February 15, 2014

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the Fiction Graveyard: The Sisters

 Kelly’s: Dining Room

Elizabeth Webber gave her co-worker a weary smile as they passed each other in the crowded dining room, each wielding a large tray.

“I hate the lunch rush,” Courtney Quartermaine complained.

“Deep breath,” Elizabeth advised. “You get used to it after a while.” She came to a stop in front of a table and started setting plates out. Once that was done, she did a quick check of her section before heading outside to check on the courtyard tables.

She stopped just outside the doorway at seeing Jason Morgan and Carly Corinthos seated at one of the outdoor tables. It was the first time she’d seen Jason since her disastrous attempt to explain her encounter with Zander.

She was about go in and ask Courtney to cover the table when Carly noticed her. “Hey! Can we get some service?”

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and pulled her order pad out of her apron. “Sorry. It’s the lunch rush,” she apologized as she approached the table.

“My mother owns this restaurant,” Carly replied, snidely. “You should remember that.”


Carly’s eyes snapped to the man in front of her. “What? I’ve always thought she was a rotten waitress.”

“Thanks but no one asked your opinion,” Elizabeth snapped–her patience being pushed to the limit. “What can I get you?”

Carly glared at her nemesis and folded her arms. “Haven’t you heard of the phrase  ‘the customer’s always right?'” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Carly,” Jason warned again. “Just order.”

“Look, I really don’t know what crawled up your ass today but I’ve got a diner full of hungry dock workers and only Courtney and me here today so get your head out of your ass and order or get out.”

“How dare you–”

“Carly,” Jason said again. He looked to Elizabeth. “I’ll have chili and coffee. Carly?”

Gritting her teeth, Carly said, “Number three and a Coke.”

“Fine,” Elizabeth replied. She finished writing the order and disappeared into the diner.

“I take it you finally shoved the twit to the curb,” Carly said, flicking an imaginary piece of lint off her nails.

“Carly–don’t start,” Jason said.

“I always said she wasn’t good enough for you,” Carly continued. “I mean, she’s a little girl, Jase–”


“And I think you deserve someone a lot better. She jerked you around so badly the last time in town–and I’m glad you finally wised up.”

“I really don’t want to have this conversation again,” Jason said. “You wanted to meet me for lunch. What did you want?”

“You don’t have to be so rude,” Carly replied. “I’m just saying she’s not even pretty–she’s got pasty skin and limp hair–”

Carly’s soda slammed down in front of her face, startling them both. Elizabeth shoved Jason’s coffee onto the table, her lips pulled tightly.

“Look, I am sick and tired of this,” Elizabeth snapped. “I really don’t know what I did to you, so why don’t you just take a swing and we’ll get this over with.”

“What?” Carly said incredulously. She traded looks with Jason who just shook his head, indicating she was on her own. Carly shoved her chair back and stood, towering over the trembling waitress in her heels. Elizabeth didn’t back down–she just raised her head so she was glaring at the older woman. “Are you challenging me to a fight?”

“No,” Elizabeth said. “I told you to take a swing. There’ll be no fight. Because one swing is all you’re getting before I knock you on your ass.”

“Look, princess, it’s not my fault you threw Jason away–”

“You’re right it’s not,” Elizabeth replied. “But it’s also none of your damn business. What happens or doesn’t happen between me and Jason is between us–and you don’t even factor into that decision.”

Carly put her hands on her hips. “You finally ready to admit you were an idiot?”

“I don’t have to explain myself to anyone,” Elizabeth retorted. “I have to live with my decisions. They may be bad ones–they may be stupid, but they’re my decisions.”

Jason finally stood up. “That’s enough–”

“Back off,” Carly barked without even glancing at her friend. “I think the princess and I are about to come to an understanding.”

“What did I ever do to you?” Elizabeth demanded. “Was it the fact that I helped Jason when he wouldn’t let you? Is that what this all boils down to you?”


