know that she has repeatedly said to me and to anyone who listens that she’s happy rooming with Emily. Did she tell you it was about this…other thing or that she just wanted to be in the dorm?”

“She said it was the dorm—”

“Then do yourself a favor and listen to her. It’s not the end of the world. Robin was away at school a lot, and we were just fin.”

“You broke up with her, though—”

“This conversation is closed,” Jason said. “Listen when she talks Lucky. That’s the end of it.”

He put the conversation out of his mind entirely the moment he left the office because he absolutely did not want to be in the middle of Lucky’s romantic issues. He was staying out of everyone’s business, even if Lucky seemed determined to drag him through it.

A few days passed, and Jason forgot about it. Lucky didn’t bring it up again, and Jason was all too happy to send the kid out of town for a few days on a courier assignment, giving him the garage all to himself. He didn’t need to do the volume of business that required him to hire anyone else, and he liked the solitude of working by himself.

So when the door opened, and he heard footsteps, Jason sighed and slid out on the car roller, trying to find the patience to deal with another customer. He rose to his feet, reached for a rag to deal with his oil-stained hands and frowned when Elizabeth came around the corner.

She wore a white jacket, and her hair tucked up in a matching hat. In her hands she held a thick black leather portfolio, and she’d been crying. Jason knew enough about women to recognize the red-rimmed slightly swollen eyes.

“Is Lucky here? He didn’t answer his phone, but I thought—”

“He’s out of town until tomorrow,” Jason said, and she made a face, looked down at the portfolio in her hands. “He didn’t tell you?”

“No, he told me that he’d be around this weekend. He knew—” Her voice was wobbly. “He knew I was getting this back today, and I said I’d come by, but he must have forgotten.” Elizabeth sighed, then looked at him. “I’m sorry. I always seem to be bothering you when you’re working. Was it last minute or—no, I know. You can’t tell me.”

“He knew about it two days ago,” Jason said, and she flinched. “I’m sorry—”

“For what? It’s not your responsibility to tell me Lucky’s schedule or to listen when I talk so I don’t come all the way into town when there’s no reason—” Elizabeth took a deep breath. “Never mind. Never mind. Just forget it.”

“I can take you back to campus—”

“Aren’t you tired of offering to drive me somewhere every time Lucky disappoints me?” Elizabeth asked, looking back with a half smile. “I’m fine. The bus stop is just around the corner—and there’s one in like twenty minutes—”

“Then wait here where it’s warm until it gets here,” Jason said, heading to the sink. He’d use that time convince her, and maybe he’d look into talking to Emily about this. He didn’t like her on the bus all the time, especially when she was upset.

“Um, thanks, I guess. It’s pretty cold out.” Elizabeth set her purse and the portfolio on a nearby table. “Are you…excited for Christmas?”

“What’s to be excited about?” Jason asked, drying his arms off with a towel. “It’s just a day.” He saw her drop her eyes, and felt bad. “I mean, it’s good for other people. But it’ll just me and Sonny. You probably spend it with your family?”

“Yeah. With my grandmother. We used to come out for the holidays every Christmas when I was kid so we could listen to my grandfather read the story. Dad said it was one of his favorite memories of Gramps. I always thought it was weird because Dad didn’t even know Gramps was his father until he came to Port Charles, but it was also kind of nice, you know? That you could make your own family if you wanted to.” Elizabeth made a face. “Sorry — I tend to get going and just ramble. You don’t have to listen,” she added.

“I remember your grandfather a little,” Jason said. “He passed away not long after my accident, but he was one of the few doctors who didn’t…” He paused, squinted. “He didn’t look at me like I was a puzzle to figure out.”

“He really was the best. I miss him all the time this time of year. Anyway, Gram and I will decorate a tree next week, and Emily invited me over for a Christmas party at the Quartermaines, and Laura said I could come to their place. It’s nice to have options—” Elizabeth stopped. “Oh. I forgot. Um, about the Quartermaines. And—” She cleared her throat. “Anyway. I should go. The bus stop—”

“Still have ten minutes,” Jason said, and she sighed, looked at him. “You don’t have to worry. I know Michael’s at the house. I’m glad Emily will be there with him. She’s been the one constant for him.”

“Yeah, she told me she’s his godmother. I’m sorry. Is that why Christmas is so hard?” Her eyes widened. “Never mind. I didn’t ask that. Sorry. I’m always doing that.”

“Yes,” Jason said. “But every day is hard,” he added, and there was a little bit of a release inside when he admitted that. “Like I said, it’s just another day for me.”  He nodded at the portfolio, hoping to change the topic. “What’s that?”

“Oh.” She slid her hand over it. “My project for art class. I…” And her voice faltered. “I passed because I technically completed the requirements, but my professor didn’t like it.”

“Why not?”

Elizabeth jerked a shoulder. “She’s always telling me that I need to push harder and dig deeper, but I don’t know how to do that.” She flipped it open and showed him what was inside. There was a white background with swirls and colors that he couldn’t really make out. “I didn’t think it was that bad.”

“Uh—it’s nice.”

Her cheeks flushed. “Right. Right. That’s what she said.”

Damn it — “No—”

“It’s okay. It’s okay. I think maybe I just have to start facing the fact that I’m not supposed to be an artist. New York didn’t want me and Dr. Watts says I’m not doing enough but maybe that’s her way of saying I don’t have what it takes—” She flipped it shut and headed for the nearby metal trash can. Jason snatched it before she could drop it inside.

“No, wait. Let me explain,” he told her.

“There’s nothing—”

“My accident,” Jason interrupted, and she closed her mouth, frowning. “I can’t always see…things that are abstract. Or—I mean, photographs are okay. Because they’re realistic. But art? It doesn’t make sense to me. A processing thing.” His cheeks warmed, and he handed her back the portfolio. “You could be Van Gogh and I’d never know.”

She studied him for a moment, then nodded. “Oh, that’s fine. Well, it’s — it’s just Lucky playing a guitar.” Elizabeth flipped it open — pointed to a color  “That’s the guitar, and Lucky’s holding it. She said it was nice, technically correct. But—” She wrinkled her nose. “Soulless.”

“Ouch,” Jason said, and then she laughed.

“I guess she’s right. There’s nothing really in this.” Elizabeth studied it. “I drew it from memory. I wanted Lucky to pose for it but we couldn’t get our schedules together, so maybe that’s why it’s like that. She asked why I always did portraits and landscapes, and I told her I didn’t know what else I could do. And she just told me that I should paint me, something inside of me, and —” Elizabeth bit her lip. “I don’t know. There’s too much sometimes, and what if I tried, and she still hated it?”

“What do you have to lose?” Jason asked, and she looked at him, startled. “She doesn’t like what you’re doing now. You might as well try something new.”

“That—” Elizabeth smiled, and some of the sparkle came back in her eyes. “Makes complete sense. You’re right. She’s not impressed with me as it is, I doubt it could get worse. And maybe it won’t. If I never try, the answer is always no. Thank you.”

“Sure. And—” Jason reached for his jacket and keys. “We missed your bus, so now you have no choice but to let me give you a ride back to campus.”

“Fine,” Elizabeth said, but her smile twitched. “Did you do that on purpose so I wouldn’t take the bus? Distract me?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He steered her towards the door, grimacing when he saw through the window that snow had begun to fall, sticking to the streets. “Hold on, I have to grab the keys to the SUV. We can’t take my bike in this.”

“Oh—” Elizabeth looked over at his Harley, inside the garage for protection from the elements. “That’s a shame. I’ve never been on one before.”

“Maybe some other time since we’re making a habit of this,” Jason said, and she laughed, following him out the door.

This entry is part 5 of 48 in the Flash Fiction: Chain Reaction

Written in 56 minutes.

Elizabeth’s Studio

Maybe we’re not meant to hold to it.

He probably shouldn’t have touched her again. Common sense and rational thought always seemed to short-circuit the minute his hands were on her soft skin, the taste of her on his tongue—

Jason didn’t want to stop kissing her, didn’t want to stop touching her—his hands slid down to her hips, and he started to back her to the sofa, her fingers at the hem of his shirt, and he knew that everything would just go away if he never stopped, if the sensations just went on forever—

And then a cold rush of air swept over him—Elizabeth pressed her hands against his chest, pushed instead of pulled and he was thrust back into the real world, nearly panting. “Elizabeth—”

“She’s still wearing your ring,” Elizabeth managed, her lashes lush with the tears clinging to them. “This isn’t who you are. This isn’t who I am. I don’t want to be these people, Jason. Okay?” She pressed her fingers to her mouth—they were trembling, and it all rushed back to him.

When it was just them, when he didn’t think about anything about her and the way she made him feel—it was easy to think it would be easy.

But it wasn’t just them.

Jason swallowed hard. “I’m sorry—”

“For what?” Elizabeth looked at him, misery etched in every line of her expression. “For kissing me? For having the keys to the room, for not stopping? What are you sorry for?”

The answer should be all of it, but it wasn’t. And wasn’t that the real crime? He took a deep breath. “For making you cry. Not the rest of it.”

She closed her eyes, but tears continued. She wrapped her arms around her torso, her shoulders stiff. “We should be sorry. Shouldn’t we? For all of it.”


“I stood there holding a pot of coffee,” she said, her voice soft. “And she told me she understood. That you chose her over and over again, and she’s right—” And now she looked at him. “You chose her. To see in secret. To build a life with. And I wish I could be angry about that. I wish I could rage—that I could hold on to that as evidence that I don’t matter—”

“That’s not true—”

“I know. I know.” Her lips curved in a smile, but her eyes remained shattered. “You chose her, Jason, because I never chose you. I ran when I should have stayed. I threw angry words at you over and over again, words you never deserved—”

“Elizabeth.” He took a hesitant step towards her, relieved when she didn’t move back again. “It’s not like that—”

“I’m not angry with you because you didn’t break up with Courtney this morning. And if you go home, and you see her, and you still don’t—” Elizabeth drew in a shaky breath. “I won’t be angry if you decide to stay.”

He dragged a hand down his face. “Why not? I promised you—”

“But you promised her first, and I know you, Jason. I pretend I don’t, but I do. You weren’t lying when you asked her to marry you. You meant it. And you would have married her that night in June. You looked in her eyes this morning, Jason, and you remembered that.” She tipped her head. “You wouldn’t be the man I loved if you could make those kind of promises and throw them away easily.”

The soft declaration hung between them, and Jason wanted to offer the words back to her. He wanted to tell her that he’d loved her for so long that it was simply part of his soul, a piece of his identity that would always belong to her, that he’d always be in this room with her, teasing her about soup and singing and paper chains and picking splinters out of her skin and standing by a window—

“I did mean them—” Jason said carefully. But then he stopped because he didn’t know what else to add. He meant them in May. In June. July. August. Did he mean them today? He didn’t know the answer to that.

“She said something else,” Elizabeth said finally. Their eyes met. “She chose you because she knew you were worth fighting for. That I didn’t fight for you. I didn’t. You know that. I don’t know why.” She sighed, rubbed her mouth. “I spent so many years fighting for Lucky, so determined to hold on to that dream. Maybe I just didn’t have it in me to keep going. To keep battling for my place in someone else’s life. Even if I don’t think I would have had to fight very hard.”

She bit her lip, then nodded. Squared her shoulders, looked at him again. “I don’t know what’s in your heart, Jason. Maybe you don’t either. That’s okay. I…I can wait. For you to be sure. Whether it’s with her, or with me—” She smiled, and it looked almost genuine this time. “Either way, you’re what matters. I want you to be happy. Wherever that takes you. If it’s me, then, okay. But really, if it’s with Courtney, then I’ll wish you well.”

He stared at her, a bit thrown. Confused. He didn’t know what he’d expected from this conversation. Maybe anger that he hadn’t kept his promise, or an ultimatum — a clear path forward, Jason thought. He’d wanted her to give him a direction, and she hadn’t.

She was placing the choice in his hands, the way he’d always done for her. It was her life that would change if he’d kissed her that day in his room at Jake’s. In the park. And if she didn’t want it, if she wasn’t ready, then it was better to never know what it would feel like to hold her. He didn’t want just a piece, he’d wanted everything, and she hadn’t been ready to give it to him.

Now—now, she was doing the same to him, and he wondered if she’d been as frustrated as he was not to have someone else make the choice for him.

“I should go,” Jason said finally. “I—”

“It’s okay.” Elizabeth raised her hands to her face, wiping at her tears with her index fingers. She walked past him, pulled the door open. “It is. I promise. Um, you said something to me once a few years ago that I really needed to hear…” They stood close, separated by a few physical inches, though it felt like an ocean between them. “I won’t come to you, but if you come to me, I won’t turn you away.”

He smiled now, shook his head. “You were mad at me when I said that.”

“I know. Because I knew even though I should stay away from you, I wouldn’t be able to.” She leaned her cheek against the edge of the door. “Maybe I’m hoping for a better ending this time.”

Jason touched her cheek, the pad of his thumb catching another tear. She closed her eyes, leaned into his touch. “You should go.”

“I know.” Reluctantly, he dropped his hand and went into the hallway. The door closed behind him, and he heard the locks a moment later. Jason rested his hand against the door, took a deep breath, and left.

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

Courtney was on the sofa when Jason returned, curled up with the remote in her hand and something on th screen in front of her. When he came through the door, she switched it off, looked at him.

“I spent last night with Elizabeth,” Jason said, and Courtney sighed. She swung her legs to the ground, stood. “At Jake’s. In bed.”

“Did you think I needed to hear that confirmed—”

“No, but I needed to say it.” Jason set his keys on the desk, and looked at her. Her hands rested limply at her side. “You went to see Elizabeth. You told her that we’d talked. We haven’t.”

“She works fast,” Courtney said. She folded her arms. “How quick did she have you on the phone to cry about it—”

“I ran into her at the hospital. Visiting Emily.”

“Okay, so I told her we talked. We did. And you told me everything I needed to know when you came in and went upstairs. You chose me. Didn’t you?” Courtney lifted her brows. “Because if you’d wanted this ring, all you’d have to do is ask—in fact—” She twisted it from her finger. Set it on the desk. “There you go. I’ll make it easy. You decide if I get to keep that.”

Jason stared at it — the little circlet of gold with the diamond stone setting. He’d picked it out with Carly after she’d suggested marriage. He probably wouldn’t have thought of it on his own — it had only been a few months, after all. But Courtney had stuck with him through the worst of what his life had to offer, and she’d never flinched. She loved him anyway, and so he’d thought it was a good idea. He’d taken Carly to the jewelry store and she’d pointed out a few options.

He’d bought the one that he liked, brought it home and he’d proposed. And Courtney had been happy — so had he, Jason acknowledged, because it was nice to come home to someone who loved you and didn’t always constantly demand more.

Jason picked up the ring, turned it over in his hand. Did he want her to have this back? Did he want the life that ring promised?

He didn’t know the answer to that anymore. It wasn’t the yes it had been a few months ago. It wasn’t the no it had been this morning, standing in the hallway outside Elizabeth’s studio.

He set it back on the desk. “You can do whatever you want with that,” Jason said finally, and Courtney’s eyes darkened. “It’s yours, no matter what happens here.”

She pursed her lips, picked it up, slid it back on her her finger. “I suppose I should be grateful that you didn’t just say no, right? Did you even think about me?” she asked abruptly, her eyes flashing to his. “Last night. When you were screwing another woman, did I even enter your consciousness?”

“No,” Jason said, and she closed her eyes, absorbed that. “I didn’t plan it. It happened—”

“Don’t—don’t say that—you’re a deliberate man, Jason. You don’t act on impulse, okay? I know that. So—” Courtney grimaced, looked away. “Are you sorry? Do you wish it hadn’t happened?” Her gaze snapped back. “And don’t lie. I’ll know.”

“No, I don’t wish I hadn’t happened. And I’m not—I’m not sorry.  Not the way you want me to be.”

She nodded. “No regrets? Not even one?” Courtney laughed, a shaky sound without an ounce of mirth. “Wow. Okay, well I asked, didn’t I? Serves me right. Okay, fine. Was it good?” Her eyes squinted into little slits. “Was it everything you’d ever wanted it to be?”

“Don’t—don’t do this—”

“No, I think I get to interrogate you a little bit, Jason. You asked me to marry you,” she spat. “And you spent the night with another woman—not just some whore you picked up in a bar — but Elizabeth. Your ex—God, whatever she is. Ex-girlfriend, ex-friend, ex-crush, I don’t know. Pick a word and go with it. But you don’t get to stand there and tell me I can’t ask for whatever details I damn well please.”

