July 14, 2023

This entry is part 27 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

Written in 59 minutes.

Port Charles Courthouse: Family Court

“Do you want to tell me what that was about?” his lawyer demanded.

Lucky tore his eyes away from Elizabeth as she and Jason embraced, then she hugged Diane. He focused on his attorney. “I’m sorry. You get paid whether I win or lose—”

“We discussed a strategy—”

“And I decided I didn’t want it—” Lucky turned away, relieved as Elizabeth and the others made their way out of the court room. “Listen, I appreciate everything. But you had to see the writing on the wall—you didn’t even go after Elizabeth in her testimony—”

“I think you should have given yourself a chance to fight, Lucky—”

“For what? The chance to drag Cameron out of his house every other weekend and force him to come see me—” Lucky looked at the empty doorway. “Diane Miller was right. I had a chance to be a good father. I chose to put myself first—”

“Your wife is putting herself first—”

“The custody case is over,” Lucky said flatly. “Make sure the divorce goes away. I want it over.”

He started towards the back of the courtroom, but Nikolas grabbed his arm as he passed. “Lucky—”

“I don’t want to hear it—” He walked over to the back pew where Sam still waited, her eyes hot with fury. “And I don’t want to hear what you have to say, either. No one asked you to be here. It has nothing to do with you.”

“It has everything to do with me,” Sam spat, rising to her feet. “You just let her off the hook for all of it—”

“I told you that I didn’t want your kind of revenge. I don’t want any of it. I just want to get on with my life. You should try it sometime.”

Sam glared after him as Lucky left, followed by his annoyed lawyer, then she looked at Nikolas. “It’s not fair for her to get away with everything like this. She gets to walk away with her happy ending—”

“Sam—” Nikolas shook his head. “I get that you’re still angry at how things ended with Jason, but that was months ago—”

“Diane humiliated me on that stand—”

“You humiliated yourself. Get over it. Lucky’s right. Maybe it’s not fair how it all came out, but it’s over. Time for everyone to move on.”

He left her standing there, fuming. Well, if those assholes weren’t going to make sure that perfect Elizabeth Webber didn’t get to walk away scot-free, then Sam was going to do it herself.

Hardy House: Living Room

Audrey was on her feet as Elizabeth opened the door, her expression creased in concern. “How was it? Did—did you get a ruling?”

Elizabeth embraced her grandmother. “I’m still a bit shell-shocked. Lucky—he didn’t testify. He told the judge to rule in my favor.”

“What?” Audrey looked past her to Jason, then back to Elizabeth. “He didn’t testify?”

“He dropped the objection to the paternity suit even before we got started. I guess listening to Lulu and me — I don’t know. I guess he decided it wasn’t…that putting himself through it wouldn’t be worth it.” She sighed. “I don’t really know how to feel about it, I guess. I just want to get the boys and go home.”

“They’re upstairs. Cameron’s playing, and Jake was napping.” Audrey touched her arm. “I’m relieved that it’s over, darling. It’s all right to feel a bit unsettled.”

“I don’t know why,” Elizabeth said to Jason as they climbed the stairs to the second floor. “This is what I wanted. Lucky stepped aside. We’ll get divorced and…it’ll be over.” She rubbed her arms. “I still want that—”

“It was a hard testimony to sit through,” Jason said. He stopped her as they approached the bedroom the boys used at Audrey’s house. “I didn’t—” He gritted his teeth for a moment. “I didn’t know he’d put his hands on you.”

“It—it was just that once—Jason, it was just that once. And he didn’t mean to do it. I left that night.” She laid a hand on his cheek. “Look at me. It was once. And I don’t know how much he even remembers.”

“I wish you’d told me.” Jason shook his head. “I would have—I don’t know. I would have—”

“Offered to marry me before the paternity results came back? Offered to marry me again when you did know? Jason. You did everything you could—”

“If that was true, you would have told me the truth about Jake that day you came over,” he broke in, and she closed her mouth. “Because I didn’t think it was for the best, I just wanted you to be okay, and I thought—I thought it was what you wanted.”

“You were trying to protect me. And I was trying to protect you. And neither one of us told the truth that day. There’s a lesson to be learned from that, I think.” She leaned up to kiss him, and he held her against him. “We both did the best we could in the moment. But we’re going to do better now.”

“Much better.”

“Let’s get the boys and go home.”

General Hospital: Locker Room

Robin rested a hand against the row of lockers, and took a minute to catch her breath, squeezing her eyes shut, hoping it would stop the room from spinning.

Vertigo was always such a strange trip, she thought. You stayed still, but the room started to move, and then you were on the floor.

“Hey.” Emily came around the corner, went for her locker. “You okay?”

“Hey. Just—I don’t know. Felt dizzy for a minute.” Robin smiled weakly, then sat on the bench. “Not enough sleep. Or eating. I don’t know.”

Emily studied her for a minute. “You look pale. Robin—”

“It’s fine. I know better. I know I have to keep myself healthy—” She forced a smile. “I’ll make an appointment with my doctor, okay? You don’t have to be so worried.”

“I can’t help but worry. It’s in the DNA.” She sat next to Robin, reached for her hand and laid two fingers on her wrist. A moment later, she nodded. “Pulse is okay. Let me check your pupils—”


“Shut up—” Emily tilted her head. “No dilation.”

“I told you. Just a little run-down. I’m not sleeping well.”


“I know it’s been a month,” Robin murmured. “But sometimes, I get—it just wakes me up. And—” She grimaced, stared at her hands. “Can I tell you something without judging me?”

“Of course.”

“And—you’re like my doctor right now. Confidential—”

“It would be confidential even if I hadn’t taken your pulse. You can tell me anything, Robin. You know that.”

“Right.” Robin bit her lip. “Then night of Georgie’s memorial, I went to Patrick’s. And I stayed with him that night.” She waited. “You don’t look surprised.”

“I’m not.”

“You’re not going to tell me he’s only going to break my heart?”

“Of course not. You already know all there is to know about Patrick Drake,” Emily told her, gently. “He loves you. If you’d told him that getting the moon would make you feel better, he’d give it his best shot.”

“That was the only time since all of this happened that I slept through the night,” Robin confessed. “And I know, God, I know if I called him right now, he’d come over, and he’d just hold me and I’d be able to sleep, and I could close my eyes, and not see her—”

Emily squeezed her hand. “But you won’t.”

“I can’t. I can’t. It hurts so much.” Robin’s voice broke. “And it’s not fair. He started talking about how maybe we could figure out something, and what kind of person would I be if I let him make this change because I’m such a mess?” She swiped at her tears and forced herself to her feet. To open her locker. “And I hate myself because I lay there at night, and I think about calling him because I just want it all to stop, and it won’t.”

“It’s hard to walk away from someone you love,” Emily said. “Especially when you’re doing it for the right reasons. Patrick would probably be an amazing father. I think he’s surprised himself with how much love he’s found in himself over these last few years. But I respect him for not taking the plunge without being more sure. That doesn’t make his choice hurt any less, Robin. It just makes it harder to hate him for it.”

“What about you? I thought you and Nikolas were all but engaged—” When Emily made a face, Robin clasped her hands in front of her. “Please. I’m begging you. Distract me.”

“I just—he took Lucky’s side in all of his, which, okay that’s fine. I took Elizabeth’s. We weren’t going to do that first,” she added. She spun the combination dial. “We were just going  be neutral, but Lucky started to pull all this crap with Cameron, and even though Nikolas knew it was wrong, he got Lucky a lawyer who made all these threats—” She broke off.

“I know it shouldn’t have anything to do with us,” she finally continued, jerking open the locker. “It shouldn’t. But I hear him talk about Elizabeth, and we both knew what she was going through last fall. And it’s like — he expects her to have let it all go because Lucky got clean and stayed that way. Like it’s a switch you can flick on and off. But it’s now how it works. Elizabeth built up this whole system in her head where she was responsible for Lucky’s sobriety, and we fed into that. We all did, and now we’re going to be angry because she didn’t do it perfectly?”

Emily huffed. “Lucky spread those rumors about Patrick and Elizabeth last year, you know that, right? He made such a production about them that Epiphany and Kelly both thought Elizabeth slept with him and that was why they needed a paternity test.”

Robin frowned. “I didn’t know that—”

“Yeah, okay, she went out and she did have an affair eventually. But now when Lucky was screaming at her about it, and not before he had an affair—” Emily gripped her locker. “Maybe it’s that simple for me. Maybe it’s knowing Elizabeth was trying so hard most of last year, and she had one little slip with Jason that she kept to herself, and tried to protect everyone except herself — and it didn’t matter. Because Lucky was screwing around on her first.”

“I thought…the pills—”

“I’ve had a drug addiction,” Emily spat. “I watched my father go through it. I know what addiction looks like. He was dependent on it, but he wasn’t at the point where his personality should have shifted. Not like that. No, he never believed Elizabeth picked him. He always felt like she settled, and he was fucking so insecure about it, that he had to go prove his virility by—” Emily closed her mouth. “I’m sorry. I forgot—”

“I know what Maxie was doing last year. You don’t think Lucky had the affair  because of the pills.”

“I think the pills gave him the excuse. But no, I think Maxie made Lucky feel like a hero. And Elizabeth didn’t. Simple as that. And all of this custody bullshit started when Elizabeth made it clear that she was going to let Jason be Jake’s father. Because Lucky couldn’t stand to come second. Nikolas couldn’t accept that Lucky had any fault in this. He won’t see it, and he couldn’t see it when he did the same thing to me.”

Emily sat on the bench, tears shimmering in her eyes. “It was so hard, Robin. So damned hard to look at him for so long. Connor Bishop looked just like him—do you know what it’s like to be raped by a man who could be your husband’s identical twin? To see his face in your nightmares?”

“No.” Robin sat again, touched Emily’s shoulder again. “I don’t.”

“And maybe I needed more therapy. And maybe we were always going to get divorced. I don’t know. But he didn’t say anything. He promised to my face that we would get through it, and behind my back, he was having an affair. Because that’s what he and Lucky do. They talk a good game, but they will always take the easy way out.” Emily stopped. “So, no, Nikolas and I aren’t going to get back together. I had a glimpse of the man who did that to me with all of this, and I’m not interested in repeating the same mistake.”

General Hospital: Nurse’s Station

Patrick saw Mac Scorpio at the nurse’s station and nearly did an about face to walk the other direction. He and Mac had always had an uneasy relationship, and it likely wasn’t going to get to much better now that he and Robin had broken up.

But Epiphany had already seen him and was gesturing in his direction, so Mac turned and there was no escape.

Especially when it seemed as if Mac had sought him out. Patrick sighed and went forth into battle.

“Patrick. Do you have a minute?”

“Yeah. Yeah.” He handed a chart to Epiphany, then went to the waiting area. “Um, I’d ask how you are but it feels like a stupid question.”

“I’m—” Mac rubbed his chin. “Surviving,” he said finally. “Which is about all I can ask, I guess. Uh, I wanted to stop by—I should have a few weeks ago, but—” He paused. “Thank you. For being there for Robin.”

Patrick blinked. “What? When?”

“The day we found out. You—you were. I remembered. And you came that day. To the house. I remember you were there. And at the church. Robin—she doesn’t let anyone take care of her. I’m sure you know that.”

“You raised an independent woman, that’s for sure,” Patrick said. “But it’s a good thing—”

“Until it’s not. I just—I don’t want you to think it went unnnoticed. Or unappreciated.” Mac waited a moment. “I know you aren’t…that you’re not seeing each other anymore. Robin said it was about the future. About not having the same plans for it.”

“Something—” Patrick shook his head. “She wants kids. And I want her to have everything she deserves. I know she didn’t think they were a possibility, and now they are. She’ll be an amazing mother, and I want it for her.”

“And you don’t want it for yourself?”

Patrick fisted his hand at his side. “Not enough to dive into it. And I think you should be more sure before you bring an entire life into the world, you know? Like maybe it shouldn’t be an afterthought.”

“No, it shouldn’t.” Mac studied him for a long moment. “And they’re not for the faint of heart. I don’t have biological children. Just the—” His voice faltered for just a moment. “Just my girls. Stepdaughters. A niece. Kids that I didn’t plan or ask for—and I wasn’t ready when Robin became my responsibility either.”

“But you stepped up.”

“You would, too. But it’s not enough to just step into the role. You gotta enjoy it. And I did—” Mac grimaced, looked away. “It takes a lot to give someone your heart and then just let them walk around the world with it.”

“You’d still do it again, wouldn’t you?” Patrick wondered, and Mac looked back at him. “Even now. With losing her. You’d do it again.”

“Even knowing that I’d lose my Georgie this way, I’d live every minute again. God, what I wouldn’t do for just one more minute.” Mac bowed his head, took another deep breath. “Anyway. You’ll do what’s right for you. But thank you. For taking care of Robin.”

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

Elizabeth still felt restless later that evening, even as Spinelli insisted they celebrate with pepperoni pizza for Cameron and orange soda for him. He poured just a little bit into Cameron’s sippy cup when he thought Elizabeth didn’t notice, and Cameron nearly bounced off the walls.

“He’s never going to go to sleep,” Jason said as they watched Spinelli try to explain the finer points of a video game to the toddler. “We probably should have stopped it.”

“It’s one night. It won’t kill him.” She leaned her head against the door frame of the kitchen. “Diane said the adoption won’t take long. With Lucky out of the picture legally, it’s just the six month waiting period.” She glanced back at him. “Do you want to talk to him about it? Or—”

“I think we should just see what happens. He still remembers Lucky, and I don’t want him to get confused or upset.” He hooked an arm around her shoulders, drew her back against him. “For now, I’m happy with the way things are.”

“Me, too.” She leaned into his embrace and told herself to concentrate on the good and to let go the guilt. It was time to move on.

July 12, 2023

This entry is part 26 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

I went WAY over with this one, lol. 90 minutes. But it feels worth it, I think.

Port Charles Courthouse: Family Court

“Let’s move on to the next matter. Custody of Cameron Hardy Webber and Jacob Spencer.”

Elizabeth’s hand, already clutching Jason’s, tightened and he squeezed back, reassuring her. The paternity claim had been the easiest part of their petition, he knew that, and one that they would win fairly. Custody of the boys — while Jason had made his calls to assure they’d win, he still wanted to win on the merits. He wanted the judge to cut the last tie that held Elizabeth to Lucky.

Maybe it was selfish to watch Lucky out of their lives entirely — and maybe Jason would be the better man if he’d encouraged Elizabeth to give Lucky another chance after the park so that Cameron would have the same father he’d always known.

But Cameron’s sobs still echoed in his mind, and the way the toddler had clung to his mother, begging her to bring his father back — that he’d behave and be a good boy. Maybe Lucky had made a mistake —

Jason didn’t care. He wasn’t giving Lucky the chance to hurt Cameron that way again.

“Ms. Miller, your client has filed an amended petition.” The judge peered at his notes. “Mrs. Spencer is no longer requesting joint custody of the older boy? Please explain this position. I understand that while Mr. Spencer is not Cameron Webber’s biological or legal father, he’s stood in the role for most of the child’s life.”

“Your Honor.” Diane got to her feet. “When my client separated from her husband in mid-August, she made her position clear. She’d made a grievous error in judgment, lying about the paternity of the younger son. She wanted to correct that mistake, and try to make amends. At that time, Mr. Spencer indicated he wanted nothing less than joint custody of both boys — and if Jacob wasn’t included in a custody agreement, he would walk away entirely.”

The judge nodded. “Yes, I see that in Mr. Spencer’s original filing.” He glanced over to Lucky and his lawyer. “Mr. Frazier?”

“Your Honor. Mr. Spencer was terribly hurt and humiliated after his wife admitted to an affair and lying about the paternity of their son. This admission was broadcast on regional television, and added layers to an already terrible situation. He took some time to consider his position, and decided that he had raised Jacob since birth, and wanted to continue in the role. Mrs. Spencer refused to consider even visitation on the matter. My client simply wished to force his wife to come to the table and negotiate something that was fair. Cooler heads have prevailed, and now my client has agreed to joint custody for both boys or just Cameron if the court so chooses.”

“Ms. Miller, your answer to that?”

Jason hated all the legal speak, hated how reasonable the lawyer had made Lucky’s demands sound. Elizabeth’s hand gripped his so tightly, that her knuckles her white. He covered their joined hands with his free hand, and she glanced at him, misery swirling. She carried so much guilt for the last year — he wanted her to let it go. To put it behind them.

But they wouldn’t until this was over. And there would always be a piece of her that blamed herself for everything.

“Your Honor, Mr. Spencer only revised his demand after a terrible incident in Port Charles Park on September 14,” Diane responded coolly. “As Lesley Lu Spencer, his sister, will testify to, Mr. Spencer came across my clients in the park with both boys. Cameron recognized Mr. Spencer as his father, and ran to him. Mr. Spencer didn’t simply walk away, but—”

“Counsel is testifying, Your Honor,” Lincoln Frazier interrupted, almost lazily.

“Ms. Miller, perhaps the details can wait for Ms. Spencer’s testimony.”

“Of course. Our position is that on that day, Mr. Spencer had the opportunity to assert himself as Cameron’s father. He chose not to. My client is not under any legal obligation to allow Mr. Spencer any continued contact with Cameron. After two and a half years, most of Cameron’s life, Mr. Spencer declined to adopt Cameron and gain any legal standing.”

“Was adoption discussed?” the judge wanted to know.

“Yes. On several occasions. Mr. Spencer suggested that money was tight and that it was unnecessary.” Diane lifted her brow. “Again, Mrs. Spencer was happy to allow to her husband to maintain his role as Cameron’s father, perhaps making adoption part of the divorce settlement. But Mr. Spencer has proved over the last two months that he is not interested in being a hands-on father. With the testimony of my client and her sister-in-law, we will demonstrate this fact.”

