December 29, 2014

This entry is part 9 of 23 in the Fiction Graveyard: Mad World #1

November 5, 2004

Cottage: Living Room

Emily blinked. “Lucky’s not Cameron’s father?”

Looking somewhat horrified, Elizabeth shook her head. “God, no.”

“I think I need to sit down,” Emily said faintly. She sat on the bottom step and stared up at her friend. “It’s not Ric.”

“No,” Elizabeth shook her head.

“Not Zander. Not Lucky.” Emily searched for a possible substitute. Her face paled and she slowly stood. “Jason.”

Elizabeth bit her lip.

Emily whimpered. “My brother.”

Elizabeth nodded.

Emily folded her arms across her chest and moved away from her best friend, letting that sink in. Jason Morgan, the brother she loved dearly. He was Cameron’s father. Elizabeth’s secret…lover? Were they still together? He’d bought this house for her.

Her brow furrowed. He had been distracted lately but she’d thought he’d been falling for Sam. Sam. Was Sam and her baby the reason Elizabeth did not fit? Had Jason put Sam above Elizabeth? Or was Elizabeth unhappy with that situation as a whole?

“He was engaged to Courtney when Cameron was conceived.” Emily stated this, did not ask but Elizabeth nodded. “It’s not in his nature to deceive.”

“No. It was–it was sudden,” Elizabeth admitted. “After your wedding to Zander, Jason and I were in the chapel. We thought you were going to die, Emily. We were consoling each other.” Her hands twisted together. “It had been so long since we connected. So long since I had been near him. All that bitterness, that anger. It was gone. It felt like it had been before. I kissed him.” She bit her lip and looked away, lost in the memory. “He kissed me back. We went to my grandmother’s house. She was out of town.”

“And after that?” Emily demanded.

“We spent the night together. I told myself we were just grieving in our own way,” Elizabeth said softly. “But it was more and we both knew it. But he had his obligations. To Courtney. To Sonny and Carly. He wasn’t free. He made his promises to her and I was still legally married to Ric.”

“But you were in the accident, how could the baby have survived?” Emily remembered.

“After the accident, when I was blind…Ric was always around and I didn’t want him at first. I could only remember Jason. I love him so much, Emily,” Elizabeth whispered. “Jason came to see me and he told me that when he’d heard about the accident, he’d been so worried–so upset. He’d come to the hospital to see how I was. He–it happened. I was at my studio then. It happened again and I just–I didn’t want to be without him. He felt the same way. We knew it would take some time to free ourselves. Ric wasn’t letting go easily and telling Courtney would be so painful.”

“You had an affair,” Emily realized.

“It didn’t last long. Only a few weeks. But I found out Courtney had set a date and I was devastated. He was supposed to have been working his way out of the relationship but she was still forging ahead. I–we argued. We said things–we’ve always argued badly.” Elizabeth hugged herself tightly. “And we ended it.”

“He married Courtney, and you married Ric.”

“When I found out I was pregnant, I was terrified. Cameron could have been Jason’s or Zander’s. But then the doctor told me I was due in late June and I was–I was relieved,” Elizabeth admitted. “Jason was married. I couldn’t bear the idea of having a married man’s child.”

“But the due date was wrong.”

“Yes, before I left, the doctor readjusted it and I was actually eight months along when I left. Jason was Cameron’s father. I didn’t–he was getting divorced then but I still didn’t know how to process that information. I left and when I came home, I told Jason immediately and for the first time in years, we talked. We really talked. He loves me, Emily. And I love him.”

“Then why aren’t you together?” Emily asked. “Why haven’t you told anyone?”

“Sonny, Carly and Sam.” Elizabeth sighed. “Jason knew his priorities needed readjustment. He knew that he had to make them understand he had his own life; that he needed to live it. He didn’t want to subject Cameron or me to them without that being clear.”

“So he’s asked you to keep it a secret?” Emily asked, aghast. “Like you were some mistress and Cameron was some illegitimate bastard to be ashamed of?”

“It’s not like that! Why does everyone immediately assume it is?” Elizabeth cried. “Steven all but accused me of being his whore.”

“Well perhaps Steven has a point. I love my brother, Elizabeth, but you never should have let him get away with this,” Emily said. “You should have put your foot down and told him that–”

“If I had given him an ultimatum, I would have lost him,” Elizabeth said fiercely. “And I would rather spend an evening with Carly than lose him again.”

“Better that than your self-respect,” Emily seethed.

“What do you call what you’ve done?” Elizabeth challenged. “You married Zander when you knew you loved Nikolas. You broke Zander’s heart, drove him to do dangerous things and he ended up dead. Nikolas was barely gone a few months before you almost moved on to his brother. You chose to help Connor when you knew he could turn Nikolas in. What right do you have to judge me?”

PCPD Municipal Building: Brianne Joyce’s Office

A knock on her open door jarred Brianne from her study of a law book. She glanced up to see Ric Lansing standing just inside her tiny office. “DA Lansing,” she murmured. She stood.

Ric waved. “Sit down. Just wanted to run over some details with you on the Sanchez case.” He sat in the chair in front of her desk and Brianne took her seat. “I just got off the phone with Commissioner Scorpio.”

Brianne tensed. “Mr. Lansing, if Mac Scorpio has taken issue with my handling of the case, he ought to take it up with me–”

“Brianne, call me Ric. And yes, he has taken issue with your handling of the case but I don’t agree with him. He’s a good cop, but you were correct in asking him to assign a separate officer. Brooke Lynn is the daughter of his friends, the best friend of his own daughters. He isn’t being objective.”

“I can understand why he would be reluctant to question Miss Ashton as to her relationship with the suspect,” Brianne remarked, “but I have to have all the facts even if I have to ask her myself.”

“Well, Sergeant Lucky Spencer has been assigned to the case. I’m a little concerned about his choice. Spencer has a history of crossing the line when it comes to his work. He’s protected his brother from the law quite a few times. Engaged in cover ups. He was recently demoted from Detective.”

“So why didn’t you argue the assignment?” Brianne questioned. Ric rose and stood behind the chair for a moment.

“Because I believe he’s a good cop. With the right influence, he could be a great one,” Ric admitted. “I just thought you should know his history. So you could keep an eye on him.”

“All right then,” Brianne said. “I’ll meet with him Monday morning.”

General Hospital: Sam McCall’s Room

“So how long?” Sonny asked quietly after Jason had sat on the other side of Sam’s hospital bed. “How long have you been seeing Elizabeth?”

Opting for the safe answer, he answered, “Since she came home from California.”

“Since July then.” Sonny leaned back and kept his dark eyes on Sam’s pale face. “Over four months you’ve kept it from us. Why?”

“Because she didn’t deserve the way she’d be treated,” Jason said after a moment. “By Carly. By Courtney.”

“By me,” Sonny said simply. He exhaled slowly. “It’s no secret how much I depend on you. And it’s not right. I got along pretty well before I knew you and when you were out of town. But since you came home that last time, that changed.” Sonny looked at him. “Why do you suppose that is?”

“I don’t know,” Jason answered honestly. “I suppose a lot of the time, I didn’t really think I had anything better to do.” He stood and moved towards the windows that looked over the hallway. “I know how that sounds considering I was married to your sister.”

“If you remember, I wasn’t in favor of that from the start,” Sonny remarked idly. He rolled his shoulders. “Partly because I didn’t want her in this life and also because of Elizabeth.”

Jason turned back to look at his old friend. “You never said it.”

“I didn’t see the point. You wouldn’t have admitted it.” Sonny sighed. “There are certain people who come into our lives, Jason. People who change us, who make us want to be better, to deserve them. And no matter how much we try to walk away from them, we will always love them.”

“You’re talking about Brenda,” Jason said quietly.

“She was the love of my life,” his best friend admitted freely. “I love Carly, but you can only have one person who’s the other half of your soul, Jason.” Sonny sighed, somewhat troubled. “And Brenda was mine.”

Bobbie’s Brownstone: Living Room

“When are we going home?” Michael demanded when his mother walked through the archway from the front hall. He tossed his Playstation paddle on the floor and stood, planting his fisted hands on his hips. “I’m tired of visiting Grandma.”

“Michael…” Carly sighed and sat on the sofa. She patted the tan cushion next to her. “Sit down.”

Her son cautiously climbed onto the couch and looked at her intently. “Did you mess up again? Is Daddy mad at you?”

Carly exhaled slowly. “I know that this last year has been tough on you. Your father and I separating last winter and now…now we’re separating again.”

Michael sighed. “For how long this time?” he asked, resigned.

“This time, it’s different.” Carly rubbed her temples. How to explain this to him? “Michael, I filed for divorce this morning.”

Michael blinked slowly. “What’s that?”

“It’s when two people who are married aren’t anymore. Now, your father doesn’t know about this yet. It’s not something we really discussed. But I filed this morning and I want you to know it won’t be like the last time with the court rooms and the judges. We’re not going to fight over you and Morgan.”

“What are you going to do?” Michael asked suspiciously.

“We’re going to share custody. I don’t know the details yet. You’ll probably spend the weeks with me, and the weekends with your father. You can see him whenever you want, though. I know how much you love each other and I would never want to take that away from either of you.”

“You really aren’t going to get back together this time, are you?” Michael asked quietly. He shifted on the cushion and stared at her intently.

“No. We’re not,” Carly answered.

His shoulders slumped and he looked away. After a long moment, he looked back at his mother. “Are we going to live with Grandma forever then?”

“For a while,” Carly nodded. “Eventually, we’ll find a place of our own. But for right now, this is where we’re going to live. Are you going to be okay with this?”

“I guess,” Michael said. “I wish we could still be together but I guess if I still get to see Dad a lot, it’ll be okay.”

Carly sighed in relief. “Okay. Okay, that’s good to hear. Thank you, Michael.”

General Hospital: Outside Brooke’s Room

Lucas stopped in front of Brooke’s room and hesitated. “Is a doctor in there?” he asked Ned who was sitting in a chair next to the door.

Ned sat up and cleared his throat. “Ah, no, no. Brooke was sleeping.” He rubbed his eyes and Lucas felt bad. He knew that Brooke’s father hadn’t really left the hospital since Tuesday night. Had probably not eaten, not had a change of clothes or done more than wash up in the bathrooms.

“She’s going home soon right?” Lucas asked. He sat in the chair next to Ned. He set the flowers he’d brought his girlfriend across his lap. “Monday.”

Ned nodded. “Yeah.” He scrubbed his hands over his face. “Monday. Look, you and the girls and Dillon, you’ve been really good to Brooke Lynn. I’m glad–I’m glad she’s got you guys for support. She’s gonna need it. The trial…” he shook his head. “I don’t know how she’s supposed to get through it all.”

“She will.” Lucas nodded. “She’s strong, Mr. Ashton. You and her mother have set really good examples for her and she’ll stand up. But she’ll always have us.” He hesitated. “So Diego’s going to trial.”

“Yeah.” Ned’s dark eyes began to smolder as he thought of his little girl having to face that scum in the courtroom. “It’s good thing he’s not out on bail.”

“Yeah,” Lucas muttered. “I hear that.”

General Hospital: Cafeteria

“Sonny,” Lois touched his arm as he stood at the coffee vending machine. Sonny turned to see his old friend standing there with sad eyes. “I heard about the baby. I’m so sorry.”

“I heard about Brooke,” Sonny said in return. He kissed her cheek and steered her towards an empty table. “I can’t begin to think of what you’re going through.”

Lois laughed bitterly and dropped into a chair. “It’s like walking through a fog,” she murmured. “I worked so hard to protect my Brookie from everything and now…the most terrifying thing you can imagine has happened.”

“How is Ned handling this?” Sonny asked.

“About as well as you can imagine. He hardly speaks to anyone except Brooke. He’s falling all over himself trying to give her everything she needs. And he’s talking about suing Social Services, Courtney…” Lois sighed heavily. “I know she’s your sister, Sonny, but she’s not fit to have a teenager under her roof.”

“No, no she’s not. I’ve been involved in my own thing lately,” Sonny said. “With Sam and Carly’s father…I wasn’t able to give her my opinion on that subject.”

“I doubt she would have been receptive to it,” Lois said with a faint smirk. “How is Sam?” she asked, changing the topic.

“Still unconscious. Jason’s sitting with her right now but I’m going to send him home when I go back up.” Sonny glanced into his coffee. “He’s seeing someone and I think she ought to know that I know about it now.”

“Jason, huh?” Lois smiled. “Well, if he’s not seeing Sam or your sister, then it’s the other brunette he spends all that time with.”

“What do you mean?” Sonny asked curiously.

“Elizabeth Webber, Audrey’s granddaughter. I’ve seen them around town. They make a nice couple.” Lois sipped her water. “Anyway, it’s going to be hard when Sam wakes up. I don’t envy you having to tell her.”

“Yeah.” Sonny exhaled slowly and sipped his coffee. “Yeah.”

“What do you think about Lorenzo Alcazar?” Lois asked after a moment of silence. “Truly.”

Sonny frowned. “Lois…”

“Just give me the benefit of the doubt,” Lois instructed. “What do you think about him?”

“He’s ruthless,” Sonny admitted. “It makes me glad I don’t go up against him in business because he’d be a challenging enemy and I don’t have the energy to deal with one of them right now. He’s single-minded. Very capable of focusing on something until he gets it.” His lips twisted into a grimacing smile. “Even if it’s my wife.”

Lois nodded. “So you respect him.”

Sonny tilted his head to the side and considered that. “I guess I do. You’re not thinking of becoming involved with him, are you?”

“It’s more than that,” Lois told him. She hesitated but eventually divulged Lorenzo’s confession to him. “And now I’m wondering if I can avoid holding the son’s sins against the father.”

Sonny sat back and digested this new information. “It must be tearing him up inside to know his flesh is capable of something like that.”

“He was going to bail him out of this, get the charges dropped,” Lois admitted. “But when he found out what they were, he decided not to help. That’s not a decision he could make lightly, is it?”

“I don’t know that any man would abandon his son without it weighing on him,” Sonny admitted. “It was decent of him to tell you the truth. To tell you before someone else did. You obviously mean something to him.”

Lois looked down at the table for a long moment before meeting his dark eyes. “Thank you. Thank you for saying that. I know you don’t like him but it means a lot that you would say that.”

“You mean a lot to me, too,” Sonny said. He reached across the table and squeezed her hand. “I truly am sorry for what you’re going through. You and Ned and most especially Brooke. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to call.”

“I won’t. Why don’t you go upstairs and relieve Jason so he can go home to his girl?” Lois suggested.

Elizabeth’s Cottage: Living Room

The words hung between them and finally Emily looked away. “You know I love you, Elizabeth. That I only want you to be happy.”

Elizabeth exhaled slowly and felt the tension drain from the room. “I know. And I hate this situation. I do. But it’s nearly over. And Jason loves Cameron.”

“I love my brother, too. And believe me, I am glad that he has this life waiting for him. I just–” Emily shook her head. “I just don’t feel like this can end well. You’ve been keeping such a large secret from everyone. You’ve been keeping part of yourself a secret. Are you sure you won’t come to resent Jason for it?”

Elizabeth sighed and sank back onto the couch. “I’m hoping it won’t come to that.”

Deciding a change in subject would be best, Emily crossed to the fireplace and turned to face her old friend. “You’ve heard about Brooke Lynn.”

Elizabeth raised her eyes and nodded. “Yes, I’m so sorry it happened but they’ve caught him. That will mean something to her in the long run.”

“She’ll go to trial. She’ll have to testify in front of him,” Emily continued. “Mac Scorpio suggested she speak to someone who has experience going through this. He suggested you.”

“What?” Elizabeth asked, surprised. “Me?”

“You’d know better what Brooke’s facing than any of us would,” Emily told her. “I wouldn’t want to dredge up…I just…she needs someone who will understand.”

“I’m not sure if I can be much help,” Elizabeth replied, “but I can go see her. If it’s okay with her parents.”

Emily nodded. “I told Ned I’d speak with you. Brooke goes home on Monday. If you could speak with her then. Before the ADA Ric assigned to the case interviews her.”

“Where’s she staying?” Elizabeth asked after a moment. “The Gatehouse?”

Emily nodded. “I’ll tell Ned and Lois to expect you.”

There was a knock on the door and it opened to reveal Jason, who stopped short at the sight of his sister. “Emily.”

“Jason. I’m surprised to see you here.” Emily bent down and started to put her magazines into her bag. She shifted the leather strap over her shoulder and pulled the wedding planner into her arms. “Has Sam woken yet?”

“No. Sonny’s sitting with her. I’ll be going to see her tomorrow,” Jason said. He hesitated, looked at Elizabeth who was staring at the ground. “Sonny wanted me to come and thank Elizabeth again for donating bone marrow to Kristina.”

Emily narrowed her eyes and looked to her best friend’s miserable countenance. “Well that was nice of Sonny.” She looked back at her brother. “I miss the days when you chose telling a truth over a lie. Because no matter how hard the truth can be to hear, the lies hurt the people you’re trying to protect.”


“I’m going to stop by the hospital and check on Ned. See if I can convince him to come home and at least eat something more than hospital food.” She kissed Elizabeth’s cheek. “Don’t forget about Monday.”

“I won’t.”

She stepped up to the landing and paused by her brother. “How can Sonny and Carly be more important than your own son?”

She left before Jason could formulate a reply. He turned to Elizabeth who was staring fixedly at the wall. “You told her.”

“She thought Lucky was Cameron’s father,” Elizabeth murmured. “I think she knew all along Zander wasn’t. The coloring–it’s not right.” She turned to look at Jason. “I couldn’t let her think Lucky was. She’d want to know why he wasn’t in our life. Why he wasn’t with his son.”


“I didn’t tell her you thought Sonny and Carly were more important. She came to that conclusion all on her own.” She rubbed her hands together and started for the kitchen. “I’m going to get some dinner. Are you staying?”

“Sonny knows,” Jason told her as he followed her down the short hallway into the kitchen. “I was talking to Sam about you and he overheard. He knows, at least, that we’re together.”

Elizabeth opened the fridge and removed some lunchmeat. She set it on the counter and looked back at him. “But not about Cameron.”

“No. I didn’t–I didn’t know how to tell him so soon after he’s lost his daughter. It didn’t seem fair and I don’t think he would have accepted it easily.”

Elizabeth closed her eyes. “So I take it you’ve solved things between you regarding Sam.”

“He accepts that we’re together. I’ll tell Carly the same thing and when they’re used to that–”

“No,” Elizabeth murmured. “I understand that telling Sonny now would be painful. That he might not want to hear it. But he’s going to have to deal with it one day. They both will.” She spun to face him, her expression irritated. “You’re concerned with Courtney.”

“I don’t want to hurt her,” Jason admitted.

“But it’s okay to hurt me.” Elizabeth arched an eyebrow. “Just how long do you expect I should wait for my son to have a father, Jason? You think that because Sonny and Carly know we’re together, that it’s okay no one knows about Cameron?”

“No, it’s not okay.” Jason muttered something under his breath. “Elizabeth, I don’t want to hurt anyone, least of all you. And that’s all I seem to be doing.”

“You had an affair with your ex-girlfriend while you were engaged to your best friend’s sister. You conceived a child with her, one you’ve been hiding for months. Your other best friend can’t stand the sight of me and I’ve never quite gotten along with your ex-wife. You’re going to have to hurt someone.”