Jason knew he deserved this — knew that the anger and hurt were valid, and that every piece of it was earned. But it didn’t make any of this easier.

“So what happens now?” Courtney demanded. “You didn’t take the ring back. So you still want to marry me? Am I just supposed to put up with the idea that maybe every few years you and Elizabeth will circle back to each other, no matter who you’re involved with? Oh, you think I don’t know about that?” she retorted when Jason frowned at her. “Carly told me how Elizabeth played you like a violin a few years ago, when she had you and Lucky Spencer on the hook, making you fight over her—”

“That’s not what happened—”

“Well, whatever. It’s not going to happen this time. I told Elizabeth what she needed to know. That as long as I’m in the picture, she needs to keep her hands to herself. I don’t think it’s out of line, do you?”

Maybe not, but everything inside of Jason said it had been more than that — but unlike Courtney, he wasn’t going to keep pushing. “Courtney—”

“You didn’t answer my question. What happens now? Do you want to be with her? Do you want to leave me? After everything we’ve been through?” Her voice faltered, and she swallowed hard. “Because, let me tell you, this is some bullshit if you leave me now and go to her. I had a miscarriage less than a month ago, and I found out I can’t have kids, and you didn’t even so much as blink when I told you—”


“Can you say anything other than my name!” she broke in, her voice rising to almost hysterical pitch. “Because that’s what this is! You and I both know it! You love kids. Christ, look at how much you’ve let Sonny and Carly push you around because of Michael — you want kids of your own, and I can’t give them to you, but I bet she can, huh?”

“That has nothing to do with it—”

“The only thing that’s changed between us is that I can’t have any children,” Courtney shot back. “That’s it. So if it’s not that, then maybe you never loved me at all. Maybe you were just settling because Elizabeth didn’t want you. What makes you think she’ll stay this time?” she charged.

None of this was going the way he wanted it to, and he didn’t know how to tell her that her ability to have kids had never even entered his consciousness, but —

“How can you throw away everything we’ve been to each other? Did it mean anything to you? Do I mean anything to you?” Courtney begged, and now she was sobbing, holding her hands to her mouth. “Was I just a warm body—”

Jason closed the distance between them, and took her in his arms as she broke down, her tears warm against his neck. “No, no, that’s not true. None of it—”

“Then tell me you love me, okay? Tell me—tell me right now and I’ll believe it—” Courtney pulled away, fisted her hands in his shirt. “Tell me, Jason, and we’ll just forget all of this ever happened. I won’t ever bring it up again—”


There was a frantic knocking at the door, and Jason turned, releasing Courtney and going to the door. As soon as he’d done that, the screaming and yelling could be heard. Jason winced. Not again.

Max stood there, grim. “I heard glass breaking, and Mrs. C is pretty upset. I think you’d better get over there.”

April 18, 2024

This entry is part 2 of 36 in the Flash Fiction: Warning Shots

Written in 63 minutes.

Story 2: The Juan of It All


Elizabeth counted the tip left at one her tables, wrinkling her nose as she walked back to the counter. “Man, people get cheaper all the time. They’re not even bothering with ten percent, much less fifteen.”

Emily swirled her straw in the vanilla milkshake. “You know, if you want, I could have my brother sit in your section and glare at the cheapskates. I bet that would work—”

“Why don’t I hold off on the intimidation until I get desperate.” Elizabeth slid the tips in her apron and continued her sidework, wrapping utensils in napkins. “You look miserable. Still avoiding the essay?”

“I’ll be avoiding that essay until three hours before it’s due.” Emily sighed. “It’s Juan. We’re trying to call each other three times a week, but it’s not easy with my schedule and his stepdad always breathing down his neck. I just—” She jerked one shoulder. “I miss him—”

“You miss who?” Lucky came through the kitchen entrance, wrapped his arms around Elizabeth’s waist, then kissed her cheek. “Hey,” he said, nuzzling her neck. Elizabeth leaned against him for a minute, then returned the kiss on his cheek. He came around the counter, dropped onto the stool. “Em? Who do you miss?”

“You’ll just make fun of me,” Emily muttered. She sipped her milkshake, and Elizabeth sighed. Neither Lucky nor Nikolas had let up on making sure Emily knew exactly how they felt about Emily’s boyfriend, which was stupid because the guy had been gone for six weeks.

“No, I won’t. Come on—” Lucky nudged her shoulder. “Juan, right? You’re still trying long-distance.”

“Yeah. It’s hard. But let’s talk about something else.” Emily straightened. “Liz, did you get your first art project back yet?”

“Not yet, but I’m really looking forward to it. Dr. Watts is the first, like, real artist to look at my work, and I really want to know what she thinks.” Elizabeth set a soda in front of Lucky. “But I’m also, like, terrified, because what if she hates it?” Her smile faded slightly. “I mean, there’s a reason I didn’t get into New York, right?”

“It’ll be fine,” Lucky assured. “Don’t I tell you all the time how good you are?”

“Well, yeah, and I love that. Really. But—”

“But my opinion doesn’t matter?” he asked, lifting his brows. He picked up the soda. “Used to matter a lot.”

“Of course it matters,” Elizabeth said. “If you hadn’t believed in me, I’d never even be this far. But Dr. Watts has connections, you know? And she’s head of the department. If I could impress her, it would make such a huge difference in my career.”

“You’ll be great.” Lucky turned back to Emily. “I hate seeing you so down all the time. Come on. We should do something Friday night. All of us, like we used to—”

“Oh, I wish I could, but I already told Tammy I’d work,” Elizabeth said.

“And Friday’s my night to call Juan,” Emily added. “But Saturday—”

“I have work at the garage.” Lucky rolled his eyes. “What about three weeks from now?” he asked sarcastically. “Is that enough advance notice? I mean, what’s a guy gotta do to get some time with his girlfriend?” He was smiling as he said, but there was an edge in his voice.

“I’ve been so busy, I know. I’m sorry,” Elizabeth said. “Just getting used to the new classes and everything on campus, juggling work. But we’re already almost halfway through this semester. And we’ll have Thanksgiving break—”

Emily pursed her lips. “About that. Um, what would you say about covering for me if I tell my parents I’m gonna have Thanksgiving dinner with you and stay at your house?”

Elizabeth frowned. “I’d say your parents would be confused because we live ten minutes apart. Why?”

“Oh, you’re not going to do something stupid like run off to Puerto Rico—” Lucky stopped when Emily dropped her eyes. “Em. Come on. He’s not worth it.”

“You don’t even know him—”

“I know enough—Look, you’re just making this harder on yourself than it has to be.”

“Lucky, hey, give her break,” Elizabeth said, a bit startled by how forceful he was being. It wasn’t like him to be so dismissive of someone else’s feelings, especially not Emily’s. “Em, we’ll work on a cover story, okay? Let’s get you to Puerto Rico.”

Emily brightened. “Yeah?”

Lucky scowled. “You’re just making it worse,” he told Elizabeth. “This guy is probably already dating someone else—”

“He’s not! Juan loves me—” Emily said, her eyes hot with indignation. “We talk all the time and he misses me! He’s writing songs about me and he sings them to me—”

“And he’s probably singing them to a thousand girls.” Lucky softened his tone. “I love you, Em. You know that. And I want you to be happy. With someone who deserves you. Not this guy.”

He tossed some money down for his drink. “Look, I gotta get to work. But you need to be realistic, Em. This is only going to end badly if you keep stringing yourself along.”

Emily watched him go, then looked to Elizabeth, her eyes stricken. “Is he right? Do you think Juan is already dating someone else? Maybe the songs aren’t for me—”

“Don’t listen to him. I don’t know what crawled up his butt lately, maybe he’s spending too much time with his dad. You know how cynical Luke is, especially these days with Laura dating Stefan Cassadine.” Elizabeth leaned over the counter. “Listen, I got you, okay? Here’s what we’ll do…”

Not too far away from Kelly’s, Jason was giving serious consideration to locking the door to the garage, getting on the bike, and riding out of town without a word to anyone else.

Because maybe then Carly would stay the hell away from him and stop dragging him back into her plans — into her life—

And maybe she wouldn’t be standing here, Michael in her arms, smiling at him like she’d done him a favor.

“I just knew you’d want to see how big he’s getting,” Carly said, shoving the toddler at Jason who fumbled to get hold of the little boy. Michael, nearly two, squirmed and struggled. Jason set him on his feet, then scowled at Carly.

“He doesn’t know me anymore,” he hissed, the pain of that statement—the accuracy—slicing at him. He’d given the little boy up the previous spring, ending their visitation and it had nearly killed him.

It had been the right decision — the only one — and if he could just get Carly to see that —

“No, but I could start showing him your picture and, come on, Jase, don’t—” she grimaced and went to grab Michael before he could get into any trouble. “I was thinking maybe I could come to your place and bring him so that when I finally get out of all this—”

“I’m going to tell you the same thing I said months ago,” Jason said, and her expression only turned more stubborn. “This isn’t going to work. You got a good thing up at the mansion—”

“You hate them—”

“But you like their money,” Jason said, and she rolled her eyes, didn’t deny it. “And Michael—he looks good. Happy,” he said, looking at the little boy he loved so much. “That’s what I wanted for him. So you need to go—”

The door behind them slammed open and Lucky stalked in, stopping when he saw Carly there. “Oh. I can come back—”

“No. No.” Almost grateful for the younger man, Jason waved him forward. “I need to talk to you about something. Carly was leaving. Say goodbye, Carly.”

Carly made a face, then lifted Michael in her arms. “Goodbye, Carly,” she said in a mocking tone, and flounced off.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Lucky said, after the blonde had left. “I thought you said—”

“I did. I got a job for you from Sonny. Come into the office.” Jason jerked his thumb in that direction and headed there, trusting the other man to follow.

“You know, Emily’s still talking to Juan all the time,” Lucky said darkly. “I thought she’d be over it by now.”

Jason looked for the package he’d set aside, only half-listening. “Yeah, I guess I thought she might meet someone on campus. She’s always telling me about some party they’re going to.”

“That’s what I’m talking about! How does she have time to go to class, talk to Juan, and go out all the time! Every time I try to see Elizabeth, she’s got something to do.” Lucky sighed. “Man, maybe I should have gone to college or something, so at least I’d be there with them.”

“What?” Jason tuned back in, frowning. “Maybe next semester.”

“No, we’ll be in our place by then. Just gotta suck it up for now,” Lucky said, taking the package. “But this Juan stuff — you gotta talk to her, man. She’s setting herself up for some real disappointment.”

“I’ll be there if she needs me,” he replied. “Now, here’s what Sonny needs from you.”


The night before Thanksgiving, Elizabeth had just completed step one in the GET EMILY TO PUERTO RICO ACTION PLAN, and had headed to Kelly’s to meet Lucky for a long-overdue dinner date.

She dropped into the chair across from him, grinning when she saw he’d already ordered her usual. “Oh, thanks! I’m sorry I’m late, I got hung up—”

“Did you at least remember to put gas in my car this time?” Lucky said, taking the keys from her. “What did you need it for? And do I have any new dents?”

“You back into one measly fire hydrant,” she said with a sigh, then picked up her milkshake. “I had to drop someone off. Anyway, the car is golden, and I am all yours. Just like I promised.”

Lucky smiled, his face lighting up. “I’ve missed this. Just you and me.”

“Me, too. And I really am sorry. I got so carried away these last few months, but, oh, it’s so much more fun than I thought it’d be, you know? I love my classes, well except for Dr. Watts—” her face fell slightly. “But I just know she’ll like the new project I’m working on—”

“I told you not to worry so much about what other people think—”

“It’s not just other—” The bell over the door jingled, and Elizabeth glanced over, her face falling when she recognized the man who’d come in.

Lucky twisted in his seat, and he grimaced. “Oh, damn. I really thought we were done with this.”

“What are you doing here?” Elizabeth lunged from her seat, crossing to where Juan freaking Santiago was standing in Port Charles. “You’re supposed to be in Puerto Rico!”

“I know, but it’s a surprise. Emily will never see it coming—”

“Oh, God—” Lucky hissed. “Elizabeth, please tell me Emily isn’t the person you had to drop off.”

“Um—” Elizabeth looked at Lucky, her eyes wide. “Maybe.”

“Oh, no,” Juan groaned, realizing what must have happened. “She’s on her way to Puerto Rico?”

“See? This is why I told you not to get involved.”

“Yell at me later,” Elizabeth said. “First, we have to get to the airport to stop Emily from getting on that plane—”

“No. No, this is exactly what needs to happen.” Lucky folded his arms. “Emily never thinks before she does anything—and you’re just as bad when you’re trying to help—” He shook his head. “I’m not helping you out of this one.”

“Dude—” Juan frowned, then looked at Elizabeth. “What time is her flight?”

“Ninety minutes, so we still have time. Lucky, if you don’t want to drive us, then just give me your keys—” She held out her hands, but Lucky sat down, picked up his drink. “Lucky, you’ve got to be kidding.”

“I told Emily not to waste her time on this idiot—”

“This idiot came all this way to see her—” Elizabeth wanted to stomp her foot. “Why are you being like this? Emily’s in trouble—”

“This isn’t like when she got blackmailed, Elizabeth. That was trouble—”

“Oh, forget it. I’ll argue with you later.” Elizabeth went around the counter. “I know just who to call. Someone who will actually drop everything when someone’s in trouble, no matter how they got there.”

“You’re trying to make me feel guilty, and it won’t work,” Lucky called.

“You’re not calling him, are you? Because he hates me—”

“He loves his sister more,” Elizabeth said. She dialed a number, waited for the call to connect. “Jason? Hey, it’s Elizabeth. Um, Emily and I have a small problem. I need a ride to the airport. Yes—” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll explain everything when you get here. I’m at Kelly’s.”

Jason strode over to the gate where his little sister was waiting patiently for her flight to be called. She sat in one of the seats, flipped through a magazine.

He placed two fingers on the magazine, plucked it out of her hands. “Going somewhere?”

Emily looked at him, guilt flashing on her expression, then it slid into determination and she jumped up. “You can’t stop me! I already bought my ticket!” She jabbed a finger in his face. “And I am eighteen so I can do whatever I want—”

“Seems like a waste of time to go all the way to Puerto Rico when you can just look over there—”

Emily frowned, then turned her head. Her eyes grew comically wide, and she squealed when she spied Juan standing next to Elizabeth by a bank of pay phones. She practically danced over to him. “You’re here! You’re really here!”

Jason just sighed and went to stand next to Elizabeth. He didn’t like Juan Santiago much, but the kid could be worse. And his sister looked so happy — she could probably power an entire small village from the wattage in her smile and light in her eyes.

Elizabeth had her hands clasped together and was practically vibrating with happiness. “We made it! Thank you so much! I thought we’d miss her plane when we got stuff in that traffic—”

“Yeah, it was close.” He folded his arms, looked at her with the glower he usually reserved for work. “Don’t think this gets you out of trouble.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Please. I saw you smile when Emily saw Juan.” She poked his bicep lightly. “You’re a softy for her, and you know it.”

“I am not,” he argued, but it was tough to keep up the facade when she was sneaking peeks at Emily and Juan, still talking excitedly. Elizabeth continued to grin, and he couldn’t really pretend to be unhappy with her when the only thing she’d cared was taking care of Emily.

“Look how happy she is,” Elizabeth said, putting a hand on his arm, pointing. “You can hate him all you want, but he’s not that bad if he makes her that happy right?”

“I like her being happy,” Jason said with a beleaguered sigh. “But does it have to be with him?”

“You can’t choose who you love,” Elizabeth told him, and he nodded, because of course that was true.

Emily bounced over to them, practically dragging Juan. “Liz! Liz! Oh my God, Juan gets to stay! He’s coming to PCU this spring!”

“Oh my God, that’s amazing!” Elizabeth hugged Emily, then Juan, then beamed at Jason. “Isn’t that the best news?”

“Yeah,” Jason said, then said nothing else. Elizabeth rolled her eyes, then went back to laughing with Emily.

“I just need somewhere to stay until my room is ready in January,” Juan said, his hand firmly tucked in Emily’s hand as they walked into Kelly’s courtyard. “You think Tammy will rent to me again?”

“Oh for sure.” Elizabeth rocked back on her heels. “She’s working right now. You guys should go ask her.”

“Come on, I’ll plead your case.” Emily dragged Juan into the diner. “We have a lot to catch up on.”