“That’s your argument as to the older boy. As I understand, your client was never interested in visitation with the younger boy?”

“As Your Honor just ruled, visitation with Jacob is not a matter for this court. Lucky Spencer has just relinquished any legal standing he has to the child. Mrs. Spencer, having told what she will admit, was a terrible lie for almost a year, was unwilling to promise Mr. Spencer continued contact. She will describe her position more clearly.”

“All right.” The judge slid off his reading glasses. “I’m ready for testimony.”


Lucky had listened to Diane present the case with a twist in his gut, knowing that there was nothing he could do or say today that would change the outcome of the situation. Any chance he had of explaining away that terrible day in the park would be diminished when his own sister described the scene from her point of view.

When Diane called Lulu to the stand, Lucky turned to see his sister stand up from the back row, then his eyes caught someone else. Sam.

She must have come in after the arguments had started. Lucky glanced over at the other table, saw Elizabeth’s startled eyes, and Jason’s scowl. Neither of them had seen her until then either.

Sam merely lifted her eyes at Lucky, as if to suggest that she could still help.

Lucky turned away, faced forward. There was no help for him. There was only finishing what he’d started.

Lulu looked miserable as she took the oath and sat in the witness box. She adjusted the microphone, then kept her eyes on Diane.

She wouldn’t even look at her.

“Good morning, Ms. Spencer.” Diane went to a podium, a sheaf of yellow papers in her hands. “On the afternoon of September 14, did you have occasion to go to the park?”

“Objection, leading—”

“It calls for a yes or no answer, it does not suggest the answer,” Diane snapped before the judge could answer. “Go back to law school—”

“Objection overruled,” the judge interrupted. “Ms. Miller—”

“My apologies, Your Honor.” Diane looked back at Lulu. “Ms. Spencer, September 14?”

“I went to the park, yes.” Lulu cleared her throat, then fidgeted with the microphone.

“Did you go with anyone else?”

“Yes. My brother. I met him at the pier because he’d been staying with our brother on Spoon Island.”

“Why were you meeting with your brother?”

“Objection, to the extent it calls for hearsay—”

“Mr. Frazier—” The judge leaned forward. “This is not a murder case. This is a family court proceeding. Objection overruled.”

Lulu was thrown off by the interruption. “Uh, I wanted to talk to him. About the divorce. And the custody. I was angry. Because he was making everything harder. Um, I knew he was trying to force Elizabeth to give him visitation with Jake and he was using Cameron to do it. I wanted to talk him out of it.” She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. “So we were in the park, and we went towards the playground.”

“What happened when you reached the playground?”


“What, if anything,” Diane said, through clenched teeth and a dirty look at Lucky’s lawyer, “happened when you reached the playground?”

“Oh. Um, we saw Cameron first. In the sandbox, playing. Elizabeth was there, too. And Jason. They were at a picnic table. Jason was holding Jake, and Lucky got all mad—”


“His face got red and I saw him fist his hands,” Lulu said. “That’s how I know he was mad. Sorry, I know I’m supposed to describe what I saw.”

“Objection overruled,” the judge said. “Ms. Spencer, please wait for me to rule before you continue answering.”

“Sorry. I’m just—I’m nervous.” Lulu licked her lips, focused on Diane.

“That’s all right. What happened then?”

“Cameron was so happy—he scrambled out of the sandbox, and he ran so fast he nearly tripped—” Lulu smiled faintly. “And he was smiling, calling out for my brother—calling him daddy. But Lucky—he just held up his hands to stop Cameron from coming near him.” Lulu demonstrated, raising her own.

Lucky dipped his head, the regret and bitterness swamping him again. He was going to lose everything for a single incident. For one terrible reaction.

“Cameron didn’t seem to understand. Of course he didn’t. He was just—he’s a baby. So he kept coming anyway, and he hugged Lucky’s leg.” Lulu’s voice faltered, and she swiped at her cheek.

Lucky couldn’t look over at the other table, didn’t want to know what Elizabeth looked like as his sister recounted that horrible day.

“What did your brother do, if anything?” Diane asked.

“He picked Cameron up and he—he held him away—like maybe you would when a baby has a smelly diaper—” Lulu, again, demonstrated, by stretching his arms. “Cameron was confused at first, and then started to cry. Lucky shoved him into Elizabeth’s arms and told Cameron to ask his mother why he couldn’t be with him. And then he walked away.”

“Objection, hearsay.”

“Statement is an admission of a party-opponent,” Diane said immediately.

“Overruled, Mr. Frazier. Once again, this is family court and a certain amount of hearsay is allowed.”

Lucky grimaced. He knew his lawyer was just trying to keep out of the worst of the statements, but it probably wasn’t helping.

Nothing would.

“Did Mrs. Spencer or Mr. Morgan react in anyway?”

“I don’t—I left right away. To go after Lucky. But not that I saw. I think—I don’t know. It happened so fast. Elizabeth looked so surprised, and Jason—he wouldn’t have done anything—” Lulu paused. “I don’t know. I left. But I could hear Cameron sobbing — I didn’t stop hearing it until we were far enough away.”

“Thank you, Ms. Spencer.” Diane turned to Lincoln. “Your witness.”

Lulu finally looked over at the table, and met Lucky’s eyes. The shame he already felt amplified as he saw the distress in his little sister’s expression. She had seen herself in Cameron that day. He didn’t know if she’d ever respect him again.

“No questions, Your Honor.”

“Ms. Spencer, you may step down.”

Lulu hurried out of the witness box, and practically ran out of the courtroom.

“I’d like to call my final witness, Elizabeth Spencer.”


Lulu’s testimony had been terrible to sit through — to hear that Elizabeth’s own reflections of the matter were right — that it had been as dreadful as she remembered.

Elizabeth took the oath and settled herself in the box that Lulu had just vacated. In the back of the courtroom, she saw Sam sitting in the back row, a smirk on her face.

“Mrs. Spencer.”

Elizabeth focused on Diane. Her lawyer waited another moment. “Can you describe for the court, the situation in which you found yourself last fall when you discovered you were pregnant?”

“I—” Elizabeth fisted her hands in her lap, then looked at Jason. Found the reassurance she needed. “My marriage was on life support. In mid-August, I learned that my husband was not only having an affair, but that he was addicted to pain medication. We’d been having a rough time since he’d been injured,” she continued. “He thought I was having an affair with a friend from work, but I wasn’t.”

“Were you having an affair with Jason Morgan prior to mid-August, prior to learning about Mr. Spencer’s affair?”

“No. No,” Elizabeth repeated. “Jason and I have been friends for years. We—years ago, we were sort of dating. But it never went that far. I was—it just didn’t work out, and we both moved on. But we reconnected again last spring as friends. I knew Lucky was struggling after the injury, and Jason was a—he’s a good listener. And he helped me work through my worries.”

“But nothing physical happpened?” Diane asked.

“No. I wouldn’t have—as bad as things were with Lucky, I was still committed. For better or worse. I meant that part. And he’d gotten hurt trying to save me. How could I hold it against him? But he was so angry. All of the time. And with me.” Elizabeth took a deep breath. “Then, in August, I found him in bed with another woman. I confronted him about that, about the pills, and it was like—he made it my fault. He threw the colleague in my face, but I didn’t understand. Patrick—” She grimaced. Oh well. “Patrick and I were just friends. Back then, I barely even knew him.”

“After this argument, what happened?”

“I took Cameron and I went to my grandmother’s.” Elizabeth bit her lip. “But then I went back to the apartment, trying to tell myself that I made vows, and Lucky was clearly addicted to the pain pills. It all had to be part of that, didn’t it? Because—” She looked at Lucky for the first time, but he was staring at the table. “Because we loved each other. And I’d made those vows. I’d promised him. I wanted to keep that promise.” She paused. “He had the other woman in our apartment. In our bed. The same day I’d left him. Twice within twenty-four hours—” Her voice faltered and she looked down. “So I left.”

“And went where?”

“To where I always go when things fall apart.” Elizabeth looked up then, at Jason. “To Jason.  I knew he’d talk me through it. He’d make me understand what I’d done wrong. Why this was happening to me. He always does.”

Jason scowled slightly, and she knew it was because he’d remembered that night, and how she’d asked him, desperately, What’s wrong with me? Nothing. He’d told her that, almost angrily. Nothing was wrong with her.

“Mrs. Spencer, what happened when you got there?”

“Jason wasn’t having a good night either. Um—” She flicked her eyes to Sam in the back, and the other woman was glaring at her, almost malevolently. “It’s not important why. Just that we were both—we were hurt. So we started talking about the old days. Our friendship from before. When we’d sort of dated a few years ago. I think maybe we were both thinking about the road not taken.” She exhaled slowly, her chest didn’t feel so tight. “I know I was. Maybe if I’d been stronger, or more stubborn, or something—maybe I wouldn’t have made so many mistakes. We slept together that night. And I stayed until the morning.”

Elizabeth waited a moment, to gather her thoughts. “The next morning, I went home, and Lucky seemed to be a different man. He was promising to get clean, to be a better husband. And—I’d made those vows, hadn’t I? He wanted to get clean. If I left him, wouldn’t he just…wouldn’t he fail? How could I live with myself if I didn’t stick by him? Marriage is supposed to be hard. I knew that. So I…I stayed.”

“Did Lucky get clean?”

“No. No, he didn’t. I didn’t know for sure yet first. I found out I was pregnant, and I was just—everything was so complicated. If I told Lucky the baby might not be his, what would he do? And I didn’t even know. What if I blew up his recovery for nothing? And Jason—God—how would this affect his life? He wasn’t planning a child.” Her mouth twisted. “Not with me.”

“What about Lucky? How was his recovering progressing?”

“I found pills. I was so angry, so furious—here I was, pregnant, scared to death about what it might mean, trying to find the courage to tell Jason that I was going to ruin his life—and I’d sent Cam to stay with my grandmother so that I could be there for Lucky—and he was still on the pills—” Her voice broke, and she had to suck in a deep breath. Diane handed her a box of tissues.

“How did you find out?”

“I found them in his jacket. I—I was so stupid,” Elizabeth murmured, her mind drifting back. “So stupid. I confronted him. And he was angry, too. And somehow it was my fault again, which—I don’t know. How could it be my fault? He didn’t know about Jason. And I didn’t—” She shook her head. “I tried to leave, but he grabbed me. He stopped me.”

At the table, Jason tensed, and she couldn’t look at him. She could only look at Diane. “He stopped me. He grabbed my arms and shook me. He told me I couldn’t leave.”

“Did you leave?”

“Not—I couldn’t. He wouldn’t let me go. So I—I tried to get away, and then I was on the floor.” She crushed the tissue in her first. “I was on the floor, and he was confused. And then Nikolas was there.”

And Nikolas was there again today, sitting behind his brother. She hadn’t let herself focus on that. She found him now in the audience, his expression somber.

“Nikolas got me out of there. He took me to the hospital. Um, I left after that. I couldn’t keep—I couldn’t keep going. I told Jason, and he took a paternity test.”

“And then you lied about the results,” Diane said. “Why?”

“I didn’t mean to. It’s just—Lucky checked into rehab when he found out about the baby. He hadn’t known until after I left. And this time, he was getting real help. And Jason—he was back together with his ex-girlfriend, or almost. And—I didn’t mean to,” Elizabeth repeated. “The results—they came in. And Jason wasn’t there. A friend of his was, and she thought she knew the results. I didn’t—I didn’t tell her. But she assumed for whatever reason that it was Lucky’s baby, so she went to tell Jason that.”

She swiped at her tears. “When I got there, Jason told me that he knew the baby was Lucky’s, and that it was for the best, and I just—I just kind of fell apart. On the inside. Because part of me had been relieved Lucky wasn’t the baby’s father because I wanted to get out. I wanted to be done. But I thought—” She shook her head. “I’m not proud that I let him believe that. But I thought it was how he wanted it to be. For the best,” she murmured. “For all of us. And, on the surface, yes. It made it easier. Lucky would never have to know. He could get clean, and Jason could have a life with—with someone else.”

“Did you ever try to tell the truth?”

“I started to a thousand times,” Elizabeth said with a sigh. “But there always seemed to a be a reason not to. And Lucky actually—he went into recovery. He’s stayed that way, and I’m proud of him for that.” She looked at Lucky, hoping that he would raise his head. But he didn’t. “And Jason was trying to have a baby with his girlfriend, so I don’t know. I just—I let it go. For a while.”

“The time came when you told the truth.”

“Yes. Yes, um—” Elizabeth sighed, looked up at the ceiling. “The Metro Court. Hostage crisis. I was—Jason and I got trapped in the elevator, and I was so scared I’d do, and he’d saved my life, and I just blurted it out. I was going to tell everyone the truth after that, but I didn’t. I kept lying. I’m not proud of that. I asked Jason to keep—” She bit her lip. “I asked him to let Lucky raise the baby. Lucky wanted us to get back together, and I was just—I was so tired. And lonely. And scared.”

“Jason agreed?”

“He had his reasons, I know that. And I had no right to ask him. No right at all. It was just—it was a terrible mistake. And it kept getting worse. I wanted it to be over. I married Lucky again, and it was a mistake. I’m sorry for it. I wish I hadn’t. I felt like I was trapped under all of these lies, and if I tried to tell the truth, it would just mean I’d spend the rest of my life digging my way out, and I knew how angry everyone would be. And I was just—” Elizabeth closed her eyes. “I was so tired. I just wanted it all to go away.”

“But you told the truth on the stand in August,” Diane said, her tone almost kind. And Elizabeth was grateful she hadn’t probed more deeply into why Elizabeth had asked Jason to continue the lie. She’d admitted the shameful truth to Jason once, and that was more than enough for a lifetime. He’d forgiven her, and she really wanted to move on.

“I couldn’t keep lying. I couldn’t—to stand in front of the entire world—I looked at Jason, and I just—I couldn’t tell the world he wasn’t Jake’s father. I couldn’t keep doing this. When Jake got kidnapped, it was Jason who found him. He brought him home, but Lucky put him in jail for going across county lines while on parole. That’s how Lucky thanked him for bring Jake home. By sending him back into lockup. He’d sacrificed his freedom and I was supposed to keep lying? Looking right at him? I couldn’t. I’m sorry for how it came out. I know it was the worst way. I know it was worse for Lucky. And I’m sorry. But I just—I couldn’t.”

“All right.” Diane reshuffled her papers. “Your sister-in-law testified about the incident in the park on September 14. Does her recollection match yours?”

Relieved to be off that terrible topic, Elizabeth took a deep breath. “Yes. Cameron was devastated. He kept screaming that he’d be a good boy. And he was crying when we got home, and just…so listless the rest of the day. He’s usually so full of energy and life, and laughter. And he couldn’t be cheered up. I couldn’t fix it. And I’d started it. I knew it was my fault, partially. But Lucky finished it. Whatever I did to him, however I hurt him, I can take it. But Cameron—he’s a baby. And he wanted his daddy. And Lucky walked away.”

Diane paused. “You’ve separated from Mr. Spencer twice in the last year. Between September 2006 and March 2007, did Mr. Spencer ask for visitation?”

“No. We saw him at Christmas, but no. He never saw Cameron. Never asked to. He was in rehab for part of it, but no. Other than that.”

“And since the date of separation?”

“No. He’s never asked to see Cameron.”

“Thank you. No further questions.”

“Mr. Frazier.”

Lincoln Frazier got to his feet. “Mrs. Spencer, where do you currently reside?”

“Harborview Towers.” Elizabeth lifted her chin, met the lawyer’s gaze head on.

“Do you live alone?”

“No. I live with Jason Morgan, the boys, and Damien Spinelli, a family friend.”

“When did you move in?”

“September 14.” Elizabeth looked at Lucky, a bit more coolly, and now he raised his head. Their eyes met. “After the park. I decided there was no point in pretending it wasn’t where I wanted to be to spare anyone else’s feelings.”

“And if this custody hearing should conclude in your favor, what are your intentions once your divorce are finalized?”

Elizabeth frowned. “I don’t understand the question.”

“Do you intend to marry Mr. Morgan?”

“We haven’t discussed that.”

“Does he intend to adopt Cameron?”

“Yes.” Elizabeth paused. “We never discussed that until after the park. Until then, Jason supported my position entirely. But after that, yes, we decided that Jason would adopt Cameron. It’s my intention to do that regardless of this custody hearing. As his mother, I have the right to object to any attempt Lucky may make with regards to Cameron. He had two years to adopt him. He chose not to.”

“And what happens if my client wins?”

“The judge will decide that. That’s not up to me. All I can do is present my case.”

Lincoln waited for a long moment. “You married my client a second time. You renewed your vows. Even after you wanted to leave. Did you love my client at the second wedding? Did you want to marry him?”

“Part of me will always love Lucky,” Elizabeth said. “So the answer to that is yes. I still had hope that we’d be able to make something work. I wanted to believe in the dream we’d had since we were teenagers. But I didn’t recognize that we’d both grown apart. That we were too different. That I didn’t love him enough. I’m sorry for that. But it doesn’t change what I believe to be right for my children.”

“No further questions.”


Lucky exhaled slowly as Elizabeth finally stepped down and returned to the table with Jason. It had been worse than he thought to sit through all of that, to remember all the ways he’d battered Elizabeth down during those terrible months last year.

He’d wanted to believe that he’d recovered. That he’d tried hard enough the second time around to be redeemed. That he hadn’t done anything to deserve the way things had happened — not this time.

But the truth of it was that he’d destroyed enough of Elizabeth’s love and respect for him that they were always going to end up here. He’d done nothing but hurt her for years.

“Your Honor.” Lincoln got to his feet. “I’d like to call my first—”

“I don’t want to testify.”

Lincoln stopped, looked at Lucky. “What?”

“What?” Diane demanded.