“I just need time, time to make this all okay. I don’t want Courtney to hear it from someone else. She doesn’t deserve that.”

“Sonny doesn’t deserve to be hurt, Carly doesn’t deserve it and neither does Courtney. I guess that leaves me.” Elizabeth turned back around and started to make herself a sandwich. “Well, Jason, until you’re finished hurting me, I don’t want you in this house.”

He stared at her. “Elizabeth–”

“You may have bought it but you put my name on the deed to avoid questions. This is my house and I won’t have you in it anymore. I won’t be your escape from your life and I’m not subjecting my son to the crumbs of time you allot him.” She said these words calmly, with any sign of emotion. Her hands were trembling but he didn’t see that. “I love you, Jason, but I don’t deserve to be treated like a second-class whore.”

“God damn it, Elizabeth, that’s not what you are!” He raked his fingers through his hair. “Why do you let other people tell you how to feel?”

“They’re just pointing out what I’d tried to forget. That as far as the rest of the world is concerned, you’re probably still pining for your ex-wife. Or worse, for Sonny’s ex-mistress. No one would even guess you were supposed to be in love with me. That was I supposed to mean something to you.” Elizabeth hesitated and took a deep breath. “And you’re a fine one to talk about letting other people tell you how to feel. Why the hell are we keeping this a secret if not for the people in your life?” She slammed the top slice of bread on her sandwich.

“You said you understood. From the very beginning, you said you understood why we had to do this,” Jason said after a long moment. “Was that a lie?”

“I understood when I thought it would be a few weeks, a month at the most. But here we are into the fourth month with no real end in sight. Because what’s going to make you tell people about Cameron? If we’re together, people will assume you’re part of his life. And as he gets older, why–it will only be natural if he thinks you’re his father. Why should you ever have to say a damn word?”

She shoved the lunchmeat back into the fridge and still refused to look at him. “I know you love him, Jason. And I will never keep him from you. But right now, you can’t be bothered to tell people you’re his father and as far as I’m concerned, you aren’t.”

The blood drained from his face and he swallowed hard. “Elizabeth.”

“Until you’re ready to admit it, then you’re not his father,” Elizabeth continued ruthlessly. She knew how the words must hurt him because she of all people understood how much he loved their son. But Cameron was her son and she had to protect him at all costs. After a moment of silence, she went for the final blow. “As far as I’m concerned, we’re through as well. I can’t be with someone I can’t respect.”

He opened his mouth to argue, to say something–anything. He couldn’t find the words. He couldn’t begin to think how to fix this. He’d had this world in his hands. This woman whom he loved, who loved him. A son. A family who loved him above anything else. And he was losing it. He could feel it slipping away from him and he didn’t know how to hold it.

“I spent a long time pretending that I didn’t love you,” he said finally. “I’m not sure if you know but I’ve cared for you for a long time. Long before you were ready. I think if I hadn’t been afraid you’d be thinking of Lucky, I would have kissed you that night we danced at Kelly’s.”

She closed her eyes and gripped the side of the counter. She said nothing.

“You weren’t ready for that then and I don’t think I was either. And when Lucky came home, it just–I love you, Elizabeth. But I think I always knew I could never be with you.”

Something inside her began to crack and her lips trembled but still she said nothing.

“You deserve better than what I’ve given you. You always have. And Cameron deserves more than what I’ve been able to give to him. I want to make this right for you, for him. I’ll tell Sonny about Cameron. And Carly…Courtney. I don’t have the right to ask you for more, I know that. But Cameron is my son.”

This was going to be okay, she could feel it now. Jason would tell the truth and it was all going to be okay. Elizabeth opened her eyes; she could feel the chill seeping from her bones.

“Sam’s going to stay in the penthouse. So I’ll have to find another place to live,” Jason continued. “But once I have, I–I’ll want custody.”

Panic clogged her throat and her vision began to blur. “C-custody?” she stammered.

“Shared,” Jason said quickly. “I would never take him from you, Elizabeth. You have to believe that.”

It was she that couldn’t speak now. He wasn’t going to fight for them. She’d overplayed her hand, overestimated her worth to him. “Of course,” Elizabeth managed to say. “I should…I should see to him. You can let yourself out.”

She made it past him and up the stairs. She closed her bedroom door as quietly as possible before sinking to the floor in tears.

This entry is part 8 of 23 in the Fiction Graveyard: Mad World #1

Friday, November 5, 2004

General Hospital: Sam McCall’s Hospital Room

“Mr. Corinthos.”

A blonde nurse was at the doorway when Sonny turned. “There’s paperwork,” she said. “You’re listed as next of kin for the baby.”

Sonny nodded and stood. He followed the nurse into the hallway and down to the nurse’s station.

“Jen’s keeping him busy for at least a half hour,” Elizabeth told Jason as they came out of the next room. “She’s promised there’s more than enough paperwork to give him. I’m sorry it’s not more time.”

“It’s more than enough.” He kissed her fingers, the most he dared to do in such a public place.

“I have to get back to Cameron, Gram will ask questions.” She squeezed his hands before disappearing around the corner.

Jason exhaled slowly and went into her room.

General Hospital: Conference Room

“Sorry I’m late,” Steven said as he entered the room, Kristina’s file in hand. “I had some things to take care of.”

“Kristina’s looking much better isn’t she?” Alexis asked. “She’s fine right?”

Steven gestured for her to take a seat. “Where is Mr. Corinthos and DA Lansing?”

“Ric had to go into work, he had no choice. And I didn’t–Sonny’s daughter died.” Alexis shrugged helplessly. “I didn’t think we should reschedule.”

“Right. Of course.” Steven nodded. “Well, Dr. Quartermaine says that Kristina came through the transplant with flying colors. So far there’s been no sign of rejection. She’s been in the isolation unit as you already know from having spent the night there. She’ll remain in there for another week or so until her immune system is strong enough to be moved into a regular room. But should her body not reject the marrow, Kristina will make a full and complete recovery,” Steven finished.

Alexis slumped in her chair. “I can never thank you enough. I know you spent so much time on this case, much more than you needed to. And your sister…” she closed her eyes. “I can never repay her.”

“It wasn’t hard to imagine my own sister going through this with her son,” Steven admitted. “She’s a single mother as well. I only did what I would expect any doctor to do. I’m just glad this has a happy ending.”

“Me, too,” Alexis smiled tremulously. “Me, too.”

Port Charles High School: Library

“So this is where you’re hiding,” Georgie said, sitting next to Dillon and setting her books down. “I was worried when you weren’t in English class.”

“Didn’t feel like dealing with it.” Dillon sighed. “Brooke comes home on Tuesday, Ned told the family today that he and Lois and Brooke would be living in the gatehouse for the immediate future.”

“Well, that’s good.” Georgie nodded. “They should be together. The next few months are going to be rough. Rougher than anything.”

“I still haven’t seen her,” Dillon admitted. He stared at the table. “I know it’s hurting her.”

“Yeah,” Georgie admitted. “But I understand and part of Brooke does, too. Going into that room, seeing her–it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.” She took a deep breath. “And for the first moments, all I could see was what he’d done to her. Her beautiful face. Her spirit. I just–it was so hard, Dillon. Brooke is like part of my family, our family.” She touched his hand. “You, me, Maxie, Brooke–even Lucas. We’re a family. We stick together.”

“Other than my mother, you were the first person that really cared about me,” Dillon said. “You and Maxie. And then Brooke came into my life and she’s a Quartermaine, Georgie. She gets it. And she’s been more like a sister than anyone in my entire life.” His voice faltered. “She’s so bright and beautiful and she deserves so much.”

“The knowledge that he won’t get away with it,” Georgie said slowly, “that he will go to prison, it’s not a lot of help. Because even though he’s going to pay for it, it still happened. And nothing is going to change that for Brooke. I know you want to make this better for her, we all do.” She shoved her hair away from her face. “I even went to Diego for her.”

Dillon snapped his head up, his eyes dark with fury. “What?” he demanded.

“She wanted to know why, she begged me to find out,” Georgie said unapologetically. “You would have promised her the world if you thought it would help. So yes, I agreed. And I went. I’ve already heard this from my dad, you don’t really need to lecture me about this.”

“The hell I don’t.” Dillon straightened. “You are completely out of your mind, Jones, if you think that you can just–”

“And you are completely out of your mind if you think you can yell at me for something you would have done,” Georgie contested hotly. “Now will you shut up and let me finish?”

“Fine,” Dillon said, irritated.

“Anyway, she’s going to need you. Because if she’s got to get up in a courtroom and testify in front him, she’s going to need us all. So even though I know how hard it is, you have got to get past this and go to see her. Because no matter how hard it is for you, it is impossibly more so for Brooke.”

General Hospital: Sam’s Room

Jason eased himself into the seat Sonny had vacated. He took Sam’s limp hand in his own and took a deep breath. “Since you convinced me to see Elizabeth before she woke up to catch her in a vulnerable state, me not being there this morning wasn’t entirely my fault.”

He hesitated. “But I am sorry. I’ve tried so hard not to let you down and I feel like that by leaving this morning, I did. Elizabeth–she tells me that the condition you had was no one’s fault. That even if I had been there and had seen it happen, this might have happened the same way. But we’ll never know for sure and I’m going to know that for the rest of my life.”

“You were right–that I needed to see her this morning. That this situation has gone on so long because I’ve let it. And when you wake up, I’m going to need you to keep reminding me of how selfish I’m being by trying to keep everyone in my life. That my priorities are screwed up and need some serious readjustment.” He closed his eyes. “When you wake up, I’m going to make it a point to be there for you, every step of the way. I’m just–I’m so sorry, Sam. I should have been there this morning and it’s going to be hard to forgive myself.”

“You’re allowed to have your own life,” Sonny said from the doorway. Jason stood hastily and Sonny smiled faintly. “The nurse was a nice diversionary tactic but I could tell she’d run out of paperwork after a little while.”

“I just–I just wanted to see her,” Jason explained. He let go of her hand and moved away from the bed.

“I’m sorry for earlier…” Sonny shrugged. “I was angry. You’re always there when I need you.”

Jason nodded. “I’d do anything to change what happened this morning. I’m not sorry that I–” he broke off and looked back at Sam before looking at Sonny. “How much of what I said did you hear?”

“Enough to know that you didn’t trust me.” Sonny moved inside the room and stood at the foot of Sam’s bed. “I didn’t know that you’d been seeing Elizabeth again. I’m sorry you felt like you had to hide it from me.”

“I–we weren’t telling anyone,” Jason said after a moment, feeling slightly surreal. Could it be this easy? “Sam knows. I had to tell her. And her brother found out. But that’s only recently.”

“So you had a fight with her and Sam convinced you to speak with her this morning.” Sonny nodded. “There’s nothing wrong with having your own life, your own priorities. I guess–it’s been so long since they didn’t mirror my own.”

“I know.” Jason realized now that Sonny didn’t quite understand the situation. Sonny was assuming the relationship with Elizabeth was new. He didn’t understand that Cameron was his son, that Elizabeth was not just someone he was seeing.

But there was time for all that. Sonny knew. And accepted. With time, Jason thought he might be able to make his friend understand that he’d never meant to hurt Courtney. That he had married her, believing Elizabeth was lost to him forever.

And Sonny might just understand that. But he wouldn’t appreciate the knowledge now.

“I am sorry that I wasn’t there this morning but Sam was fine last night. She’d been fine for months. There were no problems. I thought–thought she would be fine.”

“You can’t predict these things,” Sonny said. “I don’t blame you. And I shouldn’t have this morning.” He hesitated. “And you should be here when she finds out.”

“Thank you.”

“So.” Sonny sat down and gestured for Jason to take the other chair. “Tell me about Elizabeth.”

Cottage: Living Room

When Elizabeth got home, Emily was sitting on the couch, surrounded by wedding magazines and her wedding planner. “Em!”

“Your grandmother had a meeting at the hospital,” Emily said. “So she asked me to come by. Since I took this semester off from classes and Connor’s gone, I don’t have much to do other than plan my wedding.”

Elizabeth sat next to her on the couch and started flipping through the magazines. “How is it, planning a royal wedding?” she teased.

“It’s so much pressure,” Emily sighed. “I never realized just how influential the Cassadines are in Europe. There are so many people I have to invite and so many customs I have to adhere to.”

“Why do you have to?” Elizabeth questioned. “Nikolas didn’t when he married Lydia and when Stefan married Bobbie, it was just an elopement.”

“I know, but I want to do this right. Nikolas has made his fortune back in investments this year and we can afford to do the wedding the right way. So I was thinking of a spring wedding, in April,” Emily said. “Out on the Spoon Island. We’d have to hire tons of crew to get the grounds cleaned up and the house, Lord, so much of it has been closed up for the last year. But I love Nikolas and I want the whole world to know.”

“Well, you know anything I can do, I will,” Elizabeth said with a smile. “Cameron’s napping?”

“Yep.” Emily tugged the mammoth wedding planner binder into her lap. “I’ve already hired the company to clean up the grounds. They’re going to be doing that for the next few months and then planting gardens and just making it a much friendlier place to live. Nikolas is flying to Europe for most of January and February to oversee some of the companies he’s bought.” Emily shook her head. “With Connor out of our lives and this Mary Bishop stuff finally over, Nikolas is throwing himself into the business and I’m doing the wedding.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re happy.” Elizabeth thumbed through another magazine before hesitating at a dress–a slim column of white silk. “This is gorgeous.”

“Hmmmm…I was thinking more of something like this,” Emily showed her a picture of a white gown with a full skirt and corset bodice. “It’s got silver shot through the white, so it kind of gleams.” Emily hesitated. “But that one is perfect for you.”

Elizabeth shut the magazine immediately. She and Jason had never discussed marriage and she wasn’t sure if she’d ever want to get married again anyway. “I don’t know where I’d wear it,” she joked.

“You’ll find someone,” Emily said quietly. “Someone who makes Ric Lansing a very distant memory.” Her dark eyes ignited with fury. “Sometimes I could just strangle him for what he’s done to you.”


“You hardly go out anymore, you keep Cameron to yourself, we rarely see him. You’re always working and don’t think I don’t know you’re working yourself half to death to afford this place.”

“That’s not Ric’s fault,” Elizabeth argued. “It’s me. I’m just–I’d rather be home when I’m not working and Cameron deserves this home.”

“And now he’s married Alexis like you never existed,” Emily continued to fume, “Well, he’s not invited to my wedding–”

“Emily.” Elizabeth sighed deeply. “There’s nothing wrong with me or with Ric. He’s been perfectly normal and sane for the last year and a half. The thing with Carly–it doesn’t–it doesn’t even matter anymore. I wasn’t what he needed and he wasn’t what I needed.” Elizabeth tucked her hair behind her ears. “He’s married to Alexis now and you can’t pretend he’s not. You can’t pretend he’s not part of your family and it’s not fair to Alexis.”

“Alexis is just so smart, how could she delude herself into thinking he loves her?” Emily shook her head.

“You don’t know what she thinks,” Elizabeth said. “You have no right to judge her, to judge him.” She stood and tossed the magazines on the coffee table. She started to pace in front of the fireplace. “That’s not loyalty to family, to friends. It’s Alexis’s life, who are you to make her feel bad, feel ashamed of her choices, of the way she–” Elizabeth broke off and shook her head. “I–I’m sorry.”

“Elizabeth, sweetie…” Emily set her planner aside and stood. “What’s wrong?”


“Don’t lie to me.” Emily stepped towards her and put her hands on her friend’s shoulders. “That little rant? Wasn’t about Alexis, it wasn’t about me. It’s about you. I know I’ve been self-absorbed and selfish but you’re my best friend. My sister. You can trust me. You can always trust me.”

“Zander…” Elizabeth’s lower lip quivered. She looked down. “He wasn’t Cameron’s father.”

Emily blinked. Removed her hands. Stepped back. “What?”

“I didn’t–I didn’t know until after he was gone or I would have told him the truth.” Elizabeth shoved her fingers through her hair. “Before I left for Napa, my doctors readjusted my due date and I realized that Zander couldn’t be his father.”

“Who is his father?” Emily asked. She knew it wasn’t Ric. Couldn’t be Ric.

“Someone I love more than almost anything in this world,” Elizabeth whispered. “But he has a whole other life and Cam and I don’t really fit.”

Emily’s mind was racing, fitting possibilities into the slot and discarding them just as easily. Was the man married? Who could Elizabeth love so deeply and so fiercely that she couldn’t even tell her own best friend?

“What do you mean, you don’t fit?” Emily shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

“We don’t belong in his life.” Elizabeth moved away from Emily and went towards the kitchen. After a moment, Emily followed her.

Elizabeth poured herself a glass of iced tea and sipped it. “He knows. About Cameron. As soon as I was ready, I told him. And he loves Cameron.”

Emily couldn’t find words. A name was stuck in her throat. She didn’t want to believe it but she couldn’t imagine who else it could be. Not Zander, not Ric.

“So he’s spent time with Cameron? With you?” Emily asked slowly.

“As much as he can.” Elizabeth set the glass on the counter. “He’s provided for me, for his son. He loves us. But it’s not enough. It can never be enough.”

“Elizabeth…” Emily spread her hands out in front of her. “I don’t–you’re not making sense. How could he afford to provide for you like this?” She looked around her. “Did he help you buy this place?”

“He bought it. I didn’t argue because he doesn’t feel like he can do much for Cameron other than provide him a place to live.”

“He bought it?” Emily repeated. She blinked. “I don’t–” She looked around the kitchen. The small cozy kitchen. She wandered past the dining room and into the open living room. Looked at the staircase that led to the three bedrooms upstairs. She turned back to Elizabeth. “Why don’t you fit?” she asked. “Is it his job?”

“No,” Elizabeth said, sounding offended. “I could never ask him to change that part of him.”

“Then…what’s wrong?” Emily demanded. “His family adores you. His friends love you–”

“What?” Elizabeth sputtered. “What are you talking about? His friends can’t stand me.”

“Since when?” Emily asked. “Nikolas and I are like family to you–”

Elizabeth blinked. She looked at Emily oddly. “You and Nikolas aren’t his friends.”

Emily closed her mouth. “I’ve been Lucky’s friend longer than you have,” she tossed back.

“Lucky?” Elizabeth repeated, her eyes wide with shock. “What does Lucky have to do with this?”

General Hospital: Brooke’s Room

Dillon slowly slid the door to Brooke’s room open. His niece was sitting up in bed, reading some trashy romance novel. He blanched at the bruises on her face. “Hey,” he said, trying to sound casual.

“Hey.” Brooke set the novel aside. “Long time no see.”

“Yeah.” Dillon rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry about that. You know how it is. People to mock, places to avoid.”

Brooke smirked. “Yeah, how goes that mocking thing?”

“Ah, the population of Port Charles High makes it pathetically easy.” Dillon sat at her bedside. “All joking aside, I’m sorry I haven’t been here.”

“It’s okay.” Brooke shrugged.

“It’s not. I was just–” Dillon looked away. “I didn’t want to have to see what he did to you. I’m already angry enough to kill him without actually seeing what he’s done to you.”

Brooke bit her lip. “Dillon.”

“I’m sorry, I just–” he exhaled slowly. “I’m so angry, Brooke. I didn’t want you to see that.”

“I don’t want you to be angry.” Brooke twisted her fingers in the white sheets. “I just–I want this to be over.”