“Did you have to suggest Kelly’s?” Jason asked, with a wince. “Do you know how much I come in here? How much I’m going to have to see him?”

“Wow, it’s almost like I didn’t take you into consideration at all,” Elizabeth said, her eyes comically wide. “I was just thinking about Emily.” But then she laughed, and he knew she’d realized he was just teasing her. “Listen, this is actually a really good thing,” Elizabeth told him.

“I’m going to need you to expand on that,” Jason said, folding his arms. “How exactly is Juan being back in Port Charles, at PCU, and at Kelly’s a good thing—”

“Juan is what?”

They both turned to see Lucky striding towards them from the parking lot, scowling. “Tell me you’re joking,” he said to Jason. “Juan’s not really back for good—”

“He is, and listen, I know you guys aren’t sold on him, and I get it, but I promise you, this is a good thing—”

“You keep saying that,” Jason said.

“Before it was like Romeo and Juliet, separated by time—”

“That’s not the plot of Romeo and Juliet,” Lucky complained. “Their families hated each other—”

“Oh my God, are you going to correct my Shakespeare? Really? I watched the Leo version until my VHS tape broke. I know my Leo,” Elizabeth said, dismissing Lucky’s complaint. “Juan being in Puerto Rico meant that Emily would just keep making up stories about him in her head, making it harder for her to get over him. But he’s here. And he’ll either make her happy or he won’t. But at least it’s not her just mooning over him anymore. She’ll get to really know him this time. And we’ll see if he’s actually good enough.”

“Let me save you some time. He’s not,” Lucky said flatly, and Elizabeth just made a face. “And you’re just making it worse by egging her on—”

“I’m not—”

“And I told you not to get involved with all of this. Now we’re stuck with Juan. Why can’t you just admit you were wrong?”

Elizabeth frowned. “But I wasn’t—”

“You nearly sent Emily to Puerto Rico on her own for no reason—”

“I didn’t—”

“Jason, come on, tell her, man. You agree with me. You hate Juan. Tell her it was stupid for her to encourage Emily in all of this.”

Elizabeth’s smile had faded and so had all the light from her eyes. She looked at him, and he felt like someone had sucked all the air out of the world. “I didn’t mean for Emily to almost end up down there by herself—”

“It’s not that serious,” Jason said. He looked at Lucky. “It just isn’t. Emily would have just booked a flight home. We could have left a message at the airport down there. You’d have laughed about it later,” he told Elizabeth, and her smile bloomed again.

Lucky scowled. “It must be nice to have money to throw around like that. But some of us have to be realistic—”

“Well, lucky for both of us, I have enough money to send my sister to Puerto Rico every day for the next fifty years if I want,” Jason said, his tone more annoyed than he’d realized. Lucky flinched. “It’s not a big deal. Elizabeth’s right,” he added. “More exposure to Juan will either prove to us that she’s right about him or she’ll get over him faster.” He looked back at her. “I still don’t like him,” he said, hoping she’d see it as another tease.

But she was more subdued. “I’m gonna head back to my grandmother, I guess. Tell Emily I’ll call her tomorrow.”

“I’ll drive you,” Lucky said. “We were supposed to have a date anyway—”

“I’m not in the mood anymore. I’ll just take the bus.” Elizabeth hurried away, and Jason frowned after her, before looking at Lucky.

“Why did you do that?” he asked. He’d been around the two of them for over a year now, and he’d never heard Lucky talk to Elizabeth that way. “What’s your problem?”

“Elizabeth just—she used to be rational. Reasonable. Ever since she started college and is spending all this time there—” Lucky pressed his lips together. “I don’t know. It’s like she’s a different person.”

He went inside the diner, and Jason headed for the street where he knew the bus stop was located.

He found her sitting on the bench, picking at one of her nails. He sat next to her. “I can drop you at your grandmother’s,” Jason offered.

She looked up at him, smiled again, though it was weak and didn’t reach her eyes. “It’s really okay. I don’t mind taking the bus.”

“I mind,” he said. “You spent your entire day racing to my sister’s rescue. Thank you. She’s lucky to have a friend like you. Let me take you home so I don’t worry about you on the bus.”

She smiled again, and now it was a little bit brighter. “Even if I made it easier for her to see Juan?”

“Nobody’s perfect.” He stood, and held out his hand. “Come on.”

“Thanks.” She took his hand, let him pull her to her feet. “I hope you’re wrong about Juan.”

“Me, too.”

This entry is part 4 of 48 in the Flash Fiction: Chain Reaction

Written in 59 minutes. Off to make coffee! See you at 10!

Morgan Penthouse: Bedroom

When he woke, the sun was streaming through the blinds, flooding the room with slats of light. Jason sat up, looked over at the clock on the night stand and exhaled slowly. It was just before three. Plenty of sleep, and yet —

The fatigue that had been dragging his steps when he’d arrived at the Towers after dawn hadn’t eased. And clarity hadn’t arrived with rest or the cold shower.

He’d spent the night with another woman while his fiancee waited at home. And not just any other woman, but Elizabeth. Jason dug the heels of his hands in both eyes until stars dotted the black in his vision.

It had been simple standing in front of her door seven hours ago. Come home, tell Courtney that it was over because it had to be, didn’t it? He didn’t regret any of it, only that Courtney had known and suspected all night long. Maybe if she hadn’t — if she hadn’t looked at him with that calm expression and told him it was okay if he and Elizabeth had comforted each other, he might have been able to say something.

He should have opened his mouth and told she was wrong — but she wasn’t. Not all the way. He should have told her that he didn’t know if he could go back to pretending Elizabeth didn’t exist, or if he even wanted to. But he hadn’t done any of that. He’d let Courtney forgive him for a crime he hadn’t confessed to, and she’d sent him to bed.

Jason rose, and dressed, almost mechanically. Briefs. Jeans. T-shirt. Socks. Boots. He sat on the edge of the bed to lace the boots, and he had one of those rare flashes — of the night before, Elizabeth on her knees in front of him, smiling with that wicked tilt to her mouth and gleam in her eye—

He practically lunged off the bed and head for the doorway. Courtney was nowhere to be found downstairs, though it wasn’t that surprising since it was halfway through the day. She hadn’t left a note, and he could call if he wanted to find her. But he didn’t feel ready for that yet. She’d come home and want to talk, and Jason needed the words. He needed to do what she’d done — think about what to say so that it came out just right.

Instead, he headed across the hall to check in with the guard on Sonny’s door to be sure that all was well over there after the apparent fight the night before. Max brightened when he saw Jason, the relief palpable. “Jase. Good. Good. I was hoping you’d come by. Miss Matthews said you were still sleeping. She told us your sister’s gonna pull through. That’s really awesome.”

Jason rubbed his chest, but it didn’t relieve the vague itch that plagued him. Courtney telling people about Emily, talking about still sleeping as if he’d spent the entire night worrying about his sister. He’d started it that way, hadn’t he? But—

“She said there was a problem last night.”

“Yeah. Uh, Dougie was on duty last night. Said the shouting was through the door, so he went over to find you or Miss Matthews. She took care of it, but—” Max coughed. “It’s getting worse.”

“I know. Is he up or—”

“Sure, sure. Lemme go see what the situation is.” Maxe knocked lightly, then went inside, leaving Jason in the hallway, already irritated at the idea that he might have to deal with Sonny and Carly again today.

Carly’s return from Venezuela after having been kidnapped for two months should have been a triumphant homecoming—an end to the chaos, worry, and anxiety that had gripped their world since that terrible night in June. Instead, Sonny had found Carly enjoying some luxury as Lorenzo Alcazar’s captive, and he’d become obsessed with it. As if Carly, seven months pregnant, had started an affair with her second kidnapper.

Sonny had been teetering on the edge for weeks, and it wouldn’t take much more to push him over. Jason just wanted to pull him back before that happened so he could stop worrying about him. Stop worrying about what would happen to Carly or the kids.

He just wanted it all to stop.

“He’s good. Awake. Clear-headed,” Max reported in hushed tones. Jason nodded and went past him. Sonny sat at the table by the windows, a cup of coffee in his hands.

He lifted his brows at Jason. “I thought you’d be by sooner. Oversleep?”

“No. I didn’t get in until after dawn.” Jason folded his arms. “Emily — she’s going to—well, she pulled through the night. Not all the way in the clear, but—” He hadn’t even digested that news, he’d released. Let it sink in, be absorbed. He’d received the news, felt the weight leave his shoulders, and had looked next to him at Elizabeth whose bright eyes and smile had matched the way he’d felt—

And he’d kissed her—

Jason shook his head. “Uh, so I just woke up. Did you—did you know where Courtney went?”

“She was here for breakfast,” Sonny said. He picked up the newspaper, flipped to another page. “Head to Club 101 with Carly a little while ago. That’s good news about Emily. I’m glad.”

“Yeah.” Jason’s phone vibrated in his pocket, and he tugged it out, half-hoping it would be Elizabeth, but it was Monica. “Hey. What’s up?” he asked, a lick of fear in his throat. “Is Emily still—”

“She’s good. She’s up and ready for visitors.” Monica’s joy radiated through the connection. “I thought you’d want to see her.”

“I do. I really do. I’ll be right there.” Jason closed his phone. “Listen—”

“Go see your sister. Send her my best,” Sonny said, waving him away. “We’ll talk later.”

“Thanks.” Jason headed for the door, eager to see his sister’s recovery for himself.

General Hospital: Emily’s Room

She didn’t look much different than she had the night before — her face was still pale, her movements lethargic but there was a spark in her eyes that hadn’t been there before. Jason sat at her bed, picked up her hand, and opened his mouth. Then closed it—his throat had closed, and he couldn’t force out a word.

He really thought he’d spoken his last words to Emily the night before. That he’d never see her again.

“Hey,” Emily said. She smiled faintly. “Fancy seeing you again, huh?”

“Em.” Jason shook his head, squeezed her hand. “I can’t—I’m just so—” The words wouldn’t come. He couldn’t form a coherent sentence. He dipped his head, took a deep breath.

“Never thought you’d have to see me again, right?” Emily asked, wryly, and his head popped up, stunned. “What, can’t we joke about this kind of thing?”

“I just…I’m so glad to see you.”

“Right back at you.” Emily sighed, closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them again. “I’m sorry I scared you. That you were all so terrified. Mom said you spent half the night in the chapel. And Elizabeth came back. Lucky and Nikolas did, too. Tell me you didn’t spend the whole night here, Jase.”

“I didn’t. I—” Jason hesitated, looked down. “I ran into Elizabeth. We—we waited together. Neither of us—”

“Wanted to be alone when the call came. I’m glad.” Emily’s voice was a bit raspy. “I’m glad you had someone.  That she did, too. You’re both so stubborn. Always putting yourselves last.” Her voice faded again and she closed her eyes.


“Mm, sorry, I’ve been doing that all morning.” Her eyelids fluttered again. “You know I’m not…I’m not in remission yet. I could still…put you through all this again.”

“I know,” Jason said. “But—”

“But we’ll take the victories where we can find them. I woke up this morning, and…that wasn’t supposed to happen.” Tears clung to her lashes. “Do me a favor, Jase.”


“Make sure to smile once in a while. I worry about you.”

“You worry about me?” Jason asked, his brows lifting in surprise. “Em—”

“I know, I know. I’m the one dying. But—” Emily smiled. “I do. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He half-stood, leaning over to kiss her forehead. “Rest. I’ll talk to you later.” He squeezed her hand, then headed for the door.

In the little waiting area outside Emily’s room, he found Elizabeth perched on the edge of the chair. Her hair was pulled back, out of her face, but tendrils fell down around her cheeks. She bit at her thumb, and looked over when she heard the door.

Their eyes locked, and Elizabeth rose. “Oh. Oh. They just told me at the nurse’s station someone was in with her—” She folded her arms, then let them fall to her side, only to fold them again, but this time she wrapped them fully around her torso, hugging herself. “I didn’t know it was you.”

Jason cleared his throat took a step towards her, then stopped when a nurse and doctor passed between them. “You can go in. She’s tired, but I know she wants to see you.”

“Yeah. Okay. Um—” Elizabeth looked away, her blue eyes trained on the cream colored linoleum. “I just—I wanted you to know that…I—I’m back at Kelly’s. Working, I mean. And um, Courtney came in just before I finished my shift.”

“Courtney.” Jason’s stomach pitched, rolled. Was that why she wouldn’t look at him for very long, making eye contact, then darting her eyes away quickly — “She—”

“Um, it’s okay. I just wanted you to know that. I get it. I understand—” Elizabeth closed her eyes, expression pinched. “I do. You made promises to her.”

“Wait.” Jason stepped closer to her, but Elizabeth stepped back. His brow creased. “I didn’t say more than a few words to her when I got in this morning,” he said. “I—I didn’t talk to her. I wanted to. But—” He stopped when another doctor passed them, grimacing. “We can’t talk about this here.”

“We don’t have to. Really—”

“We do.” Jason closed the distance between them, reaching out to grasp her elbow before she could retreat again. Still she wouldn’t look at him. “We do. We have to talk. I’ll wait while you see Emily, and then we’ll…we’ll talk,” he said. She finally looked at him, her blue eyes careful, guarded. Not unlike Courtney’s had been this morning, and it was like a ton of rocks had been dropped on him. Was there any way to get out of this without hurting either of them? Or was it too late?

“Okay,” Elizabeth said. “We’ll talk after.” She slipped away from him then, and into Emily’s room.


What had possessed her to bring up Courtney in the hallway like that? Her entire body was flushed with humiliation and frustration. She hadn’t meant to do that — she’d just looked at him, at his face, and his hands, and the night before—earlier that morning—it had all come flooding back. Every touch, caress, kiss—she could feel it like it was still happening—

And right after that the rush of mortification when Courtney had lobbed that grenade at her. She was still in the picture, and she’d fight for it.

Because unlike you, I know Jason’s worth fighting for.

Is that what Jason thought? That Elizabeth hadn’t wanted to fight for him? How could he think anything else after all she’d done to him, all the ways she’d made him feel like he wasn’t enough—

Elizabeth leaned against the closed door, squeezing her eyes shut, willing it all to go away.

“Did you see a ghost or something?”

Emily’s amused, but faint,  voice brought Elizabeth back to reality. Her eyes popped up, then filled at the sight of her best friend, still alive. Still breathing. Still with them.

“Hey, you.” Elizabeth came away from the door. “I’m so glad to see you.”

“Me, too. You, I mean. I’m glad to see you. I’m also glad to see me,” Emily admitted, and Elizabeth laughed. She sat down. “Sorry I was so dramatic last night. But you know, those doctors.”

“You fought back,” Elizabeth said. She squeezed Emily’s hand. “And you’re going to keep fighting, you know. You can do this. I’ll be right here with you.”

“Like I’d let you get that far.” Emily’s eyes fluttered closed, then opened again. “What’s wrong? You were upset when you came in. Did—” Her face fell. “You and Jason. You’re not upset with each other again, are you?”

“What?” Elizabeth blinked. “Why would you ask that?”

“Well, he told me he took you home. That you guys waited together—”

“He said that—”

“And—” Emily made a face. “I hate this,” she muttered. “Jason never tells me what’s wrong, and I could tell something was. I can tell you’re upset. But you won’t say why, will you? And if I asked him—”

“Em, you should just be concentrating on yourself—”

“When I get out of this bed—” Her voice faltered, fading out. “I’m going to kick both your asses.”

“I look forward to it.”

Elizabeth’s Studio: Hallway

Maybe it had been a mistake to accept the offer a ride back to her studio, but Elizabeth couldn’t pass up the chance to sit behind him, wrap her arms around his waist, and hold on like she’d never let go.

She’d let go so many times — why was she surprised that Jason had run out of patience and stopped holding his hand out? Last night had been a mistake, she knew that. It had to be. And he was trying to think of a way to tell her that. To be kind about it.

She stopped at the door, then turned to look at him — the way she had this morning, when the real world hadn’t existed for either of them. Her eyes searched his. “It’s okay, you know. I’m not mad or anything. That you decided to stay—”

“I didn’t—” Jason grimaced, took out his own keys and with a start, she realized he had his own copies. Her heart pounded as she watched him unlock her door.

“You still have them.”

“Well—” Jason looked down at the keys in his hand, then back at her. “You never know when I’ll need a place to hide.”

Because the world was always waiting to ruin everything, Elizabeth thought. She took a deep breath, forced a smile. “You know you can always come to me. I won’t—” She shook her head, went inside the studio.