“No, in fact I’ve gotten over that. It’s that you don’t seem to understand what you gave up–”


“Oh, I understand all right,” Elizabeth replied, crossing her arms over her chest. By now Carly and Elizabeth seemed to have forgotten Jason’s presence, and he stopped trying to interfere. “I understand exactly what I did wrong–but that’s my problem. Not yours.”

“Listen you little–”


Courtney’s voice broke through the fighting and Elizabeth turned to see Courtney through the open door. “Yeah?”

“Your grandmother’s on the phone. She says it’s urgent.”

“My grandmother?” Elizabeth frowned. “She’s visiting my parents.”

“Yeah. She’s calling from overseas,” Courtney replied. “I’ll cover this table until you’re done.”


Without giving Carly or Jason a second though, Elizabeth rushed inside the diner and Courtney approached Carly.

“Did Elizabeth take your order or were you too busy yelling at her?” Courtney asked.

“Look–” Carly began, all set for another round.

“She took the order,” Jason answered. “And she just brought us the drinks.”

“Okay.” Courtney disappeared inside and Jason turned to Carly, who at least had the decency to look sheepish.

“What?” she asked, taking her seat and extracting a napkin from the holder to clean up the soda that had sloshed out of her cup when Elizabeth had slammed it on the table.

Jason sighed and sat across from her. “Haven’t I asked you repeatedly not to rip into her?”

“Look, I can’t help it if she irritates me,” Carly said.

“All I ask if that you don’t provoke her, all right?” Jason asked.

Before Carly could answer, Elizabeth rushed out of the diner and fled the courtyard, Courtney dashing after her. “Elizabeth!” she called.

“What’s wrong?” Jason asked instantly.

Courtney sighed and turned to face him. “I don’t know. She was talking to her grandmother and all of a sudden she got really pale and hung up. She grabbed her stuff and left.”

Carly snorted. “Irresponsible–”

“Look, Carly, she was obviously upset,” Courtney snapped, the busy shift having sucked her normally good-natured disposition dry. “Not to mention having to deal with you–I don’t blame her.”

Jason stared out at the exit Elizabeth had disappeared from. Carly shook her head. “Don’t do it, Jase.”

“I just–” Jason turned to her. “Listen, I’ll stop by the penthouse and you can tell me later.”

“You’re going after her?” Carly complained. “After everything she’s done?”

“Good,” Courtney said, with a nod of her head. “Tell her I’ll cover her shift and that I hope everything’s okay.” She disappeared back into the diner.

“Jason…” Carly whined.

“I just want to make sure she’s okay,” Jason told her. “I won’t be long.”

“Yeah. Right. Until the little twit manages to suck you in again.”


“Fine. Go. You’ll do it anyway.”

Elizabeth’s Studio

Elizabeth was curled up on her couch, her head buried in her knees, crying softly. The knock at her door startled her. “Who is it?” she called out, praying it wasn’t Zander trying to convince her to give their relationship a shot.

“It’s Jason.”

Elizabeth frowned and set her feet on the floor. She wiped her eyes and stood to cross the room. She pulled the locks free and opened the door. “Jason.”

“I was just checking if you were all right,” he said. He frowned, seeing the tear stains. “What’s wrong?”

She sniffled. “It’s–it’s nothing.”


Elizabeth sighed and looked down. “My father died.”

“I’m sorry.”

She shrugged, still not looking at him. “It’s not important really. I haven’t even seen him for five years–not since I moved here. And he’s barely written.”

“Are you okay?” Jason asked, hating himself for asking such a stupid question.

“Yeah…” Elizabeth said softly. “I’m fine.” She frowned, noticing they were still in the doorway. “Did…did you want to come in?”

She saw Jason’s eyes go pass her and she knew he was looking at the couch.

The couch where she’d slept with Zander.

“I don’t…I don’t want to intrude,” Jason replied.

Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Intrude? I’m the only person–” she stopped and looked away. “Oh. He won’t be coming by.”

Knowing it was wrong to be slightly cheered by that thought, Jason said, “Okay.”