“I wish I could make that happen.” Dillon sighed heavily. “I can yell at you though. For sending Georgie to see that…sorry excuse for a human.”

Brooke hesitated and slid him a glance out of the corner of her eyes. “She actually went?”

“Yes. I can yell at you for that right?”

“I’m sorry, I never should have sent her there.” Brooke sighed. “I just–I wanted to know why.”

“Still.” Dillon sniffed. “Bit irresponsible.”

“Yeah…since when I have cared about being responsible?” Brooke asked with a small smile.

PC Municipal Building: District Attorney’s Office

Alexis pushed open the door to her new husband’s office. Ric sat behind the large mahogany desk, his suit jacket long gone, his tie loosened and his hair disheveled. “Hey.”

“So I met with Dr. Webber.” Alexis closed the office door and sat down. “He told me that Kristina can be moved from the isolation unit in about a week and she’ll be home by December 1.”

“That’s…” Ric shook his head and grinned. “That’s incredible.”

“It is.” Alexis sighed and leaned back in the chair. “I feel like this huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Things are finally turning around. Did I tell you that Nikolas has asked me to be the lead counsel for the hospital?”

“Yeah? I wasn’t aware the Cassadines were still on the board there,” Ric remarked. He capped his pen. “Did Nikolas buy back interest?”

“Yes, he always enjoyed that part of the business. He wants to restructure the hospital and eventually all of Cassadine Industries.” She smiled wistfully. “Seems like yesterday he was a little boy, chasing after Stefan.”

“They all have to grow up some time,” Ric said. He stood and crossed to rub her shoulders. “So what else is on your mind?”

“Our future,” Alexis admitted. “We’re married now and I don’t think that’s sunk in for either of us.”

“No, I guess it hasn’t,” Ric said. “Is it really that dreadful to think about?”

“No.” Alexis’s lips curved into a smile. “Surprisingly, it’s not.” She stood and leaned against the desk, facing him. “But there are things we have to speak about. Living together, for one. Your apartment, mine?”

“How about…some place entirely new. Something that’s not…part of either of our pasts?” Ric suggested. “Kristina’s a little older now. I think maybe something with a backyard.”

Alexis blinked. “You mean…buy something?”

“Sure, what’s wrong with that?”

“I rent,” she replied, a little mystified. “I’ve never owned anything.”

“Well…” Ric took her by the shoulders and kissed her briefly. “There’s a first time for everything.”

This entry is part 7 of 23 in the Fiction Graveyard: Mad World #1

Friday, November 5, 2004

General Hospital: Emergency Room

Sonny stared at Monica, not comprehending. “No.”

“I’m sorry.” Monica gripped Sonny’s sleeve. “She had a condition in which the placenta separated from the uterine wall. The baby couldn’t get any oxygen and there was a lot of bleeding. We delivered her but she was…she was still born.”

“No,” Sonny said, his voice rough. “No!” He shook his head. He wasn’t hearing this. He hadn’t lost another child.

“I am so sorry,” Monica whispered. She wanted to offer him comfort but didn’t know how. Where was Jason? Jason would know what to do, what to say.

“Does Sam…” Sonny cleared his throat. “Does Sam know?”

“She’s unconscious,” Monica said softly. “She’s lost a lot of blood, Sonny and will probably be out for a day or two. We’re moving her to ICU now. You can go see her as soon as she’s settled.”

Sonny closed his eyes and gripped Monica’s hand. “I know–I know you did all that you can. Thank you.”

Monica nodded and returned to the operating room.

Bobbie and Carly rushed through the ER doors. “Sonny!” Carly called. The past few days were forgotten and for a few moments, they were just parents. “Sam…is she okay?”

Sonny nodded. “But–she–she lost the baby.”

Bobbie gasped and craned her head towards the surgical room. “Where’s Jason? Is he here yet?”

“I haven’t–I haven’t been able to get in touch with him,” Sonny said hoarsely. “His phone is off.”

“Off?” Carly repeated. “It’s never off.”

“It’s off now and no one’s seen him since he left the Towers this morning,” Sonny told her. “Do you have any idea where he could be?”

Cottage: Bedroom

Elizabeth fastened a few of the buttons on the shirt Jason had removed earlier that morning. “You brave enough to risk my cooking?” she murmured against his lips.

He grasped her hips and tugged her back into bed. “Forget food,” he told her, reaching for the sides of her shirt. Elizabeth giggled and playfully smacked his hands away.

The telephone at the side of her bed rang shrilly and Elizabeth groaned. “I should get that.”

Jason separated the shirt and kissed her collarbone. “Let the answering machine get it.” He nibbled on the soft skin at the base of her throat before going lower.

The machine clicked on after a few more rings. “Elizabeth, if Jason is still there, pick up now,” her brother’s voice commanded.

Elizabeth gasped and pulled away from Jason abruptly. She tugged her shirt closed and reached for the phone. “Steven?”

“Is he still there?” Steven asked.

“Yeah, Steven–”

“He needs to get to the hospital now. They rushed Sam in this morning and I think it’s bad.”

“Okay, I’ll tell him.” Her face pale, she hung up the phone and climbed off the bed. “Sam was rushed to the hospital this morning.”

Jason was out of bed in an instant, his hands reaching for his jeans and boxers. He pulled the latter on while fishing for his cell phone in the first. He switched it on, his face paling at the sixteen missed phone calls. “Damn it.”

Elizabeth found his shirt on the bedpost and handed it to him. He dragged it over his head while trying to fasten his jeans. “Jason, I hope everything’s okay.”

He jammed his feet into his boots, forgetting about socks. “Sixteen phone calls, Elizabeth. Something’s wrong.”

“I’ll–I’ll get dressed. I’ll drop Cam off with Gram and–”

“No, it’s–” Jason found his jacket on the floor. He pulled it on. “It’s not a good time for me to spring this on anyone.”

“I just–” Elizabeth nodded and sank onto the bed. “I’ll just…wait here then.”

“I’ll call later,” he promised. He brushed his lips over her hair before leaving the room. A few moments later, the front door slammed. She heard the garage door open and Jason’s motorcycle roared down the driveway.

A little dazed by how quickly the mood had turned from loving to frantic, Elizabeth sat there a moment longer. Finally, she buttoned her shirt, pulled on some panties and jeans before going to check on her son.

Port Charles Municipal Building: District Attorney’s Office

“Diego Sanchez is being held without bail,” Brianne Joyce, assistant DA, informed Ric as he checked over some paperwork that had accumulated during his absence.

“Good, good.” Ric glanced up. “And Brooke Lynn?”

“Recovering. I, of course, emphasized that it was a Quartermaine family member,” Brianne said, with a small smile. “The judge not only remanded Sanchez but set the preliminary hearing date for next week.”

“Good, good. Mac’s done a good job with the initial investigation but I would like you to have another go at Brooke. Mac’s a friend of the family, his daughters know Brooke and she might feel more comfortable relating what happened to someone who doesn’t know her,” Ric said.

“I’ve already set something up with Ned Ashton and his ex-wife at the gatehouse. Brooke’s leaving the hospital on Monday, so I made the appointment for Tuesday.”

“Kristina’s still not out of the hospital yet. She won’t be home for another week at the most,” Ric said. He moved some more paperwork aside. “I’m hoping you’ll carry me for a few days. I’ll come in for a few hours and take work home but I’ve got to be at the hospital.”

“Perfectly understandable.” Brianne stood. “I’d like to first chair the Sanchez case.”

“It’s a big case, Brianne. How long have you been working here?” Ric leaned back in his chair.

“With all due respect sir, longer than you,” Brianne remarked. “I worked for DA Baldwin.”

Ric nodded and hesitated. “The Quartermaines are a powerful family, but I don’t think I have to remind you of that. You think you’re prepared to first chair?”

“Yes, sir,” Brianne nodded.

“All right then.” Ric moved the case file across the desk. “You’ve had a good trial record so far, Brianne. You can first chair and do any follow up interviews with the police that you need to.”

“Thank you.” Brianne loaded the file on top of the pile in her arms. “Good luck with your daughter.”

General Hospital: Emergency Room

Jason hurried through the doors and stopped at the sight of his sister talking softly to Sonny and Carly.

“Where’s Sam?” he demanded, striding up to them.

Where Sonny would have lit into him for being unreachable, Carly silenced her estranged husband with a glare. “She’s being moved to ICU,” she said softly. She looked to Emily.

“Jason, she lost…she lost the baby,” Emily said. She touched his arm. “I’m so sorry.”

Jason stepped back and shook his head. “No. The baby was fine, she was healthy–I don’t understand–”

“It was sudden,” Carly cut in. “The placenta separated and she couldn’t breathe. Sam was very lucky to be alive herself,” she told him.

“Can I–” Jason swallowed. “Does she know?”

“No,” Sonny said flatly, his eyes dark with anger and disappointment.

“I want to be with her when you tell her,” Jason said. “She’d–”

“You couldn’t bother to be there this morning, you shouldn’t bother being here at all,” Sonny said darkly. “I’m going up to sit with her.”

The mobster spun on his heel and stalked to the elevators. Jason stared at him, his eyes blinking in shock.

“He’s upset,” Carly said, trying to soothe him. “We just–it’s so unlike you to not be here when we need you, Jason. I’m not judging,” she said quickly, seeing the angry look Emily tossed her. “It’s just–he’s not used to you not being here when he calls.”

“I need–” Jason cleared his throat. “I need to be alone right now.” He walked away then, heading in the opposite direction that his best friend had.

Emily leveled a glare at Carly. “You too are way too dependent on my brother,” she said scathingly.

Carly arched an eyebrow. “Maybe. But I don’t see you turning away his help either.” She walked away, leaving Emily alone in the emergency room.

Nurse’s Station

Steven was talking with a nurse when Carly strolled up to him. She waited for him to finish his conversation. “So, how did you know where Jason was?” she asked pointedly.

Steven blinked. “What?”

“Ten minutes after my mother tells us we can’t find him, he shows up. After you excuse yourself to make a call.” Carly folded her arms. “I may be self-absorbed but I’m not an idiot.”

Steven shook his head. “Sorry, it’s confidential.” He slid his hands in his pockets and jingled some change as he went to the elevators.

Carly glared at his back before stalking over to him. “Look–I don’t–did you know where he was?”

“Just yes or no?” Steven asked. “No elaboration?”

“Just yes or no.”

“Yes,” Steven answered. The elevators dinged open. They both entered.

“Whoever Jason was with,” Carly said slowly, “might want to know that Sam’s baby died and that she’s in ICU.”

Steven looked at her sharply. “What?”

“The baby died,” Carly repeated. “And Sonny told Jason that since he couldn’t bother being there this morning, he shouldn’t now. So Jason’s sitting somewhere alone, dealing with this. And I don’t think he should have to.”

“So why aren’t you there with him?” Steven wanted to know as the elevators doors slid open on the lobby floor. Carly walked out of the car and headed towards the parking garage. “Carly?”

“Because it occurs to me that this isn’t the first time he’s been unavailable,” Carly said after a moment. “The first time his phone is off. The first time he’s disappeared. He’s been doing it for a while but I assumed he was just getting away from Sam.” She turned and fastened her dark eyes on him. “He’s hiding a part of his life from me. From Sonny. From the entire world and you know something about it. And that tells me it’s got something to do with your sister.”

Steven stiffened. “I know you don’t like her–”

“What I like doesn’t matter.” Carly hesitated. “But what Jason likes does. I hate knowing that he’s felt he’s had to hide something like this from me. And what’s more, I hate that he was probably right in his reasons. That finding out he was dating Elizabeth again would have set me off. I would have ridiculed him, attacked her and ended up looking like a royal bitch.”

“Why?” Steven asked. “Why would you put yourself through something like that, Carly? Jason’s a big boy, he doesn’t need you to approve of his choices and neither does my sister.”

“Haven’t you heard?” Carly snorted. “I’m selfish and I don’t think of anyone else but myself.”

Steven shook his head. “I don’t think you’re selfish, Carly.”

Startled, Carly dropped her hands to her side. “What?”

“I think you’re someone who’s been so busy fighting to survive that you don’t realize you already have.” Steven unlocked the passenger door. “I’ll drive you to your mother’s,” he said. She stared at him.

“That was an incredibly nice thing to say,” Carly said. “I’m not really used to that.”

“Get used to it.”

PCPD: Squad Room

“Is Commissioner Scorpio in?”

Lucky Spencer glanced up from the paperwork stating that Connor Bishop had been taken in the MP’s custody and sat back a little. A petite blonde with wide blue eyes and arms full of files stood in front of his desk. He immediately stood. “No, he’s not but I think he was expecting. ADA Joyce right?”

“Brianne Joyce,” she introduced herself. “I’d offer you a hand but I’d rather not drop these.”

Lucky nodded. “Right. He had an unexpected meeting but he told me to show you to his office and tell you he’d be back as soon as possible.”

“Well, then, Detective…” Brianne trailed off.

“Sergeant,” Lucky reluctantly corrected. After a year and a half on the force, it was hard to accept his recent demotion from detective to sergeant and it was still a bitter pill to swallow. “Sergeant Spencer.”

“Sergeant Spencer,” Brianne repeated. “If you’ll lead the way.”

Lucky led her across the hall and up a flight of steps. “Where’s DA Lansing?”

“He’s taking a short of leave of absence,” she said. “His daughter’s sick and he doesn’t want to leave his wife right now.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to correct her assumption that Lansing was not Kristina’s father but Lucky held back. He opened the door for the pretty lawyer. “Would you like coffee or anything?”

Brianne entered Mac’s office and set the files on the desk. “Nope. I’ll just do some paperwork until he gets here.” As Lucky strode to leave, she called out. “Wait.”

He turned. “Yeah?”

“Are you involved with the Sanchez case?” Brianne asked. “DA Lansing is letting me first chair and I was hoping to get interviews with the investigating officers. To get ready for grand jury.”

Lucky shook his head. “No, Mac’s the only one investigating this. He’s close to the family and all that.”

“Well.” Brianne smiled. “It was nice to meet you, Sergeant Spencer.”

“You, too. Ms. Joyce.” Lucky nodded at her and left the office.

A few moments later, Mac entered. “Sorry, Ms. Joyce. I didn’t think I’d be back this late.”

“No, no, it’s fine.” Brianne went over some of the more simple cases before coming to the final one. Diego Sanchez. “I’m first chairing the Sanchez the case,” she told Mac. “It’s my first and it’s really important that I don’t miss any details.”

“Well, it’s pretty cut and dried. Rape kit was positive. Brooke’s a good kid with a clean record. Comes from a good family. Sanchez is a kid from the foster system. He has a bit of a juvenile record. He’s arrogant and he admits at least that they had sex. One look at the pictures taken after Brooke got to the hospital and hearing her testimony should wrap it up.”

“Right. The pictures.” The pictures of the bruised and battered teenager had made her almost nauseous when she’d finally viewed them in her office earlier that day. But she’d shoved her emotions aside. “Sanchez’s statement says she wanted rough sex. Is there any reason why the jury shouldn’t laugh at that notion?”

Mac’s jaw tightened. “Brooke’s a good kid,” he repeated. “Sanchez is dirt. They only need to look at her to know.”

“I don’t mean to insinuate she’s not. But I can’t have any surprises,” Brianne stressed. “If Brooke had a relationship with this boy, then I can’t have that sprung on me by the defense.”

“Even if they did, that doesn’t take away her right to say no,” Mac snapped.

“No, no it doesn’t. But it creates reasonable doubt,” Brianne tried to explain. “The jury will wonder if she’s said yes in the past, why no now?”

“Well, then it’s your job to change their minds,” Mac said stubbornly.

“Not without the facts,” Brianne argued. “Did Brooke Lynn Ashton date the accused?” she asked bluntly.

“I don’t know,” Mac said coldly. “I didn’t ask.”

She arched an eyebrow. “Maybe you should assign someone to this case who isn’t quite so close.” She held up a hand to fend off his next attack. “So that the defense can’t say the police were biased, seeing as how your daughters are the best friends of the victim.”

Mac seethed but nodded. “Fine. I’ll assign an officer.”

General Hospital: Chapel

Elizabeth slowly slid open the door the chapel, not surprised to find him sitting alone in one of the pews. She glanced over her shoulder and then entered.

Steven’s phone call had confirmed what she hadn’t even wanted to think about. Sam had lost her baby. She had needed Jason and Jason was not there. They’d been making love while the baby he’d come to think of as his own needed him.

She could feel the guilt lodging in her belly and she knew his could choke him.

Elizabeth sat next to him and took her hand in his. She didn’t say anything–didn’t really need to say anything.

He looked at her with red-rimmed eyes. “She needed me and I wasn’t there.”

“You can’t always be there when someone needs you,” Elizabeth murmured. “You’re only human.”

“But Sam was depending on me. Not Sonny. Me. She was living with me.” He shook his head. “I knew she was close to her due date and I turned my phone off-”

“Because she had the cottage number,” Elizabeth interrupted. “She knew how to reach you.”

Only she did,” Jason argued. “And when she was unconscious, when she needed me, I was…” he stopped and closed his eyes. “I should have waited until she was awake, until I knew she was okay and the phone was near. Nothing should have been more important.”

She flinched–she didn’t mean to and he didn’t notice. Nothing should have been more important. Nothing. Not her, not their relationship and not their son. The ex-mistress of his best friend and the illegitimate child.

No, it was wrong to think that way. Jason cared about Sam, loved the child. He was right. Nothing should have been more important than the baby.

“I wish there were words,” Elizabeth murmured. “But there aren’t.” She met his eyes. “But I know that Sam will need you.”

“Sonny’s–he’s too angry to let me near her right now. I want to be there when he tells her. He wasn’t there. Not all the time. He was only there when it was convenient for him. He didn’t to go the appointments, he didn’t watch her fall in love with this baby.”

“I’ll handle Sonny.” Elizabeth hesitated. “If I hadn’t had Steven pick up Cameron, then maybe you wouldn’t have come over this morning–”

“This isn’t your fault,” Jason said.

“And it isn’t yours because you came to see me this morning,” Elizabeth said. “Things happen, Jason. They don’t always have to have a reason. They don’t always make sense. The only thing we can do is deal with it.”

“What if you don’t know how?” he asked quietly.

“Then you just take it one day at a time.” Elizabeth tightened her hand around his. “One breath at a time, one step. You don’t have to have the answers right away.” A sad smile curved on her lips. “Some one very wise once told me that sometimes things happen fast…”

“But you have to live through them slow,” Jason nodded. “You know what I’ve learned since then?”


“It’s a lot easier to give advice when you’re not giving it to yourself.”

At one point, the short story Everytime was going to be a longer story about Sam and Elizabeth, but I wrote it during the really short window in which I liked Sam as a character. Most of the time, if she’s worth anything as a character, I have to ignore most of what’s happened on GH. (She should still be in jail for what she did to Jake). So I ended up abandoning the idea.

But I did write a second part, which I discarded when I decided not to continue and since it’s not that great to begin with, I didn’t include it as part of the first story (which I don’t like much either, ha).


July 3, 2004

Hardy House

Elizabeth set Cameron in the downstairs bassinet before rushing across the room to answer the ringing telephone. “Hello?”

“Do you know what I had to go through to get this number?” Sam shook her head. “I had to ask Jason to ask his sister and then Emily harped on him for almost an hour, trying to figure out why he’d want your number. The poor baby.”