“Elizabeth—” Jason followed, closing the door with one hand. “Listen—”

“Courtney said—”

“Courtney saw us last night,” Jason said and Elizabeth closed her mouth. “Leaving the hospital. She didn’t know for sure. She still doesn’t unless you said something.”

“I—” Elizabeth furrowed her brow. “She knows, Jason. She told me she knows. Whether or not you confirmed it with words—” She looked at him. “I don’t understand. I told you I’m not mad that you decided to stay, and you’re saying we need to talk because you didn’t decide—but now—now, you’re saying that our secret is still safe—is supposed to be a secret then?” Her voice wobbled on the last few words. “Because you don’t want her to know for sure?”

Jason closed his eyes, winced. “That’s not what I meant. I don’t—I was tired when I got home. And I meant what I said when I left here.” He took a step towards her, and like the hospital, she stepped back. “I mean it,” he repeated. “I still do. It’s just—”

“You looked at her and remembered all the reasons you love her,” Elizabeth finished.

Jason opened his mouth, then closed it, a bit mystified. Bewildered. “No. Yes, but—” He fisted his hand. “It’s more that — I realized that I was going to hurt her, and she didn’t do anything to deserve that, you know? I didn’t know how to start the conversation and then she started it for me, and I was tired—”


“It seemed so easy when it was just us,” he murmured, more to himself. “Standing out in the hallway, I looked at you—” His eyes found hers. “And it’s all I wanted. To come back here and be with you.”

“That’s how it always is,” Elizabeth said. One hot tear slid down her cheek. “We work really well in here. In your room at Jake’s, on your bike, sitting on a bench—when it’s just us, oh, it’s the best feeling in the world.” She smiled even as the tears continued. “But that’s not the real world. Last night — it felt like a moment out of time. And maybe we’re not meant to hold on to it. Maybe we never are.”

“I won’t—no, I don’t believe that. I won’t—” Jason strode towards her and kissed her, cupping her jaw with his hands. Elizabeth slid her hands up to push him away, then fisted in his shirt, dragging him closer.

April 17, 2024

This entry is part 1 of 36 in the Flash Fiction: Warning Shots

A note on structure: Each update for Part 1 of Warning Shots will be like an episodic short story to provide a prequel to the main event. It’ll make sense later, I promise.

Written in 60 minutes.

STORY 1: And in the Beginning…

Port Charles, New York

September 1999

It had all started with a letter.

On bright April morning, Elizabeth Webber had rushed to her mailbox, eagerly anticipating acceptance to the New York School of the Visual Arts, Step One on the Lucky & Elizabeth Life Plan, a decorated poster board that held a prominent position on the wall in her bedroom.

Step 1: Get into Art School!
Step 2: Move to New York City!
Step 3: Get Lucky a gig playing guitar in the West Village!
Step 4: Get My First Art Show!
Step 5: Get married in Central Park!
Step 6: Live Happily Ever After!

Each step had been illustrated, and Elizabeth couldn’t wait to check off the very first one—

And then she’d seen the letter.

It was a slim envelope, nothing like the large, thick white ones that rolled in for her older sister Sarah year before or the one her best friend Emily Bowen Quartermaine had been receiving for a few weeks now. Or even the one from Elizabeth’s back up school, PCU.

No, this one could hold nothing more than a single sheet of paper.

She had stood on her step staring at it for a long time, the front door wide open enough that her grandmother’s annoying cat, Gatsby, had escaped, and Audrey Hardy had come to admonish her.

“Elizabeth, what is it—” Audrey had stopped when she saw Elizabeth staring at the letter. “Oh. Have you heard from New York then?”

With trembling fingers, Elizabeth opened the envelope, slid it out —

We regret to inform you

It had been devastating. Soul crushing. She’d pinned everything on this one hope — they’d even gone to New York City a few weeks earlier to start scouting out their new neighborhood. Lucky wore a subway token around his neck in memory — and now —

She’d cried in her grandmother’s arms, then had gone to the phone to call Lucky. Lucky had been disappointed, but sweet as always. They’d figure out a new plan. No worries. Good thing she’d applied to her back up school, right?

Within a few weeks, Elizabeth had a new plan. Not as carefully or intricately designed — this was more of a paper ripped from a notebook type of thing.

Step 1: Go to PCU.
Step 2: Room with Emily.
Step 3: Graduate.
Step 4: Move to New York.

And now, five months later, Elizabeth was embarking on step two. Emily had convinced that for their first year, they absolutely had to live together in a dorm on campus. It would be the most awesome experience ever. Lucky had been disappointed — he’d been saving for an apartment for them, but Elizabeth had started to warm up to the idea of going to PCU. Especially with Emily. They’d pored over all the orientation materials, gone to all the opening house events —

Today, Elizabeth and Emily were moving into their dorm — Room 314 on the third floor of Barrington Hall, and Elizabeth was driving Emily’s older brother crazy. Not that Jason Morgan would ever admit it — he’d have to talk in order to do that.

“You’re going to be really mad,” she said, a breathless as she came back into the room to see Jason sliding the desk into the spot Elizabeth had just promised was the absolute perfect place.

Jason looked at her, his light blue eyes locked on hers. “No.” Normally, men like Jason made Elizabeth nervous. He wasn’t particularly tall, but everyone towered over Elizabeth’s short height. He was muscular, and Elizabeth knew he could throw a punch. He was Jason Morgan, notoriously mixed up with the local mafia. She’d been at Luke’s the night someone had tried to kill him and snagged Nikolas Cassadine in the throat.

But he was just Jason to her these days, the guy who ran the garage and rented a room above it to Lucky. He was so different around his sister — he even smiled, and even someone happily devoted to her boyfriend like Elizabeth was, could objectively admit he was attractive. Gorgeous. Sexy, actually with light blonde hair always worn with spikes — sometimes she tried to picture him arranging his hair in the morning with gel, and it made her giggle.

But mostly he was just Jason, the guy who would do anything for his little sister. And his little sister’s best friend.

Jason sighed, pressed one thumb to his eyebrow. “Where do you want it?”

“You are the best!” She squealed, actually jumped a little, then darted around him. “I had this vision as I was coming up the stairs — because you know, Em and I are going to be studying but this is going to be like home, too—”


She broke off, startled because she didn’t think she’d ever heard Jason say her name. Which made sense — how many conversations had they ever had? She bit her lip. “Right. You don’t care why. I promise this is it. We want the beds here—” She gestured by the window. “And then the desk over here—oh, and—” She bent down as if to pick up one end of the desk. “I can help—”

He brushed her hands aside, the callused fingers startling her — Lucky was the only man who’d ever really touched her, and his hands were so much softer. “Thanks, but I can do this quicker by myself.” Then in one light move, he lifted the desk without even exerting himself.

“You’re really the best. I’m so sorry Lucky ditched us. He had to do something with Laura, and well, Emily would have invited Juan—”

Jason looked at her and Elizabeth wrinkled her nose. “Right. I know. That’s why she didn’t. Plus, um, she didn’t tell you this yet, but I thought I’d warn you. Juan’s step dad is making him go back to Puerto Rico.”

“Warn me?” Jason said, furrowing his brow. He slid the desk into the space she’d indicated, then moved the beds. “Why do I need a warning?”

“Emily’s trying not to be upset about it, you know, but when she told Lucky and Nikolas they practically cheered in her face. They really don’t like him—and I know you don’t either, but she was hurt—”

“I might not like the guy,” Jason said, his tone changing, a bit more serious now. “But my sister does. And until he gives me a good reason to punch him, she doesn’t need to know that.”

“I figured, but you know, I just wanted to protect her.” Elizabeth looked over her shoulder. “Here she comes now. Remember, you don’t know anything, okay? This will be the first you’re hearing about it!”

Jason just shook his head, but nodded, clearly humoring her. Emily came in now, a forced smile on her face. “Oh, you changed it again. I like this so much better.”

“Good, because I have to go. I should have been gone already, but—” Jason looked at Elizabeth, whose cheeks pinked up. He hugged Emily. “Call me if you need anything. I mean it. Don’t make any headlines.”

“I’ll walk you down,” Emily said, wrapping her arm around Jason’s bicep. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

Though he didn’t think he’d needed the forewarning, Jason was glad Elizabeth had previewed Emily’s news for him. He hadn’t cared for Juan Santiago the minute the little bastard had rolled into town over the summer, but Emily had hearts in her eyes almost immediately. Her first real boyfriend was leaving abruptly, and she’d probably never see him again. She’d been hesitant about sharing the news, prefacing it with —

“I know you don’t like so you’re probably glad—” she’d said with a heavy sigh.

“I care about you,” Jason told her, and had hugged her, reminding her again to call him with anything she needed. He knew Emily could take care of herself — and he was glad she was going to be with Elizabeth. He’d seen her around this last year and knew Elizabeth was tougher than she looked.

He left the campus and headed downtown to the garage he’d opened two years earlier. He left  his motorcycle parked in the usual spot, and went inside to the office where Lucky Spencer was tapping away at something on the garage’s ancient computer.

Jason had snagged the mail on his way in and didn’t notice the younger man until he was almost on top of him. He furrowed his brow. “I thought you had something to do today.”

“I finished an hour ago, thought I’d get a head start on logging the new inventory.” Lucky looked over at him. “They get moved in okay?”

“Yeah, all set.” He tossed aside the junk, set the bills on his desk. He didn’t really care that Lucky hadn’t shown up to help move the girls in — Jason could have done it in twenty minutes if Elizabeth hadn’t kept changing her mind on the set up. But it was the first time either had lived on their own, and he wanted his sister to be happy.

But Elizabeth had spent the first half hour apologizing over and over again for Lucky not being there — it had been an emergency, and Lucky said he’d try to hurry up because he hadn’t seen their dorm yet — and yet here he sat, no emergency in sight.

“I wanted to run something by you,” Lucky said twisting on his stool. “Going back to courier jobs.”

Jason grimaced. “Lucky—”

“I know you didn’t get me involved again after you, uh, left the last time,” Lucky said quickly, “and I was supposed to be leaving for New York so it was no big deal. But we’re stuck in Port Charles now, and we’re not going to have the money we thought we’d have for an apartment. That’s why Elizabeth is stuck on campus this semester—”

Jason frowned, looked at him. He knew all about semesters from Robin — this one would end in December. “Just this semester?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m saving up for the security deposit for us to get a place together. That was the plan in New York, but we had to put it on the back burner.”

That wasn’t the impression Jason had gotten, moving pieces around the room a thousand times until Elizabeth had been sure it was comfortable — it was going to be their home away from home, she’d told him, hadn’t she?

But it wasn’t any of his business, so he just shrugged. “So you want some courier work again?”

“Yeah. Just something extra. I can do it—”

“I don’t doubt that. I just—I figured—” Jason shook his head. He wasn’t going to tell Lucky Spencer about getting involved with him and Sonny wasn’t a great idea. Lucky had grown up at Luke’s feet. The kid had been raised inside the life. If he wanted to make stupid choices — “I’ll talk to Sonny.”

“Great. Thanks. This whole thing is just a bump in the road. Elizabeth being stuck at PCU. Maybe she can transfer after a year or something, and we can go to New York. Just as long as we’re together.” Lucky gathered up the things at his desk. “I’m gonna head over to my mom’s and see Lu. If Elizabeth stops by or calls, let her know.”

Jason opened his mouth, then closed it. Lucky had supposedly been with his mother all morning — but it wasn’t any of his business.

Jason was done minding the business of other people. After ending things with Robin and losing custody of Michael earlier that spring, all he wanted to do was stay in his own lane and stay far away from anyone else’s problems.

A few days later, Jason was stretched out underneath a Honda with a leaking oil pan. He heard the outside door open, and then a pair of legs appeared in his view. Long, slender, and bare — at least from the calf to the ankle. The toes were painted a bright pink and encased in a pair of sandals with at least two inches of platform underneath them.


Jason slid out from the car and Elizabeth danced back, not having seen him. She had a messenger bag slung diagonally across her chest, over a white shirt. The legs weren’t completely bare — she wore a pair of cropped jeans that stopped just below her knees.

“Hey! Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I’m supposed to be meeting Lucky here.” She checked her watch. “He told me to just come in and grab him because he’d be in the office.”

“Lucky’s not working today. I don’t know where he is.”

“Oh.” She bit down on her bottom lip. “That’s annoying. And he refuses to get a phone, you know? Gram made me get the one second she found out I was going to be on campus.” She removed it now from a pocket on her bag, flipped it open. “Maybe I messed up the message. He’s been impossible to get a hold of the last few days.”

Maybe Sonny had called Lucky directly and hooked the kid up with a job, Jason thought, though he didn’t really know how say that to Elizabeth. She’d known Lucky was working for him the year before, but Jason didn’t think it was his place to mention it now.

Jason frowned. “You don’t have a car,” he remembered, and she looked at him with some surprise. “Emily said you take the bus,” he added. “You won’t even borrow her car.”

“Well, no, have you seen it? It’s brand new. I can’t park to save my life. Gram and Lucky won’t let me borrow theirs either.” She rolled her eyes. “How am I supposed to get better, I ask you? But whatever. No, I take the bus everywhere. It’s pretty reliable.” She fished into another pocket, waved the PC Bus schedule at him. “I’ll just leave a message at his mom’s and you tell him I was here, then I’ll head back to school, I guess.”

Jason didn’t know why it bothered him — except now he remembered hearing Lucky make the plans with Elizabeth that morning on the phone in the office. She hadn’t messed them up — he had.

But he wasn’t going to tell her that and cause problems. No one else’s business but his own, he reminded himself.

Elizabeth started for the door, then turned back. “Since I ran into you, thanks again for putting up with me the day we moved in. It was really nice of you not to just dump everything in the first place I pointed to. I know I was super annoying—” Her cheeks flushed, the color spreading down her neck. “But I’m pretty sure Emily went to PCU because I did. She could have gone lots of places, you know? But she picked PCU so we could do it together, and I really wanted it to be perfect. The dorm room is gonna be like —”

“Home,” Jason finished and she lit up, her eyes sparkling.

“Exactly! And it’s the first one I’ve ever really had that I get to sort of do my own thing in. It’s just ours. And maybe next year, we could do suite apartment thing so we could—” She stopped. “Anyway, like I said, it was really nice of you. And whatever you said to Emily about Juan, she felt so much better. It’s really cool of you not to make not liking him her problem. She’s lucky to have you.”

“She’s my sister,” Jason said as if that said everything and she wrinkled her nose.

“It should be that simple, right? But it’s not all the time. Family is—well, they can be the worst. Anyway, Lucky called him a loser, and it made her cry. I didn’t tell you that then but—I don’t even know why I’m telling you now except it made mad because we’re supposed to be a family, too, of sorts. Me, Em, Lucky, Nikolas—we made a pact—” She shrugged. “Anyway. It bothered me. And just because it’s the right thing to do, it doesn’t mean you doing it should go unnoticed.”

“Thanks,” Jason said, feeling a little like a heel staying quite about Lucky being the one to screw up her plans. “Listen, I’m about done here for the day. I can run you back to campus so you don’t have to deal with the bus.”

“Oh, thanks, but I’m gonna stop by my grandmother’s anyway. Thanks. Tell Lucky I was here when you see him!” She tossed him a wave over her shoulders, and he watched her leave.

April 15, 2024

This entry is part 3 of 48 in the Flash Fiction: Chain Reaction

Written in 58 minutes.

Harborview Towers: Parking Garage

The reality of what he’d done didn’t really hit Jason until he’d driven the bike into his normal spot at the Towers, switched off the ignition, and climbed off. Then he looked towards the elevators and realized he had to go upstairs.

Upstairs where Courtney was waiting. The woman he’d asked to marry him less than four months earlier. If not for Carly’s kidnapping and the chaos that had ensued in its wake, he and Courtney would already be married.

And he’d spent the night in bed with another woman. With Elizabeth. Not just once, or twice. Not just three times.

Jason stood there for another moment because he just couldn’t get on the elevator. He’d told Elizabeth that he’d leave Courtney. He’d meant it. Standing in front of her door — in front of the door he had installed because men had broken in a year ago and kidnapped her. Because she was Elizabeth, and he’d been in love with her for years.  He’d put it away, Jason thought, but last night—last night, he’d thrown away a year of progress. A year of finally moving on, of putting her behind him after all they’d been through.

He stared down at the keys in his hand, hearing the echo of Elizabeth’s keys in his head. They’d dropped from her hand when he’d kissed her that last time — the promise they’d come back and they could finally be together. It had seemed so simple, so straightforward.