Lucky got to his feet, looked over at Elizabeth, at Jason. Ignored the bitter hatred that licked at the back of his throat. “I never—I never thought about all the ways I broke you,” he managed. “All the ways I made you feel like it was your job to fix me.”

“Lucky—” Elizabeth began, but Diane put up her hand.

“Mr. Spencer—”

“Your Honor,” Lucky said, cutting off the judge. “I love Cameron. I love my son. I will always love him. I love both of them. I did this so that no one could ever say I was like my father. That I ran away when it got hard. I thought—last year, I was addicted to pain pills, so I ran then. But this—I’m clean now. I’m strong enough, I thought. And I am, I guess. I could keep dragging this out. I could appeal if I lose today. I could keep fighting. But I never stopped to think—” He took a bracing breath, almost surprised at himself. “I never stopped to think about how much damage I’d already done. How much I’d already ruined.” He looked at the judge. “I want to do what I should have a long time ago.” And now he looked to Elizabeth, who was crying. “I want to let you go. I want to let us go. We’re not those kids anymore, Elizabeth. And I’ve ruined too much holding you to promises we made in a church a lifetime ago.”

He cleared his throat. “I can withdraw my custody petition, right? Or you can just—you can give Elizabeth custody. Okay? Let her win. She’s an amazing mother, and I know—I know she’ll love them the way they deserve. What I did to Cameron—she never would have done that. So whatever makes this easy, do that. But I’m not fighting anymore.”

He sat down, his head clear for the first time in a long time. And strangely, relieved.

It was over.

“All right,” the judge said almost cautiously. “Then I rule in favor of Elizabeth Spencer, and award sole legal and physical custody of Cameron Hardy Webber and Jacob Martin Spencer.”

July 10, 2023

This entry is part 25 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

Written in 60 minutes.

Morgan Penthouse: Master Bedroom

Jason emerged from the bathroom, fastening the last button of his dress shirt, then frowned as he saw an item of clothing fly from behind the open closet door and land at the foot the bed — where there was a cluster of sweaters, dresses, and pants.

“Elizabeth?” He stepped around the door to find Elizabeth basically inside the closet, her robe falling off one shoulder as she sorted through various hangers. “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong is that half my clothes don’t fit, and the other half are just wrong—” Elizabeth yanked out a purple dress with thin straps. “Does this look like the responsible mother of two?”

“It looks like a dress.”

She sighed, tossed it over her shoulder. “I don’t fit into almost anything from before Jake, and the only thing thats seem to fit are black dresses I’ve worn to funerals—maybe that’s what I should wear—” She flicked through another set of hangers and pulled out another dress. “Does this make me look reasonable and rational and not like a terrible woman who just lies all the time?”

Jason hesitated. “You look beautiful in everything—”

“I don’t want to look beautiful, I want to look reasonable, rational, and responsible—” She shoved it back in the closet. “My boobs are too big.” She glared at him. “Don’t say anything—”

“I wasn’t—”

“It took almost eight months when Cameron was born, and I was breast feeding him—I couldn’t with Jake. I tried, but I was so stressed, and it never—” Elizabeth took a deep breath. “I’m not crazy.”

“I didn’t say that.” He took her by the elbow, relieved when she let him lead her away from the closet. “I know you’re nervous about today. I know you don’t want to testify—”

“I just—I know that I have to get up there, and Lucky’s lawyer is going to ask me all these questions, and he’s going to make it look like last summer was worse than it was. I didn’t—” Elizabeth dug her fingers to her scalp, then slid her hands back until they were clasped at the nape of her neck. “In hindsight, yes, I think maybe I was stepping over a line with you—emotionally. Not you. I know you weren’t. But he’s going to ask me if I was in love with you, and I’ll have to say yes, and then the judge isn’t going to care that—”

“Hey. Hey.” Jason sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her down with him onto his knee so he could hold her. “Listen. Last summer, we were friends.”


“Did we have feelings for each other? Yes. But neither one of us acted on anything until the blackout. We’d been managing our feelings for years and neither one of us ever actually stepped over a line physically. That’s going to matter, Elizabeth.”

She chewed on her bottom lip. “It’s just—it’s so hard to explain everything that happened in a way that doesn’t make me look terrible, which is fair because I was terrible—”

“Lucky has to explain things, too,” Jason reminded her. “If last summer is fair game, then what about Lucky accusing you of an affair with Patrick and having you followed? What about Maxie? The lawyer might stay away from a lot of that, because Lucky comes off worse. And you started your lie for a reason that made sense. You thought I didn’t want Jake—”

“I was an idiot—”

“I didn’t help. And you tried to tell me.”

“Don’t let me off the hook—”

“I’m not. I knew you were struggling with something, and I didn’t push enough. Hey. Can you look at me?”

She did, and he brought her hand to his mouth, kissed her knuckles. “We’re going to win today because our case is better. And—” he paused. “I made some calls.”

“You—” Elizabeth frowned. “You did?”

“I didn’t want to take any chances,” Jason admitted. “Jake is a lock, but Cameron might not be. And I don’t want to lose him. Maybe that’s selfish,” he added. “But I couldn’t forget that day in the park, and all the times Cam asked for Lucky back in the beginning. He’s never once tried to see him.”

“So today—”

“Is a formality. It’ll be tough, it’ll be painful, and embarrassing for all of us. But at the end of the day, we’re going to win. We probably would have anyway, but I couldn’t leave it to chance. Cameron’s too important.”

Elizabeth sighed and stood, going back to the closet. Jason rose. “Did I—Should I have talked to you about that first?”

“No. No. It’s just—I don’t know.” She folded her arms. “I’m glad that we know, and you know  how much it means to me that you love Cameron that much. I guess — after today, it all ends and I don’t even know what to do with all of this—” She gestured. “Anxiety. Stress. It’s been having over my head like a sword for all these weeks—months. And today, it’ll be over. Lucky could appeal, but he wouldn’t win, and then we just—” Elizabeth turned back to the closet and pulled out a dark green dress. “We just move on. And you probably think I’m crazy. Because I want to move on. I don’t want to live like this, but—”

“I think you’ve been under so much stress since Manny Ruiz kidnapped you that it’s part of you now,” Jason said gently. “You went from the kidnapping to Lucky’s injuries, then Manny on the run, I got hurt, the drugs, the pregnancy, the affair, the hostage crisis, Jake’s kidnapping, the trial—” He went to her, took her by the shoulders, rubbed them. “I don’t think either of us are going to know what to do with ourselves when we don’t have to think about this.”

“Yeah. Yeah.” She forced a smile. “I just want it over with. That’s all.”

“Today.” He kissed her, and she clung to him another moment. “I’ll get the boys up and make sure they’re ready to go to Audrey’s.”

“Thanks. I’ll finish getting ready. I promise. I won’t keep rummaging in the closet.”

General Hospital: Nurse’s Station

“You’re not going to the custody hearing?” Robin asked, coming up behind Emily at the counter. She leaned around Emily to put away a chart. “I thought you’d be testifying.”

“Elizabeth said she wasn’t comfortable with asking me.” Emily made a face. “I wanted to. Because Lucky told me he was going to refuse custody of Cameron if he didn’t get visitation with Jake, but then the park happened, and Lulu is a better witness.”

“I guess.” Robin paused. “I’ll never understand how Lucky could have raised Cameron for so long and then be okay with walking out of his life.”

“Some douchebags shouldn’t be fathers,” Patrick muttered, and Robin turned, surprised to see him. “What? Look, any guy can show up and call himself a father. It doesn’t make him one.”

“No, that’s true. But—”

“Lucky was with Elizabeth for, what, two years? Cameron’s three.” Patrick scribbled his signature on a chart. “That means the kid only knows him. Doesn’t remember anyone else. Just Lucky. That’s his dad. And he’s going to walk out on that because he wants to throw a tantrum.” He snorted. “Takes a real dick to walk out on a toddler. It’s like kicking a puppy.”

Emily folded her arms. “I think he ended up backing down on that,” she said softly. “After the park. Elizabeth said he changed his petition. He still wants split custody of both boys, but it’s not an ultimatum anymore. But it was too late. Elizabeth was too angry. Too hurt.”

“She’s better off. I don’t know if Jason’s a better father, but he probably won’t screw a teenager—sorry,” he added to Robin because the teenager was, of course, Robin’s cousin. “I should have told her the first time I saw her together.”

“I didn’t believe you,” Robin murmured. “I feel terrible about that now. I talked you out of it.”

“Nah, I didn’t care enough to push. I didn’t know Elizabeth that well yet, but now I do.” He looked at Emily. “I know he’s your friend, too. Must be hard to take sides.”

“You’d think that,” Emily said, “and Lucky’s definitely pissed because I did. I don’t know, I was prepared to be more neutral—and I was trying to—but then he started all of this with Cameron. Even if he has a point — even if I understand how angry he was over how Elizabeth handled this — she’s the only one I see trying to protect the kids from the fallout.”

“And there you go. You can feel sorry for the guy — finding out like that must have been harsh. But how he handles it is on him. She did a shitty thing. Objective speaking, she should be the villain—” Patrick shrugged. “But I can’t find it in me to give a damn about him after how he abused her—”

“Oh, and the way he treated her during the kidnapping—” Robin reminded him. “The whole reason Lainey got involved was because Lucky agreed to it. He thought she’d hurt Jake.”

“She told me,” Emily said, remembering with a pang, “that Jason was doing more to support her from a jail cell than Lucky was while standing in front of her. I remember telling her it was because Jason wasn’t Jake’s father, but it hits different now.”

“See? He’s an asshole, and sometimes the universe hands dicks like him an extra dose of karma that no one even asked for. I hope he rots in hell.”

Patrick sauntered off, and Robin looked after him thoughtfully. “He’s really angry about this. I knew he and Elizabeth were friendly, but—”

“You know Lucky was just an idiot last summer,” Emily said, hurriedly. “It’s not like that with Patrick and Elizabeth—”

“What? Oh.” Robin shook her head. “No. No. I know that. It’s not the vibe I get anyway. He’s just—I don’t know. It just surprised me.” She picked up a chart. “Two years ago, he’d never had a female friend he didn’t try to sleep with, and now—he’s just changed a lot. I have to get on my rounds. Let me know if you get any updates about the custody hearing.”

“Will do.”

Spencer House: Living Room

Lucky stepped up to the mirror over the fireplace and tightened the knot on his tie. Behind him, the door opened and Nikolas came in.

“I thought I was meeting you at the court house.”

“I wanted to stop by and see if you’d changed your mind.” Nikolas remained at the landing, and Lucky went towards him, grabbing his coat as he did. “I can testify—”

“To what?” Lucky picked up his keys and wallet. The brothers left the house, heading down the steps. “My drug addiction? Throwing Elizabeth on the floor?”

“To the lies,” Nikolas said. “I mean, Elizabeth lied to all of us—”

“She’s not going to dispute that.” Lucky stopped, turned towards him. “I appreciate the offer. If I thought you had anything that might actually help, I’d let you do it. But you don’t. And Elizabeth didn’t put Emily on her witness list either.”

“No, it’s just Lulu,” Nikolas said, his mouth tight. “I blame Spinelli. He probably—”

“She called Diane the same day as the park,” Lucky cut in, and his brother fell silent. “She was thinking of herself, and all the times she begged Dad to stay. You and I both know any chance I had with Cameron disappeared when I did that. Even if I own up to it with the judge—I don’t have any legal standing with Cameron. I never adopted him.”

“You didn’t need to—”

“I made my choices. Bad and good. They’re mine to live with. I don’t see the point in dragging you into the middle of it when there’s nothing you can do.” Lucky opened his car door. “Do you want ride over with me?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I will. Lucky—”

“I’m going to fight as hard as I can, but—” Lucky paused. “There’s part of me that thinks maybe this is for the best. Maybe, after what I did last year, how I handled all of this, maybe this is how it’s supposed to be.”

“You can’t—”

“The boys are in good hands. Elizabeth is a good mother, and I remember Jason with Michael. They’ll be okay. They won’t be mine, and that’s hard.” Lucky paused, took a deep breath, forced down the bitterness. “It changed for me, Nikolas. You know that. The day I stood on the PCU campus, and I looked down at those girls.” His throat was tight. “At Georgie, this kid I’d known all her life. She was bruised and broken—and just gone. And it’s my job to find the bastard who did this.”


“I went to notify Spinelli,” Lucky continued, “and I couldn’t go inside the penthouse. Cameron was there, and Jason didn’t want me anywhere near him after the park.”

“That’s not his place—”

“No.” Lucky’s smile was sour. “No, it was mine. I was supposed to protect Cameron. And I didn’t. Mac blames himself. For not being there for Georgie, for not knowing something was wrong. Who do I have to blame for what happened but myself, Nikolas? Elizabeth didn’t force me to walk out on her for two weeks without a word. She didn’t force me to tie Cameron’s custody to Jake. She didn’t change her phone number or refuse me visits with Cameron. All of that was me.”

Nikolas was quiet for a moment. “Lucky—”

“My ego and my pride was more important to me than my son. Not just for a moment in the park, but for weeks.” Lucky paused.  “I have to live with that. I can’t change what I did last month. What I did last year. Yesterday. But today, I can go into court, try my best, and walk away when it’s over.  That’s all that’s left.”

Port Charles Courthouse: Family Court

Elizabeth waited tensely as the judge began the hearing and rifled through paperwork. At her side, Jason held her hand tightly. Even with the news that he’d made arrangements behind the scenes, she still couldn’t quite believe it would all be over after today.

“All right, let’s begin.” The judge slid on his reading glasses. “The first matter on the docket is a petition from Jason Morgan to establish paternity of Jacob Martin Spencer. I have the results of the DNA test and an affidavit from Elizabeth Spencer attesting to the facts.” He switched his gaze to Lucky and his lawyer at the next table. “Mr. Frazier, your client has filed an objection to the paternity petition.”

“My client is withdrawing that objection.”

Elizabeth blinked, swung her head to look at her estranged husband. Lucky was dropping his opposition to declaring Jason as Jake’s legal father?”

The judge raised his brows, then looked at Diane. “Ms. Miller?”

“Ah, if the respondent has no objection, then the petition should be granted. Lucas Spencer’s rights should be terminated, and Jason Morgan named as Jacob’s legal father.”

The judge waited for Lincoln Frazier to offer anything else, but the lawyer remained silent. “The plaintiff’s petition is granted.”

Elizabeth exhaled — at least the worst of the wrongs had been righted. She traded a relieved look at Jason, his eyes bright. He was Jake’s father in the eyes of the world and now according to the courts.

“Let’s move on to the next matter. Custody of Cameron Hardy Webber and Jacob Spencer.”

July 7, 2023

This entry is part 24 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

Written in 60 minutes.

Spencer House: Living Room

Lucky opened the door, then nearly wished he hadn’t when he saw Emily on his porch. “I’m on my way to work—”

“So am I, so this won’t be long.” Emily raised her brows when he didn’t move. “Aren’t you going to let me in?”

He made a face, then stepped back. “I really—”

“Don’t have a lot of time, I heard you.” She remained on the landing. “The hearing is tomorrow. It’s not too late—”

“Em—” Lucky stepped down from the landing and back over to the table where he’d left his coffee cooling. He picked up the mug, sipped it. “I don’t want to have this discussion again.”

“It’s not much of a discussion when you’ve been ignoring everything everyone’s said for months. Lucky, you haven’t seen the boys since the beginning of August—”

“Since Elizabeth testified.” He carefully set down the coffee, turned to face her. “I’m aware of that. I never came home that night. I went to Wyndemere so that I wouldn’t be alone. You know where I went first?” She shook her head. “Courtland Street. My old dealer is still around.”


“I nearly broke ten months of sobriety, so I went to stay with Nikolas. And no, I haven’t seen the boys since then. Not for longer than a few minutes. That’s not my fault—”

“You could have petitioned for visitation pending the custody hearing, and you know that.” Emily folded her arms. “Elizabeth moved out in mid-August. It’s two months later. The only time you’ve seen them is in the park. What do you think the judge is going to say tomorrow?”

“I made a mistake.” Lucky exhaled slowly. “One mistake. I let my anger take over, I let it blind me to what really mattered. Elizabeth lied over and over and over again — but she gets a free pass, doesn’t she?” He smirked. “She points to the drugs and Maxie as reason enough for why she lied to me for a year, but I don’t get the benefit of the doubt for a moment?”


“I know I’m not going to win.” Lucky took the coffee cup into the kitchen, and Emily followed. He dumped it into the sink. “Even if I had a decent case, which I don’t, Jason would just bribe the judge. You think I’m stupid?”

“Then why—”

“Because as much as Elizabeth wishes she could erase these last few years, she can’t. Because Cameron and Jake are going to grow up and I’m part of their story. I’m in the pictures. Jason isn’t anywhere to be seen. And if the question ever gets asked, I want to be able to say I fought.”

“You’re going to put everyone through this custody hearing tomorrow for that?” Emily scoffed. “Lucky, come on—”

“She humiliated me,” Lucky murmured, though the words lacked the heat he’d felt only weeks ago. “I sat in that court room and listened to her testify that she’d spent the night with Jason, that my son wasn’t mine. And I found out at the same time as the rest of the world. Maybe I deserved that, I don’t know. The addict did, sure. I was brutal last year, and I had the affair, and I did everything wrong.” He turned to face her. “For six months, I treated Elizabeth like garbage. I accused her of affairs that didn’t exist while I was taking so many pills, it’s a miracle I’m alive. Even when I promised to get clean, I didn’t do it. I kept sleeping with Maxie. Do you think I don’t know exactly how we got to this point?”

Emily said nothing, just stared at him, so he looked away, towards the window. “And if she’d divorced me, announced the paternity to the world, and went on her merry way, I wouldn’t blame her. But that’s not what she did.”