“Hey, Sam.” Elizabeth shifted the cordless to her space between her shoulder and cheek and moved back to check on the baby. “Why would Emily give Jason a hard time?”

“Because she’s not satisfied if she doesn’t know everything that’s going on with everyone at all times,” Sam mused. “I told you–she’s a brat. Anyway, that’s not what’s important.”

“Oh? Then what is?”

“You. Bring that kid of yours to the penthouse for lunch. You can look at the stuff I’ve bought for my baby and I can see if I can hold a baby without dropping him. I’ll see you around noon,” Sam told her and hung up the phone without giving Elizabeth a chance to decline.

Elizabeth clicked the phone off and set it on a nearby table. “So, Sport, you want to go over to Harborview Towers and chance running into my least favorite person?”

Cameron gurgled happily and his mother smirked. “Yeah, that’s what I thought you’d say.”

Morgan Penthouse

Sam hung up the phone and turned to an amused Jason. “You can stay for lunch too,” she said with a teasing smile.

“No thanks,” Jason remarked. “What’s your sudden interest in Elizabeth anyway?”

“Let’s see–she didn’t automatically call me a whore or a tramp, so she’s a step above the other women in your life. She doesn’t look at me with that pity look, so she’s better than your sister.” Sam ticked the reasons off on her fingers. “And she’s the only person who doesn’t think I’m ruining your life. Gee, I can’t imagine why I’d like her.”

“Fine, but–”

Sam rolled her eyes, impatiently. “Because I’ve been where she is right now. She’s feeling like crap and everyone she knows is too busy to be there for her. I could use a friend that’s not you and she could use a friend that’s not going to screw her husband or ex-boyfriend, okay?” She folded her arms. “And besides, what do you care? Oh, by the way, this penthouse is nice and all but I’m not raising my daughter across the hall from Vito Corleone and the human twig, okay?”

Jason blinked and shook his head. “I’m sorry–what?”

“So, I don’t care if we move into another apartment or a house, but we are not staying here.” Sam crossed her arms and lifted her chin stubbornly. “Got that?”

“Where did the Sam from yesterday go?” Jason wondered, more to himself than to her. “You said you loved Sonny–you said–”

“Sonny decided that me and my kid weren’t as good as his real family and dumped me on you. That’s fine–whatever. I’m used to being disposed of and sent away.” She shook her head. “But I grew up believing I was trash and that somehow, it was okay to do that kind of stuff to someone like me. I can’t change where I come from, Jason and I can’t change what people think about me.” She sighed. “But I sat and listened to this poor girl–this girl with a great family and great friends, who came from a good background–tell me about the people who were supposed to love and who disposed of her just as easily as people have me. And you know what I realized? It doesn’t matter who you are, how you grew up–no one deserves to be thrown away like trash and I’m sick of it.”


A few hours later, the doors slid open and Elizabeth maneuvered the stroller into the hallway.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Carly Corinthos snipped, folding her thin arms across her chest. “Your marriage is over, you’re coming back to latch onto Jason again? What is it with you, Elizabeth? From Lucky to Jason to Lucky to Zander to Jason–what kind of tramp–”

“I don’t know what kind of mother you are but I prefer if that sort of language weren’t spoken in front of my son,” Elizabeth interrupted coolly.

Carly narrowed her eyes. “You’re suggesting that I’m a bad mother?” she almost shrieked.

“I’m not suggesting anything,” Elizabeth said flatly.

Carly took a step towards her but the door to the Morgan penthouse flew open and Sam came into the hall. “Oh, good. I see you’ve met the anorexic princess,” Sam said to Elizabeth. “Why don’t you wait for me inside?”

“You’re here to see Sam?” Carly snorted. “Two of a kind. You both just can’t let Jason go–”

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!” Elizabeth interrupted. “Little Miss Carly Corinthos who can’t break a nail without running to Jason to solve her problems. Why do you think the man can’t function in a healthy relationship? Because you have him on speed dial,” the brunette spat.

“He was functioning just fine with Courtney,” Carly said triumphantly.

“Yeah, but she divorced him,” Sam supplied helpfully. “And then she took up with a cop and now it’s Sonny’s least favorite person in the world, so tell me how Jason’s relationship with the Steroid Barbie was healthy?”

“What is it with you and the names?” Carly threw up her hands in frustration.

“I just like coming up with fun ways to describe you,” Sam remarked sweetly. “By the way–Jason and I are moving out of the building. We’re getting an unlisted phone number and I’ll tie him to the bed before he gives it to you.” She tilted her head towards the penthouse. “Come on, I’ve got lunch ready.”

They left Carly sputtering in the hallway and went inside the penthouse. “Are you guys really moving out?” Elizabeth asked when Sam had shut the door.

“Hell, yes. I told Jason this morning. And I have got that man so confused he doesn’t know whether to tie his hair or comb his shoes.” Sam crossed to the kitchen. “I just made sandwiches for lunch ’cause cooking is just not my thing, you know?”

“That’s fine.” Elizabeth locked the stroller and lifted Cameron into her arms. “Hey, there, buddy, thanks for not crying out there,” she murmured. She kissed his forehead and leaned her cheek against his smooth skin. “You miss California? I know I do. All that open space and the vineyards with no one who knows us.” She sighed. “Some days–”

Sam was deliberately stalling in the kitchen because she knew Jason would be in any second and she just–she wanted to see them interact. She wanted to be sure of what she suspected.

Jason had done a lot for her and she figured that the least she could do was fix this for him.

Elizabeth was murmuring to her son in a love voice and had crossed to the other side of the room–to the window that Jason spent so much time looking out of. “Can you see the harbor, Cam? Look at all the pretty boats and the smooth blue water.”

Cameron gurgled and reached out with his fist. “Yeah,” Elizabeth said with a smile. “Pretty scenery. See that big house? That’s where Mama’s best friend used to live.” Would live again one day, Elizabeth hoped. “And your daddy used to work on those docks. He really liked the water, he used to talk about running away to Florida.”

The door opened behind them and Jason stopped at the sight of Elizabeth standing at the window, holding Cameron. She turned and instinctively smiled at him, remembering his kindness the last time she’d seen him. “Jason. Hey.”

“Elizabeth.” He hesitated. “You–it’s good to see you again.” He closed the door and looked around. “Where’s–?” he faltered. How could he talk to her after Sam’s words the previous night? After hearing the conversation between the two women?

“Sam’s in the kitchen.” Elizabeth moved away from the window and Cameron started to squirm in her arms. “This–this is Cameron Alexander.” She looked at her son. “Cam, this is Mama’s friend, Jason.”

“He’s beautiful.” Something twisted in his chest. And if you had any sense in that head of yours, you wouldn’t have let Elizabeth Webber get five feet out your door. Maybe you’d have an actual biological child rather than more of Sonny’s hand-me-downs.

Elizabeth laughed. “It’s good to hear someone else say that or else I start to think he’s got a face only a mother could love.” She shifted him to her other arm. “I’m beginning to wish I’d brought something to put him in. I can’t hold him all day.”

Jason moved then and took one of the baby blankets from the couch. He spread it out over the floor. “Michael used to–he used to love to just lay on his stomach and look around,” he said after a moment, feeling self-conscious.

Elizabeth smiled and gently set Cameron down, delighted when he lifted his head to gurgle at her. “He’s so big,” she murmured. “I can hardly believe it sometimes.” She looked up at him. “I was–I was all alone out there in California and at first–it was really hard. I didn’t know anything about being a mother and there wasn’t anyone there to help. So I just–I remembered what you’d told me about being Michael’s father.”

“You just–listen to the baby and pay attention,” Jason shrugged. “He’ll tell you what he wants in his own way.”

“Exactly. You know–I thought I was prepared for this but God, Jason, I’m somebody’s mother.” Her eyes were sparkling in a way they hadn’t in a long time and he was grateful for that.

Having assured herself that her earlier suspicions were correct, Sam left the kitchen with a tray of sandwiches and some iced tea. “Sorry it took so long,” she said with a smile as she set the tray on the pool table. Jason sent her a pointed glance. “Oh–Jase, I got into it with the twig outside so um, I kind of told her our moving plans.”

Jason exhaled slowly. “Sam–”

“Well, I’m sorry,” Sam rolled her eyes. “She was going at Elizabeth and saying some really inappropriate things in front of Cameron–” she stopped and noticed Cameron looking up at her intently from the floor. “And wow–there he is.” She stepped back nervously. “Should he be on the floor like that? What if you forget he’s there and step on him?”

Elizabeth laughed. “Why don’t you pick him up?”

Sam looked at her dubiously before squatting and lifting the boy into her arms. “Oh wow–” She cradled him closely. “He smells like baby powder,” she murmured, shifting her grip and imitating what she’d seen other mothers do. “Hey, there, Cameron. Aren’t you a handsome little boy?”

“See–it’s not so bad,” Elizabeth told her. “Bet you can’t wait for your baby now, huh?”

“Just three and half more months,” Sam murmured. “I can’t believe how quickly it’s gone.”

“Do you know what you’re going to name her?” Elizabeth asked curiously, looking at Jason.

“Uh–” Sam blinked. “Name. Jason?”

“That’s–that’s your field,” Jason said firmly. “It was hard enough to name Michael much less choose god parents.”

Now Sam was truly panicked. “God parents?” she squeaked. “I have to choose god parents and a name?” She exhaled slowly. “No, okay. No, I can do this. I’ll just–” She hesitated. “I think Emily gave me a baby name book. I could just pick a name at random.”

She handed Cameron to an unsuspecting Jason before dashing up the stairs. Jason hesitated before looking down at the startled boy’s face. Cameron blinked up at him before fussing a little at being in another stranger’s arms.

“Have you seen Ric since you’ve been back?” Jason asked after a moment of awkward silence.

“Yeah.” Elizabeth folded her arms tightly. “When I first came home, I brought Cameron to him and then–I saw him last night.” She bit her lip. “He didn’t see me.”

“Speaking of that–” Sam said from the stairs, a thick book in her hands. “Do you think Justus would be available to handle her divorce? Since Alexis is unavailable?”

“She’s not going to take your case?” Jason asked, surprised.

“I’m not going to ask her,” Elizabeth said simply, surprised that Sam had even brought it up. “I wouldn’t feel comfortable–knowing that there’s a relationship between them.” After a moment, she said, “I could pay him whatever his fee is. I just–I want that part of my life over.”

“He’s no fan of Ric’s, I’m sure he’ll take the case,” Jason told her. He stepped towards her. “I have head back to work, so–” he handed Cameron to her almost reluctantly, his hands resting on her forearms briefly as she adjusted Cameron into her embrace. “It was good to see you, Elizabeth. You look–” he hesitated and swallowed. “You look happier than when you left.”

“You do, too,” Elizabeth murmured and Sam briefly wondered if she was even in the room anymore.

December 22, 2014

This entry is part 2 of 13 in the Fiction Graveyard: True To Your Heart

Alexis sat beside her daughter’s hospital bed and debated on the best way to present the situation. She had goal in mind–she needed Sonny and his children to be tested for donors. She wondered if there was a way to do so without Sonny finding that Christina was his daughter.

Casting a look at her daughter’s tanned complexion and dark hair, she often wondered why no one else had seen it. Christie didn’t look like the rest of the family and she sometimes acted just as selfish as her father–but Alexis adored the little girl who kept her going after Kristina’s death.

Christie’s dark brown eyes opened and she smiled, seeing her mother at her side. Alexis wanted to cry–Christie had the same dimples as her father. Good lord. She’d never looked so much like Sonny.

“Mama?” Christie yawned. “Where’s Daddy?”

“He went into work,” Alexis said, patting her daughter’s hand. “He’ll be here in a little while.”

Christie shifted on the bed. “You were wearing those clothes yesterday. You didn’t go home again.”

Alexis smiled. “Guilty as charged, baby.”

Christie returned her mother’s smile. “Mama, go home. Get a shower and some sleep. I’ll be all right.”

“I don’t want to leave you,” Alexis said. “Your father will be here soon–I’ll go then.”

Christie shook her head stubbornly. “No, Mama. You need some sleep. Go now.”

Alexis briefly thought about arguing with her daughter but realized that she did need a shower and a change of clothes before she started wrestling with this latest problem.

She stood up. “All right. But call me if you need me, all right, kid?”

Christie nodded. “I promise.”

“I love you sweetheart,” Alexis said softly, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek.

“I love you, too.”


Michael pushed his eggs around on his plate and stared at the Morgan children sitting across from him. Delilah Morgan was currently trying to wipe the ketchup out of her blonde hair while David was picking up a piece of toast and stuffing the entire thing into his mouth.

“Davie!” Carly scolded. “Chew your food.”

The two-year-old didn’t really understand Carly’s command and promptly burst into tears. Delilah, always the protective one, put her ketchup stained napkin down and hugged her brother. “S’okay, Davie-gravy. Dee-Dee’s here.”

“Stupid baby,” Amanda Corinthos said, disdainfully. At age seven, Amanda looked exactly like Carly–from the blonde hair to the stylish clothes to the attitude. Her twin, Andrew, was more like Sonny–sullen and withdrawn half the time. Michael had a hard time remembering some times that these were his siblings.

“Leave him alone, Mandy,” Michael said absently.

“I want my mommy,” Davie said, wiping his eyes.

Michael and Carly traded looks as Carly stirred her coffee. “I told you last night, Davie. Your mommy’s sick and she’s in the hospital.”

Delilah’s big blue eyes turned to her aunt. “Aunt Carly, is Mommy gonna be okay? Where’s Daddy?”

“Your daddy’s with your Mommy,” Carly said, “and she’s gonna be just fine.” Her bright smile was fake–but only Michael caught it. Sonny emerged from the kitchen, wiping his hands on a dishtowel.

“I’m heading by the hospital before I go to the warehouse,” he said. “Michael, you want to come with?”

“I want to come!” Andrew announced.

“Take Drew, Dad,” Michael said, finishing his orange juice. “I’m meeting Lu anyway.”

“I don’t want Drew at the hospital,” Carly said. “He’s just getting over the chicken pox.”

“Aww, come on, Mom,” Andrew grumbled.

“Your mother’s right, kiddo,” Sonny said, pulling his suit jacket on. “You need a ride to the Spencers?”

Michael shook his head. “Nah. I’m meeting her at Luke’s.”

Carly stood up and to give Sonny a kiss. “Tell Liz and Jase I’m thinking of them and that the kids are fine,” she said.

“I will, baby. I’ll call you when I get to the warehouse.” Sonny pecked her on the lips and left.

Carly sat back down at the breakfast table. She was trying to control the four children still eating, but her mind kept wondering to Alexis Ashton and her daughter stricken with leukemia that only a bone marrow transplant could take care of.

She cast a look at her blonde haired twins and realized with a start that Amanda, Andrew and Christina all looked alike–that if anyone took the time to look, you could tell they had a parent in common.

She wondered if the time had come for this particular secret to be revealed.


Michael leaned over the pool table and lined up his shot. “So you went straight to Lucky’s.”

Lu smirked. “Yep.” She leaned on her pool stick. “I think Lucky’s still in love with her.”

“What about Emily?” Michael asked, concerned for his aunt.

Lu shrugged. “Look, Emily knew what she was getting into when they began dating–I think that’s why she refuses to marry him.”

“Probably,” Michael murmured. He angled his shot and took it, sending three balls down the corner pocket.

Lu leaned over to take her shot. “How are Dee and Davie?”

“They’re upset,” Michael replied. “Mom didn’t tell them what’s going on, but they’re smart kids–they know something’s wrong.”

“Poor Liz,” Lu said. “She must be devastated.”

“You should have seen Jase last night,” Michael said watching Lu sink the black ball, ending the game. “I thought he was going mess up the doctors if they didn’t tell him anything.”

“Yeah, he tends to be a little high strung,” Lu replied. She tossed her pool stick down and headed to the bar. “You want a soda?”

“Sure.” Michael followed his cousin and took a seat on the stool. “So they’re gonna stay with us until Liz is discharged.”

“Hey, did you hear about Alexis Ashton’s daughter?” Lu asked. “Lucky was telling me about this morning–you know since it’s Emily’s niece and all.”

“What about her?” Michael asked, flipping the tap of his soda open. He took a healthy swig.

“She’s got leukemia,” Lu replied. She grimaced. “She needs a bone marrow transplant, and Eddie, Alexis and Ned aren’t matches.”

“Isn’t her best bet usually a sibling?”

Lu nodded. “Yeah, like Nik was for me. So I don’t know what’s gonna happen to Christina. Unless a sibling comes creeping out of the woodwork, she’s screwed. She’s a good kid though.”


Sonny found Jason leaning against the wall outside of Elizabeth’s room. He stopped for a second–wondering why Jason wasn’t inside. Jason never left Elizabeth’s side–not since the day she’d come home to the penthouse all those years ago. The only time they were ever separated were the days Jason was away on business.


Jason looked up and crumpled the paper cup that had been in his hand. “I hope that’s real coffee,” he said, nodding towards the steaming cups in Sonny’s hands.

Sonny handed him one. “Black, just the way you like it.” He nodded his head towards the closed door. “Why aren’t you in there?”

Jason sipped his coffee and rubbed his eyes. “She had me thrown out.”

Sonny raised his eyebrows. “Thrown out? How? Why?”

“She called security,” Jason replied. “Apparently, what the patient wants, the patient gets.” He frowned and looked down at his coffee. “She’s shutting me out.”

“I’m sorry, Jase. I wish there was something I could do,” Sonny replied.

“Yeah?” Jason said. “Me, too. I used to know what to say to her, you know? Back when we were first friends…I never stuttered, never fumbled, I just spoke and it always seemed to be what she needed to hear. Now? I can’t say anything right.” He looked Sonny. “Why is that?”

“The stakes are higher,” Sonny replied. “You’re in love with her–you’re married.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Jason was silent for a while before asking, “Are Dee and Davie okay?”

“Yeah. They’re a little upset–you know, ’cause they don’t really understand what’s going on. But they’re going to be okay–Carly’s with them.”

“When Carly lost the baby,” Jason said, “how did…how did you deal with that?”

“We pulled away from each other for a while but we eventually bonded over it–I can tell you this–what happened with Carly is different. We were able to deal with it because we knew why it happened–you don’t. And Elizabeth is going to be blaming herself. There’s no where else she can put the blame. So don’t let her shut you out.”

“I never knew how it felt,” Jason said quietly. “You know…during the months we were apart after that Alcazar thing…and I was shutting her out so that I didn’t have to feel her pain–I never knew how it made her feel.” He looked up at his friend. “Now I know.”


Alexis emerged from the bathroom of the bedroom she shared with Ned. She stopped dead in her tracks. “Ned! I didn’t expect you home!”

Ned finished buttoning his dress shirt. “I’m just changing. I thought you were at the hospital.”

“Christie convinced me to come home and shower and take a nap,” Alexis replied. “Is Eddie still with Monica and Alan?”

Ned nodded. “Yeah. They send their prayers.”

Alexis sank onto the bed and stared down at the plush white carpet. “I don’t know what to do,” she whispered. “How am I supposed to go to him and tell him the truth after all these years? How am I supposed to convince him to let Amanda and Andrew be tested?”

Ned sat next to her. “I don’t know–but Alexis, we have to do it soon.”

“I know.” Alexis scrubbed her hands over her face. “I never dreamed this day would come. We’ve been happy–haven’t we Ned? I mean, we’ve been good up until now.”