But now Jason had to face the woman he’d asked to spend the rest of her life with him, the woman who had stood by him through murder trials and kidnappings and crazed half-brothers bent on revenge. She’d done nothing to deserve any of this. In fact, he knew she was hurting, that the loss of the baby he’d never known existed or the loss of any possible future children weighed heavily.

He dragged a hand across his mouth. He’d cheated on her. He’d slept with someone else after making those promises, and Courtney couldn’t understand that it hadn’t felt wrong when he’d done it. That somehow it didn’t even feel wrong now. How was he supposed to start that conversation? My sister’s going to live. I slept with Elizabeth. Over and over again. I could have stopped, but I chose not to. And I can’t regret it. I wouldn’t change it.

He wasn’t going to solve the problem by standing here, Jason thought, and finally he could move forward. He jabbed the button to get on the elevator and hoped like hell by the time he was upstairs, he would have the words he needed.

But they remained elusive, and Jason still had nothing when he slid the key in the lock, pushed it open, and found Courtney waiting for him.

She’d slept downstairs, he realized, seeing her sit up, toss aside a blanket. She rose to her feet, clad in the red and gray sweats he’d last seen her in the night before. Had she waited for him all night? She hadn’t called, but—

“You’re home,” Courtney said. Her blonde hair was loose around her shoulders, and there was a red line from the crease of the pillow she’d rested her cheek on. She rubbed it. “I—I fell asleep, I guess.”

“I should have called,” Jason said, and there—a fact that wasn’t painful to say. He absolutely should have called, but the moment Elizabeth had sat next to him in the chapel everything else had ceased to exist.  He carefully set the keys on the table, kept his distance. Would his shirt smell like Jake’s? Did it—would she able to tell somehow that he’d been with someone else? And why would that matter if he was going to tell her? He’d come up home to end it, hadn’t he?

But now, staring at Courtney, at the woman he cared—loved, he corrected quickly. He loved her. He’d told her that, hadn’t he? Assured her over and over again that he didn’t love Elizabeth. It was a hell of a thing, Jason thought as he looked at Courtney, at his fiancee, to realize that he’d been lying with every word he’d spoken. To her and to himself.

“I—Monica called here. A little while ago. She gave me the good news, but I told her to call your cell because you weren’t home.” Courtney’s blue eyes studied him, remaining somewhat unreadable. Careful, maybe, might be a better description of the emotion he could sense. “I didn’t call you.”

“I—” Had realized that fact when he’d looked at his phone in the parking garage. He hadn’t consciously thought about not hearing from Courtney — only that there’d been no interruptions and being grateful. How many times had he been with Elizabeth, only to let himself be dragged away by something else?  “I know.”

“I think I was afraid what would happen,” Courtney said. The corner of her lips curled up, almost in a smile, but her eyes remained sober. Cautious. “If you’d ignore the call, send it to voicemail, or if you’d pick up and I’d hear her.”

Everything inside him stilled, and he realized that he absolutely did not want to have this conversation. He didn’t want to hurt Courtney by telling her he’d been with Elizabeth, and he didn’t want Elizabeth to deal with those consequences either. Jason swallowed hard. “Her,” he repeated, thinking maybe he was imagining this. Maybe she didn’t know. Maybe he could somehow avoid all of this. Because he’d done this before, hadn’t he? He’d had to tell Robin about Carly, and the pain in her voice, the hurt in her eyes — he’d never forgotten and he’d tried so hard to be a better man.

But here he was and it was worse, oh, so much worse. Because he’d made promises to Courtney, and he’d broken them.

And he wasn’t sorry. Sorry to have hurt her, but not sorry to have done it.

“I saw you last night.” Courtney folded her arms. “After—after everything. I saw you go into the chapel. I was going to come and sit with you, but then—then she came in, and I saw you.  I saw you leave with her.” Her eyes were on his, and they never changed. No hurt, no anger. Just truth. “And then you never came home. And you never called.”

He exhaled slowly. “Courtney—”

“It’s good news about Emily,” she cut in, and he stopped. Furrowed his brow. “I know you weren’t expecting that. I know it was basically—that it was a matter of time. I know that, Jason. And I know how much you love her. What she means to you. And I know it’s the same for…Elizabeth,” she said, finally speaking the name. “I know that. I’m—I can understand if, facing that horrible thought of losing her, you and Elizabeth—” Her voice trembled slightly. “If you found comfort in each other.”

Had it started that way? Jason thought. Yes. In the chapel. At Vista Point. But something had changed when they’d gone to Jake’s. They’d stepped out of time, somehow, and none of it had felt real. Except when he’d touched her, when he’d held her. But all of that sounded terrible, and Jason didn’t have the first clue what to do next. He hadn’t known Courtney had seen them, hadn’t realized she’d been waiting up for this conversation.

She’d all that time to prepare, and he hadn’t given her a single thought until he’d arrived in the parking garage. She’d been something standing between him and Elizabeth — an obstacle he had to clear. Not a real person who meant something to him.


“I can understand that,” Courtney repeated. She forced herself to smile. “But you came home, and—and you look so tired. You should go…you should get some sleep. It’s still early, and Sonny won’t be up for hours. He was up late, too,” she added. “They had another fight.”

Jason grimaced — all Sonny and Carly had done since her return from Venezuela was fight. They’d fought over her health, Lorenzo Alcazar, Ric Lansing’s continued survival, Michael, the new baby, the color of the carpet—anything could and would trigger a scene. “Right. I—”

Sleep sounded good, he decided. A shower and some real rest. When he woke up, he’d figure it out. He’d know what to do. He’d have the words he’d need to make this all come out right.

“I’ll do that,” he said, making his way to the stairs, careful to keep his distance from her.

Upstairs, in the master bathroom, Jason removed his clothes, tossing them into the hamper by the door. He switched on the spray—and then out of the corner of his eye, caught himself in the reflection of the mirror that hung over the bathroom sink. On his shoulder blades, there were scratches. Fingernails, he thought, and then he had one of his rare memory flashes, of Elizabeth beneath him, her neck arched back, the digging of her nails as he—

Jason shoved his head beneath the spray of the shower, twisting the knob to the right. He needed a cold shower if he was going to get through this.

Kelly’s: Dining Room

It was just unfortunate timing, Elizabeth thought, for her first day back at Kelly’s to be the lunch shift that Mike always worked.

Mike Corbin, Courtney’s father.

“Hey there, sweetheart.” Mike’s kind blue eyes twinkled when she approached the counter. “I heard the good news about Emily. Ain’t that something? Always been a fighter that one.”

“It’s definitely amazing.” Elizabeth followed him into the kitchen, stowed her purse in one of the employee lockers. “Thanks again, Mike, for, you know, just taking me back like this. I—” Hadn’t had a lot of options after she’d left the hospital, moved back into her studio. Her savings were basically gone, and the last thing she wanted to do was throw herself on her grandmother’s mercy.

Gram, who still didn’t quite understand why the marriage to Ric Lansing had fallen apart. How did Elizabeth explain the panic room to her when Ric was now working for Scott Baldwin at the DA’s office? Gram wouldn’t be able to wrap her head around it, and maybe it was just easier if they all pretended it never happened.

“You’ll always have a place here.” Mike squeezed Elizabeth’s shoulder. “Plus, school’s starting, so one of our summer girls headed back to classes. I’m just glad you’re away from that scumbag.”

“Me, too.” Elizabeth tied on her apron. “Good riddance.”

“Here’s hoping Michael handles his business the way he ought to. I don’t care if the bastard does have Adela’s eyes,” Mike muttered, and that was definitely a sentiment Elizabeth shared. She headed out to begin her shift, and to hopefully not think too much about what Jason might be doing right now.

Was he telling Courtney now? Would he tell her about last night? Or would he keep that to himself?

Or was he telling her nothing? Was he thinking, like she was, that it was all too crazy, and that something that seemed like a good idea after shots of tequila, a long night, and almost no sleep was actually a terrible one?

Did Elizabeth really think Jason was going to go home, tell Courtney it was over, and what—come back to her? It was ridiculous now that Elizabeth thought about it, but it had seemed so—oh, it had seemed so right when they’d stood in her doorway, and he’d looked at her with those eyes the way he always did, and he’d held her, and  kissed her—

She took her orders in almost a daze, on auto, completing a job she could mostly do in her sleep. There was a comfort in the rush of the lunch crowd, the dock workers flocking for their burgers, bowls of chili, BLTs, and sides of fries. She refilled countless ketchup bottles, sidestepped all the usual flirtations, avoided pinches, and pocketed the tips left.

The crowd started to ebb around two, and Elizabeth kept watching the door, though she hardly thought Jason would show up like this. He probably didn’t even know she was there, right? She’d never told him she was coming back to work. And he wouldn’t come to Kelly’s — not when Courtney’s father worked there.

And hell, if Mike found out what Elizabeth had done to his daughter, would he still look at her with those kind, compassionate eyes? The world — what would they think? The roller coaster of her year from Lucky to Zander to Jason to Ric then back to Jason? It was overwhelming — she couldn’t quite understand all her steps and choices over the last eighteen months. How could anyone else? Would anyone even bother?

Or would she been seen like Carly had back in the beginning, just a home wrecking slut who’d broken up a marriage—an engagement. They weren’t married yet. Though that didn’t matter. It shouldn’t.

Then, around three, Courtney came in. Elizabeth didn’t realize at first. She had taken a tub of dirty dishes to the kitchen to be washed, and the blonde was just there at the counter, holding a menu in front of her face even though she’d worked there for almost a year and likely had it memorized.

Her pulse skittering, Elizabeth approached Courtney like she was a ticking time bomb. Had Jason talked to her? Maybe Courtney had been asleep, and he’d probably gone to sleep, too—there’d been so little—no, don’t go down that road.

Courtney put the menu down, and looked at her, and Elizabeth swallowed.

Because it was there in the other woman’s blue eyes — lighter than Elizabeth’s, but not as light as Jason’s. In the cold set of her mouth, the stillness of Courtney’s body.

She knew.

“Dad told me you were coming back,” Courtney said finally. “Can I get a coffee?”

“Yeah. Yeah, sure. Um, decaf?” Elizabeth went to the hot plates. What if she just wasn’t going to say anything—maybe Courtney wouldn’t—

“No, regular. I didn’t get much sleep last night. And neither did you, from what I hear.”

Elizabeth bobbled the carafe, but caught it with her other hand, wincing when her hand brushed the hot glass. She turned back to Courtney, flipped over one of the white ceramic cups, and began to pour. “No,” she said after a long pause. “No, I didn’t.”

“It’s great about Emily. It really is. I don’t know her well, but she means the world to Jason. I know that. And I know you feel the same way. About Emily,” Courtney added. She reached for the cream and sugar, fixed her coffee, and then stirred. “I can understand what happened last night.”

Elizabeth’s fingers tightened around the carafe. “What?”

“Don’t—” Courtney’s eyes met hers. “Don’t do that. Jason and I talked. I know what happened. Not the details. I don’t want those. I’ll never—” And her hand shook slightly, belying her own nerves, and somehow that soothed Elizabeth. Neither of them really wanted to be having this conversation.

Because for all that Elizabeth didn’t regret last night, she knew that Courtney being here — she knew what it meant. Jason hadn’t ended anything.

And she realized that she’d been expecting it, because her heart didn’t break. Her brain didn’t freeze. There was no rush of hurt, no waves of despair.

She’d known that even as Jason said he couldn’t just go back to how things were — that it wouldn’t that simple.

“I’ll never want those. But I respect that you and Jason have a history. I knew that last year, and I know that Jason and I—that it meant you and I would never be friends again.” Their eyes connected again. “I made that choice, Elizabeth. I chose Jason. You never could.”

And oh that did hurt. Direct hit. “It wasn’t—that’s true. From one point of view—”

“From the only one that matters. His.” Courtney took a deep breath. “He chose me, too, Elizabeth. Last year. He chose me over and over again. He asked me to marry him. And this morning, he didn’t ask me to leave.” She lay her hand flat against the counter. The diamond on her left ring finger winked.

Elizabeth felt like an idiot, standing there with a coffee spot in her hands, her cheeks hot with humiliation. Because Courtney had every right to be furious with her. To scream at her. To denounce Elizabeth.

But she wasn’t doing any of those things, and somehow it hurt worse. It made it all so much more painful. Because Courtney was being fair. Fairer than she or Jason had a right to expect.

Because she could. Courtney had all the power. The ring, the promises, the life. The one Elizabeth had walked out on and never tried very hard to get back.

“So I just thought we should have this moment, this conversation. Jason didn’t send me. He wouldn’t do that. This is just between you and me.” Courtney paused. “If and when he does get in touch with you—”

Elizabeth closed her eyes at the word if because, oh, it was very much a possibility Jason might just…let it all coast. The old Jason wouldn’t, but the one Elizabeth had repeatedly hurt and walked away from? Whose kindness and love she’d thrown in his face over and over again? He definitely might have had second thoughts when he’d stopped to think what he was giving up.

“You can tell him we talked. I won’t deny it. I haven’t said anything here I haven’t or wouldn’t say to him. But this is the only free pass either of you get,” Courtney said, her eyes fierce now. “You understand that, right? If Emily’s on her deathbed again, I expect you and him to keep your hands to yourself. As long as I’m in the picture. And I am very much in the picture, Elizabeth. I’m not going anywhere without a fight.”

She pushed aside her untouched coffee, dropped a twenty next to it. She smirked. “Because unlike you, I know Jason’s worth fighting for.”

April 14, 2024

This entry is part 2 of 48 in the Flash Fiction: Chain Reaction

Written in 62 minutes.

Jake’s: Upstairs Hall

Before Jake had sold the bar, she’d rented the rooms above to any one who passed her own personal background check. But with Coleman’s purchase of the property, he hadn’t wanted the headache of being a landlord, so they’d gone unused.

Which was good because any tenants would have definitely been disturbed by the time Jason   managed to get up the stairs to the second floor, distracted when Elizabeth’s busy hands had found the button on his jeans, popping it open, and sliding her fingers down.

He stumbled, resting one hand flat against the wall, and the other firmly underneath her bottom, trying to keep them both upright. Jason let her legs fall to the floor, then reached for her hands, pinning them above her head. Elizabeth tossed her hair back, looked at him with a smoky, sultry gaze that he’d only glimpsed once before— that night in her studio over a year ago.

For a moment, they just stared at each other, their chests brushing against other, breathing heavy — if ever there would be a moment for them to turn back, to stop this, for common sense and reality to wash over them — this would be it. Before the point of no return.

Elizabeth’s tongue swept over her bottom lip. “I’m going to need those back eventually,” she murmured.

“Maybe,” he murmured against her mouth, then kissed her again, swallowing the smirk that was already spreading across her beautiful face. “But maybe you should behave yourself when stairs are involved.”

“Do you want me to behave myself?” she panted, when his mouth cruised a trail down her jawline to her neck, nipping at the soft skin behind her ear, his hands gliding up and underneath her dress, cupping her bottom. She arched her neck, wrapping a leg around his waist.

He didn’t answer her, couldn’t have formed a coherent word when their eyes met again, and he saw everything he felt reflected back.

“Tell me you have a key,” Elizabeth said, tugging his shirt up and sliding her hands up the planes of his back, her nails lightly scratching.

“If they didn’t change the locks—” Jason shoved a hand in his pocket, found his eyes, and with shaking fingers, found the old key for the room he always stayed in, then wrapped his other hand around her wrist, afraid that if either of them were separated for too long, they’d remember all the reasons this was a terrible idea.

But right now, impulse and lust and desire were in control, and everything else was taking a very distant back seat. Elizabeth must have felt the same way, because she shimmied in front of him as he tried to unlock the door, kissing his neck, collarbone, jawline, any skin she could reach.

The locks hadn’t been changed, and Jason had one moment to be grateful Coleman was a lazy son of a bitch. Then the door opened and they almost fell through. Jason gripped Elizabeth around the waist, lifted her clear of the door, then threw it closed, throwing the deadbolt across.

She dragged the shirt over his head and tossed it somewhere before attacking his jeans again, this time tugging the zipper down—before he could even take a full breath, she’d stripped him of most of his clothes, and was shoving him towards the bed. He fumbled for the zipper of her dress, locating it under her arm, dragging it down so that the bodice gaped.