“She came back to me. She told me she loved me. She married me again. And she let me believe in a family that wasn’t mine to keep. She lied every day she woke up and wished I was someone else.” Lucky met Emily’s gaze. “And then she humiliated me by announcing to the world that I’d been a fool. That’d I been lied to. A month later she moved in with Jason Morgan, and now she wants to give him the family she let me believe was mine.”

“I know Elizabeth made mistakes—”

“But her mistakes are okay because I was addicted to drugs, right?” Lucky cut in, scathingly. “Her mistakes get forgiven because she was scared and stressed and panicked, right? She gets the redemption because, hey, can you blame her for how it happened? But me? I got clean, Emily. I did exactly what I promised her I would do. I got clean, I stayed clean, and right until that day in court, can you tell me one thing I did deserve what’s happened?”

“I don’t think you’re wrong, Lucky,” Emily said carefully. “But—”

“But you’ve chosen sides. That’s fine. But you don’t get to tell me I have to let Elizabeth walk away without a fight. She can go screw your damned brother all she wants, but she had no right to start a new life while mine was still in ruins. She burned it down, Emily. Not me. I didn’t do a damned thing to deserve any of this.”

Lucky took a deep breath. “I’m going to lose tomorrow. I’m trying to make peace with that. I don’t think what I did in the park merits me losing Cameron forever, but she does. And I didn’t adopt him, so I guess I have to live with that. But I love him. I love them both. And I’m going to the hearing tomorrow so I can tell her that. So that she can see that her new, perfect life with Jason has a price. I’m going to that hearing so she has to tell the world what she did. So that she has to explain why the hell she let me believe that little boy was mine and why she married me again when she didn’t love me anymore. When she didn’t even respect me. Is that good enough for you?”

General Hospital: Lab

Robin flipped to a fresh sheet of paper in her notebook and scribbled a few lines — the formula needed some adjusting, but she was pleasantly surprised by the results —

She glanced over at the tap on her cubicle, finding Patrick there. “Oh. Um. Hey.” She’d gone out of her way to avoid him since Georgie’s service, since she’d spent the night with him. Instead, she’d buried herself in the lab, hoping that the monotony of the work would keep her brain occupied.

“Hey. Sorry to interrupt.” Patrick held out a thick case file. “I have a patient with an aneurysm in the subarachnoid. I know you’ve had some success in reducing the size with your drug therapy.”

“Oh.” She pushed back on her stool to give him space to come inside the workspace. He dragged over a chair and handed her the file. She flipped through it, finding the scans. “It’s not a good candidate for a surgery?”

“Not with the size of it. I’m thinking, in combination with your therapy and a WEB device, I can reduce the risk of rupture with an eye towards surgery then.” Patrick rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s probably one of the worst cases I’ve seen, but I don’t want to send this guy home without even trying something.”

“Because if you don’t operate, it’s a death sentence.” Robin skimmed the results of recent blood tests, then looked at the patient’s personal information. “He’s young. Only twenty-five. That’s a point in his favor.”

“Yeah, and pretty healthy. I don’t even know what would cause an aneurysm in a case like this. But—” Patrick caused. “He just got married, and there’s—his wife is pregnant.”

Robin’s eyes flew up. “You know personal details? That’s not like you.”

“He introduced himself that way,” Patrick said with an amused smile. “Hi, I’m David. This is  my wife, Halle. And I need you to keep me alive so I can meet my son.”

Robin’s amused expression faded. “No pressure, huh?”

“What do you think? Can we work on this? I didn’t promise him, but all the same—”

“You want to give him his best shot.” Robin closed the file. “There are other pathologists that can administer the treatment, Patrick. It doesn’t have to be me.”

“You’re the best, and it’s your research,” Patrick told her. “I wouldn’t ask if I thought anyone else could do this.”

“I know.” She paused. “Yeah. I need to do a few more tests and talk to him myself, but he’s a good candidate. Let’s see what we can do to keep him around to meet his kid.”

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

Elizabeth emerged from the laundry room with a basket on her hip. “How can two small children go through so much clothes?” she grunted as she set it on the coffee table. “Spinelli, do you need any laundry? I’m going to toss in one more load for the boys—”

“No thanks, Fair Elizabeth. The Jackal doesn’t want to create more work for you.” The tech’s fingers flew over his keyboard. “Little Dude and Stone Cold the Second have you busy enough.”

“Hmm—” Elizabeth looked over at the playpen tucked under the windows, in the corner. Cameron was standing outside of it, dangling a stuffed rabbit that he’d let Jake grab, then take away, then grab again — “Cam, don’t tease your brother.”

“No tease, Mommy. Play. Jake like it.” Cameron lowered the rabbit again and Jake babbled, his tiny hands reaching for it.

She smiled as she watched them. They’d been at the penthouse for a month now, and every day Cameron seemed to be more and more comfortable. And after tomorrow, after the hearing, Elizabeth was looking forward to nothing more than a boring routine of going to work, coming home to her guys, and watching her boys grow and change.

Behind her the door opened, and she turned, smiling as Jason came in. It was one of the rare days he’d gone into the warehouse since the trial. “Hey. You’re just in time for dinner. I ordered from Eli’s.”

“Sounds good.” He kissed her lightly, curling his arm around her waist. Then he went to the closet to take down his lockbox. She followed him into the kitchen where he removed the gun from the holster at the small of his back, then tucked it inside the metal box.

“Diane called,” she said, leaning against the counter. “She said we’re all set for the hearing tomorrow. She’s only going to call Lulu, you, and me as witnesses.” Elizabeth paused. “Lucky isn’t calling anyone.”

Jason frowned, turned to her. “What? I thought we had his list—”

“He changed it. Nikolas isn’t going to testify for him, and Luke was supposed to be on the list, but apparently, he took off and can’t be located. I think Mac was going to testify—but that was before Georgie.” Elizabeth made a face. “I feel guilty, even though I shouldn’t. I didn’t go looking for Lulu. She came to Diane.”

“Don’t feel guilty.” Jason came to her and drew her into his arms. “You were willing to give him joint custody of Cameron. He’s the one that used him for leverage and pulled that stunt in the park.”

“I know. It’s just—” Elizabeth shook her head, flattened her hands against his chest to look up at him. “No. I won’t do this. I promised you and myself that I was going to stop this. Diane and I talked about something else —” She licked her lips. “When the hearing is over, if it goes the way we expect it to, I was hoping you might want to start the paperwork to adopt Cameron.”

Jason tensed, but his eyes were soft as he searched her expression. “You’re sure? We—we haven’t talked about it since I brought it up—”

“I know. And I wanted to take some time. To let Cameron settle in here, to let us settle,” she added. “But if it’s something you want, too—”

“You know I do.”

Elizabeth smiled, leaned up to kiss him, lingering. “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

“What do you want to tell Cameron?” Jason asked as she slipped away to go to the doorway and check on the scene in the living room. Somehow, Cameron had convinced Spinelli to put down his laptop and come join them. The tech was on his knees with a stuffed brown bear, dangling over Jake so that the infant was reaching for it with his left hand while his right hand was still trying to get the rabbit from Cameron. Jake was babbling excitedly, Cameron was giggling, and Spinelli—

“It’s good to hear Spinelli laughing,” she murmured. “He hasn’t done that much these last few weeks.” She cleared her throat, looked back at him. “I don’t know what to tell Cameron. He doesn’t ask for Lucky anymore, but I also don’t know if we just sit him down and tell him or ask him, or just…let it happen naturally.” Elizabeth rubbed her finger across her lips. “What do you think?”

“I don’t know. He’s older than Michael was when he went to live with Sonny.” Jason joined her at the living room. “Cameron’s old enough to know I wasn’t always there.”

“He won’t remember that forever. I don’t remember anything about being three,” Elizabeth said.

“Why don’t we just let it go on like for a little while longer?” Jason suggested, curling his arm around her waist again. He never went that long without touching her in some way, and it was definitely one of her favorite things about their relationship. It was like they’d bottled up years of wanting to touch each other, and it kept spilling out in small ways. He liked to touch her hair, and she was always taking his hand—

“I think that’s a good idea. Oh, I was thinking that the last guest room — what would think about redoing it for Spinelli?” Elizabeth suggested. “He’s been in Brenda’s old room since he’s been here, and while I think he’s used to the pink room, it might be nice for him to have his own space. A workstation with a good computer—” She broke off when he just smiled. “What?”

“A few weeks ago, Spinelli offered to move out. He was worried he was….intruding,” Jason added.

“You told him no. Of course you did. It would be so strange here without him. The boys love him — he’s like a silly uncle who’s not too grown up to play their games—” Elizabeth rested her head against Jason’s shoulder. “And he keeps you from being too serious. Plus, I’d worry about him being on his own right now. He’s still carrying so much weight from Georgie and Chelsea.”

“I told him no,” Jason said. “And I think it’s a good idea. We’ll have to find a way to make it a surprise. I’ll get his class schedule, and they can work around it.”

“I love that. Oh, this will be fun. I’ll get Cameron to help — just like Spinelli set up their room. I’m sure Cam would love to help him, too.” She kissed him, and he held her close for another minute when she would have pulled away.

“Tomorrow will go just the way we planned,” Jason assured her. “And then we can get started on the rest of our lives.”

“That sounds like a great plan.”

PCPD: Commissioner’s Office

Lucky set the most recent case report in front of Mac. “I traced the burner phone that made the hangups to a batch sold from a convenience store, but it was a cash sale last July. And any security footage is long gone.”

Mac sighed. “And the florist?”

“I can’t find a single floral delivery service in the city that had an order delivered to Lewis Hall.” Lucky paused. “I’m leaning towards it being personally delivered by our suspect. But the video footage doesn’t give me more than an estimate of his height and build. Lewis Hall doesn’t have any visitors logged in for that day.”

“That doesn’t tell you anything?” Mac demanded.

“Not having a visitor signed in means our guy even slipped through a crack which isn’t unknown. Emily lived on campus for a while,” Lucky added, “and it wasn’t that hard to get into a dorm room. But I’m also looking into anyone who had access to the campus and wouldn’t need to sign in. It’s a longer list than I’d like, and I don’t have a lot to exclude anyone.” He paused. “I’m hoping that we get a DNA profile back in a week or two.”

“You can do a fishnet search?”

“Yeah. That’s the plan. With a profile, we’ll ask anyone on campus who had access to volunteer a sample for comparison. And then make a list of anyone who refuses.” Lucky paused. “But that’s all I’ve got Mac. I’m sorry. I know you wanted more. I wish there was more.”

“Robert’s been looking over the reports,” Mac murmured. “I worried I wasn’t being objective, that I wasn’t seeing things clearly — but he says you’ve done everything the way he’d have ordered it. So—” Mac slid the report back to him with tired eyes. “I guess we hope for a miracle.”

June 30, 2023

This entry is part 23 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

No idea how long this one took. The Supreme Court screwed over the student loan forgiveness program, and I got distracted. And then the Liz/Patrick scene got carried away, so I figured what the hell.

General Hospital: Locker Room

Robin stared blankly at the inside of her locker, at the pair of emergency scrubs she always kept neatly folded at the bottom of her locker, with an extra pair of sneakers in a plastic bag resting on top. On the inside of her locker door, she had taped a few photographs — one with her uncle at high school graduation, one with Stone so she’d never forget the reason she’d become a doctor—

And a photograph of Robin with Maxie and Georgie, the last Christmas before Georgie had graduated high school. Robin had only just moved home and begun working at General Hospital, Maxie hadn’t yet lost Jesse and spiraled out of control, and Georgie—

She hadn’t been back at work since that terrible day, since Mac had come to the hospital, and he’d told her, and the world had stopped spinning for a horrible second, and now it seemed like it was spinning too fast—

Robin carefully lifted the photo from the locker, pulling gently at the tape so that the photo didn’t rip. She touched Georgie’s smile and thought about how she’d never see it again.

She couldn’t quite understand why this was hitting her so badly. She’d lost people before. Her grandmother when she was a child. Duke. Then her parents. She had them back now, but that hadn’t erased the pain.

And of  course, Stone. Beloved, wonderful, forever young Stone. And those years she’d grieved for Brenda—

But somehow Georgie’s death—her murder—it was more jarring. Life-altering. And maybe it was because she’d been young when she’d lost her parents, and the grief felt fuzzy and immaterial after all this time. Stone—she’d had time to prepare. To be used to it. She’d watched him gradually fade away until his death had been a sweet release from the pain of living.

Brenda had been like a sister to her, a best friend. But she’d been older and they’d found their friendship later in life.

Georgie—Robin had known her from birth, had watched her grow and shift from the sweet baby to a thoughtful child to a compassionate young woman—she’d watched Georgie blossom and grow up. She’d been an older sister, and there was some weight in being the eldest. A sense of responsibility.

And while Robin could rationally remind herself that she couldn’t have prevented Georgie’s death, that didn’t mean she couldn’t find a way to blame herself. Her cousin had been receiving strange flowers and hang-ups. But she’d told no one but Chelsea and Spinelli. Mac had been preoccupied with Maxie, whose flair for the dramatic had always commanded more attention—and maybe if Robin hadn’t been so absorbed by the end of her relationship with Patrick—


She broke out of her thoughts slowly, and it took a moment to focus on her friends and roommates as they stood in the aisle of the locker room. “Kelly. Lainey.”

“Hey.” Kelly looked over her shoulder at the photo in Robin’s hand. “That’s a great picture of you guys.”

“Yeah. It is.” Robin put it back on the door her locker, rubbing her thumb firmly over the tape to reapply the stickiness.

“If you need more time, I’m sure Dr. Ford would give it to you.” Lainey wrinkled her nose. “Or Patrick can put you on a case and not use you. That would give you time, too. It’s the least he can do after everything he’s put you through.”

Robin exhaled slowly, pulled her sweater over her head. Dr. Ford, appointed as the Chief of Staff after the death of Alan that winter, had already granted Robin more time than he probably should. Ten days was enough time. Robin needed to get back to work, back to her life. She’d waved goodbye to her parents, to Felicia and Frisco, and now—now it was time.

Then the second part of Lainey’s statement registered and Robin turned to her. “I really wish you’d both lay off Patrick. I told you, there’s no bad guy here. He didn’t cheat on me. He didn’t break my heart—”

“He dated you for over a year knowing damn well you wanted a family—” Kelly snorted, folded her arms. “It’s selfish, of course, but who’d expect anything else from him?”

“Never trust a guy with dimples—”

“Would you rather he married me, had a family with me, and then resented us all in a few years?” Robin shook her head. “And he didn’t know that I wanted kids. I didn’t make that clear to him. When I did—”

“Please. He’s using it as an excuse to run from being an adult—”

Robin slammed the locker door, and Kelly jumped. “Stop it. Just stop. I’m asking you to stop making this harder.”

Lainey frowned. “We’re not making it harder, we’re just saying that you should be able to lean on people you love during this and he deliberately—”

“And this is how you help?” Robin wanted to know. “By being petty about something that didn’t happen to you?” She yanked her hair out from beneath the collar of her scrub top, wound her stethoscope around her neck. “Patrick, by the way, has been amazing through this. He’s checked on me. He’s done everything I’ve asked him to. You could take a lesson or two from him.”

General Hospital: Cafeteria

“That does not look edible,” Patrick said, leaning towards the serving dish that held some sort of brown meat dish. He wrinkled his nose and looked at Elizabeth. “You think it’s dog food?”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, slid her tray down towards the cash register. She paid for her salad and water, and wasn’t that surprised when Patrick followed her to a table. “You don’t have anyone else to bother today?”

“Nope. Free until surgery later. You sure you don’t want to scrub in? It’s supposed to be a good one.”

“I absolutely do,” Elizabeth said, “but I can’t. Epiphany has me on insurance detail for another week. It’s supposed to discourage me from doing foolish things like coming back a month early from maternity leave.” She jabbed her fork in her salad. “She’s mad at me.”

“Why did you come back? I mean, if you were still at your grandmother’s house, I guess I’d understand. But you’re, uh, living with Jason now, right? So he can’t afford the bills on his own?”

Elizabeth furrowed her brow. “We haven’t talked about it. And it’s not about the bills. I have to take care of my kids. Cameron isn’t Jason’s son. He needs to eat. And he’s growing so fast—” She jerked a shoulder. “And I don’t want anyone to think I left Lucky because Jason has money.”

“Why do you care what anyone thinks? Isn’t that what got you in this mess?”

“Okay, I don’t want the judge in my custody case to think I’m just a gold digger hopping from one baby daddy to another.  I can provide for my kids. I can also be in a healthy, supportive relationship where money isn’t a factor. I’m not on Jason’s accounts—”

“Ha. I bet he put you on them the day you agreed to move in.”

Elizabeth opened her mouth to protest, then closed it because that sounded like something Jason might do and just not mention it. “Okay, well I didn’t ask to be. He can do what he wants with his money. I’m not asking for it.”

“I don’t care what you do. I’m just saying—” Patrick shrugged. He shoved his tray away, folded his arms. “Listen, I have a question. And it’d be nice if you’d just, you know, answer it without thinking about why I’m asking it or that I have ulterior reasons or if I’m thinking about changing my mind, because I’m not. I’m collecting information. Okay? That’s it.”

“Oh, this should be good.” Elizabeth set down her fork. “I love when there’s conditions on questions. Sure. Go for it.”

“Did you always want to have kids?”

Elizabeth blinked because she hadn’t really expected that, though now his preamble to asking it made sense. “Honestly, no. I don’t think I really thought about it much. When I was a teenager, and Lucky and I were dating, I knew we would always  be together the way you do at that age, but the future was, like, this abstract concept. And maybe I thought kids would be part of it. Later, when I thought he was dead, I wished we’d had a kid. Even though we were young. So there’d be a piece of him to love. But if you’re asking me if I ever sat down, and thought I would like to have children and this is the man I want, and then we went ahead and did it, no. I never really thought about kids until I got pregnant.”