“We have been,” Ned agreed. “You, Christie, Eddie and Brooke are my whole life.” His expression darkened. “Lois called. She wants to get Brooke tested.”

Alexis sighed. “I don’t want to put Brooke through the test. It’s painful.”

“I know. I told Lois I’d discuss it with you. We need to make a decision and we need to make it now, Alexis.”

“I know, I know,” Alexis murmured. “So, do I tell Carly she’s got the go ahead or do I tell Sonny?”

“As easy as it would to let Carly field this…” Ned stopped and shook his head sadly, “it wouldn’t be fair to her. It’s bad enough we have to do this–but I don’t see why Sonny has to know Carly knew all along.”

“You’re right,” Alexis agreed. “Because even though she’s been good to him for ten years, and they have a family, he’d leave her. He’d see it as a betrayal and it’s not fair to her. She was only keeping my secret.”

“So you’re going to tell Sonny,” Ned said.

Alexis nodded. “Yes. But I have so many people to think about…oh, God, what is Christie going to think of me?”

“It won’t matter,” Ned replied. “Christie loves you. She’ll love you no matter what.”

“She’s nine years old–she won’t understand my decisions.”

“She’s a mature nine and she’s heard of Sonny. She might surprise you.”

“I don’t want her to surprise me,” Alexis said softly. “I want her to stay nine and innocent for the rest–” she broke off, naked fear filling her eyes. “Oh, god! She is going to stay nine and innocent the rest of her life! She’s going to die!”

“Alexis–” Ned took her by the shoulders and gave her a little shake. “Breathe.”

Alexis took a deep shuddering breath. “I don’t know if I can do this, Ned…I don’t know if I can walk up to my baby girl and tell her you’re not her father.”

Ned looked away. “Alexis–”

Alexis gasped. “Oh, God, that’s not fair. I’m so sorry–you’re her father, she loves you and I know you love her–I’m sorry–”

“Alexis,” Ned cut in. “Please…calm down. We need to discuss this–how we’re going to handle this situation.”

Alexis ran a hand through her hair. “I know.” She stood. “Let’s head back to the hospital. I don’t want Christie there too long by herself.”

Emily Quartermaine strode briskly down the hall, a long tan leather jacket slung over her left arm. Her dark brown hair was highlighted blonde and worn long. She reached Elizabeth’s hospital room and was about to push it open when her brother stopped her.


“Oh, Jason!” Emily said, throwing her arms around him. “I am so sorry! Is Liz okay? Is there anything I can do?”

Jason extracted himself from his sister’s arm and led her away from the door. “Actually, yeah. I need you to not visit Elizabeth right now.”

Emily sank into a chair, wounded. “Why?” she asked, straightening her black skirt. She set her jacket on the chair next to her and watched as Jason sat next to her. “Why aren’t you in there with her?”

“Elizabeth–she’s taking this very hard,” Jason began. “I don’t blame her–but I don’t think it would be good for her to see you.”

Emily sat back, her hands absently going her slightly bulging abdomen. “Because we were both pregnant.”

Jason nodded. “I don’t want to upset her any further.”

Emily nodded. “All right. I’ll respect that.” Her brown eyes softened. “Mom wants to know if there’s anything she can do.”

Jason shook his head. “No. But tell her thanks.” His eyes darted around the corridor as if expecting Edward Quartermaine to jump out of the shadows. But Edward was dead–and had been for a few years.
“Dad’s keeping his distance,” Emily said, breaking into Jason’s thoughts. “But he sends his prayers. Things are so tense around the house with what’s happening to Christie.”

Jason frowned. “What’s happening?”

“She has leukemia,” Emily answered. “A bone marrow transplant is her only hope.”

“I’m sorry,” Jason said. “I know–I know that must be hard.”

“Yeah,” Emily said. She straightened. “Why aren’t you in the room with Liz?”

Jason shifted. “She had me…removed.”

Emily’s left eyebrow quirked up. “Removed?” she echoed. “Why?”

Jason rubbed the back of his neck. “She’s trying to shut me out. But I’m not leaving this hospital until she does. Whether I’m sleeping on a chair in the hall or in the room, I’m going to be there.”

Emily leaned forward and patted her brother on the hand. “Liz–she’s going through a difficult time and I know it means a lot to her to have you. It’ll be okay.”

“Yeah…” Jason sat back and stared ahead at the white walls. “Yeah, I hope so.”


After leaving her brother outside of his wife’s hospital room, Emily headed for the physical therapy room where she knew AJ was working that day. AJ had gotten his license to work as a physical therapist a few years ago, shortly after Jocelyn was born. He and Courtney had been able to move out of their small apartment into a larger cottage on the outskirts of town.

She entered the gym and leaned against the wall for a few minutes, watching her eldest brother work with a patient. AJ had really gotten his life together after his marriage to Sonny’s sister. Emily wasn’t particularly fond of her sister-in-law, but after ten years of sobriety on AJ’s part–she figured something had to be going well in his life.

AJ looked up after about ten minutes and smiled at the sight of his baby sister–though nearing the age of thirty, she was far from a baby. Her brown hair was hanging over her shoulder and her black power suit made her look older than she normally did. He couldn’t help but picture the day he’d first met Emily Bowen–she’d grown up so fast.

“I think that’s enough for today, Kyle,” AJ said to the teenager sitting on the bench, lifting weights with his ankle. AJ marked something off on his clipboard and helped the blonde to a standing position. He handed Kyle the crutches. “Just remember to do your exercises and I’ll see you in a few days.”

After Kyle had left, AJ embraced his sister. “Hey, kid, what brings you by?”

“I came to see Liz and Christie,” Emily said. She checked her watch. “I still have about twenty minutes before I have to head back to the office. Do you have time for some coffee?”

AJ nodded and pulled the gym door open. He followed Emily out and the two headed for the vending machines. “Edward knew what he was doing leaving ELQ to you.”

Emily flashed him a bright smile. “That means a lot to me.”

AJ put some coins in the machine and punched the necessary buttons. As coffee filtered down to his cup, he looked at her. “What’s Liz doing here?”

Emily’s eyebrows knitted together. “You mean you don’t know?” she asked.

“Know what?” AJ asked, pulling his cup out of the machine, letting Emily get her own drink.

“Liz had a miscarriage last night,” Emily replied, removing her coffee. She and AJ headed for a grouping of chairs. “I thought most of the family knew.”

AJ sat down and sipped his coffee. With a rueful smile, he remarked, “I don’t think Jase considers me family.”

Emily smiled at him. “Liz does–and you know that.”

“Yeah.” AJ shifted in his chair. “Liz has been good about that. I’m sorry this happened to her. I don’t know what I’d do if I were Jason.”

Emily sipped her coffee and sighed. “I had another fight with Lucky.”

AJ eyed her. “The marriage thing again?”

“Yep.” Emily shook her head. “He just can’t understand why I don’t want to get married.”

AJ leaned forward. “Do you understand why?”

Emily glared at him. “Yes. I don’t think that just because I’m pregnant that I should have to get married. This is a new century–a new millennium–”


She sighed and looked into the dark thick liquid in her paper cup. “I’m scared, AJ,” she said softly.

He patted her shoulder. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, kid. What’s got you running?”

Emily looked up, her eyes lush with tears. “I think I’m his second choice.”

AJ let a long slow breath out. “His second choice?”

Emily shoved a piece of hair behind her ear. “I know that whatever he and Liz shared–that’s it been over physically from the second she went back to Jason. But…she led him on, AJ. She let him believe there was a chance. And he fell in love with her all over again. Then she left him. I think…I think he’s still in love with her.”

“Have you said anything to him about this?” AJ asked.

Emily shook her head. “No. What if I’m wrong? You know and he leaves me because I’m stupid?”

“Emily, you are not stupid,” AJ said firmly. “I was around during that time–because Courtney and Liz were so close. I know how he felt about her–and it was a long time before he got over her. But I know that Lucky loves you–and I think you should sit down and talk to him about this. Get it into the open. He’ll never understand why you keep rejecting his proposal until he knows the whole story.”

Emily smiled. “When did you get so smart?”

AJ grinned. “Years and years of screwing up.”

This entry is part 1 of 13 in the Fiction Graveyard: True To Your Heart

Closing time – time for you to go back to the places you will be from.
Closing time – this room won’t be open ’til your brothers or you sisters come.
So gather up your jackets, and move it to the exits – I hope you have found a friend.
Closing time – every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end

— Semisonic, Closing Time


Alexis Davis-Ashton’s heels clicked loudly in the hospital corridor. She strode briskly away from the ICU, her hand covering her mouth as she tried to process that her daughter was deathly ill and she needed something that would cost Alexis ten years worth of secrets and lies.

Her husband bolted up from his chair. Ned Ashton’s eyes were concerned and alarmed as he took in Alexis’s drained expression. “Alexis…what’s going on?”

Alexis sank into the chair and leaned her elbows on her knees. “She’s going to die.”

Ned blinked. “No. We’ll get the best doctors–the best medicines–”

“It won’t be enough,” Alexis whispered, her voice empty. “Christie is going to die.”

“Why?” Ned demanded. “What could possibly make you say that?”

Alexis looked up at him then, her eyes full of unshed tears. “Her only chance for survival is a bone marrow transplant. And Eddie’s not a match, I’m not a match, you won’t be one–the doctors said that her father would be her best hope since the rest of us aren’t. He wants to test you–but Ned…you won’t match and we both know it.” Alexis seemed to collapse in herself and started to cry. “I’m going to lose her–I lied and now I’m going to lose her!”

Ned crouched in front of Alexis and pulled her hands into his, trying to inject some warmth and comfort. But he’d never felt so cold in his life. He’d raised Christina as his own daughter–he’d tucked her in, sang her lullabies, taken her temperature when she was sick…he’d been her father in every way except the one that mattered in the end.


Elsewhere in the hospital, a nervous and irate Jason Morgan paced outside of the emergency room. He’d stalk ten steps, pause, swear under his breath and run his hand through his dark blonde hair. He’d turn and repeat the process.

Carly Corinthos sat in a chair, her dark eyes following her best friend’s every move. She glanced at her husband but Sonny seemed lost in his own thoughts. She shifted in her chair and glanced to other side of her. Her eldest child, Michael, was leaning away from her, his elbow on the armrest and his chin resting in his hand. His own blue eyes were following the pacing figure in front of them.

Carly uncrossed her legs, shifted and re-crossed them. They’d been sitting in the emergency room for nearly an hour now. She closed her eyes briefly, shuddering at the reason they were here. Sonny, Carly, Jason and his wife, Elizabeth had been taking Michael out to dinner at the No Name to celebrate Michael’s graduation from high school. He was two years ahead of schedule and a brief smile flitted across her troubled face, feeling the pride creep in a little. Her little boy had grown up so fast–it seemed like only yesterday he’d been a little child. Now he was a young man of sixteen.

They’d been about to eat dessert when Elizabeth had suddenly crouched over in pain. She was six months pregnant with her third child. They’d rushed Elizabeth straight to General Hospital and she’d been in the emergency room for an hour.

Carly shifted again before standing. “Jason–” She put her hand out to stop his pacing.

“Mom,” Michael said. He stood and pulled her back. “Let him pace. It’s about the only thing he can do.”

Carly sighed and nodded. “I know.” She turned to Sonny. “I’m going to get some coffee. You want any?”

Sonny shook his head wordlessly and Carly set out for the coffee machines. There was very little she could do here.


Alexis wiped her eyes and stood. “We don’t have a choice.”

Ned stood and sighed. “Yeah I know.” He looked towards the ICU. “How do you want to handle it?”

Alexis wrapped her arms her abdomen and shook her head. “I don’t know. But we have to do it as soon as possible. I won’t allow Christie to suffer any longer than possible.” She pushed her brown hair out of her face. “I need some coffee. Will you go sit with her until I get back? We’ll finish this discussion tomorrow.”

Ned nodded and turned away to walk towards Christina’s room as Alexis headed for the coffee machines.

Alexis and Carly literally bumped into each other. Through the last few years, an uneasy truce had fallen over the woman. After Carly had given birth to twins seven years ago, she’d accepted that Sonny would never know Christina. She’d thrown her support for Alexis as DA knowing that Sonny would be safer that way. Carly had a feeling that despite her words to the contrary Alexis would never send Christina’s biological father to jail unless there was no choice. And Sonny had never given the authorities any reason to investigate him. Things had been oddly peaceful as the five families had formed an alliance and it had only served to strengthen the hold on Port Charles. Alexis hadn’t turned a blind eye to the crime. She’d prosecuted whenever possible.

“Hello,” Carly murmured, slipping her quarters in. Her quick eyes took in Alexis’s disheveled appearance and red-rimmed eyes. “Christina’s not any better?”

Alexis shook her head. “No. She needs a bone marrow transplant.”

Carly sighed. “I’m sorry–I hope you find a match…” Carly hesitated as if she were going to go further but decided that now wasn’t the time for this discussion.

Alexis knew Carly was giving her an opportunity but she chose not to think about it. Instead she focused her attention of Carly’s presence. “Why are you here?”

“It’s Liz,” Carly replied. She removed her coffee from the machine and sipped it. “There’s something wrong with the baby.”

Alexis looked away and closed her eyes. The heartbreak never seemed to end. Reopening her eyes, she took a deep breath. “I’m so sorry. Please…tell Elizabeth and Jason I’m praying for them.”

“I will,” Carly said. She hesitated a moment longer before walking away.


When Carly arrived back at the emergency room, only Michael was waiting for her. She frowned. “Where’s Jason and Sonny?”

Michael took a deep breath. “They’re on their way to recovery with Liz. She, um, she lost the baby.”

Carly sucked in a breath. “How is she?” she asked.

“She’s fine, I guess.” Michael shrugged. “Jase looks destroyed.”

“We’d better head up there.”


Sonny stood outside of the curtain that separated Liz’s bed from the rest of the room. He could hear her soft crying inside and Jason’s voice, but he wasn’t really listening. He was remembering a time when he’d lost a child. It’d been twelve years since that day but Sonny still couldn’t forget it and he thanked God that Jason hadn’t had to make the same choice.

Carly and Michael walked off the elevator and made their way over to them. “Is she all right?” Carly asked quietly.

Sonny shook his head. “No. She’s not.”

Michael shoved his hands in his pockets. “How long is she gonna be here, Dad?”

“A few days,” Sonny replied. “Why?”

“Well, Jase isn’t gonna leave her,” Michael replied. “And I think someone should let Lu know what’s going on.”

Carly nodded. “Yeah. We should bring Dee and Davie to the penthouse until she goes home. I want to keep this as easy on them as possible.”

“Yeah, we should head home soon anyway,” Sonny said. “There’s nothing we can do here.”

“Do you want to tell Jason?” Carly asked.

“He won’t even notice,” Sonny replied. “Come on.” He slipped an arm around his wife’s shoulder and the trio headed towards the elevators.


Jason smoothed Elizabeth’s brown hair away from her face as she lay curled in a fetal position. She’d cried herself to sleep over an hour ago. Twenty minutes ago, they’d moved her to a private room to recover.

Recover. What a ridiculous word to use. How does a person recover from losing a human life they were carrying? Six months, she’d been pregnant. She’d been showing and they were already decorating the nursery and discussing names. They’d decided that this child would be their last for a while–that they’d concentrate on raising the three they already had.

He trailed his fingers down his wife’s face and wondered what had gone wrong. She’d done everything she was supposed to. Kept the stress as low as she could–given his job anyway. She’d eaten right, slept a lot…why had she miscarried?

Elizabeth’s eyes fluttered open and she focused on her husband at her side. “Hey,” she murmured. She stretched her legs out and rolled onto her back.

“Hey…you all right?” he asked, leaning forward in his chair.

She nodded wordlessly and looked around. She sighed. “I didn’t dream it, huh?”

Jason shook his regretfully. “Elizabeth–”

She rolled over and curled back up, her shoulders shaking slightly. “Go home, Jason.”

“I’m not–” Jason stopped and sat back in his chair. “Sonny and Carly took the kids to the penthouse. I’m staying until–”

“I don’t want you here.” Her words were quiet but firm. “Go home.”



He stood and braced his hands on the edge of the mattress. He leaned over so his lips were next to her hair. “I am not leaving. I’m staying here, with you, until you’re released.”

She rolled back over and met his eyes. Her eyes were bloodshot and were still filled with tears. “Why?” she whispered. “What I did do wrong?”

Some of the tension left his shoulders and he relaxed. He dropped back in his seat and rested his elbows on his knees. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Elizabeth. These things…they just happen sometimes.”

“Things?” Elizabeth snapped. “These things?” She pulled herself into a sitting position to glare at him. “This isn’t a thing…this was a baby…this was our child…Jason, or doesn’t that matter anymore?” She demanded.

“Come on, Elizabeth, you know that’s not true,” Jason argued. He clasped his hands together and looked down. “I hate that it happened, but it did. We can’t do anything about it.”

“Go home,” she said. She twisted her wedding ring on her finger. “Davie and Dee need you.”

“They’re fine,” Jason said. “They were sleeping when Sonny and Carly got there and they’re sleeping just fine in the guest room at the penthouse. They don’t even know I’m not there. If I thought I was needed with them, you know I’d be there.” He let out a frustrated breath. “Don’t do this, Elizabeth. You hate when I shut myself down–well I hate it just as much when you do it. So don’t do it.”

She bit her lip and looked her hair, her brown hair falling across her face blocking his view. She’d grown it out and left it curly more often than not. “I just…it’s not fair,” she whispered. Her shoulders started to shake as she began to cry again. Jason stood and kicked his shoes off. He pulled himself onto the bed and pulled her into his arms. She leaned her face against his chest and within moments his shirt was soaked with her tears.


Lucky Spencer stumbled to his apartment door, rubbing his eyes. He opened the door, ready to knock out whoever was bothering him at this hour of the night. He focused on the pretty brunette in front of him and tensed. “Lulu? What are you doing here?”

Seventeen-year-old Lesley Lu Spencer rolled her eyes and pushed past her older brother, irritated. “We’ve discussed this. Don’t call me that.”

Lucky shook his head in wonder and closed the door. “All right, Lu. What’s up?”

Lu headed for his kitchen and pulled a can of soda out of the fridge. She popped it open and took a healthy swallow. “I was baby-sitting for Liz tonight.”

Lucky leaned against his door and folded his arms across his chest. “Yeah.”

Lu frowned. “You’re not going to do that thing? That look of disapproval where you still can’t believe she married him?”

Lucky rolled his eyes. “Lu–what’s your point?”

Lu shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. “Anyway, the kids are asleep and I’m waiting for them to get home. You know, because they were out with Carly, Sonny and Mike to celebrate graduation.”


“But they never came home. Sonny and Carly came by and picked up the kids.” Lu set her half-empty soda can on the counter and leaned against it. “Liz lost the baby tonight.”

“Oh.” Lucky straightened up. “That’s too bad–I know how much Elizabeth loves her kids–she must be devastated.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Lu murmured. “Well, I just thought you might want to tell Emily. You know, Liz might not be too receptive to her comfort–with the pregnancy and all.”

Lucky frowned and shifted. “Emily’s not speaking to me right now.”

“Why not?” Lu picked the soda up and took another swig. “What did you do?”