“Your boots—” Elizabeth pushed him down on the bed into a sitting position, then knelt at his feet with a wicked smile. She made quick work of unlacing his boots, tossing them side, before dragging the jeans all the way down his legs, and they went flying. “I could just…stay down here,” she said with an arch of her brow, her hands on both of his thighs, sliding up towards the edge of his black briefs.

He’d never survive that, Jason thought, leaning forward, to capture her mouth, then drag her over him. Enough playing around, enough teasing, enough waiting. He’d waited too long to be here, to touch her, to feel every inch, and he wasn’t going to wait another damn minute—

Jason swiftly rolled them so that she was underneath him, then dragged the bodice of her dress until it was at her waist. She shimmied and wiggled, which he thought was another one of her teasing tricks, but then a piece of fabric went flying, and her hands at her briefs again.

“I need you now,” she panted against his neck. “Now, please—” She gasped when he slid inside, her legs wrapping around his waist, her nails digging into his back. It was hard and fast, and nothing like what he might have wanted for their first time—but Elizabeth was already breaking apart, her neck arching, and then everything exploded until there was nothing left but them, clinging to each other and the wreckage of the lives they’d just burned to the ground.

It should have been awkward, Elizabeth thought, a bit lazily, some time later. She wasn’t sure exactly how long. After that first, hurried, insane round, Jason had dragged them both up towards the headboard, though she’d been no help in that, her bones mostly limp. He’d started kissing her again, and then—then they made love. Long, sweet, reverent, looking at each other — maybe that first time could be a mistake — but not the second, she thought.

She lay across his chest, listening to the soft rainfall outside, the plink of the drops as they hit the roof, dripped down the window. The clock on the night stand had red digital letters informing her that it was crawling towards five in the morning. Dawn wasn’t far away now.

Jason had risen after that second time, gone to find his phone and checked it. Nothing from the hospital, he’d said. If there were other messages he was ignoring, he didn’t say, and she wouldn’t ask. All of that was outside of this moment somehow, and they were inside their little bubble, just like always.

Jason set the phone on the nightstand, climbed back in bed, then they made love for a third time. She’d slid into a dreamless sleep — perhaps because she was already in one. What was left to dream about?  She didn’t know if Jason had slept. She hoped so — he looked so tired, and worn out at the hospital.

His fingers trailed up and down her spine, tracing patterns with his fingertips. She lay draped across his chest, one of her legs hooked over his, the thin blanket pulled over them both.

“Tell me about somewhere you went when you weren’t in Port Charles,” Elizabeth said. She looked up, resting her chin on his chest.

Jason furrowed his brow for a long moment. “Egypt,” he said finally. “I wanted to see the pyramids. I went to Cairo, saw Giza. You see pictures and you can read measurements. But none of that does them justice.”

“They’re older than most written history,” Elizabeth murmured. She laid her head back down, closed her eyes. “It puts it into perspective, sometimes. How small and insignificant our lives are. The world was here long before us, and will still be here when we’re bones and dust.”

His phone rang then, and they both looked at it. Elizabeth sat up, flattening one of her hands against the mattress, the blanket falling to her waist. Was it the hospital—

Or was it someone else? She bit her lip, forced the possibility away. That wasn’t part of this. It couldn’t be. After this night, they’d go back to their own lives, maybe never having a reason to talk again.

But until then, Jason was hers and she wasn’t going to let go until she had to.

Jason reluctantly reached for the cell, looked at the screen and his body tensed. “It’s Monica,” he said. He sat up, dragged a hand down his face. Elizabeth leaned her face against his shoulder. It was the call they’d both dreaded. Jason waited just one more moment, then flipped it open.  “Hey. No, I’m still awake—” He tensed, then looked at her, his eyes bright. “What? What? When? How—” His voice shook. “No. I’ll—I’ll tell her. Yeah. Yeah, no, tell her it—” Jason took a deep breath. “Tell her I love her.”

“Jason?” Elizabeth prompted when he closed the phone, closed his fist around it. “What—what happened? Tell—”

“She—the infection—her fever broke.” Jason looked at her again, and there were tears in his eyes. “The doctors—she made it.”

“She—” Elizabeth clutched her hands against her mouth. “Oh! Oh! She’s alive? She made it? She’s going to be okay?”

“I don’t—Monica didn’t have a lot of—” He cleared his throat. “They don’t know if she’s fully in the clear, but this is a good sign. Her body is starting to fight back. But she—she’s alive. She made it through the night.”

Elizabeth had never let herself hope for such a miracle. She started to laugh, even as tears streamed down her cheeks. Jason reached for her, and she could feel the joy in his, the smile in his kiss.

Jason lowered her to the bed, his kiss turning searching and hungry. This was it, she thought, the last time. After this—they’d open the door and go back to reality. But until then, she’d hold on tight and savor every moment so she’d always remember this night and this man.

After all this time, they still somehow understood each other with few words. After making love for a fourth time, they left the bed. They silent dressed, donning the clothes they’d ripped from each other only hours before.  Jason stripped the sheets and other linen, and went to change them, knowing where Jake had kept such things.

Then they went down stairs, Jason pausing to relock the door. In the bar, Elizabeth tidied up the pool table, while Jason disposed of the bottles and took the glasses to clean them. He left cash on the bar, and they headed for the door.

The sun was just breaking over Port Charles when they left Jake’s. The morning held a slight chill, and Elizabeth shivered. Still — they said nothing. He handed her the helmet, and she climbed on the bike, holding him close.

At the studio, he walked her upstairs, and then finally when they reached her doorway, and she’d pulled out her keys, she looked at him. “So I guess…I guess this is…” Then her words failed her and she looked down at the silver keys. “Do we talk about it?” she asked, her voice hushed.

Jason swallowed hard. “I—”

“I mean, do we—do we go back to—” She glanced at him, and she bit her lip. “Do we go back to how it was, like this didn’t…”

Jason exhaled slowly, looked over her head, at the door he’d put on the studio a year earlier to make her safer. Did they pretend this happen? Just an insane night outside of all the others—did they go back to their lives?

Elizabeth picking up the pieces after her disastrous marriage, and Jason to…return home to another woman. To marry her and create a life with her.

That would be easiest, Jason thought. Simplest. Agree that this was one-time thing and never talk about it again. But could he do it? Could he pack all the things he’d felt before, and all the new feelings — could he put them into a box like he usually did and lock them away?

“I don’t think I can,” Jason finally admitted, and she looked at him, surprised, her eyes widening. “Can you?”

“N-no. No, but—”

He kissed her again, backing her against the door, and her arms slid around his neck, the keys in her hand, falling to the ground with a clink of metal against concrete. They broke apart, one of her hands sliding down to rest against his chest, their eyes meeting.

“So what now?” Elizabeth asked, her lips swollen, rosy, still damp from his mouth. He pressed his thumb against her lip, sweeping across. “I mean—you’re…you’re—” Her voice faltered.

“Engaged,” he finished. “I know. I’ll—I think of something to tell her. To end it.” Though now that reality was filtering back in, he remembered all the reasons why it wouldn’t just be a simple conversation. “But I will.”

“Okay.” Elizabeth smiled tremulously. “If you’re sure. I—I don’t want you to do something you don’t want to do—”

“I want to,” Jason said. He kissed her again, lingering, before stepping back. “I’ll call you,” he said. “As soon as I can.” He handed her the keys she’d dropped, then waited until she was safely inside.

All he had to do was go home and tell his fiancee, who had recently suffered a miscarriage and learned that she couldn’t have any more children, that he didn’t want to marry her anymore.

What could go wrong?

April 13, 2024

This entry is part 1 of 48 in the Flash Fiction: Chain Reaction

Written in  61  minutes. I do not reread for typos, and they always drive me crazy later. I suck, lol.

This scene might be useful. This story picks up on this day. Song is Cry Me A River (Justin Timberlake)

September 2, 2003

General Hospital: Chapel

Less than three months earlier, Jason had broken into the house where Elizabeth lived with Ric, looking for clues to locate Carly. Elizabeth had caught him and pulled out a gun. The anger and animosity had lingered between them for months before that night and had continued even after Ric’s crimes had been revealed.

But it all felt so far away tonight, as if they had happened to other people, in another lifetime.

All Jason knew now was that Emily, the one person they both loved more than themselves, was fading away—and that knowing Elizabeth was in pain still hurt as much as it did the first time he’d made her cry, that long ago day standing outside of Kelly’s, when he’d told her they couldn’t see each other again.

“Why is this happening?” she’d said, her voice broken, her shoulders shaking. A question without an answer, of course, but Jason couldn’t leave it there. He slid just a little closer, put his arm around her shoulders, and Elizabeth leaned into his embrace, crying against his shoulder, her tears damp against the black cotton.

He didn’t know how long they’d sat that there, the candles on the altar slowly burning themselves down to their tapers, his hand on her bare shoulder, his thumb circling her soft skin, the smell of her shampoo and the tickle of her hair against his jaw.

How had he gone nearly a year without touching her, without the feel of her body against his? It was a thought that slid in and out of his consciousness so quickly that Jason barely registered, but he was familiar with it — the longing to be near her, to touch her, to breathe her in — he’d put it away in a box, and locked it away for good, this time.

But it hadn’t been for good, Jason thought, but only because the option hadn’t been available. If he’d touched her once in the last ten months, it all would have come flooding back—

“I’m sorry.” Elizabeth sat up, and Jason knew he should pull his arm back, but he left it still loosely around her shoulders, his thumb still brushing the top of her shoulder. He was like an addict getting his first taste of alcohol after a long period of sobriety, and he didn’t like it. But he didn’t know how to stop it either.

Elizabeth brushed at her tears and looked at him, meeting his gaze. “I didn’t mean to—I mean, she’s your family.”

“She’s yours, too,” Jason told her. And he’d meant that. Elizabeth had risked her life over and over again for Emily, had always been right there every time his sister had needed her. “You don’t have to apologize.”

“I just—I know that I’m going to get that call.” She stared down at her hands. “I’m going to find out she’s gone, and I don’t—how can you stand it—how can you know this awful thing is going to happen and just sit—” She squeezed her eyes closed. “I can’t stop thinking, and I want it to go away. I want it to stop.”

“I can—” He swallowed hard when she looked at him, the tears clinging to her lashes, her blue eyes shattered. “I can help. I think.” He finally moved his arm, then stood and held out his hand. “Will you come with me?”

Elizabeth placed her hand in his Jason, and let him pull her to her feet. She stumbled slightly, the heel of her shoe catching the edge of the chapel carpet. Jason’s hand went to steady her, resting at the small of her back and she bit her lip, wishing she could just fold himself into his arms, absorb all the warmth he was radiating. She’d be safe there—

But she’d walked away from that a long time ago and this night — this night wasn’t part of that. It existed outside of time and space. Tomorrow, when the world came back and daylight broke, Emily would be gone and she and Jason wouldn’t have a reason to ever speak again.

It was an unbearably sad realization, so if Jason wanted to take her somewhere, to stretch out the time that was left to all of them — then she wouldn’t stop herself.

Jason led her out of the chapel, down the short hallway to the elevators. He jabbed the button, and they stepped into the car. Neither of them saw the blonde standing a few feet away, lurking in a door way, her mouth pinched and her blue eyes narrowed.

Elizabeth furrowed her brow when Jason hit the button for the parking garage level, and looked at him quizzically. “Where—” Her breath caught. The parking garage. Oh. Oh, she knew exactly where he was taking her.

It was same motorcycle he’d driven out of town four years ago, after he’d sat on a park bench and broken her heart with a kiss to the forehead, trying to say goodbye to her. Maybe they both would have been better off if she’d let him say it. But she’d insisted it was always see you later.

Jason handed the helmet, and Elizabeth took it, holding it against her middle, biting her lip, looking at the bike.

“We don’t have—”

“No, I was just thinking about my dress,” Elizabeth said, “but I can do it. I can—” She’d do anything if meant Jason would take her for a ride, if she could climb on the bike behind him, and get to hold on to him, just one more time. They’d never managed a ride since he’d returned the year before.

It was fitting, she thought. It would all end the way it had begun.

Jason unset the kickstand holding the bike upright, then straddled it. Elizabeth fastened the helmet, swung one leg over the bike and sat down, tucking the dress around her legs, then slid she slid forward, nestling her body just behind Jason’s, sliding her arms around his waist, holding tight the way she’d never dared to in the beginning. Then Jason turned the key in the ignition, the bike roared to life, and they were off.

Vista Point: Parking Lot

Elizabeth stumbled off the bike, tugging the helmet from her hair, grinning from ear to ear. “Oh my God! I forgot how loud it was! And you still take those turns like a mad man—the last one, I thought for sure were going to crash—” The road had seemed so close her heart had stopped for just a beat, then he’d pulled out of it, the bike was upright, and the world was normal again.

“And I think you might have busted an eardrum—” Jason rubbed his ear, and Elizabeth laughed, slapped him playfully. Then her smile faded, and she looked away, tears stinging her eyes.

“I forgot,” she said softly. “For just a minute. I forgot.” She cleared her throat. Looked back. “Did—did they call?”

Jason removed his phone from his pocket. “No. Monica said—” His mouth was tight. “She said she’d call. Or have someone—” His hand tightened around the phone. “We could keep going,” he said, almost to himself.

“Eventually we’d have to stop,” Elizabeth said wistfully. “And the phone would always be there, waiting.” She rubbed her arms, looked around at their surroundings. The night was a cloudy one — the stars barely visible. “I haven’t been up here in months.” Not since she’d come here with Lucky and run into Jason and Courtney.

Her stomach lurched, and she dropped her eyes to the gravel beneath her feet. Courtney. Jason’s fiancee. The woman who was probably waiting on him to come home.

“Me, either,” Jason said. He tipped his head towards the observatory deck. “Come on. Let’s see if we can see Spoon Island.”

If he didn’t want to think about who was waiting for him, then why should she? Elizabeth pushed it aside, followed him.

“Sometimes I wish I were Dorothy,” Elizabeth murmured, leaning over the guardrail, trying to see the pitched roof of Wyndemere in the clouds. “You know? From the Wizard of Oz?”

“Robin made me watch it once. She was the one with the shoes, right? She wanted to go home?”

“Yeah. She thought she had to go on a quest, but the answer was right in front of her the whole time. She just had to click her heels three times and say there was no place like home.”

“Why do you wish you were here? You can go home. I could take you there—you’re—you’re in the studio, right?”

“It’s not home. There’s no where that’s home,” Elizabeth said. “Maybe not home. Maybe go back in time to when Emily came back. I could tell something wasn’t right, but I was so wrapped up in my own horror show—I could have forced her to tell me what was wrong. And if she didn’t listen to me, I’d—” She looked at him. “I’d have told you, and we’d have made her see sense.”

She folded her arms tightly, looked back out over the water. “But there’s no going back. No correcting mistakes. Just learning to live with them. You’d think I’d know that by now and make better choices.”

“I wish I’d spent more time with her,” Jason said, his voice low, a bit rough. “You weren’t the only one distracted. And if she hadn’t listened to me, I’d have gone to you.” He straightened, one hand curled around the guardrail. “I could take you home—”

“So I could sleep? Go to bed and wake up in a world without Emily? No thanks. But if you need to go—” Elizabeth chanced a look at him, but didn’t speak the name. “You can drop me off—”

“So you can sit up all night?” Jason asked gently. “Wait for the phone to ring?”

“Like you’re going to do any differently?”

“No, I guess not. Well, if we’re both going to wait for a phone call, then—” Jason stepped towards the parking lot. “I don’t want to do it alone.”

“Me either.” She took his hand again, and they returned to the bike. He handed her the helmet. “Could you maybe, um, take more of the turns like that last one? Or is that too danger?”

“Let me see what I can do.”

Jake’s: Bar

Jason twisted the key in the lock, then stepped inside, waiting for Elizabeth to follow. “It just closed a little while ago, but I have the same, uh, arrangement with Coleman that I had with Jake.”

“I miss her, you know.” Elizabeth wandered over to the juke box, flipped through the choices. “Why she’d have to sell the place?”

“It’s not the same as it used to be, but…” Jason went around the bar, looked through the cooler. “Do you want something to drink?”

“Hmm, yeah. Whatever you’re having,” she said absently. “You know, I haven’t been here since you left two years ago.” The opening chords of a song he didn’t know (not that he knew many) filled the empty space.

“No?” Jason came over to her, handed her a green glass bottle already uncapped. He had an identical one in his hand.