“Okay.” Patrick absorbed that. “Follow-up?”

“Go for it.”

“And remember, this—” Patrick mimed making a box around them. “This is a judgment-free zone. So my follow-up is—when you found out you were pregnant—either time—did you ever think this is a terrible idea and I have no business bringing life into this world when I have the emotional capacity of a hamster?”

“That’s oddly specific, and I think you underestimate yourself—” He glared at her, and she sighed. “Patrick, if a parent ever tells you they have it all figured it out, they’re just fucking lying. And there are days when I regret every single moment that led me to being up in the middle of the night changing Jake’s diaper because there are things that come out of a child’s  body that can’t be human—”

“I need you to take this seriously.”

“I am. Yes. Every single time I had a positive pregnancy test, I was pretty sure that this was a terrible mistake, and that I had just made my life more complicated. I had a miscarriage before Cameron,” she said, and he frowned. “About six months before. I had just found out Ric was a terrible lying liar who lies like people breath, and—well, we won’t get into that. I thought I would be a single mother who was working as a waitress and lived in a drafty studio without a bathroom of my own. I considered abortion.”

“You didn’t go through with it.”

“No. I lost the baby a few weeks later. After I’d made the mistake of forgiving and marrying Ric. Later, when I was pregnant with Cameron, and I realized Zander was his father, God, I was so angry with myself.” Elizabeth bit her lip. “Here I was again, in the same situation. I still didn’t have a stable life. I knew that Ric wasn’t trustworthy. Zander’s life was chaos, and I was supposed to bring a life into that situation?” She shook her head. “What business did I have being a mother and being in charge of raising a decent human being when it was clear I could barely take of myself.”

“But you went through with it.”

“I did. And that’s not the right answer for everyone, Patrick. Last year, when I was lying about Jake’s paternity, I doubted myself at every moment. It’s a terrible way to live, and to wonder if you’re doing more harm than good creating life and bringing it into the world. That was my experience a lot of the time I’ve spent pregnant. Because my life is littered with a series of terrible choices, mostly made because I was scared to be alone, so I’d cling to anything or anyone I thought would keep me afloat.”

Patrick nodded, stared at his hands. “So you get it. You understand why I don’t want to take that chance.”

“I do. And I respect you for it. No one should be pressured to be a parent. And as much as what you and Robin are going through hurts—you’re doing the right thing if you honestly don’t want to have kids.” She bit her lip. “Am I allowed to give unsolicited advice?”

“It’s not really unsolicited at this point, is it?” he muttered. “Clearly, my clever ruse hasn’t fooled you.”

“As someone who has made life-altering choices because I was scared of the harder road—if you live your life that way, it’s lonely. And it’s painful. Don’t deny yourself something you might want because you’re afraid of what kind of father you’ll be.”

He sighed, nodded. “That’s fair.” He met her eyes. “What’s it like? Being a parent, I mean.”

“Chaotic joy.” Elizabeth’s lips curved into a smile. “Constant wonder. The fear never goes away. The world is a scary place, and children are fragile. It’s terrifying.” She closed her eyes. “I remember when they gave me Cameron for the first time. He was this wet, slimy mess, and they laid him on my chest—and our eyes met, and I just—” Her voice faltered. “You can’t describe the way your heart and world just expands in that moment. How you can love someone so deeply that didn’t exist five seconds ago. Being a parent, it’s not for everyone, Patrick. But it’s a pretty wild journey that never gets boring.”

PCPD: Squad Room

Lucky checked his inbox for a report from the state lab, and grimaced when it was still showing the DNA results were a few weeks ago. The lab was backed up, and his wasn’t the only murder in New York state.

He leaned back, irritated with the world, and with himself because it certainly wasn’t fair that he had nothing but the slim hope whoever had murdered Georgie and Chelsea had their DNA in the CODIS system.

He set aside the murder file, as much as it pained him, and worked on other open cases, preparing some for warrants, and looking over his notes for court next week — he was due to testify on a robbery—

“There you are!”

He glanced up, found Sam smiling at him as she stood next to his desk. He’d declined her invitation to unload on her a few days ago after he’d learned Lulu planned to testify against him at the custody hearing. While Sam might argue they were on the same side, he knew that wasn’t true.

Lucky wanted his kids. He wanted Jake and he wanted Cameron, and that was the end of it. At the beginning, he’d been interested in revenge, in punishing Elizabeth, but after that day in the park — after standing over Georgie’s broken and bruised body with her roommate only steps away—there was no point in punishing anyone. He just wanted to move on with his life.

Sam had no dog in the fight, only the desire to watch the world burn.

“Did you have something on an open case?” Lucky asked, leaning back in his seat. “Because otherwise, Sam, I’ve made it pretty clear that there’s nothing I can do for you.”

“I thought about what you said at Kelly’s, and you’re right. You’re right,” Sam repeated, dropping into the wooden seat next to his desk. “I was just focused on hurting Jason. You’re a good guy, Lucky. I just keep thinking about how it’s not fair. I can’t get the revenge I want, but that doesn’t mean I can’t help you win.”

“I tried it your way, and I ended up feeling like a scumbag, Sam, so I’m good.”

Sam’s eyes darkened. “I didn’t—”

“I appreciate the offer, I do. And I can almost understand why you want to keep putting the screws to Jason. He humiliated you in court when Diane called you a gold-digging tramp—”

“That wasn’t the words she used,” Sam said, her teeth clenched.

“No, that was the papers. Sorry. You got humiliated there, and now Jason’s moved on and Elizabeth is living with him—”

“And that doesn’t make you angry?” Sam demanded.

“Am I angry that my wife has moved on before our divorce is final?” Lucky sighed. “I am. I am furious that Elizabeth could and has walked away so cleanly like nothing in the last two years mattered to her—”


“And I was willing to do whatever I could to make her pay, to twist her to what I thought I deserved — and maybe it’s not fair that she’s going to probably end up with full custody and a new husband before the end of the year—”

“Damn it—”

“I have a dead girl, Sam. Two dead girls,” he added. “I don’t have the luxury of worrying about getting revenge on my ex-wife.” He gestured to the door. “You wanna waste your life on it, go for it. But I’m moving on. I’m going to plead my case, hope for the best, and then close the door.”

“You know what? You deserve whatever happens to you, you weak son of a bitch,” she bit out, then stormed out.

“Funny, five minutes ago I was the good guy.” Lucky dismissed her and got back to work.

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

“Stone Cold—” Spinelli stopped, furrowed his brow. “What are you doing?”

Jason paused, the rag in his hand poised above the stain on the rug next to the sofa, glanced up at the younger man. “What does it look like?”

“Well,” Spinelli said, then looked at Cameron sitting on the sofa, his mouth stained with red. “It looks like Little Dude got in a fight and the rug won.” The rug in question was also stained with the same shade.

“Mommy said no juice on the sofa.” Cameron blinked at Spinelli, slid his hand over the sofa cushions. “See. No juice on the sofa.”

“No juice on the rug either,” Jason said. He sat back on his knees. “Did you need something Spinelli?”

“Oh. It can wait—”

“No, it’s good.” Jason got to his feet, rag in hand. “Cameron, you’re still in time out for two more minutes.”

“Don’t move from sofa.” Cameron nodded. “No moving.” He held his hand out. “See? I froze.”

Jason considered the toddler with a furrowed brows, likely trying to sort out the next loophole Cameron would discover, but evidently decided to give up. “We can talk in the kitchen.”

Spinelli followed, waited as Jason washed his hands. “The Jackal was wondering if maybe he should pursue other living arrangements.”

Jason frowned, turned to him. “What? Why?”

“Uh, well, our humble abode is quite full, and the Jackal thought now the Fair Elizabeth and Little Dude and Stone Cold the Second have joined us, Stone Cold might want some, uh, privacy.” Spinelli shoved his hands in his pockets.

“Spinelli—if I wanted you gone, you’d be gone.”

Spinelli looked up. “Really?”

“Yes. Really.” Jason hesitated. “Elizabeth and the kids like you. And if you don’t mind occasoinally hanging out with Cameron, then I don’t see why anything has to change. Now, if you want more privacy, we can move you somewhere else in the building. But for right now, I’m fine with how things are.”

Spinelli’s chest relaxed. “The Jackal is not imposing on the family bliss?”

“The family bliss—” Jason narrowed his eyes, went around Spinelli. “Cameron!”

Spinelli turned to find that Cameron had climbed onto the back of the sofa, with one leg on either side. His eyes were wide. “I still on the sofa! Cameron a good boy!”

“Sofa cushion. Don’t move from the sofa cushion—” Jason went back into the living room to once again negotiate with a terrorist leaving Spinelli relieved in the kitchen. He wasn’t going to be expelled from the only home he’d ever really known.

June 26, 2023

This entry is part 22 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

Written in 60 minutes.

General Hospital: Nurse’s Station

“You know, it feels like it should be illegal to dump paperwork duties on one nurse,” Elizabeth muttered as she reached for another set of insurance forms, then leveled a glare when Patrick dropped two more charts in her bin. “You’re going on the list.”

“I’m on a lot of lists. You’ll need to be more specific—” Patrick scowled when Kelly Lee passed by their desk, the pretty Asian doctor side eying them both, then walking away with a roll of her eyes. “What’s her problem?”

“I took the wrong side in the divorce,” Elizabeth said, scrawling her initials at the bottom of the chart. A few more weeks of E.S. and she’d be going back to E.W. And it was going to be a serious hassle doing that—two divorces before she was thirty—and she was not going to count the fact that she’d technically been married four times. She’d only had two husbands. No point in separating out the individual mistakes.

“No, you’re kidding me. You didn’t cut me off so now Kelly is mad at you?” Patrick shook his head. “I get her hating me—”

“I also haven’t agreed to let bygones be bygones after Lainey ambushed me the day my son was kidnapped.” Elizabeth met his gaze. “Imagine that — I’m not real interested in being friends with someone who thought I hurt my son because my idiot husband caught me crying a few times.”

“Yeah, I guess that would make it hard to be friends. But—”

“And you didn’t do anything wrong, Patrick,” Elizabeth said. “I’m glad you stood your ground. You don’t want to be a father, so you’re letting Robin go. My mother let my father talk her into having more kids, and look where that left me.”

Patrick hesitated. “It’s not that simple—never mind. I’m sorry they’re giving you grief—”

“Kelly and Lainey were fun to hang out with, so I’m sorry we’re losing that. But if they want to be pissed at me because I’m not taking sides in a situation where no one is wrong—” Elizabeth shook her head. “Dodged a bullet on that one.”

“Well, thanks.” He reached for his next patient. “And just for that, I’ll unload the next insurance forms on someone else.”

“Always a prince.”

Elizabeth continued chipping away at the file, sighing as she checked the fax machine and found two more rejections for treatment. Ridiculous insurance system — a doctor who didn’t know you and hadn’t treated you could deny treatment.

“You look irritated. Is this a bad time?”

Elizabeth looked up and made a face. “That would depend, Nikolas, on what you want. I’m busy—”

“I thought you were on maternity leave until the end of October.” Nikolas frowned. “You weren’t supposed to go back until after your birthday.”

“That was before I separated from Lucky. I don’t have an income right now, so—”

“But you’re living with Jason.”

Elizabeth set her pen down. “I’m not surprised I have to explain the difference between a decision made between two people who are married and not taking advantage of a new relationship. Did you come to quiz me on my finances, or—”

“I know you’re angry with me—”

“Angry—” Elizabeth closed one patient’s file and reached for the next. “I passed angry a few weeks ago, Nikolas. I accept that I made choices that hurt people. I accept that resolving those choices meant hurting even more people. But I’m tired of feeling guilty.” And remembering the conversation she’d shared with Jason a few days earlier, “And to be quite honest, Lucky’s the one making the choices now.”

“That’s true. And I wish he’d make different ones—”

“If you wished that, you wouldn’t be paying for the lawyer, Nikolas. Do you know what he did to Cameron?”

“I’m not here to litigate your custody arrangements, okay? I just—I need your help. And maybe I can do more, talk to Lucky—”

“Your kind of help always has strings attached, Nikolas. Gifts turn into loans—” Elizabeth arched her brow. “Tell me what you want from me so can I tell you no and get back to work.”

Nikolas pressed his lips together, clearly reconsidering whether to ask her. “I need you to talk to Emily.”

“What about Emily?”

“She and I were on the road to getting back together, but she’s taking your side in all this, and—”

“I didn’t ask her to take sides. I didn’t ask you to, either.”

“What did you expect from me?” Nikolas demanded. “You are objectively wrong here, Elizabeth. You lied. You lied to Lucky, to Jason, to me and to Emily. You lied to Jake, but he’s the only one too young to notice. You lied to the world, and you think that a few weeks gets you off the hook. When you told the truth, Elizabeth, you humiliated Lucky in front of the world—”

Elizabeth sighed, rubbing her temple. “I know that—”

“And now you’re living with Jason. He’s raising Jake—and Cameron, I’m sure. And all Lucky wanted was not to be cut out. He loves his son—blood doesn’t matter—”

“What Lucky wanted was never mine to give, and Jason’s not obligated to let another man raise his son—”

“He sure didn’t have a problem with that when he thought he was going to jail—”

“You—” Elizabeth got to her feet, leaned over the counter. “You have a lot of nerve coming to the place where I work to demand that I help you with a situation that you created. You took Lucky’s side. It’s not my fault Emily is unhappy with you about it. I never asked her to cut things off with you.”

“You sure as hell didn’t help—”

“I am not the reason your marriage collapsed in the first place. Maybe Emily has second thoughts about reuniting with a man who cheated on her. I sure as hell should have listened to my gut when I had the same doubts.” Elizabeth took a deep breath. “What I did was terrible, and I will regret it for the rest of my life. I was scared, and I was selfish. I felt paralyzed by what I had done, and I didn’t know how to fix it. I still don’t know the right thing to do. And you didn’t have any suggestions the last time we talked, either, Nikolas. This situation doesn’t have a happy ending for everyone—”

“No, only for you and Jason. Everyone else is miserable and choosing sides—”

“I am not going to feel guilty. You are not going to put that on me. I’m tired—” Elizabeth squeezed her eyes closed, the familiar weight on her shoulders. “I’m tired, Nikolas. I should have kept running last year, but I didn’t. I’m sorry for what you’re going through, but it’s not my fault. Fix your own problems with Emily. Leave me out of it.”

Greystone: Kitchen

Sonny handed Jason a mug of coffee. “How are things shaping up for the custody hearing? Not long now, right?”

“Two more weeks.” Jason shifted. “Diane thinks it’ll be pretty smooth sailing. The park—” He grimaced. “It put the last nail in Lucky’s coffin. So I’ll be back full-time—”

“No hurry.” Sonny adjusted the volume on the baby monitor in case Jake stirred. Jason had left Cameron with spend some time with Audrey, but he couldn’t help but keep Jake close. After all the months of thinking he’d never get the chance— “You got a few big family holidays coming up. You should concentrate on that.”

Jason shook his head. “It’s already been months—”

“And it’s quiet, like I said.  The PCPD are…well, they’re distracted. Not that I like the reason, but it’s stupid not to take advantage of it. The Zaccharas are starting to make some noises—”

“The Zaccharas? Since when do they care about us?” Jason set the coffee back on the counter. “They’re in Manhattan—”

“Word is out that Anthony isn’t doing well. A heart attack or something. And that means some of his guys are starting to make pushes for power. Anthony’s recuperating up here, at their Crimson Point compound. Something to keep our eye on in case they want to make trouble up here.” Sonny sipped his coffee. “Low-level priority. And there’s always some worry about the power vacuum left by Alcazar.”

“That’s Miami. Roy DeLuca’s still taking  care of that, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, and there’ve been some snags in shipments to the island, but all in all, things are steady.” Sonny waited a moment. “You took a lot of weight on your shoulders when you got home a few years ago. Made it possible for me to take a bit of a backseat to spend time with Michael, then with Morgan. It’s my turn to return the favor. You got an infant, a toddler learning to trust you, and a partner who works full-time. No reason for you to deal with every little thing.” Sonny lifted the coffee to his mouth, paused one more time. “Unless you miss it.”

“Maybe eventually, but right now—” Jason listened to Jake stirring on the monitor. “No, I’m happy the way things are.”

PCPD: Commissioner’s Office

Robert removed his reading glasses, set them on top of the case file, and looked at his brother. “I know what you’re looking for, Mac, but I can’t find a single example of Lucky Spencer dropping the ball on this.”

“Come on, Robert—” Mac shoved back from his  desk, scowling. “He’s distracted by personal issues. Divorce. Custody—”

“He followed up every lead from the campus, from his witnesses. He ordered all the right labs, pushed for a search warrant at the frat house. He’s got security footage he’s reviewing—and asked the right questions. He’s recorded every interview so there’s a good paper trail. There’s nothing more he can do.”

“Nothing more to do for my daughter,” Mac muttered. “I don’t accept that. Her case can’t be dead.”

“It’s not dead. There’s always a chance you catch a stray detail from the security. The DNA could come back with a match. Mac, you know better. Sometimes, despite all the odds, there’s nothing fresh to follow up on.”

“George was murdered in public, damn it—how can there be nothing? How do I tell Chelsea’s family that there’s no justice—”

“It’s been a week, Mac.” Robert’s voice remained calm. “Merely a week. I know it seems a lifetime, but it’s not. Your detective has covered all the ground he can until a new lead breaks.”

Mac sank back into his chair, put his head in his hands. “She was just a baby,” he murmured. “It’s not fair that I’m here and she’s not.”

“Mac, all we can do is work the case, and put one foot in the front of the other. And I think you know that even finding the animal who did this — it won’t make it better. You still won’t have answers from the universe.”

“You know, we tell families that we’ll get them justice. That we’ll track down the murderers and put them on trial. That it will give them closure.” Mac shook his head. “I won’t ever say it again. There is no closure. There is no justice. There’s only retribution. And it won’t be enough.”