“I pressed the marriage thing again.” Lucky shrugged. “I don’t know the problem. I love her, she loves me. She’s six months pregnant with my kid.” He joined her in the kitchen and grabbed a box of cookies out of the cabinet. “Hell, she won’t even move in with me, much less marry me. Women.” He shoved a cookie in his mouth.

“You know, it’s late. I’m gonna let that one slide. Look, Emily just doesn’t want that kind of commitment. She’s career woman now. If she doesn’t want to get married, she doesn’t want to. You’ll have to suck it up and deal.”

“Yeah I know. But I want my kid to have some reassurance about me. What’s he gonna think when his parents aren’t married? He’ll think I’m a loser.”

“You are,” Lu chirped. “Anyway, then Emily will sit the kid down and explain her reasoning. You can even volunteer that you asked her to marry you and she turned you down.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Lucky ran a hand through his hair. “Was there anything else?”

“Nope. Can I crash here? Mom and Dad are off in the Orient somewhere,” Lu said.

“Sure. The guest room’s open.” Lu headed down the hall but he called her back. “Lu…what was the real reason you just had to tell me about Liz?”

Lu paused and turned around. She crossed her arms and studied her brother. “Just testing you.”

“Testing me?” Lucky echoed. “You know Liz and I are over.”

“Uh huh,” Lu replied. She leaned against the door. “I know that in Liz’s mind you are. But sometimes I’m not so sure about you. I know you love Emily, Lucky–but I also know you hate the fact you fell in love with Liz all over again only to lose her to Jason.”

“She’s not a thing, Lesley Lu,” Lucky snapped, her eyes flashing in anger. “I didn’t lose her to Jason. She loved Jason–I knew that. She denied it, tried to forget it and I was willing to let her forget about it with me. But she loved him and he loved her and I should have known I was setting myself for the fall. But that’s over. I love Emily.”

“I think that’s why Emily won’t marry you,” Lu said, clasping her hands behind her back and leaned against them. “I think that…despite her strong career woman of the new millennium image…I think that Emily is still very scared that you’re only with her because you can’t have Liz.”

“Well, that’s just ridiculous,” Lucky said.

Lu raised an eyebrow. “Is it?” When Lucky didn’t answer, she smirked and pushed the guestroom door open. She closed it behind her, leaving her older brother to his thoughts.

This entry is part 6 of 23 in the Fiction Graveyard: Mad World #1

Friday, November 5, 2004

Elizabeth’s Cottage: Bedroom

It was barely past dawn when her bedroom door slowly pushed open and Jason entered. He had slipped past the sleeping Steven on the couch downstairs, crept in to spend a few moments with Cameron before coming to Elizabeth’s room.

She was curled up on the right side of the bed, hugging a pillow to her chest. A pillow from the side of the bed he used when he was here.

His eyes wandered around the room. This was the only room in the house that showed his presence. A small picture of him holding Cameron was on her nightstand. So small that unless you picked it up and looked at it, you couldn’t tell who was holding the baby.

Compared to the large portraits hanging downstairs with Elizabeth and Cameron, Steve and Cameron, Audrey and Cameron, even a group shot of the trio–this demonstrated exactly how distant he was from this family that he loved.

She wore his blue shirt to bed.

Jason sat on the left side of the bed and sighed heavily. As much he loathed admitting it, Steven Webber was right. Elizabeth deserved better than this. She deserved someone who would put her first. Treat her like the most important person in their life.

She stirred and sleepily opened her eyes. “Jason?” she murmured. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. “What’re you doing here?”

“Go back to sleep,” he told her softly. He leaned over and pulled off his shoes before stretching out on the bed next to her. “You need your rest.”

“I’m sorry,” she said softly. Her eyes were still hazy with sleep but it didn’t mask the regret in them. “I shouldn’t have sent Steven to get Cameron.”

“I’m glad you did.” Jason took a deep breath. “We need to talk but you need to sleep. I just…I wanted to be here.”

Elizabeth nodded and laid her head against her pillow. She noticed that one of his was sitting between and she smiled a little. “Sometimes…when I’m dreaming…I think I’m not alone.” She shoved it towards him and he put it behind his head.

“Your brother really cares about you, Elizabeth,” Jason said after a moment. “I may not agree with his methods, but he does.”

“Yeah…even if he is an arrogant bastard,” she murmured. She closed her eyes. “Sleep now, okay?”

General Hospital: Connor Bishop’s Room

Emily leaned against the wall and watched as two uniformed MPs stood guard on Connor Bishop’s room. “At least he can’t escape,” she murmured.

“Just as soon as he’s recovered, he’ll be gone,” Nikolas assured her. He squeezed her hand. “And we can finally get on with our lives.”

“Hmm,” Emily replied. “I do feel sorry for him. I thought you were dead for months, I can imagine what’s he’s going through. He wanted someone to pay for what happened to Mary. Can you say you wouldn’t want the same?”

Nikolas sighed heavily. “No.” He rubbed his neck. “I’m going to go check on Kristina. Why don’t you go home? We’ve been here for days.”

“Okay, but I’m going to by Jason’s first. Sam’s real close to her due date and I want to see how she’s feeling.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you at home.”

Outside Brooke Lynn’s Room

Lois was seated on a chair outside her daughter’s room. Ned was inside, taking his turn sleeping at Brooke’s side.

She had barely slept in three days, her eyes felt gritty and her throat was hoarse from the crying she’d gone through. Diego Sanchez was in jail and it would give her great satisfaction to see him go on trial and eventually go to jail for his crimes.

But it would not put the light back in her daughter’s eyes or give her back the innocence that Lois had fought for her to possess.

She felt a weight sit in the empty chair next to her. “Lois,” Lorenzo Alcazar said softly. “I am so sorry.”

She cleared her throat and looked into his warm brown eyes. Full of compassion, sorrow…and something she couldn’t quite name. “Thank you,” she murmured.

“I have–I have to tell you something.” Lorenzo shifted. “Before you hear it from someone else.”

Lois frowned and rubbed her eyes. “It can’t wait?”

“It has to do with Brooke,” Lorenzo said. He exhaled slowly before beginning. “When I was much younger, I was in Los Angeles. I had an affair with a woman and she became pregnant. I offered to marry her, give the child my name but she refused. Though I hadn’t entered the business yet, my brother and father had and she worried for her safety, for the baby’s safety. I couldn’t argue with that. So I gave up my rights and gave her money.”

Lois hesitated. “You have a child.”

“Twins. They’d be about sixteen now.” Lorenzo saw the understanding in her eyes, the disgust and he forced himself to continue. “Until they were twelve, I had no contact with them. Their mother married and had other children. She died and her husband did not want them around. He put them into the system.” He closed his eyes. “I didn’t know about it. I would have claimed them both. It wasn’t until after I saw Luis and Sage together that I knew I wanted my children in my life.” He hesitated. “But the time I found them, they were fourteen and wanted nothing to do with me. They rather I’d leave them to foster care.”

She saw the pain in his eyes, knew how it felt to have your child reject you. She reached out and squeezed his hand. “I’m so sorry.”

“I kept my eyes on them anyway,” Lorenzo continued. “And I’m not ashamed that I may have bribed. Pulled strings to get them into certain homes. When…” he stopped. “When Diego began getting into trouble with the police, I pulled more strings. And I was going to do so yesterday. His sister Maria called to tell me he had been arrested. I went to arrange his release.”

She pulled back and swallowed hard. “I–he’s your son. I can’t blame you for wanting him free.”

But he saw the distance in her eyes and knew it would never be breached. “And until Mac told me what he’d been arrested for, I had wanted that.” He looked away. “Then he told me that my son had raped and beaten your daughter. I couldn’t believe that it would be possible. I demanded to see him.” He took yet another deep breath and decided to finish it. “Diego is my son. I can apologize for what he’s done but I cannot change it. I’m deeply sorry, Lois, for what has happened.”

“You don’t doubt that he’s guilty then?” Lois asked, a little sharply.

“No. I wanted it to be false. But after I saw him, after I heard him, there can be no doubt in my mind. I only hope he gets what he deserves for trying to break such a special young woman.”

Tears burned in Lois’s eyes and she looked away, towards the door where beyond it, her daughter and ex-husband slept. “So do I,” she whispered viciously.

He hesitated another moment before leaving her side.

Cottage: Bedroom

The sounds of Cameron stirring came through the baby monitor. Always a light sleeper, Jason stopped Elizabeth from fully waking up. “I’ll go get him.”

“‘E’s prob’ly hungry,” she slurred. Yawning, she turned over and drifted back to sleep.

Jason got out of bed and padded lightly down the hall. Cameron was in his crib, his legs kicking and his face scrunched up. “Hey, Cameron,” Jason said softly. He picked him up and cradled him in his arms. “I bet you’re surprised to see me.”

Cameron gurgled and waved his arms. “I’m going to be around a lot more,” Jason promised. “That is, if your mother lets me.”

“She will,” Elizabeth murmured from the doorway, her hair tousled from sleep, her eyes a little hazy. She’d changed into a button down shirt in preparation to breast feed Cameron. “He’s hungry.”

Jason crossed the room and handed the baby to her. She started for the rocking chair she usually sat in to nurse him but Jason beat her there. He sat down and tugged her into his lap. “I’ve never been able to see him this time of the morning,” Jason said regretfully.

“He’s not always a prince,” Elizabeth remarked. She unbuttoned her blouse and waited until Cameron’s tiny mouth had latched onto her nipple before speaking again. “I didn’t realize until later what it must have been like for you last night,” she said softly. “Having someone come to your home and take your son away. I am so sorry for that–”

“The penthouse isn’t my home,” Jason corrected. “This is. And I’m tired of pretending it’s not. I’m glad your brother knows the truth and I’m glad he came over last night. It’s made me understand that this isn’t…this is just as hard for you as it is for me and I hadn’t fully realized that before.”

“It’s not so bad,” she murmured. “Before, I was alone. And now I have you and Cameron. Even if I only have you part of the time, I don’t have to sit and wonder…does he care about me? Is this in my mind? Is this real? Now I know.”

“But you deserve better than this.” Jason shook his head. “Cameron deserves better than this. You deserve a family with someone who treats you better.”

Elizabeth stiffened. “”If you’re trying to walk away,” she began.

“No. I’m not–I’m not strong enough to do that,” Jason said. “I love you. I want us to be a family.”

“I want that too,” Elizabeth replied. “But Sonny–”

“If Sonny is my friend, he will understand. And if he doesn’t, then he’s not my friend at all,” he said, a little regretfully. “Carly–she’ll learn to accept it. My friendship is something she depends on so if she wants to keep it, she’ll learn to deal.” He touched her cheek. “I’m not willing to wait for my life to start anymore.”

“Well I’m certainly not going to argue with that,” Elizabeth said. Cameron let go of her nipple and yawned, indicating he’d nursed long enough.

“Lucky guy,” Jason murmured. “He gets to do that whenever he wants.” He met Elizabeth’s eyes. She bit her lip and suppressed a smile.

“So do you,” she replied softly, leaning forward to kiss him. “Steven’s gone. He left a note saying he saw you come in and decided to leave us alone.”

“Well,” Jason remarked, “that’s good news.” He kissed her again. “It’s been far too long since we had a chance to…talk.”

“Mmm…” Elizabeth nuzzled his neck. “Let me put Cameron back down to sleep and we can…talk.”

General Hospital: Kristina’s Hospital Room

Sonny stepped up the doorway where Alexis and Ric were sitting by Kristina’s bedside. He held a cup of coffee in hand. The night before had been the first night that Carly and the boys had been gone. He and Carly had been separated before–it was not the first time he’d spent the night apart from his boys.

But it was different this time. Even he could feel it.

“How is she?” Sonny asked softly.

Alexis turned and stopped Ric from rising. “I’ll talk to him,” she murmured. She stood, brushed her fingers over her daughter’s cheek before going to join Sonny in the hallway.

She closed door and took a moment to gather herself before facing Sonny. “She’s…feeling better. The transplant seems to be a success, there’s no reason to think she won’t continue to improve.”

Sonny nodded. “I’d like a chance to speak with her. When she’s up and feeling better. I want her to know that I’m her father, Alexis.”

Her throat tightened. “I’m not sure that’s wise.”

“I think I told you once that I didn’t give a damn what you thought,” Sonny said tightly. “Because Carly kept this from me, because you asked her to and touched a part of her that remembered Robin, Jason and Michael, my marriage is over and my boys are not in my house anymore. Because you kept this from me and lied to me, I have missed years of my daughter’s life. I have missed her first steps, her first words, her first smiles. Whether you like it or not, she is my blood. She is my daughter just as much as she is yours.”

“You have no right–”

“Because you saw fit to deny me those rights,” Sonny growled. “I understand your fear for her safety. It’s something I have lived with every day of my children’s lives. But that does not give you the right to decide what I should or should not know. If I had kept this from you, if I could have, you would have raised holy hell. Did you think that once I found out the truth, I would just let it continue? That I would let my son of a bitch brother step in and take what is my right? To be her father?”

“Sonny,” Alexis closed her eyes. “I want you to just–please. Do not do this right now. She’s just beginning to recover. I don’t…” She bit her lip. “You have every right to demand to see her, to know her and I know that we will have to deal with this. I am begging you. Let her get better. Let her fully recover from this so that when we do deal with this, it’s with clear heads and not heavy hearts.”

He wanted to argue, he wanted to press the point. But what he wanted, what Alexis or Ric wanted didn’t matter.

Kristina did.

Sonny slowly nodded. “All right. Kristina’s recovery comes first. Once she’s home and feeling well, we will discuss this further.”

Alexis felt the vise around her chest begin to loosen. “Thank you.”

Sonny smiled sadly. “We used to be friends, Alexis,” he murmured. “Good friends. There are days that I miss it.”

Alexis felt her eyes water. “There are days I miss it, too.”

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

Sam groaned as she slowly moved down the steps. She was going to have to give some serious consideration to just moving her bed down to the living room. These steps were going to kill her.

She’d just reached the landing when a sharp pain lanced through her abdomen. Sam gasped and struggled to get to the phone. She’d dialed the first three digits of Elizabeth’s number when she collapsed and hit the floor.

Cottage: Hallway

Hey now, all you sinners
Put your lights on, put your lights on

Jason pressed her against the wall outside her bedroom and sank into her mouth, devouring her like he hadn’t tasted her in days. She slid her fingers into his short hair, fisting them when he bit her lower lip.

Restless, she moved her hips, pressing them against his in hopes of easing an ache that seemed a permanent part of her existence. He dug his fingers into the undersides of her thighs and lifted her legs so she could lock the long lengths around him.

General Hospital: Chapel

Hey now, all you lovers
Put your lights on, put your lights on

Lorenzo sat in the front pew, his hands folded, his head bowed. He’d felt for Lois. Not the sweetness he’d had for Sophie or the choking obsession for Carly. He’d felt something deep for Lois Cerullo. Something lasting and comforting.

And because of something out of his control, something he could never change, it was gone.

General Hospital: Nurse’s Station

Hey now, all you killers
Put your lights on, put your lights on

Carly wearily propped her elbows on the counter and waited for her mother to finish her shift so they could go to the house, have dinner and discuss Carly’s future.

Someone cleared their throats behind her and she turned, unable to ignore the fluttering in her stomach at the sight of one Dr. Steven Webber.

“Hello,” he said. “I heard about…your…marriage.” His caramel colored eyes were filled with sympathy. “I’m sorry.”

“So am I,” she murmured softly. “But not for the reasons you’d think.”

Morgan Penthouse: Hallway

Hey now, all you children
Leave your lights on, you better leave your lights on

Emily stepped off the elevator and went towards her brother’s door. She knocked and frowned when she thought she heard something.

She knocked again. “Jason? Sam?”

A whimpering from within sounded and Emily’s heart tightened. She fished in her purse for the extra set of keys and hurried to open the door.

A partially conscious Sam was crumpled on the floor.

Kristina’s Hospital Room

Cause there’s a monster living under my bed
Whispering in my ear

“Are you all right?” Ric murmured as Alexis took her seat next to him. He took her hand and brought it to her lips.

“I think I’m going to be,” Alexis replied after a moment. “I think that we might be able to work with Sonny, even co-exist.” She looked at him. “I want him to be part of her life if we can work something out together.”

Though he disliked the idea, Kristina was not his daughter and his marriage to Alexis was still fragile, still too new to push for an alternative.

And maybe it work after all.

Brooke Lynn’s Hospital Room

There’s an angel, with a hand on my head
She says I’ve got nothing to fear

Lois crept back into her daughter’s room and took a moment touch Ned’s forehead. The man was so exhausted, she would have to convince him to go home soon.

For the first time in days, Brooke seemed to be sleeping in somewhat peace. Her forehead wasn’t crinkled up in distress and her breathing was slow and even.

She couldn’t imagine what Lorenzo must going through right now, facing the knowledge that his flesh and blood had brutally raped and beaten a young woman. And then the decision to let him face the charges when he easily could have had him released…

She kissed Brooke’s forehead and left the room.

General Hospital: Emergency Room

There’s a darkness deep in my soul
I still got a purpose to serve

The doors flew open and a stretcher raced in, Emily at its side. “Mom!” she called, spying Monica Quartermaine.

“Emily!” Monica came towards her and when she spied Sam on the stretcher, she looked behind them for Jason. “Where’s Jason?”

“I can’t get a hold of him, he’s not answering his cell,” Emily said, brokenly. “She was just lying on the floor.” She struggled to keep her tears in. “I should call him again.”

Jones House: Maxie’s Bedroom

So let your light shine, into my hole
God, don’t let me lose my nerve
Lose my nerve

“Why haven’t you been to see her yet?” Lucas asked softly.

Maxie shrugged. “I wouldn’t know what to say.” She looked up at him. “She’s always…so strong. She’s always been so tough and just…she’s Brooke. I can’t–I don’t want to see her like that, Lucas. I’m scared.”


“I’m scared,” she repeated. “If this could happen to Brooke…it could happen to anyone.”

General Hospital: Emergency Room

Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now
Wo oh hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now

Sonny almost had to skid to a stop as he launched himself off the elevators and rushed towards Emily. “Where is she? Is she all right? Where’s Jason?”

“She’s in surgery,” Emily said softly. “I don’t know anything other than that. And…” she closed her eyes. “I can’t find Jason.”

Cottage: Bedroom

Hey now, all you sinners
Put your lights on, put your lights on

Jason peeled the shirt from her shoulders and flung it somewhere. She wore nothing underneath save for a pair of white bikini panties. His fingers slid down her torso and cupped her breasts.

Elizabeth bit her lips and fought back a whimper as his thumbs strummed her nipples. She broke free of his kiss and clawed at his shoulders with her fingernails when he thrust his hips into her center. “Jason!”

General Hospital: Nurse’s Station

Hey now, all you children
Leave your lights on, you better leave your lights on

Steven frowned and took a step towards the woman who had occupied far too many of his thoughts. “Then for what reasons?”

Carly shook her head. “I shouldn’t have even said anything,” she murmured. “Never mind.”


“Carly,” Bobbie rushed up to the pair. “Have you seen Jason?”

Carly frowned. “No…”

“Sam’s in the ER,” Bobbie told her, “and no one can find him.”

Steven bit his lip and frowned.

General Hospital: Emergency Room

Because there’s a monster living under my bed
Whispering in my ear

Sonny hissed when he got Jason’s voicemail again. He slammed the payphone down and dragged his hands through his hair. Jason was gone, disappeared into thin air.