You were my sun

“No reason to. Club 101 was closer, and then I didn’t really have a lot of reasons to go out and drink or have any fun.” Her eyes flitted to him as she sipped the beer, her lips wrapping around the stem of the bottle. “You come here, though, right? Enough to have an arragement?”

You were my earth

“Sometimes I—” He grimaced. “Sometimes I need to pick a fight,” he muttered, and took long pull, nearly a quarter of the bottle.

But you didn’t know all the ways I loved you, no

“Hmmm, I know what you mean.” Elizabeth wandered over to the pool table, running her fingertips over the felt top. “I definitely feel like punching things these days.” She glanced at him. “You want to play a round?”

He remembered the last time they’d played pool — the night he’d gone out and Sonny had faked his death. He’d spent time with her, hoping she’d understand the lie he was about to tell her. The horrible thing he was doing. But it had gone so wrong. It had lasted too long, and she’d been so damn hurt—

So you took a chance

“Yeah,” Jason said. He took another drink, then set the bottle on a nearby table. He went to the wall, took down two cues, handing her one. Then he set the balls up to break. “You can go first—”

And made other plans

“Taking pity? How do you know I haven’t practiced?” Elizabeth asked. She took a drink before setting her own bottle to the side, then leaned down to line up a shot. Her form was still terrible, Jason thought idly, but she did well enough, scattering the balls across the table. Not a single one went in, and she pouted, pushing out her bottom lip.

“Your turn.”

But I bet you didn’t think that they would come crashing down, no

“I need something stronger,” he said, suddenly, setting down the cue without even taking a shot. He headed over to the back of the bar, snagged a bottle of tequila, and two sets of shot glasses. He could call someone to drive them home.

You don’t have to say, what you did

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drink hard liquor,” Elizabeth said, her brows pulled together. He set one of the shot glasses in front of her.

I already know, I found out from him

He didn’t, but she’d done that thing with her mouth around the bottle, and pouting—he was only human, and maybe if he got drunk, he wouldn’t see all of that. He poured the tequila. “You don’t have to join me.”

“No—” Elizabeth set the cue down, picked up the shot glass. “No point in letting you get plastered alone. On three—one, two, three—” They both emptied their glasses.

Now there’s just no chance

They continued the round, Jason doing his best to throw the game so Elizabeth wasn’t just watching him run the table. She’d improved — but not enough to compete against him. And after they each took a turn, they drank another shot.

For you and me

Elizabeth was wobbling slightly, trying to line up a difficult shot, when she suddenly straightened and scowled, coming around to his side of the table — right in front of him. “It’s a better angle over here,” she said, leaning over, wiggling to line it up.

There’ll never be

She was right, of course, Jason thought, and the right thing to do would be to move and give her room. To not be standing directly behind her while she wiggled her butt in a dress that kept slipping and sliding across her body as she moved her cue.

And don’t it make you sad about it?

She took the shot, and missed of course. She straightened, her fist around the pool cue, sliding down from the top the middle, and Jason nearly passed out. He must have made some sort of sound.

“What?” Elizabeth turned, her eyes lit with humor. “Was my shot that bad? Come on. I’m trying—”

“To kill me,” he muttered. He dragged a hand down his face. “This was a bad idea.”

You told me you love me

Her smile faded, and she looked away, biting her lip, and he felt like a heel. She had no idea that he’d started to lose his mind the second he’d touched her in the chapel, and that his self-control had been slipping away all night, eroded every time she bit her lip or wrapped her hand around something, or he just looked at her.

Why did you leave me all alone?

The tequila had been a mistake, Jason thought. Instead of dulling his senses, all it had done was heighten him and now everything she did drove him crazy. What the hell was wrong with him? Had the whole world gone crazy?

“I should call a cab,” Elizabeth said, when he said nothing, just stared at her. She set the cue on the table, started for the door. Walking away. Just like she had a year ago.

Maybe he was Dorothy, he thought stupidly. Maybe they’d gone back in time and she was walking and he had a second chance to stop her.

Now you tell me you need me

Jason charged after her, snagged her elbow, and tugged her back, swinging her back around, her body brushing his. “Don’t go.”

When you call me on the phone

“Jason—” She looked up at him, her eyes wide and luminous. “We should—”

Girl, I refuse

He didn’t want to hear about what they should do. He was tired of doing what he was supposed to do. The expected thing. The right thing. What was good for everything else. What did he have to show for it?

You must have me confused with some other guy

“Don’t go,” he repeated, brushing his thumb over her lip. Her tongue darted out, licked him, and that was it. The last straw. His hands dove into her hair and he kissed her, hard, hot and hungrily, the way he should have a thousand times before.

The bridges were burned

Her hands fluttered around him for a moment, and then she broke, fisting them in his black cotton t-shirt, pressing herself against him. Jason’s hands slid down her to her hips, and with a quick lift, her legs were wrapped around his waist and he was stumbling towards the stairs.

Now it’s your turn, to cry
Cry me a river

April 12, 2024

This entry is part 32 of 32 in the Flash Fiction: Hits Different

Went over! Written in 68 minutes. I was trying to get the ending just right. I hope I did it justice 😛 Timed writing is a bitch sometimes.


He ignored the call the first time he heard his name. He wasn’t interested in anything the man had to say. As far as Jason was concerned, everything that he needed to say to a single member of the Quartermaine family had been said in court three months earlier when the conservatorship had been dissolved, and Jason was finally free of them.

He’d keep Emily, and was okay with claiming her as his sister. And maybe Lila, too.

But the rest of the family could go to hell.

“Jason, wait—”

Jason stopped at the door to Luke’s, and turned to see Alan striding towards him. “You can’t come in. It’s a private party—”

“I—I know. Emily—” Alan stopped a few feet away. “Emily told me. I just…I know today was the last time I would be able to do this, and this was the only place I’d find you. I wouldn’t go to the apartment. That’s…you’ve made it clear how you feel—”

“Then we have nothing left to say—”


Jason didn’t like that the trembling in the older man’s voice bothered him, but it did, and since Emily said it was Alan who had triggered the petition that had ended the control, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to hear him out. Just this once.

Jason turned back to him. “You have two minutes.”

“I just…it’s hard as a father to know you’ve failed so spectacularly at the one job you were given,” Alan said, his hand falling to his side. “To raise and guide your child into becoming an adult, a good member of the world. A good human. And to protect them from those who would try to hurt them. I didn’t see that I’d become someone you needed to guard against. I simply assumed that I knew best, and I never questioned that.” He swallowed hard. “After the accident, they said you might never wake up. And if you did, that you’d never be the boy we’d raised.”

Jason had heard this all before. There was nothing new here — just the regrets of a bitter man who’d refused to listen until it was too late. “What’s your point?”

“Emily said the paperwork — all of it is final today.” Alan looked away, took a deep breath, then looked at Jason. “I hope one day you can understand how easy it is to think what you want is the best choice. The only choice. The lengths you will go to for your own child — you can’t know the depth of that love—you don’t remember it, but—”

“You’re sorry. I get that. But I don’t care,” Jason said, and Alan flinched. “I’m sorry those words hurt. That part is true. Justus told me that just because I don’t remember you doesn’t change the fact you remember me. And I am sorry that you lost whoever I used to be. I guess—thank you for ending the conservatorship. But you never should have done it in the first place, so I don’t really feel grateful. Just angry.”

“I know—”

“No, you don’t.” Jason shoved his hands in his pockets. “The doctors told you I’d be stupid and damaged, and you believed them. You made me believe it, too. Every time I got kicked out of a place to live or fired from a job without being told why, I thought maybe they were right. Maybe I couldn’t do it on my own. You and the old man — and Monica — you made all of this harder than it had to be. So I’m not grateful. And after a while, I won’t be angry. I’ll just be done with it. And you’re going to have to live with that.”

He turned back to the door, pulled the door open, then looked back at Alan. “Did Monica ever admit that she was wrong?”

“No,” Alan said, with a slight twitch to his mouth. “You’d have felt hell freezing over. She’ll always believe she did the wrong thing for right reasons.”

“Yeah, well, when you ask yourself why you’re not in my life, why I won’t ever be in the same room with you or her again, just look in the mirror. You had your chance. Over and over again. And blew it. After today? I don’t ever want to see either of you again.”

Jason went inside, leaving the father out in the parking lot, and putting him out of his mind.

At the bar, there was a cluster of people gathered around Luke who had put together a projection screen and was fiddling with the equipment.

Justus saw Jason first and strode over. “Hey. I brought the final paperwork. All finalized and ready to go. You’re officially done.”

“Thanks. I mean that. You didn’t have to go after them to do this for me—”

“Some things are just right,” Justus said.

“There you are!” Elizabeth left Luke’s side and slid arm around his waist, leaning up to kiss him. “What took so long?”

“There was a line.” Jason reached inside the bag he was carrying and handed her the brown package. “But I got it.”

“I guess it was too much to hope the camera had busted,” Elizabeth grumbled, tugging out the VHS tape. “Did Justus tell you?”

“That we’re divorced? Yeah.”

“Well, we knew that. But our replacements came.” She dragged him over to the bar where another envelope was laying. A new driver’s license for him, and for her. And then passports. He flipped through it — Jason Morgan.

“You sure you’re okay with taking back your maiden name?” Jason asked, sliding the license into his wallet, then handing her the passport to stow with hers in the larger bag she carried. “I wouldn’t have cared if you kept it because of Cady.”

“We talked about it,” Elizabeth reminded him. Her smile was only bittersweet now. “I think it’s right that Jason and Elizabeth Quartermaine are gone, too, you know? We shared that name with her. They’ll always be a family. I have my memories, and you can have the pictures and videos. I don’t need the name to know it was real. Even if I’ll miss seeing Edward and Monica’s faces do that twitch when I introduced myself as Mrs. Elizabeth Quartermaine. No, we wanted a fresh start. We’re going to take it.”

He kissed her again and caught her trying to hide the VHS in her bag. “No, we’re watching this—you promised.”

“Well, you played dirty when you asked,” she muttered. “How is a girl supposed to think when your head is—”

“Jason, hey,” Sonny said, coming up behind Elizabeth whose cheeks pinked up when she heard him. “Elizabeth tell you the good news?”

“No, she was too busy trying to renegotiate.” Jason handed the tape off to Justus who headed over to Luke and Laura. Elizabeth wrinkled her nose.

“Well, I signed the purchase documents this morning.” Sonny wiggled his brows. “You sure you don’t want to delay your plans until the first board meeting? Because I would think you’d want to be there when I walk in and demand my seat at the board.”

“I kind of do want to see that,” Elizabeth told Jason. “Can you imagine the gasket Edward’s going to blow? He was already furious when you liquidated the trust. Just imagine how he’ll feel when he finds out you how you used that money and what you’re doing with your ELQ shares.”

“See? Elizabeth wants to see the show. Come on.”

Jason shook his head. “We can stay, and you can go. But I don’t want it. I sold Sonny the shares because I don’t want anything to do with that family. Not their money, not their company. Fresh start?” he reminded her, and she made a face. “You can go.”

“Yeah, come on. How you gonna miss out on seeing me and Luke roll in there as board members?” Sonny straightened his jacket. “Edward’s going to shit a brick when he finds out your trust was used to get Luke into the company.”

“Now, now, it was a wise investment, and I’ll be paying you back just as soon as ELQ gives me that first dividend,” Luke said. “I got a lot of plans for the place.”

“We can postpone the flight,” Jason told Elizabeth who looked genuinely torn. “Really. I don’t mind.”

“Maybe,” she said. “I don’t know. We went through all that paperwork to get rid of everything Quartermaine in our life. It was my idea to get rid of all of that.” She took a deep breath, then looked at Sonny and Luke. “I’m sure you’ll raise a lot of hell for us, and when we get back, you can fill us in.”

“If you come back,” Luke said, tapping her nose. “Don’t you dare come home until you’re good and ready. Whole world out there for you to see.” He put an arm around her shoulders. “Now, why don’t we watch this video that Jason was so helpful to bring us?”

The front door burst open and Emily bound down the steps, taking them two at a time. “Did I miss it? Please tell me I didn’t miss it!”

“Just in time.”

“Oh, man. This is so embarassing,” Elizabeth muttered. Jason put his arm around her shoulders, hugged her against his body. “How did I ever let you talk me into this?”

“I could remind you later,” he murmured in her ear, and she lightly whacked his chest. “Is that a no?”

“I think we’ve proved I don’t know how to say no to you,” she retorted. He grinned, and she whacked him again, but her smile stretched from ear to ear, her eyes sparkling.

Across the room, Luke fiddled with the projector one more time, and Sonny leaned in, his voice pitched low. “You see that over there? I’m taking credit for it. That’s what we call successful meddling.”

“Hey, whose idea was it to bring him here?” Luke demanded.

“Because you wanted her to get some sense slapped into her—”

“Actions matter more than motivations.” Luke turned the group, clapping his hands to get their attention. “All right, without further delay, this here is a going away party for the best bar manager a guy could ask for, and, well, Jason, you—” He squinted. “You sure showed up.”

Jason, whose talent at bartending would never win him any awards, just rolled his eyes.  “You hired me.”

“Nepotism,” Luke replied. “Anyway, it’s always hard when your chicks leave the nest, so they tell me, but as much as I’m going to miss you, Lizzie—” He met her eyes, and grinned. “I’m actually glad to see you get out of here. You make that boy take you anywhere you want to go. Paint it all. Then come home.”

“That’s the plan,” Elizabeth said. “Who could leave you forever, Luke?”

“That’s what I’m saying. And this trip of dreams has been funded by Jason graciously selling his shares in ELQ to Sonny here, so you make sure there’s no crummy hotels. Our girl deserves the best.”

“Luke—” Elizabeth opened her mouth, probably to fire back at the sexism, but Luke was already turning to the projector.

“And as a going away present to us, Jason and Elizabeth have decided to share the first of their recent adventures. After weeks of persuasion and all the statistics a man could take — Jason got our Lizzie up in a plane with nothing more than a prayer and a parachute. And we’re lucky enough to have footage from their tandem partner’s. So, let’s watch them fall out of the sky. He pressed play.

The footage was shaky and the sound of the plane was nearly overwhelming, but it brought Elizabeth right back to that crazy day two weeks ago when she’d climbed inside a tiny plane because Jason wouldn’t do it without her and he’d really wanted to try it.

“All right, last minute reminders—” one of the instructors yelled, then began to reel off the reminders.


Then the door opened, and there was nothing but blue—the camera was shaky as it approached the door —

“Elizabeth went first,” Jason said. “I knew if I did, she’d change her mind.”

“I hate that you’re right. But hey, I didn’t even need to be pushed.”

The camera leapt into the blue and an shrill scream could be heard as the world plummeted towards her. Then a string of profanities, some creative curses and murder plots against Jason—

The camera switched to Jason still on the plane, whose jump was much calmer and less colorful. Elizabeth wrinkled her nose. “Of course, you’re perfect at it on the first go.”

“First, does that mean you do it again?”

“Not on your life, buddy.”

Then the video switched to the camera on the ground — aimed at the tiny pinpricks up in the sky — the blooming of their parachutes spreading and their gently glide down to the ground.

Elizabeth sighed, remembering that part more fondly than the rush of the fall. Though Jason had been right — the bastard — the rush and roar of the wind had been so overwhelming and scary—and the stark contrast of the gentle, almost relaxing glide — and the easy landing thanks to her tandem partner.

When she’d landed on the ground, her jumping partner unhooked them, and Elizabeth had waited for Jason to land and be unhooked, then launched herself into his arms, kissing him, and knocking him to the ground. The video ended there as the operator started laughing.

“That was worth the show,” Luke decided, grinning at Elizabeth who was beet red. “Launching herself into adventure. Of all kinds.”

“I didn’t mind it either,” Jason said, kissing the top of her forehead. “It was exactly what I wanted. I’m glad I waited until you changed your mind.”

“I’m glad I went, too. Even if the video is mortifying. I’m glad Luke wanted to see it, and that we made it part of tonight.” She bit her lip. “Before we go to the airport, can we…there’s a stop I want to make.”

“Yeah, sure.”

The party broke up and hour or so later, after drinks and some food. Some hugs and kisses, crying from Emily and Elizabeth. Even Jason had been surprised to find himself reluctant to part ways with Luke, Sonny, Justus, and his sister. But there’d be phone calls and letters, and visits.

But there would never quite be another time just like this, Jason thought. He and Elizabeth would be something different after a few months of traveling together. They were already a team, created through necessity thanks to the Quartermaines. Now they’d get a real chance to see who they were away from all of this.