She moved aside to let him in. After he’d entered, she shut the door behind him. “I’m sorry about that scene at Kelly’s. It’s just been a long day and Carly–”

“Carly doesn’t know when to quit,” Jason finished.

She gave him a tiny smile. “She’s just worried,” Elizabeth said. “She loves you so much, Jason. I should be glad she hasn’t ripped my hair out yet.”

He frowned. “Why would she do that?”

Elizabeth was suddenly restless and she moved around the studio. She took a canvas off the easel and set it on the floor and then headed over to the table to rearrange some sketchbooks. “Well, I figure that’s standard treatment for anyone who hurts her best friend.”


Uncomfortable with the topic, Elizabeth launched into something different. “The last time I even saw my father was right before he and my mother went to Bosnia. Sarah’s there, you know? She went there last week. I bet she’s glad she returned.” She picked up a pencil and started doodling on a blank piece of paper in an open sketchbook. She babbled to fill the air. “He just said ‘Be good, Lizzie. Don’t embarrass us.’ He didn’t even tell me he loved me or say goodbye. He just wanted to make sure I didn’t ruin the good family name.”

Jason pushed his hands inside his jeans. “I’m sorry.”

Elizabeth turned around and smiled a little. “He wasn’t always that bad. He used to take me out sometimes–just him and me. We’d leave Sarah and Steven at home and go out and do something.” She looked down at the sketchbook in her hands. “We stopped doing that when Sarah started being jealous and claiming Dad loved her more.”

He took a few steps towards her. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” Elizabeth said, nodding. “I’m–I’m fine. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him and we weren’t close anymore…” She closed her eyes. “I just wish I could have seen him one more time–said goodbye or tell him that I loved him, you know?”

“Do you…do you need anything?” Jason asked, leaning down to try and catch her eye.

Elizabeth set the sketchbook down and pushed her hair behind her ears. “My grandmother’s flying back from Uzbekistan–that’s where my parents were when he got sick.” She laughed a little. “Uzbekistan–I didn’t even think about it.”

“The globe game,” Jason remembered. “Right.”

She sighed. “Well, at least I’ve got a fact now. Uzbekistan– where my father died–” she broke off and her lower lip started to tremble. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Anyway, she’s flying back and we’re going to Boulder, where I grew up. My mother’s selling the house there so Gram and I are going to close it.”

“When are you leaving?” Jason asked.

“Um, a few days,” Elizabeth replied. “It’ll take Gram two days to fly back and then we’re leaving. I’ll probably be gone a week.” She sighed and moved away, putting some distance between them. “I hope Bobbie understands the short notice.”

“I’m sure she will. Is there anything I can do?” Jason asked.

“No, but thanks.” She cracked her knuckles. “Thank you for coming…I mean that. I thought…”

“You thought what?” Jason asked, frowning. “You ran out of Kelly’s–I was worried.”

“I thought we weren’t friends anymore,” Elizabeth answered softly. “You’ve just…you haven’t come into Kelly’s lately and I never see you and today you barely looked at me.”

“We’re always friends, Elizabeth,” Jason assured her. “It’s just been…I didn’t want to run into…” he stopped and shrugged a little.

“Zander’s not speaking to me,” Elizabeth replied. “He, um, can’t seem to grasp the concept of a one-night stand.”

“One-night stand?” Jason echoed.

“Yeah…he thinks I led him on,” Elizabeth replied. “I’m not sure what he’s talking about, but, well…there it is.”

He didn’t know what to say that so he just nodded. “Well…I sort of just left Carly at Kelly’s, so I should probably get back to her.”

“Right, yeah,” Elizabeth replied. She headed for the door and pulled it open. “Really…it means a lot to me that you came.”

“Call me if you need anything,” Jason told her.

“I will,” Elizabeth said gratefully.