And Sam was in some room, fighting for her life and the life of her child.

Swearing under his breath, he picked up the phone and jammed some more coins into it.

General Hospital: Chapel

There’s an angel, with a hand on my head
She say’s I’ve got nothing to fear

Lorenzo looked up as Lois sat next to him. “What are you doing here?” he asked.

She took his hand in hers. “I am so sorry for what you must be going through right now,” Lois told him. “And so damn grateful for what you did.”

“I didn’t–”

“You sacrificed your son for my daughter.” Her eyes were swollen from crying, but clear. “Thank you.”

General Hospital: Emergency Room

La ill aha ill allah
We all shine like stars

Monica stepped out from one of the rooms, her eyes red, her hands shaking. “Sonny.”

“I haven’t found Jason yet,” Sonny told her. “But I’ve got medical power of attorney to okay any operation that’s–”

“Sonny,” Monica interrupted softly. She put a hand on his arm. “We lost the baby.”

Cottage: Bedroom

La ill aha ill allah
We all shine like stars

Elizabeth fell onto her back, exhausted. She couldn’t stop her lips from curving into a satisfied smile. “We should really talk more often.”

Jason laughed, his voice sounding a little thick. “Yeah, well…” He brushed his lips over her shoulder. “I didn’t say we were finished discussing this yet.”

She giggled and then moaned as he nibbled at her throat.

And tucked into the back pocket of his long ago discarded jeans, another missed call logged itself onto his cell phone, bring the count to twelve.

Then we fade away

This entry is part 5 of 23 in the Fiction Graveyard: Mad World #1

Chapter Five

Thursday, November 4, 2004

General Hospital: Nurse’s Station

“How is the transplant going?” Bobbie Spencer asked as Steven stepped up to the desk and set some charts down.

“She’s in there with Dr. Quartermaine–Mrs. Dr. Quartermaine,” Steven clarified. “She’s a little more skilled in that area than I am.” He shrugged. “But it’s going okay, I think. It was real luck finding Elizabeth as a donor. I thought after Morgan was tested, we were out of options.”

“And Elizabeth? Is she going home today?”

“Mmm…she’s going to stay with some friends. They had Cameron over night last night and until Elizabeth’s a little stronger, she’ll stay with them.” Steven made one last notation in a chart. “I’m done for the day–”

“Who’s Elizabeth staying with?” Bobbie asked. “Emily?”

“No, Emily’s planning her wedding. She’s staying with Jason Morgan and his girlfriend, Sam,” Steven replied.

“Jason?” Bobbie repeated. She mulled that one over. “I didn’t realize they were still…friends.”

Steven frowned. “What does that mean?”

“Well…” Bobbie leaned across the counter and proceeded to tell Steven exactly what that meant.

Brooke Lynn’s Hospital Room

Brooke took a deep breath. “Thanks for convincing my parents to leave the room.”

Mac nodded. “You can trust me, Brooke. I don’t want to cause you any pain or discomfort but there are questions I need to ask.”

Brooke nodded. “There was evidence right?” she asked softly.

“There was DNA…and the hospital took photographs,” Mac said hesitantly, unable to really look her straight on. It wasn’t too hard to imagine one of his daughters sitting there, bruised and broken. “The last thing we need before DA Lansing goes to the grand jury is your official full statement.”

Brooke nodded. “Okay, go ahead. I promise to tell you the truth.”

“Okay. The night of November 2, you were at Kelly’s with Diego Sanchez, is that right?” Mac asked.

Brooke nodded. “We had dinner and we were talking. Eventually we were the last customers there. Mike–he had to leave and he asked us to keep an eye on the place.”

“What happened when he was gone?” Mac asked.

“Diego and I were just talking. He stood up and went to the, ah, counter. I followed him.” Brooke hesitated. “It’s–I don’t even remember what we were talking about. But–he kissed me.” She rubbed her finger over her bruised bottom lip. “I pushed him away, I was so angry. He knew I’d been seeing Lucas and I didn’t–I didn’t give him any signal that it was okay.”

She clenched her fist in the blankets and looked down. “He–I said ‘I thought we were friends’ and he just–he looked so unlike the Diego I thought I knew. He was so…furious.” Tears threatened to spill over her lashes and she took in a shaky breath. “He–he said, ‘You thought I wanted to be friends with you?'”

She was silent for a moment but then continued. “He had me by the shoulders–and was shaking me so hard I could, like, feel my teeth rattle. I asked him to let me go and then–he dragged me to the kitchen. He said he’d show me what he did to teases.”

Brooke dragged a hand over her eyes. “He threw me against a counter so hard I lost my breath and then–then he tore my shirt.” Her voice broke and she closed her eyes. “He, um, tried to kiss me again but I–scratched at his face and he hit me.” She touched her cheek where a large bruise was swelling. “I don’t–it’s not really clear after that.” She cleared her throat. “I remember him tearing my skirt and the–sound of his zipper,” she said softly. “I think I might…I might have blacked out after that or I just–I can’t remember.”

“That’s enough for now.” Mac capped his pen and put it and his notepad in his coat pocket. “You did fine, Brooke.”

“I asked Georgie to find out why,” Brooke said after a moment of awkward silence. “I was upset and I wasn’t thinking clearly and I know she just promised to do it so I would calm down so…if she asks to see him, tell her no, okay?”

“I’m not letting Georgie anywhere near that kid,” Mac promised her. He stood. “I might have to ask a few more questions but we’re done for now. I’ll go tell your parents that we’re done.”

PCPD: Squad Room

“Dad said it was fine along as someone stands by that little window thing,” Georgie lied smoothly as she smiled at one of the rookie cops.

“I don’t know,” the officer said. “Maybe…”

“I’m the police commissioner’s daughter,” Georgie said patiently. She smiled, charm oozing from her expression. “Would I lie?”

Five minutes later, she sat in the interrogation room, trying not to fidget as an officer led Diego Sanchez into the room.

Diego smirked and flopped into the seat. “You never seemed the type for sloppy seconds.”

Georgie sat back in the seat. “Don’t be crass. I know what you did to her and all I want to know is why.”

“I can’t believe she’s saying it was rape,” Diego snorted. “Fucking tease.”

Georgie clenched her fists. “You knew she was dating Lucas. What made you think she’d want you?”

“He’s a pansy-ass,” Diego snarled. “I thought she’d want a real man.”

“Yeah, a real man forces himself on a girl. A real man doesn’t take no for an answer,” Georgie said mockingly. “A real man has to resort to rape to get what he wants.”

“Watch it, Princess,” Diego said quietly. “Just watch it.”

“Or what?” Georgie challenged. “You’ll hit me? You’ll rape me too?”

“Why would I want some little daddy’s brat?” Diego leaned forward and looked her so intently Georgie could practically feel him ripping the clothes from her body. “You’re just a little girl, Jones. Even your own boyfriend won’t screw you.” He sat back. “I wouldn’t even lower myself to touch you.”

“Well, after what you did to Brooke…” Georgie stood slowly, not taking her eyes off him, “you won’t have a chance to do it to anyone else. You’re going to jail Diego and I hope to God someone makes you their bitch.”

“Don’t get your hopes up, sweetheart. I already got someone taking care of this little inconvenience.”

“What?” Georgie demanded.

“So when I get out, should I look you up?” Diego asked.

The door flew open and Mac stepped in. “Out,” he snarled at his daughter.

Georgie glared at Diego. “I’ll find a way to make sure you rot in prison,” she hissed. She stalked out.

“Officer, get this scum back to his cell.”

Mac dragged Georgie from the squad room into office and slammed the door. “What the hell do you think you were doing?”

“I was trying to get answers,” Georgie seethed. “Is he going to prison or not, Dad?”

“That’s none of your business,” Mac replied. “You do not get to use my name to go see a criminal–”

“Brooke deserves to know why this happened to her,” Georgie argued. “Does he have connections? Is he getting out?”

Mac shook his head. “His connections aren’t coming through. I don’t know what they are, but they’re not going to work. We’ve got him solid, Georgie. Now promise me you won’t pull this stunt again.”

“I promise.” Now that she had been reassured and her father seemed to have calmed down, the chill in her skin seemed to set in. “I never want to see him again anyway.”

Elizabeth’s Hospital Room

Elizabeth was buttoning her pink blouse when Steven pushed open the door and frowned at her. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“So you and Jason are friends.”


He closed the door and leaned against it. “Friends who have lived together.”

Her fingers stilled on the last button. “That was a long time ago.”

“Mm. So Sam’s Jason’s girlfriend?” Steven asked.

“No.” Elizabeth sat on the bed and started to tie her tennis shoes.

“Is he Cameron’s father?”

“What?” Elizabeth asked, jerking her head up to stare at her brother. “What are you talking about?”

“Is Jason Cameron’s father?” Steven repeated.

“What would make you ask a question like that?” Elizabeth demanded. She finished tying her shoes and stood. “Zander–”

“Had brown eyes,” Steven finished. “I’ve seen pictures. Blue eyes are recessive. So therefore both parents have to have blue eyes.”

Elizabeth blinked. “So?”

“Cameron’s eyes are blue,” Steven remarked. “I didn’t really think about it before but once I found out that you and Jason are not exactly friends, I started to think about it. I pulled Zander Smith’s hospital records. And yours and Cameron’s.”

“You had no right–”

“The blood types don’t match. So Zander isn’t Cameron’s father. And neither is Ric Lansing, I already knew this. So is Jason’s Cameron’s father?”

“It’s not that simple,” Elizabeth sighed, sinking onto the hospital bed. “Steven…”

“Does he know?” Steven asked.

“He knows,” Elizabeth murmured. “I realized he was Cameron’s father last April. I didn’t know how to deal with that so I left town. When I came back, I told him the truth.”

“And he doesn’t want him?” Steven snarled. “I’ll kill him–”

“No, no–” Elizabeth stood and took his arm. “Jason loves Cameron, he loves him so much. You don’t know Jason like I do. He’s a wonderful father. He just–we can’t be a family right now. Sonny and Carly…there are just circumstances. Jason’s trying to protect us.”

“So that’s how you can afford the cottage,” he realized. “And why you always put off those doctors.”

“I love him. I’ve hurt him so much in the past so him just asking for some time to get things squared away is not so bad.” She scratched her forehead. “It’s…just hard pretending that I don’t love him.”

Steven shook his head. “If he was willing to sleep with you, he should be willing to accept the consequences. He thinks he can tell Carly how to live her life–I bet she has no idea he’s treating my sister like some whore.”

“Steven, it’s not like that–”

“Not like that? You might think it’s okay because he loves you and you love him, but that doesn’t excuse what he’s doing. I bet he only comes by once in a while, right? Only when he can find the time,” he said sarcastically.


“How can you let him do this to you?” Steven demanded. “How can you let him treat you like you’re not important?”

“I am important to him, he’s trying to protect me,” Elizabeth attempted to explain.

“If you were so damn important, Elizabeth, he would tell Sonny and Carly to go to hell. He sure wouldn’t be shacking up with Sam McCall and he wouldn’t be planning to raise that little girl while my sister is stuck raising his son by herself,” he seethed.

“Steven, it’s not like that,” Elizabeth pleaded, her eyes glossy with tears. “I love him.”

“Then I guess it’s just fine and dandy that he chooses the rest of the people in his life over you,” Steven said scathingly.

Elizabeth fell silent and blinked, looking at the floor. What Steven said made sense but Jason loved her. He wasn’t really choosing Sonny, Carly and Sam over her and Cameron.

But he’d known the truth since July. Four months. He came by almost every day in the beginning but it was getting less and less now. Last month, he’d only spent the night one time and his visits were so short. Didn’t her son deserve better?

Didn’t she deserve better?

“Do you think you could arrange to take tomorrow off?” she asked softly. “I just need to rest for a little while and someone needs to watch Cameron. Can you stay at the cottage?”

“Sure.” Steven rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t–I didn’t want you to feel bad, Elizabeth. I just–you deserve the best life has to offer. I don’t want you to settle for someone who refuses to give that to you.”

“I know. I know you love me.” She kissed his cheek. “Can you take me home? And go pick up Cameron from the penthouse? I just want to go home.”

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

Sam opened the door. “Hey, did you bring Elizabeth?” she asked.

Steven stepped past her and entered the penthouse. “No, I’m just picking up Cam.”

“Picking…” Sam hesitated. “I thought she was staying with us.”

“Plans change,” Steven said simply. “Where is he?”

“He’s in the nursery with Jason,” Sam said, “but–”

Steven ignored her and went upstairs, looking for the first open door. It led into a room decorated in pink and white, just ready for a little girl to come into the world.

Jason was standing by the crib with Cameron in his arms. He looked up at Steven’s arrival. “Elizabeth downstairs?”

“No.” Steven spied Cameron’s diaper bag on the floor and picked it up, looping the strap over his shoulder. “I’m here to take Cameron with me. I took tomorrow off from the hospital so I’m going to watch out for them both.”

“Why?” Jason asked, a little sharply. “Cameron’s fine here.”

“He belongs with his mother,” Steven remarked. “Not with someone who can’t bother to treat my sister with even half the respect she deserves. Not with someone who can’t claim his own kid because he’d rather have the respect of his friends.”

Jason stilled and after a moment, he sat Cameron in the crib and stalked past Steven. Steven followed him and shut the door so that Cameron wouldn’t be disturbed.

“What’s the matter?” Steven asked. “You don’t like hearing the truth?”

“You don’t know a damn thing about this situation,” Jason said coldly. “And I find it hard to believe Elizabeth just volunteered this information.”

“Right, because the whole thing is supposed to be some sort of sordid little secret.” Steven nodded. “You ashamed of my sister?”

“Shut the hell up–”

“You ashamed you created that beautiful little boy with her?” Steven asked.

“You don’t know anything–”

“I know that my sister is an amazing person who has been through so much in her life that the last thing she needs is the man she loves treating her like a second-class whore. Do you know how many doctors ask her out?” Steven demanded. “Men who would treat her like gold, who would give her the respect she damn well deserves. But no, she sits at home and waits for you. A man who would rather let what his friends think rule his life. If you really loved her, if you really valued her, you’d tell Sonny and Carly to go to hell. You don’t get to treat her this way, Morgan.”

“Says the guy who never showed up until now. How long has she lived here?” Jason asked. “How many times have you been to visit? How many times have you called or written?”

“I’m not trying to pretend I’ve never made a mistake,” Steven retorted. “I’m saying that I never treated my sister like dirt. I never made her feel like she should have to sit around and wait for you to come to her. It’s done. She’s already taken the first step by going home instead of here and if I have anything to do with it, she’s going to keep walking away from you.”

Jason grabbed Steven by the shirt collar and slammed him against the wall. “What makes you think she’ll listen to you?” he growled.

“She already has,” Steven said coolly.

Sam’s labored breathing broke through the haze of testosterone. She rounded the corner. “I started up the stairs when the door slammed but, boy, it took forever.” She looked at Jason and rolled her eyes. “Let him go. Do you think it’s going to make it any easier if you rough her brother up?”

Jason released Steven and stepped back. “My son stays here. Elizabeth can pick him up herself.”

“Really,” Steven said slowly. “So if we go out to the elevators and I tell you I’m taking Cameron home, you gonna say that? Just like that?”

Jason just glared at him. Steven shook his head. “No balls,” he muttered. He pushed Jason out of the way and went into the room. A few moments later, he emerged, Cameron tucked into a carrier.

“Jason,” Sam hissed. “Stop him.”

“Elizabeth wants Cameron at the cottage,” Jason said quietly as he watched another child being taken from him. “I’ll go see her tomorrow and we’ll–we’ll straighten this out.”

This entry is part 4 of 23 in the Fiction Graveyard: Mad World #1

Chapter Four

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Corinthos Penthouse: Bedroom

Elizabeth was a match?” Courtney asked, doubt lacing her voice. “Why? How?”

“She and Sonny have the same blood type,” Carly murmured as she finished packing another drawer into suitcases.

“It’s just…it’s weird that she’s not related and she’s a match. It almost doesn’t seem fair.” Courtney sat on the windowsill. “Carly, why are you packing? Sonny hasn’t made anything official.”

“But he will,” Carly replied. She pulled another bag out of her closet and opened her drawer of panties, bras and other undergarments. “And I just want to be prepared.”

“Carly, you can’t just give up on your marriage–”

“Courtney, I’m not giving up. I’m accepting the facts. Since Sonny and I married for the first time four years ago, we have separated no less than five times–twice in the last year alone. I cannot keep doing this, Courtney. I cannot keep giving my heart and my life for him only to be cast out when he feels I’ve betrayed him. I’m not putting my boys through it anymore.”

“Are you sure about this?” Courtney asked.

“How sure were you when you divorced Jason?” Carly asked. “You weren’t. It was until months after it happened that you were okay with your decision. Well, no I’m not sure. But I really don’t have a choice in the matter.” She closed the newly emptied drawer. “How is the situation with the police?” she asked, changing the topic. “The charges were dropped against you, right?”

“They were,” Courtney replied. “But Diego is still facing rape and assault charges.” She shook her head. “It just doesn’t feel right. I can’t believe he would do that–he cares about Brooke Lynne. Why would he hurt her?”

“You’ve known Diego a month, Courtney. People I’ve known for years are capable of things I can’t imagine happening. I wouldn’t be quick to support him over a girl who’s been raped.”

“I’m not supporting him,” Courtney remarked, a little stunned. “I’m just…surprised.”

The sound of a baby crying broke the tense silent and Courtney frowned. “I thought Morgan was with Bobbie.”

“He is. That’s Cameron,” Carly said, crossing to her closet and perusing more clothes. “He’s staying with Sam and Jason while Elizabeth’s recovering from surgery.”

Courtney narrowed her eyes. “Why with them? Why not her brother? Or her grandmother? Even Emily and Nikolas. Why Jason?”

“Sam volunteered them,” Carly said absently. “Something about practice.” She shut the lid the suitcase. “Courtney, I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s not Elizabeth who’s getting her claws in Jason, it’s Sam.” She hesitated. “And I’m not even sure I care anymore. Jason’s a big boy and he can make his own decisions.”

Courtney squared her shoulders. “You’re usually the first one to head off someone going for Jason. It’s the reason you and Elizabeth are always at each other’s throats.”

Carly sat on her bed and sighed heavily. “I can barely run my own life, Courtney. I can’t pretend I have any control over Jason’s life anymore. Maybe when I figure mine out, I’ll ask Jason what he’s doing hanging out with Elizabeth’s son, okay?”

Taken aback at Carly’s sharp retort, Courtney cleared her throat and stood. “Right. Well, I should go. Jax is coming over and he wants to discuss my legal options. Give me a call when you and the boys are settled.”

“Courtney…” Carly after her halfheartedly as the blonde exited the room.

Morgan Penthouse: Living Room

“Aren’t we just the cutest little baby in the whole wide world?” Sam cooed, ticking Cameron’s feet. “Yes, we are, yes we are.”

The little boy giggled and Sam laughed right back. “Jason, stop looking at the clock.”

“She should be out of surgery now.”

“She probably is.” Sam lifted Cameron into her lap. “Go see her.”

“I can’t.”

She rolled her eyes. “Daddy’s having a freak out,” she said confidentially to the little boy. “You’re her friend, aren’t you?”