“No, it won’t. I’m sorry, little  brother.” Robert leaned forward. “But we won’t give up. We won’t let this happen to someone else.”

Kelly’s: Courtyard

“Lucky, hey—”

Lucky turned from the entrance to the diner, letting the handle go and the door swing back shut. He found his sister ducking under the arched entrance. “Lu. Hey.”

She hugged him tightly. “How are you? I know you’ve been swamped with the case—” Her eyes were dim when she pulled back. “Dillon’s staying around for a few weeks, I think he’s hoping for a miracle. But he’s so quiet. He and Spinelli both are. Which is probably scarier than anything else, you know?”

“I’m sure you’re filling the silences.” Lucky gestured for her to take a seat. “I know you and Georgie had your differences—”

“It was better this year, actually. She forgave me for last summer which I didn’t deserve, and me and Dillon are friends again. And you know, Spinelli, he really helped bridge that. He’s so sweet. It’s hard to be mad around him.”

“Yeah, he’s a good kid. I hope he gets around to forgiving himself for going home that night.” Lucky squinted. “You didn’t go to the party.”

“No, I was going to, but I had a paper due that Monday, and I decided not to leave it until the last minute. I think about it, you know. What if I’d gone? I’d have stayed. Chels might not have been drinking. It was about a boy—”

“You knew her?”

“Just a little. She and Georgie got tight last year — when, uh, Maxie was really spiraling,” Lulu said, and Lucky winced at the reminder of Maxie, the disastrous affair, the faked pregnancy— “And I wasn’t much help because, you know, I couldn’t be. And Spinelli wasn’t really in the picture yet. And she was squirrelly with Dillon after everything they’d been through. So when Chels got assigned to her room, it was really great for them, actually. But I went to some of the same parties, and we got to know each other. They weren’t party girls, Lucky. Chels had her eye on this guy—” She bit her lip. “I don’t remember his name but it might have been something like Bryce or Bruce—anyway, if she was drinking, it was because of him. They never did more than one beer just to look good.”

“Thanks. I’ll look into this guy.” Lucky started to stand, but Lulu snagged his arm. “What did you think of something else?”

“No.” Lulu licked her lips. “I actually—I’ve been trying to find a good time to tell you that I had Spinelli give me Diane’s number.”

Lucky exhaled slowly. “Diane Miller.”

“Yeah. Um, it was before Georgie. Not that it matters, I guess. But it was that day. It was part of the reason I was late on my paper. After I left Wyndemere, I was really upset. So I called Spinelli from the pier, and he set me up with her that day.”

“You’re going to testify at the hearing.”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I am. I was just so angry that day—and I’m still mad because it—” Lulu’s eyes filled with tears. “It just made me feel like I did when I was trying to get Dad to notice me, and Cam was so upset—”

“No, it’s—” Lucky shook his head. “It’s fine. It’s—you gotta do what you think is right, Lu. I—”


“I need to get some coffee. I’ll call you if I have any other questions about Chelsea and Georgie.”

Lucky pushed his way into the diner, his mind whirling. He’d known that terrible day in the park would be an issue, but he was hoping he could explain it away, that he could find a way to fix it—

But if his own sister was going to testify against him, what hope did he have?

“You look like you’ve had a bad day.”

Lucky blinked, focused on the voice, and found Sam at one of the tables. She used her foot to gently push out of the chair across from her. “Why don’t you have a seat?”

June 23, 2023

This entry is part 21 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

Written in 59 minutes.

Patrick’s Condo: Bedroom

The sunlight streamed through the blinds Patrick had forgotten to draw the night before, and Robin remembered now that he’d never gotten around to buying curtains — he’d been worried they’d look too feminine and had argued about it the last time she’d woken in his bed.

When the same bright light hit her this morning, Robin scrunched her eyes and rolled away, towards the door and the shadows that still lingered there. She bumped directly into Patrick and her eyes snapped open. He was already awake, leaning up on one elbow, his jaw shadowed from overnight growth.

Robin clutched at the dark sheets when their eyes met, waiting for embarrassment to flood her body. After all she’d showed up on his doorstep and begged him to sleep with her after refusing to accept even a modicum of comfort.

But she didn’t feel even a tinge of discomfort, only a wave of sadness that this couldn’t be every day. That she wouldn’t grow old waking in his bed.

“You really like being blinded when you wake up,” Robin said, siting up and running her hands through hair.

“Better than any alarm clock.” Patrick laid back, one hand under his head, the sheets down to his waist. “Did you sleep okay?”

“Not sure how much sleep there was,” Robin muttered, her cheeks heating when he just grinned. God she missed him. Tears stung her eyes and she looked away. She heard the rustle of sheets, then the warmth as he leaned in, his head on her shoulder.

“I’m glad you came over.”

“I probably shouldn’t have. This—” She sighed, then rested her head back against his. “This isn’t going to help me get over you.”

“Me either,” he murmured. They sat there another moment, with nothing but the sound of their breathing. She knew she had to get up, to get her clothes, to leave—

“Thank you.” Robin finally pulled away and slid out of the bed, pressing the sheet against her chest as she looked for her clothes. “I mean, you really could have said no.”

“I told you if you needed me—” He rose, and she averted her eyes as he strode nude to the dresser to get a pair of sweatpants. He tossed her black dress towards her — it had landed on his side of the bed. “Robin—”

“You were right, of course,” she said briskly, tugging the dress over her head, not bothering t locate her bra — but her panties were underneath the bed. She shimmied into them. “I wasn’t worrying enough about myself, and last night, with Maxie, then Felicia, it just—it was too much, and my brain just shut down. I couldn’t think. Or I couldn’t stop thinking.”

She sat on the bed, wondering where her pantyhose had disappeared to and if she’d ever see it again.

Patrick sat next to her. “You kept it together until after the service.”

“Until there was nothing left to do. No item to tick off the list.” Robin closed her eyes. “She was such a bright light in this world. Someone stole it. Just snuffed it right out, and I can’t wrap my head around it.”

“Because it’s obscene,” Patrick said, his tone clipped. She looked at him. “She was living her life, going home from a party. I did that a thousand times in college, in medical school. She had every right to do that. Every right to wake up with regret the next morning about how much she’d drank or what she said or how she acted. Instead—”

“She never woke up at all.” Robin closed her eyes. “I wonder if she had time to be afraid.”


“And that’s a terrible thing to think about. I keep getting stuck in it, though. Thinking how scared she could have been. Laying on the ground, choking, fighting—” She pressed her hands to her face. “I want it to go away. Why doesn’t it go away?”

He didn’t answer. How could he? He just put an arm around her, folded her back in his embrace until all she feel was Patrick and her mind, blissfully, skittered to a stop. “Thank you. For making the world go stop. For a little while.”

“Any time.”

Robin smiled sadly, then got to her feet. “I wish that could be true—”

“Robin—” Patrick reached for her but she stepped back. “I’ve been thinking—maybe we can make this work—”

“No. No, don’t do that. Don’t—” Robin exhaled in a long breath. “Last night was special and you saved my sanity. But it doesn’t change anything. And I don’t want you to feel sorry for me, and talk yourself into massive life changes you don’t want—”

“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?”

She backed away when he stood. “Let’s just…” Robin licked her lips, nervously. “Let’s just put this away for a while. It’s—it’s been a lot these last few days, and I just—we should make sure we know what we want. I don’t want either of us waking up in six months realizing we made the wrong choice.” When he opened his mouth, she shook her head. “Please.”

“All right. I’ll go make some coffee.” Patrick rose, went to the door, then looked back. “Your panty hose is stuck in the blinds, by the way.”

“What?” Robin turned, scandalized to find the sheer black stockings hanging from the window. “How did that happen?”

Morgan Penthouse: Master Bedroom

Across town, another woman was having a much happier morning, waking to the sound of her son fussing on the baby monitor. She sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, then stayed right where she was for a few minutes, listening to the soft murmurs of Jason as he lifted Jake out his crib.

A few moments later, Jason appeared in their doorway, Jake in his arms. The five-month-old was wide awake, his fingers shaking a plastic ring in his. “Cameron was still asleep,” he said, climbing back into bed, still holding the baby. “And Jake woke two hours ago for a bottle.”

“Two—” Elizabeth winced, looked at the clock. It was almost eight. “Oh, man. It’s a good thing I didn’t have work today. How long have you been up?”

“Since the bottle. I tried to get him to sleep for a while longer, but—” Jason lightly bounced the infant and Jake laughed, batting his father with the plastic ring. “He wasn’t having it.”

“He’s just like you,” Elizabeth grumbled, leaning back against the headboard.”A morning person.”

“Maybe he doesn’t see the point in sleeping when there’s a whole world out there.” Jason stretched out his legs, sat the baby in his lap, his hand bracing Jake’s middle to keep him upright.

“He’ll see the point when he’s worked a double shift.” Elizabeth sighed, then dipped her head, tears stinging her eyes.

“What is it?”

“Nothing, it’s just—” Elizabeth rubbed a hand against her chest. “Six weeks ago, I felt like my life was falling apart. You were still on trial, and I wasn’t sure how things would go with Lucky. How to walk away. How to stop hurting everyone. I didn’t know if you’d forgive me for what I did — and it feels almost unfair, I guess. To be here, with everything I ever wanted.”

“Unfair to who?” Jason asked. Jake reached for Elizabeth and she cuddled him in her arms.

“I don’t know. The universe, maybe. I always end up feeling guilty when I’m happy. It always feels like it’s at someone else’s expense, and yes, I know that’s stupid. It’s just.” She rubbed her nose against Jake’s nose, and the baby laughed. “That’s right, Mommy’s just silly. She knows it.”

She looked at Jason. “I wish I could have had more courage last year. I was separated from Lucky. We actually got divorced, and if I’d just let myself—” She bit her lip. “I don’t know. If I could have just stayed divorced, not given him hope. Told the truth about Jake—it’s not healthy to keep looking back. I hurt you, I hurt myself. Cameron. And Lucky. I know we’re angry with him for how he’s handling this, but at the end of the day—” She looked at him. “I’m waking up next to the man I love with two healthy amazing little boys, and Lucky’s alone. And it doesn’t feel fair.”

Jason tipped his head. “Do you want to change your mind about Cameron and visitation?”

“No. I don’t. Because while I feel guilty for hurting and lying to him, Lucky didn’t have to make Cameron part of this. He made his choices. Just like I did last year. He made them out of anger. Jealousy. Fear. I can understand him, Jason. What he did — I did it to you. I forced you out of Jake’s life—”


“I was angry that you didn’t just tell me you loved me and give me the fairy tale ending up front. You asked me to marry you and I wanted to say yes, but I knew that I would just wither away, married and in love and feeling like you wanted someone else. I was angry,” Elizabeth continued, “and I was jealous. And I was scared to be alone. So I made a terrible choice. You’ve forgiven me for it, and I promise I won’t keep bringing it up.”

“But you feel some pity for Lucky,” Jason said slowly.

“More than he probably deserves, I guess, but he didn’t deserve to be lied to anymore than you did. And I don’t know how make any of it go away without hurting one of you. It should be me suffering. Not Lucky. And not you.” She made a face. “I’m sorry. We were having a nice morning—”

“It’s only been six weeks,” Jason cut in, taking the plastic rings Jake handed him, then giving them back as soon as the baby pouted because he’d had second thoughts. “I don’t expect you to forget about Lucky. Or cut him out of your heart overnight. You loved him. You married him. Cameron still thinks of him as a father.”

“You’re too nice—”

“Being angry doesn’t solve anything,” Jason said. “And maybe it’s easier for me because I had a chance to claim Jake and I didn’t do that. I could have changed things, too, Elizabeth. The only person here who couldn’t have stopped any of this is Lucky. So, yeah, for that, I can have some patience.” He paused. “But for me, it stops that day in the park. It stops when he threatened to have us investigated for murder. He’s the one making the choices now, Elizabeth. Let him be the one that lives with the consequences.”

“You’re right.” She smiled, then lifted Jake in the air, “That’s enough of that, don’t you  think, Jake?” She laughed as the baby giggled and waved his arms.

“See? He agrees.” On the baby monitor, Cameron stirred. “I’ll go start breakfast,” he told Elizabeth, kissing her forehead.

“Sounds perfect.”

PCPD: Squad Room

Spinelli took a deep breath, spied the man he was looking for across the room and started towards him. Don’t call him Detective Dingus, don’t call him Detective Dingus—

“Spinelli—” Lucky frowned as the hacker approached. He leaned back in his chair. “Did you think of something else?”

“No. But the Jackal thought if he came by, then, uh, the Dashing Detective might have a question to ask. Something for the Jackal to do. A way to help.”

“Dashing Detective,” Lucky repeated, then raised his brows. “Is that your nickname for me?”

“Of course.”

“Really.” Lucky folded his arms, smirked. “You’re living with my ex-wife. You’ve met Cameron and Jake. And you’re telling me that’s how you think of me?”

Spinelli scrunched his nose. “Uh, no. Not really.”

“What is it, then? I’m curious,” Lucky added. “I’ve heard the ones you’ve come up for my sister. And for Maxie.”

“Detective Dingus,” Spinelli muttered, his cheeks heating. “If you don’t want the Jackal’s help, you could say that—”

Lucky hooked his foot around the chair by his desk and pushed it out. “Take a seat, Spinelli. Please,” he added when Spinelli hesitated. “Detective Dingus sounds more like it. You call Cam Little Dude, don’t you?”

“Still in workshop. Thinking of changing to Little Zoom Master, but it’s not right.” Spinelli stared at his fingers. “You’re making fun of me.”

“I’m not. What did you call Georgie?” Lucky wanted to know.

“Lots of things. Insightful One. The Wise One.” His voice cracked. “Faithful Friend. She was the best of friends. Best of humans. That’s why the Jackal must help her. I left her. I went home that night.”

“You feel responsible,” Lucky said. Spinelli nodded, just a quick jerking motion of his chin. “I get you. Once upon a time, I was supposed to hang out with a friend at a dance. I changed my mind, made a date with someone else. My friend was sad, so she skipped the dance. Someone hurt her. And if I hadn’t broken my promise, it never would have happened.”

“So you see why the Jackal must assist in any way possible—”

“I do. And if I have a way for you to help,” Lucky said, “I’ll let you know. But for now, Spinelli, I want you to remember what a great kid Georgie was. She wouldn’t blame you, would she?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Spinelli muttered.

“Matters a little. You don’t like parties much, do you?’

“No, but—”

“So Georgie said it was okay. Go head home, Spinelli. I got Chelsea with me. We’re good. That’s what she told you, you said.”

Spinelli’s eyes glittered with tears. “Should have been there.”

“Maybe I’d have another body in my morgue, then Spinelli. Maybe I’m telling Jason that the kid he cares about is dead. You think that would make this better for him? You think he wouldn’t wonder how he could have stopped it? Do you want Jason to feel guilty?”

“N-No.” Spinelli closed his eyes. “You make an excellent point. Stone Cold usually takes on the burdens of the world. The Jackal must reflect on this.”

“I promise you, Spinelli, that I am doing everything I can to find out who hurt Georgie and Chelsea. They were your friends, and they matter. If I think of something you can do or tell me, you’ll be the first call. But for now, go home.”

June 21, 2023

This entry is part 20 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

Written in 60 minutes.

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

Elizabeth pushed the door open with one hand, the other on the phone at her ear, frowning slightly when she realized the room was empty. “What? No, sorry. I just walked in. Let me know when you hear from her, okay? I want to call Patrick. No, I know she doesn’t—Lainey, the guy is worried and trying to respect her feelings about keeping his distance.” She dropped her keys and the small black clutch on the desk. “He didn’t stop loving her—I’m not taking his side—”

She heard sounds in the kitchen, the clinking of plates and Cameron’s giggle, her shoulders relaxed. So that’s where her guys were. She refocused on on her phone conversation. “Lainey, there aren’t sides here, okay? He doesn’t have to want children. It doesn’t—okay, I’m not doing this with you. Don’t tell me when Robin calls back. Whatever. Let Patrick worry for nothing because you’re a narrow-minded bitch—” She stopped mid-sentence and snapped her phone shut.

There was no point in letting her old frustrations with Lainey Winters spill out when it wasn’t even about this. Lainey and Kelly had landed firmly on Robin’s side in the  break-up, while Emily and Elizabeth had tried not to take sides at all. And after Lainey had tried to paint Elizabeth as a crazy post-partum mother who’d hurt her child, she wasn’t in the mood for any of this.

She kicked off her black heels, then padded into the kitchen, her stocking-clad feet making no sounds on the hardwood.

In the kitchen, she found Cameron in his booster seat, a study plastic fork in his hand as he dug into a bowl of Spaghetti-Os, his face covered in the red sauce. Jake in a green plastic seat, belted in on top of the table, shoving a plastic ring in his mouth.

And Jason crouched on the floor, cleaning up what looked like more Spaghetti-Os on the floor.

“Well, it looks like we had ourselves quite the afternoon,” Elizabeth said, leaning against the  door frame.

“Hi, Mommy!” Cameron waved his fork, sending small circle-shaped noodles flying through the air. Jason just sighed and wiped at the floor where they landed. He got to his feet and tossed the towels in the trash.

“Maybe I should have just fed him in the tub,” he decided, and she laughed, crossing the kitchen, avoiding the remnants on the ground, and slid her arms around his waist, leaning up for a kiss. “Hey. How was it?”

“Terrible,” Elizabeth admitted, closing her eyes as he folded her into his arms. “Robin was barely managing to get through it, then Maxie went crazy. Insisted Frisco and Felicia leave. It was so bad. And Patrick was worried about her, but he promised he wouldn’t call, and then Lainey just—” She made a face. “Anyway. It’s over.”

“Where did Spinelli go?”