Webber House

Their house in Boulder, Colorado hadn’t been lived in since Jeff and Marcia Webber had gone to Bosnia, but they’d kept the property. Jeff had always intended on returning, but after his death from a sudden sickness in Uzbekistan, Marcia made the decision to close the house and sell it.

She asked her mother-in-law to do so, and Audrey readily agreed. So, Audrey flew home, stopped in Port Charles long enough for Elizabeth and they flew to Boulder, Colorado.

Elizabeth went to her old room first before she did anything else and marveled at the way it’d been decorated. It still looked like it had the day she’d left to stay with the Johnsons. Posters of boy bands and Madonna, Jewel…her desk covered in scraps of papers and some sketches. She smiled at the sight of a crumpled pack of cigarettes peaking out from underneath a pile of clothes on the floor.

She wrinkled her nose and leaned down to pick up a white tank top from the floor. “I can’t believe I left all this stuff here.”

Audrey peeked in and grimaced. “Oh, darling. I think you’d better take this room. It might be a while.”

Elizabeth smiled at her grandmother over her shoulder. “Sarah’s room has already been cleared–she did that before she went to medical school. And so is Steven’s. I’m sure my parents room is pretty much in order.”

“You’re probably right. Well, I’ll take the downstairs if you’ll do the upstairs,” Audrey said.

“All right,” Elizabeth agreed. She went downstairs to grab some of the cardboard boxes to pack up the rest of her stuff. She started by tossing what clothes were on the floor into a box, intent on taking it to the Laundromat and washing them before she decided what to do with them.

After clearing the floor, she started organizing her desk. The sketches hadn’t been very good–she’d only been starting then. They were mostly of boys and the scenery. Most of them she was going to throw away.

It took Elizabeth most of the day to clear out her room while Audrey had finished both the dining room and the kitchen. They left to have dinner and spend the night at their hotel.

The next day, Elizabeth tackled her father’s study while Audrey worked on her mother’s downstairs. Most of the files in her father’s office were outdated patient files which Elizabeth packed away in case someone ever wanted to track them down.

She was clearing the shelves of the office when a book fell open. Elizabeth stopped and frowned when she realized the inside of the book had been hollowed out and inside lay a packet of letters.

Overcome with curiosity, she sat down and slipped off the rubber band holding the first stack together. She unfolded the top letter.

March 15, 1972


I got the tickets for the plan. You made the reservations right? Carmen’s excited–she says it’s the last vacation before the baby and she’s determined to find you someone perfect.


May 25, 1972


I can’t believe we’ve already separated. After four years as roommates, it’s strange to be sharing an apartment with Carmen by myself. It’s always been the three of us. New York City’s amazing–and I just know things are going to be great. How’s Los Angeles?

Carmen’s starting to show–we’re sure it’s going to be a boy, but we’d welcome a girl. Call or write.


September 13, 1972


It’s a boy! Luis Ramon Alcazar came into the world at 8:35 a.m. this morning! Carmen’s beautiful and the kid’s gorgeous if I say so myself.

How’s medical school going? Meet anyone?


December 25, 1975


It was great to see you last month. I hope you’re in town again soon. I heard about some job openings at this hospital in this town called Port Charles. It’s about an hour away–you’ll be able to see us more often. Carmen’s pregnant again–I know she’d love to have this close. Let me know.


The rest of the letters were only one or two lines before they stopped abruptly just after Elizabeth was born. She thumbed through the remaining letters, trying to find out more about Ramon Alcazar. His wife had given birth to three more children: fraternal twins, Enrique and Alejandro as well as a daughter, Marisa. The letters vaguely mentioned Jeff’s own family, when he’d married Heather Graham, had Steven, the end of his relationship with Heather, meeting Marcia Clare and having Sarah and Elizabeth.

She was reading the last letter when she realized it was two pages stuck together. She separated them and read on with trepidation.