Finally, though they were in the car Jason was borrowing from Sonny and leaving at the airport for them to pick up. The bike would be put in storage until they came back. A promise of sorts, to the people who cared, Elizabeth said, that they would be back. There was an entire storage locker with the contents of the apartment. They were taking very little but the clothes on their backs, some art supples, and a few pictures.

“Turn up here,” Elizabeth said, and Jason did so, sobering a little when he saw the cemetery. He parked, and she led him through the maze of graves to one in the back, beneath a tray.

There was a statue of an angel over the stone which simply read Cadence Audrey Quartermaine. Cherished and Precious. September 19, 1995 – November 4, 1995.

In all the months since he’d learned about her, he’d never been here. To her final resting place.

Elizabeth brushed some dirt from the top of the stone, then sank to her knees in front of him. Jason hesitantly got to one knee, unsure what she wanted from her.

“People come to these grave stones and talk to them like the person they mourn can hear them. I tried it once, but it didn’t feel right. I didn’t feel her here, you know? And if she’s not here, how can I talk to her?”  She traced the letters. “Is it strange to hope that there’s a way your memories are somehow with her? That the father who loved her so much is with her now, taking care of her because we can’t?”

Jason’s throat was tight. He knew scientifically that wasn’t how it worked. The memories were nothing more than electric impulses in his brain — the storage of them had been disrupted and they’d been erased. But he’d seen those pictures, and heard those videos. And maybe it was okay to believe in something so impossible. To hope that somewhere, the daughter he didn’t know was safe and loved by the father who no longer existed in the world.

“No, I don’t think so. If there’s something after all this, I hope she’s safe and loved.”

“I never came back here after that. And I mostly tried to forget her, you know. But I guess — we’re leaving, and we don’t know when we’re coming back. Her room is gone — I just—I wanted to be somewhere with her just one more time.” She looked at Jason. “Maybe that’s why I didn’t leave Port Charles after your accident. Leaving her here, leaving without you, it was too much. I couldn’t do both.”

“We don’t have to get on that plane for California tonight,” Jason told her. “We can—”

“No, I just wanted to say goodbye one more time. That’s all.” Elizabeth pressed two fingers to her lips, then set them against her name. “Goodbye, baby. Mommy loves you.”

Jason covered her hand with his own. “So do I,” he said, his voice a bit rough. Elizabeth leaned her head against his shoulder briefly, then let her hand fall to the ground. She rose to her feet, brushed the dirt from her pants.

Jason looked back at the stone, then let his hand fall to his side. He stood, laced his fingers through Elizabeth’s. “We’re not saying goodbye,” he told her, and Elizabeth lifted her brows. “Not to her.” He rested a hand on the top of the stone. “We’ll see you later, okay?”

“Yeah.” Her smile was small, but genuine. “We’ll see you again one day. But that day better be far away,” she told Jason, as they walked towards the parking lot. “No more getting in cars with drunken idiots. Or jumping out of planes.”

“You liked it.”

“I did not—”

“You did, too. You’ve got the bug.”


“We’ll work up to jumping alone. That’ll be even better.”

“You are never, in a million years, getting me to jump out of plane alone. No more adventures like that, thank you very much.”

It only took him three weeks to talk her into bungee jumping.


April 10, 2024

This entry is part 31 of 32 in the Flash Fiction: Hits Different

Written in 58 minutes.

“When the conservatorship is dissolved, we’ll ask Justus to draw up divorce papers.”

The words lingered in the air for long moment, Jason simply staring at Elizabeth as if she’d suddenly grown a second head. She wrinkled her nose. “That sounded dramatic, didn’t it? I’m sorry—”

“You want a divorce?” Jason said, furrowing his brow, trying to understand where he’d lost the thread of the conversation. He thought he’d been doing much better noting social cues from others — the way Luke always seemed just a little bit irritated with the world, or how Sonny hid his penchant for controlling others by maintaining an air of detachment or disinterest. And Elizabeth — he’d spent the most time with her and she wore nearly every emotion on her face, in her eyes, on her lips.

But a divorce? They’d been together for weeks, sharing the same bed, at the bar—just that morning—

“Not the way it sounds. I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I said it that way.” Elizabeth kicked off her shoes, then padded into the kitchen, tugging open the fridge for a can of soda. “Maybe because I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks—”

Weeks. She’d been thinking about ending everything for weeks. His head swam and suddenly everything Jason thought he’d understood or even mastered since he’d woken up with nothing to call his own, not even his name. None of this made any sense—

But Elizabeth had continued talking, somehow unaware that Jason was having some sort of existential crisis just a few feet away.

“—and I’ve wanted to bring it up to you a thousand times, but I always lost my courage. I’m not even sure I’m explaining this well—” She cracked open the soda,  then turned and looked at him for the first time since she’d said. Something in his expression must have given it away. “I don’t—I mean, I don’t want us to stop—to stop being us.

“Maybe I don’t understand what divorce means then,” Jason said slowly. “Because—”

“I married Jason Quartermaine,” Elizabeth said, and he stopped. “A really nice guy who didn’t always stand up for me the way I wanted him to, but who loved me enough that I didn’t really notice it most of the time. We were happy, and I think—” She smiled faintly, looking at her rings. “I think we would have made it. A week ago, I wasn’t so sure about that. But you went to that lawyer and AJ—I’m glad I went. It gave me back that sweet boy, and I think I can let him go now.”

“But I’m him,” Jason said, a bit hesitantly.

“You are. But you didn’t want to be, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to be, either. I know that we’ve built something there that’s just ours, but I’m afraid—” She set the soda aside, then twisted her wedding ring again. “I’m afraid that I might always wonder just a little bit if you’re here because you were already sort of stuck with me and you like me well enough—”

Insulted, Jason opened his mouth to argue and defend himself, but she continued talking. “And you might wonder sometimes if I love you or who you used to be. Are we really here because we want to be?” She folded her arms, bit her lip. “I guess maybe I’m hoping we can give each other a fresh start. A real one. Justus said when this all started that we need to take this choice back for ourselves, and I’m glad I did. That I didn’t just let the Quartermaines steamroll over us. I know it hasn’t happened yet, but we’re going to win in court, and you’re going to be free. I want you to really be free, Jason.”

“I am free right now. I’m where I want to be,” Jason said, stepping towards her. “You don’t have to do this—”

“I believe you.” Her smile was nervous, but real when she closed the distance between them, slid her arms around his waist, loosely clasping her hands at the small of his back. “And I hope you believe me. But I never want there to be any questions.”

He didn’t hate the idea when she talked about it this way — all he’d ever wanted was to make his own choices, and hadn’t he come back to her a little bit because of the history they shared that he would never be able to reclaim.

“Lila told me once I had all the pieces of the puzzle of who I used to be, I’d have to decide which pieces to keep.” He reached for her hands, still wrapped his back and brought them up between them, looked down at the ring he didn’t remember giving her. The bracelet she wore that he had no memory of. “Son, grandson, brother, cousin, medical student, husband….father.”

“And what do you think now?”

“I think maybe none of those pieces are mine now,” Jason said finally. “Most of them don’t mean anything to me, but—” He looked past her to the shelf where the photo of Jason and Cady sleeping on the sofa, the one that had triggered a cascade of emotions that he’d only barely begun to understand. “But I’m only going to regret losing one of them. The rest — I could have if I want. But I don’t ever get to be her father again, and I’m sorry for it.”

“So am I. I envied you not remembering, not feeling this black hole in the center of your world—” Her voice faltered and he looked back, met her eyes. “It kept growing and growing, swallowing me whole, until there was no light left to remind that there was anything left to live for. I wished I could bash my head on a rock and just make it go away. But—”

He brushed a tear from her cheek using the pad of his thumb, and she leaned into his touch. “But it wasn’t a black hole after all. Just a shadow. Like the way night crawls over everything, disappearing the light and joy and good in the world. But eventually, the night ends. And I can remember the good. The way I felt when I was pregnant, her kicks—” Elizabeth pressed a hand to her belly. “I had nine more months with her, you know. I carried her everywhere and kept her safe. Then she was gone. And it took a long time for me to forgive myself for not keeping her safe anymore. I’m sorry you don’t get to remember her. The joy of waiting for her to arrive, the wonder at what we’d created, and even the despair of losing her. I’m so sorry I ever wished that I could lose that.”

She cleared her throat. “I think maybe that’s really why I want that fresh start. Why I need it. I hope you can understand it.”

“At the Quartermaines, they kept looking for who I used to be. For the Jason they wanted me to be. You did, too, in the beginning,” he said, and she nodded, bit her lip. “I thought I could just tell you that it was separate and have it be true. It was, mostly. But sometimes, yeah, I wondered if you’d be here if we hadn’t been married before the accident. If we had had these legal issues to deal with. So if you think getting a divorce will fix that, or help, we should do it.”

Elizabeth smiled, leaned up to kiss him. He cradled her jaw, deepening the embrace until she sank against him, and he had to wrap his arms around her to keep her standing. “But first, we have to finish what we started,” Jason said, stepping back slightly. “There’s still time to call the sky diving place—”

“I am never jumping out of plane. You can just forget about that.”

Across town, another father was standing in front of his family, with an announcement of his own. Monica sat on the sofa, her eyes rimmed with red, her mouth pinched, with a sour expression etched into her features.

“I’ve hired a lawyer of my own to represent me in the probate hearing,” Alan said, and Edward scowled, nearly pushed himself to his feet but a quick look from his wife stopped him.

Ned, lounging by the window, lifted his brows. “Why? You and Grandfather have a spat?”

“I won’t blame Monica entirely for what’s happened in the four or five months.” Alan smiled sadly. “The last few years. I made a judgment about Elizabeth, finding her to be unworthy of my son. Not good enough for the man I wanted him to be. I thought that as his father I had a right to weigh in on that decision, to press my thumb on the scales to achieve the outcome that I deemed just.”

“Spare me the speech,” Monica muttered.

“I didn’t give her a chance. She was barely good enough to be your friend, Emily, but to be a member of this family? To stand by Jason’s side as he took on the medical world and became a shining star? No. She couldn’t be. So I meddled. I schemed. I pushed, and I pushed Jason right out the door. Even before the accident, he could barely be here without one of us making a scene. I deprived myself of time that I will never get back. My son is never coming home.”

“This is all well and good, you know, but you owe an apology to Elizabeth,” Emily said, sitting stiffly in an armchair, her eyes stony. “A huge one.”

“I know that. I chose to believe Monica’s story that Jason wanted a divorce. I turned a blind eye to the ragged edges of her facts, and ignored how they didn’t quite fit together. They were good enough to confirm what I already believed, so I went after the power of attorney to maintain control of my son in he hospital. And when Father suggested we take this further, to protect Jason’s estate, to make his wishes permanent, I didn’t hesitate. I ought to have.”

He paused. “I’ll be asking my lawyer to petition to dissolve the conservatorship. I’m asking you, Father, to stand down. Not to object. Jason shouldn’t have to waste one more minute of his life fighting either one of us for the right to make his own decisions.” His lips twisted. “He’s been doing that too long.”

Edward made a face, but looked at Lila again, and inclined his head. “I’ll direct our lawyer to do the same,” he said finally. “Jason seems capable of making his own choices. Terrible choices,” he muttered, “but he’s capable nonetheless.”

“Mother?” Emily prompted when Monica said nothing. “Do you have anything you want to say?”

Monica just snorted, rose to her feet. “Why? And take some of the attention from Father of the Year? Jason would have seen her for the social climbing, gold digging bitch eventually, and turning control of his trust fund back over to him is a mistake—”

“I created that trust fund so that Jason would never have to beg for anything. When Father was poised to prevent Jason from having any piece of this family because he was born out a wedlock,” Alan said, giving Edward a dirty look. “I should have remembered that. How hard I had to fight to give my son the life, wealth, and name he ought to have been entitled to by birth.”

“If you think I’m going to apologize for using every resource at my disposal to do right by my son, you’ll be waiting until hell freezes over.” Monica lifted her chin. “I did what I did for the right reasons, and no one will ever convince me otherwise. Do whatever you want. Just don’t blame me when it all goes horribly wrong.”

She left the room then, and Emily just said. “You know, I’m glad I’m adopted. And that Jason is — at least on his mother’s side.” She got to her feet. “I love you all, I really do. But there are days when I’m glad your blood doesn’t run through my veins.” She looked at her father. “You’re doing the right thing, Dad, but it’s too little too late. Jason will never forgive you for this.”

“I know. But it’s the only way I know how to right any of these wrongs. I’m sorry, Emily, that we so often fail to live up to the family you deserve.”

“Yeah, well, I guess life could have been worse. I could have ended up adopted by the Manson family,” she muttered, and left the room.


“You have to know when to fold,” Edward said gruffly. “Better to retreat then to be beaten with witnesses. We’ll lose in court. At least this way, I don’t have to sit in front of a judge and listen to a lecture. Put your lawyer in touch with mine. We’ll get it done.”

A few days later, it was Tuesday night, one of the slower nights at the club. Elizabeth didn’t need a second bartender on shift, but Jason thought he was beginning to wear her down on sky diving lessons and had shown up after the happy hour rush with new facts to convince her.

“Fatalites occur in less than 1 per 100,000 cases,” Jason said, sliding the pamphlet over to her. “And serious injuries are 2 in 10,000—”

“See, that second thousand number is much smaller — and someone has to be the one or the two.” Elizabeth leaned over the bar, smirked at him. “You are never, in a million years, getting me on one of those rinky planes thousands of feet in the air—”

“But just think about how much better the rush will be,” Jason argued. “The wind roaring in your ears, so loud you can’t think—you don’t think that’s worth the risk?”

“I like going fast. On the ground—”

“Skydiving is statistically safer than driving—”

“I told you teaching him to read would be a mistake,” Luke quipped, a cigar sticking out of one side of his mouth. He came past Elizabeth to pour himself a glass of whiskey. “Kid, when are you going to give it up—”

“I just haven’t found the right facts.” Jason looked at a different brochure, scanning it. Elizabeth snickered, went to the end of the bar to fill an order.

Luke followed her. “When are you going to put that boy out of his misery and go on the plane?”

She rolled her eyes, pressed the button for the blender. After she’d delivered the margarita to the customer, she looked at her boss. “What makes you think I’m going to fold?”

“Darlin’, I’ve known you way too long. You’re going to cave.”

She shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out someday.”

“Skydiving,” Jason began when she returned to his side of the bar, “is safer than driving—more than three million people go skydiving every year—” he broke off when Justus slid onto the stool next to him. “Hey. I thought we weren’t meeting you until tomorrow.”

“Got a late note from the court.” Justus tossed a sheaf of legal papers on the bar. Jason picked them up, his eyes widening.

“Is this what I think it is?”

Elizabeth leaned over. “What?”

“Petition to dissolve the conservatorship filed by Alan and Edward—they both caved?” Jason wanted to know.

“Yeah, I thought for sure we’d get a dramatic scene when we had mediation in a few days. You didn’t even get to confront Monica with what we found out from AJ. And now you don’t need to.” Justus made a face. “I was kind of looking forward to seeing the face crack when she realized we were on to.”

“Feel free to do it on my behalf, but I don’t need to tell Monica it was a lie. She knows it was. I know it was. And it wouldn’t make me feel better.” Elizabeth shrugged. “She’ll just defend herself. But you said Ned was asking the right questions, and Alan must have had his doubts.”

Justus looked at Jason. “It’ll take a week for the hearing, but it’s basically over. The court isn’t going to hold you to something that even the conservators don’t want. Do you want to schedule a meeting with the Qs?”

“Why? I wanted them out of my life. You’re making that happen. As long as Elizabeth gets her money back, I’m good.”

“Well, you’ll need to sign papers for the trust fund—”

“I don’t want that,” Jason said immediately. “Any of it. Tell them to keep their money. And everything else—”

“Well—” Justus lifted his brows. “You did say you were hoping to get a little revenge on the family for the way they’d treated Elizabeth.”

“What?” Elizabeth blinked, looked at Jason who just returned her look a bit defiantly. “When did you say that?”

“A while ago. And yeah, I do. Why, do you have any ideas?”

“Oh. I have a few. And if Sonny’s around, maybe he’ll be interested in what I have to say.”

“I do like a plot twist,” Luke decided. “Let me go get him.”

“While you’re cooking that up,” Elizabeth said to Justus, “can you make time to do something else for us?”


“Divorce papers,” Jason said. He laid a hand over Elizabeth’s on the bar. “And a name change.”