“Dinner with Lulu and Dillon while he’s in town.” Elizabeth went to the table to unbuckle Jake and lift him in her arms. He reached for the necklace she wore, trying to put it in his mouth. Now that he’d figured out how to use his hands and fingers, he loved grabbing everything. “He said he’d be home later.” She kissed the top of Jake’s head, cuddling him close. “I felt so bad for Georgie’s parents, and for Robin—but you know—” She looked at him. “It wasn’t the time or place, but I’m not sure I blame Maxie. I’ve lived in this town for almost a decade, and I don’t think her dad has ever been back. And Felicia went away years ago. It’d be like, God forbid, something happening to me and my parents showing up.”

Jason leaned against the counter, his arms folded. “I think Robin told me the last time Frisco was around was when Maxie was sick. When she needed the heart transplant. He was never really around with Georgie. I know in all the time we were together, I never saw him.”

“I don’t think causing a scene was the right way to handle it, but I guess Maxie just couldn’t take one more minute of the hypocrisy. They can have their regrets, I guess, but sitting up front, especially her dad—” Elizabeth shook her head. “Don’t let my parents do that to me—”


“Sorry. I know it’s morbid, and terrible. But I don’t want Jeff or Carolyn Webber anywhere near me in death when they couldn’t be bothered in life.” She paused. “Let’s change the subject Jake needs a diaper change, and Cameron—” She looked down and he grinned up at her sunnily. Somehow he had noodles in his hair. “Cameron needs a deep cleaning. Wanna draw straws?”

General Hospital: Hallway

Emily made a notation on a chart, then turned a corner stopping short when she barreled into someone else. “Oof, sorry—” She drew her brows together. “Nikolas? What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you.” Nikolas stepped back. “Are you on all night?”

“Yeah, I’m on nights until Thanksgiving. I drew the short-straw,” she said, moving past him. “What did you need?”

“You haven’t really been returning my calls or texts. I mean, I know you’re angry with me—”

“Because you’re funding Lucky’s desperation and giving him the means to drag Elizabeth and the boys into court? Yeah, I’m avoiding you.” Returning to the nurse’s station, she dumped off the charts in her arms.

“We said we wouldn’t take sides—”

“You know, we’ve said that before, but we’ve never been good at it. Somehow we always manage to fall on Lucky’s side.” Emily shook her head. “You and I both encouraged them to get married again. To give it another shot. Why would we do that?”

“Because they love each other. Or I thought—”

“Lucky had an affair. Repeatedly,” Emily said. “I knew that. I knew he’d had that affair and had accused her of having one with Patrick—”

“No, it was just with Jason—”

“No. No, don’t you do that—” Emily jabbed a finger at him. “You don’t get to decide that months of Lucky emotionally abusing Elizabeth and accusing her of having an affair with Patrick is retroactively okay because she slept with Jason after she found Lucky and Maxie together. You don’t get to do that, and neither does he.”

“Two wrongs don’t make it right—”

“And sleeping with another woman while your wife is struggling with trauma isn’t a good choice either, but you did that, too.”

Nikolas grimaced. “We’re not back to that, are we?”

“We are. Because I can’t, for the life of me, understand how you can stand there and help Lucky do this to those kids. You know what he did to Cameron in the park the other day, don’t you?”

“That—” Nikolas nodded. “Yes. It was a mistake—”

“A mistake that devastated that little boy. How could you stand by and let him continue this—and don’t tell me you can’t stop it. Cut off the funds.”

“He’s my brother—”

“And she’s my sister.” Emily tipped up her chin. “She’s my best friend. It’s time I acted like it. There isn’t a middle ground here. He’s objectively wrong for what he did—”

“And she was wrong, too—”

“She’s the only one trying to fix her mistakes. All I see Lucky doing is making new ones. And  your support isn’t just financial. You agree with him. Don’t you?”

“I think,” Nikolas said, carefully, “that there’s an argument to be made that Lucky doesn’t deserve to be cut out of Jake’s life overnight—”

“And what does Cameron deserve? Because Lucky had no problem cutting Cam out of his life overnight. Don’t talk to me about what a grown man deserves when that little boy was crying for him, and Lucky walked away. You want to take his side, fine. But don’t be surprised when you’re the only one who does.”

Scorpio House: Maxie’s Bedroom

“It’s not fair!” Maxie wailed, curled up in a ball, facing away from Robin. Her shoulders were shaking as she continued to sob. “It’s not fair. Why isn’t she here? Why—”

“I don’t know, honey.” Robin stroked her cousin’s shoulder. “Life isn’t fair. But Georgie wouldn’t want you to be so angry. So torn up—”

“Well, Georgie isn’t here,” Maxie said bitterly. “And you can’t make me apologize. I won’t.”

“All right. Why don’t you get some rest? I’ll send Cooper up, okay?”


Robin went downstairs and did just as she’d promised, sending Maxie’s confused and exhausted boyfriend up to take over comforting her. She spent a few minutes with her parents and uncle, reassuring them that Maxie would be okay. Then she went to the front porch where she found Felicia on the porch swing.

“Where’s Frisco?” Robin asked, taking a seat next to her. “He could have come over—”

“He went to get a hotel room.” Felicia closed her eyes, the tear stains on her cheeks shimmering under the porch light. “She’s so broken, my baby. I’ve failed her so much. I’ve failed them both—”

“Felicia—” Robin fell silent, and the blonde smiled sadly.

“You can’t even defend me.”

“Maxie shouldn’t have done that in front of everyone.”

“But you don’t necessarily disagree with her, do you?”

“I think,” Robin said slowly, “that I understand why you came back. Why Frisco came with you. But Maxie hasn’t been doing all that well for a few years. Since last year, when her boyfriend died. She’s gone off the rails, and losing Georgie—it’s not going to make it any easier. Seeing her parents—particularly you—when she’s already feeling abandoned by the world, no I don’t disagree with her.” Robin exhaled slowly. “I know how it felt when my father showed up after all those years, without any really good excuse for why he’d been gone. Frisco didn’t raise Maxie or Georgie. Mac did. And to see him sitting in the front row—I think it was more than she could handle.”

“Seeing me there—”

“Seeing you there hurt more. Because you were here, Felicia. Until you weren’t. You and Frisco—” Robin got to her feet. “You’re not much different than my parents. You deliberately chose a life that was dangerous and meant you had to leave your families behind. Uncle Mac told me you’re at the WSB with Frisco now. You left before the girls were finished growing up.”

“I know it. And I’ll regret it for the rest of my days.”

“You should.” Robin winced when Felicia flinched, but couldn’t find the energy to be sorry for what she’d said.

She left the porch, went down to the driveway and got in her car, staring blindly at the steering wheel.

What did she do now? Where was she supposed to go?

Morgan Penthouse: Master Bedroom

Elizabeth tugged the tie on her robe more tightly, listening on the baby monitor as Jason tucked Cameron in for the night, then a murmur as he checked on Jake.

She heard a soft click as the bedroom door at the end of the hall closed, and then Jason had walked down the short hallway, already in a pair of sweat pants and t-shirt he’d changed into after soaking his jeans earlier bathing Cameron, cleaning off his dinner.

“Spinelli’s still not home. Should I—” Jason cut off in mid-sentence as he closed the door, and saw her standing by the bed, wearing a silky black robe that just skimmed the tops of her thighs. He cleared his throat. “Uh. Hey.”

“Spinelli has his phone,” Elizabeth said, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “And you already called him after Cameron had his bath. He’s fine.”

“I’m just—” Jason shook his head as she approached him, losing the thread again. “You—”

“This morning, we didn’t have a lot of time,” Elizabeth said, sliding her hands up his chest. “But I thought maybe you wouldn’t mind if we finished our conversation.”

“Were we having a conversation?” he asked, his hands at her shoulders. “That’s not how I remember it.”

“Well, then—” Her smile deepened. “Feel free to correct me.”

Jason tipped her head up, leaning down to brush his mouth against hers. “I didn’t see this when you unpacked,” he murmured, slowly untying the sash of the robe and pushing it from her shoulders.

“It’s new. I bought it after I moved in.” She sighed when his lips found the pulse at her throat. “If you like it, I can get it in more colors—”

“It’s nice,” he replied, his voice a bit rusty. His thumbs plucked at the straps, lifting them off her shoulders so that the negligee pooled at her feet. “But I like what’s under better.”

She laughed as he lifted her and carried her to the bed.

Patrick’s Condo: Living Room

Patrick paced the length of the room, glaring at his cell phone, willing it to ring — for someone to tell him that they’d  caught up with Robin after the service and that she was all right—

Lainey had refused to take his call, Kelly had told him she’d deal with it and to drop dead. Emily was at work, and Elizabeth hadn’t heard anything yet—

At this rate, he could either call her uncle or break his promise and track her down himself. He hated this. He hated wondering how she was, if she was with her family,  or alone so they wouldn’t see her grief, or maybe she was with Lainey and Kelly and they were just being assholes about it—

He picked up the phone, brought up Robin’s contact information, then hissed, tossing it aside. He didn’t want to hurt. Didn’t want to force himself on her, but honestly, he was coming out of his skin, worried that she was taking care of everyone but herself—

There was a knock at his door and Patrick leapt towards it, hoping that it was Elizabeth or Lainey, Kelly—someone who would give him some relief—

But it was Robin.

He stared at her for a moment, his jaw slightly dropped — was he hallucinating? In his worry, was he actually having a fever dream?

“I’m sorry to just—” Robin fiddled with the strap of the bag she wore over one shoulder. “I’m sorry to just show up.”  Her voice broke, and he snapped out of his stupor. “If you’re busy—”

“No,” he said immediately. He put a hand under her elbow, drew her inside. “No. I’m not. I’ve been—” He took a deep breath. “I’ve been worried about you.”

“I—” Her eyes shimmered and she squeezed them shut. “I didn’t want to be alone. Or to be with people. I just—I don’t know. It’s too much. It hurts too much, it’s drowning me, and I can’t breathe—”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” He embraced her, wincing at the chill through the light fabric of her dress. Where was her coat? How had someone let her go out in October without a damn jacket? Why wasn’t anyone taking care of her?

“I can’t stop thinking about it how scared she was, or how terrible the world is now—” Robin’s breath hiccuped, a sob escaping. “They stole her away, they broke our world into pieces and we don’t know who, or why, and she’s gone. And knowing won’t fix it. Nothing fixes it.”

Her body was trembling violently, and he just hung on, his fingers stroking through her dark hair as her sobs wracked her body.

“I don’t want to feel this way anymore. I don’t want it. It has to go away. I can’t breathe.” Robin drew back, her hands flat against his chest, and her eyes damp with tears as they met his. “I want to feel something else. Can you—please. Can you make it go away?”

He swallowed hard. “What do you want me to do?” He knew, of course, but she needed to say it. He needed to hear it.

“I know it’s not fair, but—” She dragged in a shuddering breath. “I just want to be with you. I want the world to stop, and you—” Her fingers curled in his white dress shirt. She licked her lips. “You always make the world stop.”

Patrick nodded, then kissed her, lightly at first because she might still change her mind, but she exploded against him, deepening the kiss, her hands racing to tug his shirt out of his pants, to rip off the buttons. He wanted to slow it down, to savor it, but that’s not what she needed — and after her hands reached the buckle of his belt, it’s not what either of them wanted.

He only hoped she wouldn’t regret it in the morning.

June 19, 2023

This entry is part 19 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

Written in 61 minutes.

Robin’s Apartment: Bedroom

Robin reached inside her closet and drew out a hanger with a black sweater. She set the hanger into a bag where she kept them until she did her laundry and slid the sweater on, one arm at a time.

Then she slowly buttoned it halfway and went to the mirror to brush her hair and check the circles under her eyes. Maybe she should use some concealer — but why bother to pretend she’d managed more than a handful of hours of sleep since—

Her fingers brushed over her makeup brushes — she never wore much anyway. Just the concealer for occasional blemishes, eyeliner and mascara when she wanted to highlight her eyes for a nigh out —

Robin met those eyes now in the mirror, took a deep breath to brace for the day ahead of her.

Time to go.

Time to say goodbye.

Morgan Penthouse: Master Bedroom

Living in Port Charles meant you had more than one black dress, Elizabeth thought idly. She had one for every season now, though they didn’t all fit. She still had the dress she’d worn to Lucky’s memorial service, though that was tucked away in a closet at her grandmother’s house. That had been in the spring, so it had short sleeves and a sweetheart bodice, made a lightweight cotton.

There was the winter dress she’d worn at Alan’s service the year before with long sleeves and heavy material. It was a maternity dress, so it was packed away with all the others. She had another winter dress from the quarantine deaths—one that she’d repeated more than she liked to remember — for Tony, for Courtney, for a nurse on her floor— That dress hung in her closet now.

The sleeveless jersey black dress she’d worn to Kristina’s funeral in August. She’d stood on the pier in that dress with Jason, she thought, and it had remained in her wardrobe. She’d chosen the sleeveless for the hot temperatures and because it didn’t rub against the bandage she wore from the ricochet bullet wound she’d received the night Kristina had died in the warehouse explosion. She’d worn it again to Lila’s funeral two years later.

She didn’t reach for any of those dresses on this occasion — the temperatures weren’t low enough for the wool winter dress, but not hot enough for the sleeveless dress. She pulled out the dress she’d worn to Chloe Morgan’s funeral — it was made of lightweight cotton blend, but the skirt fell to her knees and the sleeves were three-quarter.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go?” Elizabeth asked Jason. She set the dress on the bed and went to the dresser to sort through undergarments, plucking out a set in black.

Jason stopped, his hand on the handle, and turned back. “Mac will have a lot of officers there,” he said. “I don’t want to make him uncomfortable. I’ll be fine with the boys. It’s good you’re going with Spinelli. And your grandmother wanted to go. So—”

She sighed, went into the bathroom to change. It was silly, she thought, but she was still conscious of the fading red scar across her middle. She touched it now. The baby had been in distress and they’d had to perform an emergency C-section. And while she’d lost the baby weight, there was still evidence of the pregnancy—the thin, twisty stretchmarks, the scar—they’d all fade in time, she knew that. But—

There was a knock at the door, and she jerked out of her thoughts, whipping her robe closed. She opened the bathroom door, found Jason there, with a curious look in his eyes. “I’m going to get the boys up,” he told her. “You don’t have to change in here.” Then he tipped his head. “You know, you can have the guest room if—”

“God. No.” Elizabeth sighed, because she was really stupid, wasn’t she? What an insane thing to worry about, as if Jason would be disgusted. “It’s just—” She tugged her robe aside. “The scar from Jake—”

Jason furrowed his brow, pulled the door all the way open so he could see her better. “What about it?”

Elizabeth bit her lip. “I haven’t—I mean, since he was—I haven’t—in front of anyone.” And her fingers were already itching to pull the robe back over herself, to cover it up. “It’s stupid.”

He said nothing for a long moment, then reached for her hand. Elizabeth let him take it and draw her out of the bathroom, into the softer light of the bedroom. “Is that why you’ve been changing in the bathroom? Or going to bed before me?”

“Yes.” Her cheeks were hot.

Jason was quiet again, just studying her—his eyes on her face. Then he put his hands at her shoulders, sliding one thumb under her robe on either side, gently pushing it back. It pooled at her feet and she fought not to fold her arms.

His fingers brushed over the scar. “I remember that day,” he murmured. “They put this curtain in front of you, so you were blocked from the observation window. I couldn’t see anything but your face. You were so pale. Your eyes closed. And the doctors were behind that curtain. They lifted the baby away and I knew they’d needed to cut you.” He exhaled slowly. “And then there were alarms, and I didn’t know if you were going to wake up again. You nearly died again later.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks. “Jason.”

“It doesn’t feel real sometimes,” he said, his fingers sliding over her skin, over the stretchmarks she hated so much. “That you carried him all those months. You’re so small. Delicate. Not fragile,” he clarified when she scrunched her nose. “It’s amazing really,” he continued, dipping his head down to kiss her lightly. She sighed, closing her eyes, relaxing against him, his t-shirt rough against her bare skin. “What women can do. What you did. You made both of them out of nothing. And you kept them safe until they were ready to survive without you.”


“Did you think it would you less beautiful?”

Her eyes fluttered open and her breath caught at the expression in his. “No. But—”

“I love you.” He brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “All of you. Every scar, every stretchmark. Jake and Cameron. They came from you. Why would you want to hide that?”

“I really love you.” Elizabeth wound her arms around his neck, sinking into another long, lingering kiss that slid through her like a warm, bubble bath.

“You need to get dressed,” he murmured, pressing his forehead against hers. “And the boys need breakfast.”

“You let go first then.” But his arms didn’t move from her waist, his long fingers tickling the skin of her lower back. And she didn’t move either.

“Together,” Jason said. “On three.” She grinned, and finally released each other. She stooped down, picked up her robe. He took another long look, shook his head, and left.

PCPD: Squad Room

Lucky scribbled the date October 25 in his notepad. The custody hearing had been merged with Jason’s paternity suit and would be held in just three short weeks. He set aside his pencil, and took another long breath.

Everyone in his life wanted him to drop the fight. To let Elizabeth take the boys and walk away with a clean break. He’d read every word of her revised custody petition in which she rejected visitation for both boys. Not just Jake, but Cameron.

His insane moment of rage had cost him the last modicum of respect she’d held, Lucky knew, and Cameron’s cries still echoed in his head like the relentless beat of a drum. He’d been selfish. He’d wanted more than she was willing to give, but he’d also been arrogant. How many times had she sacrificed what she wanted for herself to give Lucky what he needed? What he wanted?

She hadn’t backed down this time. Nothing had worked, and now Lucky was poised to lose everything.

He dragged his hands down his face. He should just end it. Sign the paperwork that made it go away. Like last year — the quick and easy divorce where they walked away with what they’d brought to the marriage. Maybe they could have salvaged something, a piece of the friendship that had saved both their lives when they’d been teenagers.