December 31, 1981


Ramon knows. He’s known since before you went to Port Charles. In fact, our affair was the reason he recommended Port Charles. He knew Barbara Spencer was working there–he intended on the truth about her past coming out and your relationship with her coming to light. He wanted you to be humiliated by the fact you’d had a relationship with a prostitute and had a child with her. Ramon was furious about the affair–he just wanted to humiliate you as he’d felt you’d done to him.

He didn’t know Barbara had given the daughter up and he didn’t count on neither of you owning up to the past. I suppose the anger had blinded him to those possibilities.

He found out Marisa is your daughter shortly after she was born–the blood types didn’t match. We’re separated. I know…I know you won’t leave Marcia, but I thought you ought to know.


“Elizabeth? Elizabeth?”

Audrey’s voice broke into the fog that seemed to descended over her after reading Carmen Alcazar’s letter to her father. Jeff had a daughter with Bobbie Spencer and a child with his best friend’s wife.

A daughter with Bobbie Spencer.



She looked up from the letters she’d been reading to see Audrey at the door. “Sorry, what?”

“Did you want to go for some lunch?” Audrey repeated. She frowned. “Is everything all right, darling?”

Elizabeth glanced down at the letters and then back at her grandmother. “Everything’s fine,” she lied smoothly. “I was just reading these old letters of Dad’s.”

“Oh.” Audrey smiled. “Who are they from?”

“A friend of his from college,” Elizabeth answered. “Did you hear of Ramon Alcazar?”

“There’s a name I haven’t heard of in a while.” Audrey smiled. “He and Jeff were good friends in college as far as I knew–but I never really knew him. Once Jeff moved to Port Charles and found Steve, he rarely had time to go see Ramon and his family. Eventually, I think they fell out of touch.”

“Really.” Elizabeth set the letters on the desk. “How about that lunch?”

It took another two days to finish closing the house. Audrey arranged for a real estate agent to take care of selling the house and the pair returned to Port Charles. They’d sold most of the furniture and put almost everything into storage. Elizabeth had packed her remaining belongings and was taking them home.

The letters from Ramon and Carmen Alcazar weren’t far from her mind.

Corinthos Penthouse

Elizabeth bit her lip and stepped off the elevator. She turned right and headed for Sonny and Carly’s penthouse. A guard stood outside–not the usual Johnny but someone new.

“Hi,” she said. “I’d like to talk to Carly.”

“Who are you?” the man asked brusquely.

Elizabeth clutched the packet of letters in her hand a little more tightly as she said, “Elizabeth Webber.”

The second her name had left her lips, the guard’s stance relaxed a little. “Oh. Ms. Webber. Of course.”

Of course? Elizabeth frowned a little. “So…can I see her?”

“Right.” He knocked on the door and Sonny’s voice floated through. “What is it, Marco?”

“Elizabeth Webber to see Mrs. Corinthos.”

The door pulled open and Sonny peered out. “Elizabeth?”

“Hi,” Elizabeth said. She shifted her feet. “Is Carly here?”

“Yeah.” Sonny frowned. “Why do you want to talk to her?”

“Do you always grill your wife’s visitors?” Elizabeth asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You and Carly hate each other,” Sonny said.

“Yeah…well, this is important,” Elizabeth replied. “Can I see her?”

“You’re not going to hurt each other right?” Sonny asked with a grin.

“Sonny, I really don’t have time for this,” Elizabeth said becoming irritated. “I just need to talk to her and if you won’t let me in, I’ll just wait for her to come to Kelly’s. I have a lot–”

“Okay, okay,” Sonny said, backing off. “Sorry.” He stepped aside to let her in. Elizabeth breezed past him and waited for him to close the door. “Carly!” he called.

Carly appeared at the top of the stairs. “What is it?” she asked. Then her eyes zeroed in on Elizabeth. “Well, well, well…if it isn’t the little twit.” She walked leisurely down. “You ready for round two?”

“Save it, Carly,” Elizabeth said. “I need to talk to you.”

“This ought to be good,” Carly said, crossing her arms. “What is it, princess?”

“My father recently died,” Elizabeth began launching into her prepared story. “And when I went to clean out his office, I found these letters–” she held out the packet but Carly didn’t take them. “They’re mostly from his college roommate, this guy Ramon. Well, the last one is from Ramon’s wife, talking to my father about their affair–”

“And why do I care?” Carly broke in, bored.

“Because the letter mentions my father’s relationship with Barbara Spencer and their daughter which she gave up for adoption,” Elizabeth snapped.

Carly stared at her for a few minutes before she started to laugh. “Oh my god. That might be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard of!”

“Fine,” Elizabeth shrugged. She handed Carmen’s letter to Sonny. “Give her this when she stops being immature.” Elizabeth turned around and left the penthouse.

Curious, Sonny unfolded the letter and began to read it. His eyes bulged at the contents and he looked up at Carly. “Uh, Carly?”

Carly paused in her laughter. “What?”

“The, uh, letter sounds pretty legit,” Sonny said. “And I don’t think Elizabeth would, you know, lie about this.”

Carly snatched the letter from Sonny and scanned it. “So Elizabeth’s father was a slimy guy who cheated on his wife. It doesn’t mean I’m his daughter.” She grimaced. “Or Elizabeth’s sister.”

“I just…I think you should check it out before you rule it out, y’know?” Sonny said.

“I get the feeling that if I don’t–you will,” Carly said. Sonny shrugged and gave her a small grin. She sighed. “Fine. I’ll talk to Mama, but I think it’s all just a big misunderstanding.”


“You poor thing,” Courtney said, wrinkling her nose. “Related to that…to that…”

“Woman?” Elizabeth volunteered as she refilled someone’s coffee cup. “Yeah, well I think it’s probably a misunderstanding but I had to find out.”

“Well, I’m sorry about your father,” Courtney said. “You know, Jason rushed right out of here that day.” She gave her co-worker a little smile. “I think someone has a crush,” she continued in a singsong voice.

“I think someone has drunk a little too much coffee,” Elizabeth murmured. “Jason doesn’t get crushes–”

“He gets people killed.”

Elizabeth closed her eyes and counted to ten before opening them again. “Good morning, Lieutenant. How are you?”

Lt. Marcus Taggart folded his arms on the counter and leaned forward. “Tell me you’re not mixed up with Jason Morgan.”

“You know, Lieutenant,” Elizabeth began, “I think I can handle my own choices. Can I get you anything?”

“A cup of coffee,” Taggart said. “To go. You know, Elizabeth, my partner Alex Garcia–he knew Lily Corinthos well.”

“Good for him,” Elizabeth murmured, filling his cup.

“Lily–as in the wife of Sonny who was blown up.”

“Here we go,” Elizabeth muttered as Courtney leaned forward.

“You know, I’m not my brother’s biggest fan, but I do know what you’re doing is next to harassment. If Elizabeth wants be friends with Jason Morgan or Sonny Corinthos, that’s no one’s business but her own,” Courtney said. “So back off.”

“Well put, Quartermaine,” Elizabeth said, smiling broadly. She looked back at Taggart. “What she said.”

“Elizabeth, I just don’t understand what a sweet girl like you would see in–”

“Ugh,” Elizabeth groaned. “Why do I find myself constantly having to defend my own decisions? Look, Taggart, you’ve usually been nice to me and I appreciated that, but you’re crossing a line now. Back off.”

“Fine,” Taggart replied. He put some money on the counter and took his coffee and left.

“God. Do people always just butt in?” Courtney asked watching the cop leave.

“Frequently,” Elizabeth replied. “Thanks for helping–but it never gets through. He’s just one of the many people who think I’m too delicate for Jason.”

“The many people?” Courtney replied.

“Yep. There’s Carly, who thinks I’m not good enough for him–but if you ask me, she just doesn’t want anyone around him–and there’s my grandmother, who doesn’t necessarily think I’m delicate–but that I’m too good for Jason, which is absurd–and then there’s Lucky and Nikolas, but since I’m not talking to them right now, it doesn’t even count.” Elizabeth shook her head. “You might be the only person who understands.”