That wasn’t possible now. When Lucky Spencer made a mistake, it was never just a simple one with an easy solution. No, he had to make destructive choices that set his whole life on fire.

But he couldn’t do it. Couldn’t walk away. Couldn’t walk away from the boys he’d loved. He wanted a chance to prove to Elizabeth that he could fix this. That he could be the fatherCam and Jake deserved.

Even if he knew he’d lose —

Lucky set aside the custody papers and reached for the report from a cell phone provider, hoping against all hope that there would be some hint of the mysterious stalker who had left her with dead flowers and mysterious hangups.

But the company had nothing. He could pinpoint the hangups — but the phone numbers were never the same — a series of burners that could only be traced back to a batch of phones sold to a convenience store. He’d follow that lead, but it had probably been cash and they would have recorded over any security tape.

He had nothing. Two girls were dead, brutally murdered, and Lucky had nothing but the faint hope that there would be DNA and a match in the system.

Queen of Angels: Chapel

Patrick slid into a pew next to Elizabeth and Spinelli, both of them sitting in the back. Elizabeth’s grandmother was closer to the front, with Bobbie and other nurses from the hospital.

In the front pew, Georgie’s parents were sitting with Mac. Robin’s parents had made it in te day before, and sat in the opposite pew, grim-faced. Next to them, Dillon Quartermaine was shattered, with Lucas Jones. The chapel was filled with a mixture of cops, doctors and nurses, college students, and others Patrick couldn’t place.

For a girl who’d lived barely long enough to drink, Georgie’s death had left devastation and havoc in its wake. What kind of justice would there be for such a crime? Nothing would even the balance, Patrick thought. Nothing, not even finding the murderer and choking the life out of him would do anything to bring a sense of order back into the world.

Robin was standing in the front — she looked so tired, he thought. So exhausted — he knew she wasn’t sleeping, and he’d checked with others. Emily and Elizabeth hadn’t heard from her, and her other best friend, Brenda, had missed her flight out of Rome because of a storm.

Was there anyone thinking of Robin? Anyone who was making sure she ate and slept and took a minute to breathe? She wouldn’t let it be him, and he understood that. But it didn’t change anything. He wanted to take care of her, to put an arm around her, to make this okay.

It wouldn’t because nothing would.

Robin stepped up behind the podium. “Thank you, Father Coates, for your lovely words of comfort and wisdom at a time like this,” she said to the priest who touched her shoulder, then drew away to fade into the balance. Robin took a deep breath, then looked out over the crowd, her gaze slightly unfocused. She met his eyes, then took a deep breath.

“Georgie was sweetness personified,” Robin began, and he heard the slight rustle of a paper—her hands were trembling, and he tensed, leaning forward as if to be ready if she needed him. “Light and good and wonderful. Kind to everyone she met. Compassionate. Fierce.” Her voice trembled just for a moment. “Loyal. She was—”

“I can’t do this.”

Maxie shot up from her place between Mac and Felicia. Her blonde hair shimmered in the light of candles on the altar as she strode towards Robin. She whirled around, her hands at fists. “We can’t do this.”

“Maxie—” Robin went to her, Mac started to rise, but Maxie put up both her hands.

“No! No! You can’t stand here and talk about how amazing my sister is—because you’ll just ask for someone else to speak and they can’t do it!” Maxie turned those determined, furious eyes on her parents. “They have no right. You have no right to be sitting up front with family. With people who loved  Georgie, who actually knew—”

“Maxie,” Mac hissed, getting to his feet. “No—”

“Dillon—” Maxie jabbed a finger at the Quartermaine, who was already half on his feet. “Dillon gets to stand here. He gets to talk about her, and cry for her, and weep. He loved her—” Her voice broke, and she looked at him. “Thank God you did. Thank God she got to have that before—”

“Don’t do this,” Dillon said, his voice rusty. “She wouldn’t want this—”

Robin came up behind Maxie, tried to put her hands on her cousin’s shoulder. “Honey—”

“No!” Maxie shoved her back and Robin stumbled back into the podium. Now Patrick did stand, ready to do something.

“We’ll go.” Felicia Jones got to her feet, her ex-husband along side her. “We’ll go—”

“No—” Mac shook his head. “This isn’t the way—”

“No, because that’s what they do, isn’t it?” Maxie spat. “They leave. They can’t handle the truth—”

Felicia turned away, and even from his space in the back, Patrick could see her ravaged face, the emptiness in Frisco Jones’s expression, the grief in their postures. Frisco swept his eyes over the gathering, put a hand at Felicia’s back and they made their way out of the chapel.

Maxie stood there, tears streaking her face, her breathing heavy, and the strangest look in her eyes — as if she hadn’t actually expected her parents to leave. Despite the horror of the last few minutes, she looked so alone, so devastated that a stirring of sympathy swirled in Patrick.

Robin had recovered and this time, when she put her hand on Maxie’s shoulders, the younger woman let her guide her from the room, taking a back entrance.

Patrick itched to follow, to take care of Robin but he sat down instead as Mac took over the service, attempting to get things back on track.

Elizabeth squeezed his hand, and he cleared his throat. “You’ll call her, won’t you?”

“Yes. Patrick—”

“Good. Someone should.” And she didn’t want it to be him.

June 10, 2023

This entry is part 18 of 56 in the Flash Fiction: Watch Me Burn

Written in 57 minutes.

PCPD: Squad Room

In the margin of his autopsy report copy, Lucky scribbled a note to himself to investigate just how common the type of cord found around Georgie’s neck was. The cord itself had be a signature, didn’t it? Whoever had murdered the girls had brought with him — the only question was —

“What do you have?”

Lucky clicked back into the room around him and found a red-eyed Mac standing by his desk. He gestured for the commissioner to take a seat. “The preliminary autopsy report is in,” he said. When Mac flinched, Lucky cleared his throat. “Are you sure you want to do this, Mac? I can ask the lieutenant—”

“No. No. She was my baby. You understand, don’t you? If this happened to your boys, it wouldn’t matter about blood—”

“No, it wouldn’t. All right. Preliminary autopsy came back for both victims. And I have a prelim from the crime scene tech. I have some more interviews to do with the partygoers, but I have a basic picture. Georgie and Chelsea went to a party at a fraternity. Spinelli met them there. They hung out for a few hours, but Spinelli left early—”

“Did he?” Mac said, his eyes narrowing. “Where did he go?”

“Home. I got complete cooperation from him Mac — and from Jason, including the security tapes from the Towers. Spinelli is logged in hours before the last sighting of the girls. And nothing of him leaving—”

“He’s a computer hacker—”

“I know that. And I’m sending the tapes for more analysis to be sure, but my gut says no. I told him myself, Mac, because I needed to know. And he was shattered. I’m not saying he’s not acting, but I have nothing at this point to say otherwise.” Lucky paused, but Mac said nothing, only clenched his jaw. “While the tox screen is going to take a bit more time to be sure, both girls had alcohol in their bloodstream—”

“What—” Mac swung back, his eyes wide. “My—Georgie never drank.”

“I don’t think she had more than a beer, Mac. Maybe just to be social. Chelsea was over the legal limit — some of the wits say she was drinking heavily which wasn’t like her. Neither of the girls had a reputation for that. They were well-liked and known for having a good time, but not for being partiers. My sense is that until last night, they were both just social drinkers. But Chelsea drank more.”

“That’s something.”

“It is. The campus hasn’t turned over their security footage yet, but the security doesn’t think there’s an angle that will help us. That corner is a dead spot. Still, we want to pinpoint the time better so I’m waiting on that.”

Mac dragged his head down his cheeks. “What about other injuries?” he asked. “Was it just—”

“No signs of a sexual assault,” Lucky said gently. “Georgie was first — and that makes sense. Chelsea was likely too drunk too realize someone had grabbed her. There were drag marks on the jeans —we think they were both grabbed from the path and dragged into the bushes.”

Mac exhaled slowly. “What else?”

“Georgie had more defensive wounds. She fought hard, Mac. I don’t know if that brings you comfort—but she got a piece of the guy. There’s skin under her nails. We’re sending it away from analysis. Chelsea has some broken nails which means she fought, too, but not as hard.”

“Too drunk,” Mac murmured. “God, maybe it’s a blessing. She might not have even realized. But Georgie—she fought. She knew—” He drew in a sharp breath. “She knew.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Is that it? Is that all?”

“After four days, yes,” Lucky said. “We need more canvassing. More testing. But a DNA profile is a good sign, Mac—”

“Why haven’t you finished the canvassing?” Mac demanded. “What else do you have to deal with? You should be out doing that now—” He jerked to his feet, his eye catching the corner of some other paperwork. “What is this?”


The commissioner snatched it up. “A custody petition—you’re working on your damn divorce? What about my daughter?”


“Are you too distracted?” Mac demanded.

“No.” Lucky took the petition back. “That’s been there since Friday. Since before.” And he’d scarcely given it much thought outside of that tense scene with Jason after interrogating Spinelli. “I’ve done what I can for that — it’s the hands of the lawyers. Georgie and Chelsea have my focus, Mac.”

The older man closed his eyes, the flush of anger fading, leaving him pale and wan. “I want her back. I just—”

“I can’t imagine what you’re going through. And you know I can’t make promises about finding this guy. But I will do everything I can. I knew Georgie, Mac. She was a great kid. And she deserved so much better than this.” He set the papers on his desk. “Go home. Be with your family.”

Queen of Angels: Chapel

“Thank you, Father Coates.” Robin shook the priest’s hand. “I appreciate everything.”

“Of course. My condolences to your family. Everything is arranged for tomorrow.” The priest disappeared into the backroom, and Robin turned to find Patrick in the double doorway separating the main chapel from the anteroom.

“What are you—” She drew her brows together. “What are you doing here?”

“I stopped by the house, and Anna told me you’d be here.” He tipped his head. “When did your parents get in?”

“Late last night.” Robin rubbed her arms. “They didn’t know Georgie very well, but they were close to Frisco and Felicia, and of course, my uncle—” She rubbed her arms. “I still don’t—”

“I wanted to see if you needed anything, but Maxie was fighting with a woman I assume is her mother, and Anna was trying to mediate everything — and then I found out you were here arranging the funeral.” He paused. “Alone.”

“It’s easier this way.” She moved past him, into the anteroom to retrieve her coat and purse. “Maxie grieves wildly, you know. And she’s got a right to be angry with her mother. I love Felicia but she’s barely been around the last few years. And Frisco has never been a factor for her.” She smiled grimly. “I know what that’s like. To have parents who love you and put you at the center, then disappear without a trace.” She sighed when Patrick helped her on with her coat. “Mac went to the police station—and, well, someone has to do this.”

“You could have called me.”


“Or Emily. Elizabeth. Lainey or Kelly. Anyone.” With a finger under her chin, he tilted her face up so their eyes met. “We broke up, but that doesn’t mean you can’t count on me.”

“I think,” Robin said delicately, stepping back. ‘That’s exactly what breaking up is supposed to mean.” Her voice trembled. “You didn’t want to be counted on, Patrick. Remember?”

“That’s not—”

“I appreciate you being around the last few days, but it’s not fair to make it harder for me. You don’t want forever, Patrick.” Her eyes burned. “And that’s your choice. But I can’t get used to leaning on you. I can’t rely on you. I can’t turn to you to make things okay. One day, you won’t be there. I don’t want to wait for one day. Wasn’t that what we decided?”

“Robin—” He dragged his hand through his dark hair, leaving it disheveled. “I wanted—” He broke off, looked away. “You’re hurting. I can’t stand it.”

“And I’ll hurt for the rest of my life. My little cousin, this precious, beautiful girl I watched grow up—she’s gone.” A hot tear streaked down her cheek. “Someone ripped her out of this world, and I don’t know why. There will never be an answer good enough to explain it.” She took a deep breath. “Thank you. For thinking of me. But it hurts too much to keep doing this. I need you to leave—”

“So you can keep doing this alone? You won’t call anyone. You won’t lean on anyone.” He scowled at her. “Let me call Lainey or Kelly—”

“There’s no reason. I’m done here. I’m going home to be with my family. You didn’t want to be my family—”

“That’s not true—”

“You didn’t want to make that family bigger, Patrick. And you get to make that choice. You get to not want children.” She pressed a fist against her heart. “It makes this harder, you see. To know that we love each other. To know that you love me but not enough to take a chance—”


“And you’re here, worried about me, because you love me. And now all I can think is why can’t you see how much it hurts? You don’t want children with me, Patrick. You don’t want the dream I had for us. I need to do this without you.”

He cleared his throat, then nodded finally—a short jerk of his head. “Fine. Fine. Do it without me. But promise me you won’t do it alone. You’ll call someone. You’ll give yourself space to feel.”

“I promise.”

GH: Nurse’s Station

“How does it feel to be back at work?”  Emily stepped into the nurse’s station, reached for a chart. “I see they have you on scut work.”

“My favorite thing,” Elizabeth murmured, checking off another box for a blood test. “Epiphany said it was just for a few days—the new schedule comes out in a week. And it’s fine — I need to get back into the swing of things.” She tapped her pen against the form. “It was harder than I thought to leave the boys. I barely let Jake out of my sight longer than a few hours.”

“Well, of course not. You could always put them back into daycare downstairs—”

“I will probably at some point—” Elizabeth reached for another form. “But until the custody hearing is resolved, it’s better for them to be at home. I don’t know what magic Jason performed, but Sonny and Carly never call him. He’s basically—” A smile flitted across her face. “He’s basically a stay at home dad.”

“I bet he loves it,” Emily said, propping her elbow on the counter and resting her chin on her first. “You know, my brother was his happiest playing with Michael as a baby. I’m glad he gets to do that for good now.”

“Yeah, me, too. I feel a little less guilty knowing that Jason gets all this time with Jake — it won’t give him back the months he lost—”

“But he was in jail for most of that time, which has nothing to do with you,” Emily reminded her. “So give yourself a break. You made a mistake, and  you’re fixing it.” She hesitated. “But  you’re—things are good? I mean, it’s  been a few days since you moved in—”

“Things are good. Mostly. Um—” Elizabeth bit her lip. “We’re not—I mean, we share a bed. But we’re not—not yet. Which feels stupid, I guess.”

“It doesn’t.” Emily tilted her head. “Are you not ready for that?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. I mean, it’s also—Kelly wanted me to wait after Jake—after all the complications, you know? I didn’t even get clearance until last month. But—” Elizabeth touched her abdomen. “I guess it’s silly, really. I’ve got a scar—”

“He’s got them, too. And you know Jason is the last person to worry about that.”

“I know he is. It’s just a mental thing. I’ll get past it. But it’s great, you know. Waking up, having breakfast with the boys. When you stop thinking about the custody and the divorce and poor Georgie, there’s a lot to be grateful for. More than I thought I’d ever get.”

“Then concentrate on that.” Emily squeezed her hand. “You got a second chance. Enjoy it.”

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

Jason hadn’t realized how indomitable toddlers were until he’d met Cameron Webber. He’d lost custody of Michael before that, and he hadn’t been around Morgan every day — he hadn’t been responsible for bedtimes and meals and keeping him alive—

Cameron had begged for his motorcycle to be dragged down from his bedroom, and Jason thought it was a simple request. But then Cameron had run over Jason’s toes three times, nearly knocked over the bassinet where Jake fitfully dozen, jarred awake every time — and then he’d taken a turn too sharply and the bike had tilted over, spilling Cameron to the floor — which wouldn’t have been a problem except Cameron hit the side of his face on the wall—

Jason scooped him up as the toddler exploded into tears, crying for his mommy and then his daddy—that last one cut hard. Jason couldn’t deliver on either, of course, but especially on the second. And it killed him to hear Cameron crying for a man who’d walked away.

Lucky regretted it, of course — Jason had seen as much in the other man’s eyes at the PCPD, but Jason didn’t care. Kids didn’t understand adult issues and they didn’t care about your regrets. They just knew how you’d made them felt.

Jason stroked a hand down Cameron’s back. “You’re okay, buddy,” he said. “Do you want some ice?”

Cameron sniffled, laid his head on Jason’s shoulder. “Ice?”

“Yeah. Your cheek is red—” Jason touched the soft skin. “It might help.”

“No Mommy?”

“She’s at work.”


Jason grimaced, went into the kitchen. Said nothing. What could he say? Cameron was a smart kid — he knew he’d had a father, someone who had been there from the start. Just because Jason was ready to throw the asshole off the cliff, Cameron wouldn’t understand that.

He reached into the freezer for a miniature ice pack stuffed inside a covering shaped and colored like a pig’s face — a boo-boo pack, Elizabeth had called them, when she’d stocked the fridge. He pressed it to Cameron’s cheek.

“Is that better?” he asked.


“Good.” Jason sat at the kitchen table, holding the pack to the toddler’s cheek. “You know, Mommy says you have to slow down and watch where you’re going.”

“Want Daddy.” Cameron sniffled. “Where’s Daddy?”

Jason exhaled slowly. Tricky, this. And he wished like hell Elizabeth was here. She always knew what to say. “He’s at work,” he said finally, because it was likely true.

“Never see him. Daddy don’t like me no more.” Cameron sniffled, then pressed his nose into the crook of Jason’s shoulder. “Snelli don’t have dad either. He said.”

“Yeah. I know.”

“No mommy, too. Sad. Mommys are good.”

“They are.”

“Snelli said it okay. He got you.” Cameron looked up then, his blue eyes wide, damp, his cheeks stained with tears. “I got you, too?”

“Yeah.” Jason kissed his forehead. “Yeah, you got me, too.”

“Kay.” Cameron snuggled back into Jason’s arms. “I got Jake. I gots Mommy. Snelli, Grams, you. I okay.”

“We’re all okay. Let’s go check on your  brother.”