“What’s to understand?” Courtney asked. “He’s a great guy–looks great in jeans–” She gave her friend a sly smile. “Be lucky I’m married and totally head over heels for my husband.”

“Honey, you couldn’t have him if you tried,” Elizabeth giggled. Her eyes narrowed suddenly. “Which you won’t.”

Courtney shook her head. “He’s not my type, really, Elizabeth. I know what happened with Sarah and Lucky…and believe me–I would never do that to a friend.” Courtney grinned. “Besides, he’s only got eyes for you.”

“I hope that’s still true,” Elizabeth murmured.

Zander Smith took a seat behind the counter. “So, Liz,” he began.

“Oh, what you’re speaking to me now?” Elizabeth said, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, I just think you’ve had some time to think about what happened,” Zander began. “And that you understand what a mistake you made.”

“Oh, I understand all right,” Elizabeth said, throwing Courtney an incredulous look. “I made a mistake but it wasn’t the decision not to date you.”

His eyes narrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Look, Zander,” Elizabeth said, trying to be gentle. “You’re a good friend–but I don’t see you that way.”

“Oh, I get it,” Zander said, standing and glaring at her. “You don’t want one of Sonny’s lackeys–”

“You don’t work for Sonny any more,” Elizabeth reminded him.

“You’d rather have the big boy,” Zander continued.

Elizabeth sighed wearily. “Zander, why do we have to keep having the same conversation over and over again?”

“Just admit it–I’m not good enough for you and you’d rather be with Jason!”

Elizabeth gritted her teeth and Courtney rolled her eyes. “Get over yourself,” she said, scathingly. “God, you’re the second person to jump down her throat about Jason today. Why don’t you all just back off? She doesn’t want to date you–why the hell should she have to give you a reason?”

Elizabeth looked at the blonde. “Thank you, Courtney.”

Zander glared at Courtney before turned around and stalking away.

“God,” Courtney said. “Could this day get any worse?”

Carly entered and made a beeline for the counter.

“I had to ask,” Courtney muttered.

Carly slapped the letter down on the counter. “All right, listen you little twit. My mother has confirmed this little story which means I….am…” Carly stopped and took a deep breath, looking like she was choking on the words. “Related to you.”

“That looked painful,” Courtney said.

“Bite me, Skipper,” Carly snapped before looking back to Elizabeth. “But under no circumstances does this mean that I like you, that I want to bond as sisters or that I even want to get to know you better. I just want to know what you want from me.”

“I don’t want anything from you,” Elizabeth replied. “I just wanted to check it out and see if it was true. Now I know.”

“So you won’t be coming to me begging for money?” Carly asked, her eyes narrowed. “Because I wouldn’t give it to you.”

“And I wouldn’t ask,” Elizabeth snapped.

Carly glared at her for another minute before saying, “Sonny, however, is a different story. The man loves family and since Barbie over here refuses to be part of his–he’s leaping at the chance to include you. He wants you over for dinner tonight.”

“I only refuse because he’s so damn full of himself,” Courtney muttered. “Everything is about Sonny. Sonny thinks he’s the center of the universe.”

“Knock it off,” Carly said. “So, are you coming or what?”

“And pass up the chance to eat Sonny’s food and annoy you?” Elizabeth grinned. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Carly’s eyes narrowed. “I hate you.”

“The feeling’s completely mutually sweetie,” Elizabeth said, smiling sweetly.

“And I’m not inviting Jason, so don’t think that’s gonna work either,” Carly said.

“That’s nice,” Elizabeth replied.

“Be there at 6 or Sonny will have a cow,” Carly said before turning around and leaving.

“Well, that was enjoyable,” Courtney said. “So, you really are related to her.”

“Apparently,” Elizabeth replied.

“God. And I thought being related to Sonny sucked…but you’re related to Carly…that just makes me feel better.”

“Thanks. That’s real big of you.”