“If we’re around each other too much, it’s hard.” Jason rested his hands on the desk and stared at the phone as if willing it to ring with news of Elizabeth. “Because we have to pretend we don’t feel anything.” He glanced at Cameron. “I have to pretend he’s nothing more than the son of an old friend.”

“Must be next to impossible.” Cameron held his arms out to his father but Jason stayed across the room. “You won’t be able to keep this secret forever. He’s going to get bigger, Jason. He’s going to start talking and maybe the first few times he calls you Daddy in public, people will think it’s cute, but not forever.” Sam hesitated. “Unless he’s not going to call you that even in private–”

“Sam…” Jason closed his eyes. “That’s not fair.”

“Well, it’s not really fair to Cameron or Elizabeth either is it?” Sam set Cameron on the floor and watched him crawl across the floor to where he had some stuffed animals on a blanket.

“At least she gets to see him every day,” Jason murmured. He sat on the floor next to Cameron and the boy immediately abandoned his toys to crawl towards the big man whose voice he recognized.

“Sure she gets to see him every day,” Sam replied. “But she can’t share her life with his father, the man she loves. I know how she must feel.” Her voice softened and she looked towards the windows. “When Carly moved back into the penthouse last spring and Sonny told me he’d come by when he could…” She twisted the hem of her gray sweater in her fingers. “It made me feel so low, Jason. So dirty. Like trash.”

“Elizabeth–she doesn’t feel that way. She has to know…” Jason shook his head. “It’s not like that, Sam.”

“Hmmm.” Sam got to her feet and pressed her hand against her lower back. “I think I’ll go to the hospital. Do some visiting.”


“Spend time with your son,” she murmured as she moved to the closet and struggled into a jacket.

“Sam, this isn’t something you need to fix–”

Sam pulled the door open and smiled at the guard. “Hey, Tommy right? Yeah, I’m going to General Hospital–my friend’s out of surgery.”

“Mr. Morgan?” the guard spoke past her.

Jason sighed. “Yeah. Take her and don’t let her out of your sight.”

When the door shut, Jason sighed and pulled Cameron into his arms. The baby giggled and touched his face. “I miss you when I’m not around,” he said softly. “When you’re with your mother and I can’t be there…” he closed his eyes and hugged his son close. “I wish it could be different.

General Hospital: Brooke Lynn’s Room

“Okay, so I could do the whole silence awkward thing,” Georgie began, “but I’ve decided that it’s overplayed.”

Brooke smiled hesitantly. “Yeah?”

“Yeah, so here are the flowers,” the perky blonde set an arrangement of tulips on the table next to the bed, “and the card.” She tossed a card onto the bed. “Okay, so let’s get on to other stuff.”

“Other stuff,” Brooke said slowly.

“Yep.” Georgie twisted her fingers together. “Kristina’s got a donor, did you hear?”

“Yes,” Brooke nodded. “I also heard she’s not my biological sister.”

“Oh. Well.” Georgie shrugged. “Blood’s not everything. I mean, Mac’s not my biological father.”

“True.” Brooke shrugged.

“And it’s not like Kristina’s got any other sisters,” Georgie reminded her. “I mean, yeah, Sonny’s got one on the way and two sons but every girl needs an older sister.” She wrinkled her nose. “Even if it’s Maxie.”

“Maxie’s great,” Brooke said. “You guys are lucky to have each other.”

“Yeah, I did luck out that way. And hey, as crazy as family is, they come in handy. You’ve got Dillon.”

“He hasn’t come to see me,” Brooke murmured. She toyed with the edge of her blanket. “I know…I know there’s some bruises…”

“No, no.” Georgie took Brooke’s hand in hers. “Hey, babe, listen. Dillon…he’s destroyed by this. I mean, he loves you so much, he just…he doesn’t know what to say. None of us do. Do we push you to talk about it? Do we pretend it didn’t happen? What do we do? What do we say?” She shrugged. “We don’t want to hurt you, Brooke, we want to help.”

“I appreciate that, I do. I just wish…” Brooke bit her lip. “I wish this hadn’t happened. I wish I knew why…” Tears clung to her lashes. “I thought he was our friend, Georgie. Why did he do this to me?”

Georgie launched her self off her chair and sat on the bed, pulling Brooke into a loose hug. “Because there are people out there who just really suck.”

“Can you ask him?” Brooke closed her eyes and sniffled. “I want to know why.”

“I’ll find out,” Georgie promised, “I’ll find out.”

General Hospital: Pediatric Ward

“Hey…” Sam touched Alexis’s arm. “Did they take Kristina already?”

Alexis nodded and crossed her arms tightly. “Elizabeth’s surgery went more quickly than they expected. There was no reason to postpone Kristina’s.”

“So, it went well? She’s all right?” Sam asked.

“She’s been moved to a room,” Alexis answered. “Cameron’s staying with you while she recovers, isn’t she?”

“Mmm…and so is Elizabeth when she’s released. Jason doesn’t want her on her own with the baby until she’s stronger.” Sam bit her lip. “Anyway, do you know what room she’s in? I wanted to go see her.”

“Oh, no…no, I don’t. But I’m sure someone can help you at the nurse’s station.”

“Thanks…I’m glad Kristina’s going to be okay,” Sam told Alexis. “I can’t imagine the terror you went through.”

Alexis smiled weakly. “Give your daughter another few months. Every fall, every cut, every drop of blood will terrify you. I only hope that fades when they get older. It can’t be good to be terrified for your children all the time.”

“Maybe it just means you love them,” Sam murmured with a smile.

General Hospital: Elizabeth’s Room

Elizabeth was awake when Sam entered her room, but her movements were listless and slow. “I feel like I’ve run a marathon,” the brunette confessed with a weak laugh.

“Well, Cameron’s doing great at the penthouse. I think Jason’s real happy to have him around.” Sam bit her lip. “You know that Jason told me…about everything.”

“He said he might.” Elizabeth blinked and turned her head. “So…how’d you take it?”

“I knew something was different the last few months,” Sam replied. She laughed and looked away. “I thought it was me and my daughter. I–I thought…well you know Jason. You know how easy it is to fall in love with him.”

“I do know,” Elizabeth replied softly. “I’m sorry, Sam.”

“It’s not your fault. No, he seemed–not happy. Settled, maybe. He’d disappear for a few hours; sometimes a whole night and I could never reach him by cell. That’s part of the thing you have. His cell is off when you’re together?”

Elizabeth nodded and closed her eyes. “His idea,” she murmured. “When we were together before, that damn phone rang every time something was about to happen between us. When we decided that we wanted to be together, his first suggestion was the phone was off when we were together.”

“He wants to have a life separate from Sonny,” Sam nodded. “If it can’t be me, then I’m glad it’s you.” She patted her abdomen. “As long as my little girl doesn’t lose Jason as her father, that’s all that matters.”

Elizabeth opened her eyes and blinked a few times. “I–I don’t understand.”

Sam frowned. “Well–Jason and I–we–we’re raising her together. He comes to all my appointments.”

“W-What about Sonny?” Elizabeth asked, struggling to sit up a bit. “He’s her father.”

“Yes, but he’s preoccupied with Morgan and Michael. His other family. My daughter needs someone who puts her first…” Sam trailed off. “Didn’t you know?”

“I–” Elizabeth shook her head. “No. I–he can’t,” she whispered. “He can’t claim your child and raise her when he can’t claim Cameron. No. It’s–it’s not fair. It’s not right.”

“Hey, hey, don’t–don’t get upset, I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to do that.” Sam thought fast. “Maybe Jason was just humoring me–I mean, none of us knew the truth about Cameron. Maybe he had no intention of–”

“No, you know Jason’s not like that.” Elizabeth’s voice was thick now and she leaned back, closing her eyes. “You can’t understand what it’s like, Sam. He’s known the truth for months and I keep waiting for the day he walks through the door and tells me that he’s gone public. He’s claiming Cameron and we’re going to be a family.”

“You are a family,” Sam whispered. “You are.”

“Not in any way that counts. My little boy can’t see his father unless Jason finds the time to come by and most of the time, it’s only quick visits. Half an hour and he spends most it with Cameron. He loves him so much and I know it’s killing him to be away from Cameron but I just–I can’t watch him be a father to another child while my son waits for him.”

“No, no of course not. I didn’t realize you didn’t know. Nothing’s–nothing’s set in stone, Elizabeth. This is all up for discussion and now that I know the truth, man, we are going to work this all out. You and I can be friends, right? And you can bring Cameron over all the time and you and Jason can have more time together. And Cameron can have a sister.” Sam nodded fervently. “It’s all going to be fine, Elizabeth. I promise.”

Thursday, November 4, 2004

General Hospital: Elizabeth’s Room Later That Night

Elizabeth opened her eyes at the feeling of someone watching her. Jason was seated at her side and he smiled when she opened her eyes. “Hey.”

“Hey,” she murmured. “What time is it?”

“Just after 3 AM,” he answered. He took her hand in his. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired.” Elizabeth turned her head to face him. “Sam was here earlier.”

“I know…” he exhaled slowly. “Elizabeth, I–”

“How could you not tell me you planned on raising Sam’s baby with her?” Elizabeth asked, her voice husky with unshed tears. “Putting her daughter in front of our son.”

“That’s–that’s not the way it is,” Jason tried to explain. “I promised Sam before I knew about Cameron.”

She closed her eyes. “That doesn’t excuse you not telling me. We promised honesty, Jason. Complete honesty with no omissions.”

“I thought you knew,” he told her. “Everyone did.”

“I’m not everyone,” she said sharply. She reached for the controls of the bed and raised the head up so she could see him more clearly. “I’m supposed to be the woman you love, the mother of your child–sorry, one of your children,” she bit out. “How do you think it’s going to make Cameron feel when he finds out you were willing to claim Sam’s child publicly but not him?”

“That’s–that’s not how this is. Everyone knows Lila isn’t my baby. Sam lives with me. It’s not such a leap to think that I’m going to be involved in the baby’s life.” He took a deep breath. “It is, however, harder to explain that while I was engaged to someone else, I had an affair and she got pregnant.”

“An affair,” Elizabeth said slowly. Her eyes burned with tears but she held them back. “You know that Cameron and I…we’re not a package deal. You don’t have to be with me to be his father, you’re aware of that.”

“Don’t–don’t do this, Elizabeth. You know I love you.” Jason stood and crossed to the door, needing room to pace but unable to find it. “I just…”

“What Sonny thinks is important to you, I get that. You don’t really want him to know that you cheated on his sister. Fine. I get that. I just…I don’t know if I could handle seeing you playing daddy to someone else. You know that Cameron is attached to you. He’s getting older and he’s going to see you in public and he won’t understand why you don’t come to him. Why you don’t hold him and when he begins to talk…” Elizabeth shook her head. “I can’t tell him you’re not his father when we’re not at the cottage–”

“I’m always his father,” Jason interrupted with irritation. “And it’s not like this is easy on me–”

“And it is on me?” she challenged. “You think my family doesn’t wonder how I can afford the cottage? You think that it’s easy for the other nursing students to invite me to single mother’s night?”


“It might not occur to you, Jason, but to the rest of the world, I’m a single mother who got knocked up by some guy who later got himself killed by the cops,” Elizabeth said harshly. “It’s not a walk in the park for me, Jason, so don’t pretend that it is.”

“At least you get to see Cameron,” he muttered. He dragged his fingers through his hair. “Jesus, Elizabeth, I don’t feel right unless I’m with you. With him. If I don’t spend the night at the cottage, I don’t sleep well. If I don’t see Cameron or hold you, I’m in a rotten mood all day. And I wish I could change it. I’m working on it. I just–I just need you to be patient. Just a little while longer.”

She sighed and closed her eyes. “All right.”

Jason returned to her side and perched on the bed. He laced their fingers together and used his free hand to brush her hair off her forehead. “Get some sleep. I didn’t–I didn’t mean to argue with you tonight.”

“Thank you for coming,” she murmured. “Is Cam okay at the penthouse?”

“Yeah, we’ve got him in the nursery. Sam said something about breaking in the crib. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him during the day…I didn’t realize he was crawling so much.”

“I had to baby proof the cottage,” her words were slurring and he knew she was drifting towards sleep now. “Get gates and those little plastic…electric…coverings…”

He leaned down and brushed a kiss across her forehead. “I love you, Elizabeth.”

“Love you too,” she mumbled.

Port Charles Police Department: Squad Room

“Diego Sanchez,” Lorenzo Alcazar told the desk clerk. “When he is being arraigned?”

The officer at the desk was shuffling through paperwork when Mac appeared behind him. “Why so interested?”

“I have to bail him out,” Lorenzo said after a moment. “When will he be arraigned?”

Mac folded his arms. “Why?” he repeated.

“I don’t feel that you need to know that,” Lorenzo said instead.

“I could pick up the phone and let Lois know you’re interested in bailing out the piece of shit that raped and beat her daughter.”

The apathetic expression fell from Lorenzo’s face and was quickly replaced by shock. “He’s being charged with that?”

“Yes. There’s no doubt about it–we’re just waiting for test results.” Mac narrowed his eyes. “What’s your interest in this case, Alcazar?”

“I need to see him,” Lorenzo snapped. “Now.”

Knowing that he could observe the conversation, Mac nodded and went to arrange it. Ten minutes later, Diego–dressed in the same clothes he’d been wearing two nights ago–was in the interrogation room. Mac was behind the mirror and Lorenzo was glaring at him from across the table.

“Took you long enough to show up,” Diego remarked. “How long before the charges are dropped?”

“I’m not taking care of this for you. Not this time. Do you know what you’re accused of?”

Diego shrugged. “A little slut who should have known better says I raped her.”

Lorenzo snarled. “That’s Brooke Lynn Ashton you’re speaking of, you little punk. If you think I’m getting these charges dropped, you’re out of your mind.”

Diego smirked. “What’s the matter, Pop, don’t want to do a favor for your dear old son?”

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the Fiction Graveyard: The End of Everything

February 10, 2004

— General Hospital: NICU Waiting Room —

Jason helped a shaken Elizabeth sit in a chair before he turned to the stricken trio waiting for them.

“What’s wrong?” Emily demanded. She kneeled in front of Elizabeth. “Why do you look so pale? Isn’t Brianna okay?”

“She’s—she’s fine.” Elizabeth took a deep breath. “We took her off the machines briefly—a-and she took a breath.”

Nikolas closed his eyes. “Thank God.”

Lucky frowned. “I don’t understand. What does that mean?”

“It means that she took a breath without the support of the machines. Her lungs are getting stronger. The machines are helping her—not keeping her alive,” Nikolas explained. “It’s good news.”

“I was just—Dr. Meadows goaded me into making the decision. She said Brianna wouldn’t survive and even if she did, she’d have serious problems—that it was cruel to keep her hooked up.”

Nikolas narrowed his eyes. “Even if she was trying to help—that’s a little blunt and incredibly unnecessary.”

“Jason—did she talk to you about the hospital bills?” Emily asked her brother softly.

He nodded. “But Sonny talked to her first and he’s already transferred money into the accounts. Brianna will have the best care available to her.”

“Good—because I talked to my dad and he offered to find a way to get the money which you know is never a good phrase coming from his mouth,” Lucky said with a wry grin.

“I have to call my grandmother—I have to tell her about Brianna.” Elizabeth started to stand but Emily pushed her back down.

“I’ll do it. You just sit down. You’re still recovering from surgery yourself and I don’t want you to strain yourself. You left without eating breakfast this morning—don’t think I didn’t notice,” Emily remarked. “Now—Jason, can you stay with her while I get her something to eat?”

“What about me?” Nikolas said. “I—”

“You have a board meeting with the hospital,” Emily reminded him. She kissed his cheek. “And Lucky has to go stop Luke from doing something—Luke-like.”

Lucky smirked. “It’s probably too late but I do have to start my shift. Ah, Elizabeth…Brian Beck’s been kind of—well he feels real guilty about starting that fight on the Haunted Star and I was wondering if it’d be all right to tell him about Brianna—why you named her and all that.”

Elizabeth nodded. “Yes—tell him to come by the hospital if he has time. I want to thank him in person. He has nothing to feel guilty about. Ric and I created our own problems.”

“Thanks.” Lucky, Nikolas and Emily moved towards the elevators at the same time and the brothers hung back letting Emily enter the car first.

“Thank you—for being there with me. I know I should have given it more thought or at least told them about it but I just—” Elizabeth closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. “I just had to know for myself if I could handle it.”

“She’s very much like you,” Jason told her. He sat in the chair next to her. “She doesn’t do what everyone expects.”

Elizabeth managed a weak smile. “Yeah—maybe she’s trying to prove a point no one but her mother gets.”

The familiar words weren’t lost on either of them and he smiled then. “What point would that be?”

“That her mother doesn’t always have to lose at everything.” Elizabeth took a deep breath. “Now that we’re sure she’s going to make it—I need—I need to start making some decisions. I have to find somewhere to live—get a new job—”

“You don’t work at Kelly’s anymore?”

“I do but that’s not really a realistic job for a single mother who has to support herself and a baby,” Elizabeth told him. “And I know what you’re going to say so—I’m only accepting money from you and Sonny because there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her. But her medical bills is where it stops, okay?”

“Okay but if there is anything you need, you can come to either of us, you know that right?”

Someone cleared their throat behind them and Elizabeth and Jason turned to see Sam McCall standing somewhat uncomfortable with an arrangement of flowers. She stepped forward to hold them out to Elizabeth. “Sonny wanted to bring them by himself but he had to go to the warehouse.”

“Thank you.” She took the arrangement of lilies and tulips and smiled. “They’re beautiful.”

Sam nodded. “Yeah—he’s got pretty good taste in flowers, I guess or maybe the florist picked it out. Anyway—congratulations on having your baby. Sonny didn’t say if it was a boy or a girl…?”

“Girl,” Elizabeth supplied. “Brianna Audrey.”

“Pretty name.” Sam glanced nervously at Jason before rubbing the back of her neck. “Uh…that was really it. Sonny just wanted to drop those off now and tell you thank you.”

“Thank you?” Elizabeth frowned and looked at Jason. “That should be the other way around. He’s helping me pay her medical bills.”

“You’ll have to ask him, I’m just the messenger.” Sam shrugged and slid her hands in her back pockets. “But he’s probably thanking you for letting him help you or something, right Jase?”

“Yeah, probably.” Jason shifted and it dawned on Elizabeth that they were probably both uncomfortable being in the same room with each other—since Jason was also Carly’s best friend and Sam was Sonny’s latest girlfriend.


“What, Sonny’s not enough for you—you have to go after my husband too?”

Courtney’s shrill voice sounded from behind Sam and the brunette grimaced and rolled her eyes. “Here we go again,” she muttered.

“Courtney—” Elizabeth began, standing.

“Do you really have no decency?” Courtney demanded. She planted her hands on her hips and glared at the other woman—whom she towered over. “Women like you—”

“Hey, look, I’m sorry we ran into each other because—believe me—hearing another lecture about how I’m this huge slut was not on my list today but why don’t you get a grip on reality and just imagine for one minute that I’m not here to steal your husband?” Sam shot back.

“Oh and what else could you possibly be here for?” Courtney retorted. “You don’t know Elizabeth and trust me, you won’t win any points for pitying her.”

“Oh, now wait a minute,” Elizabeth said angrily. “Why don’t you shut up for five seconds before coming to conclusions that just make you look like a horrid shrew?”

“Excuse me?” Courtney said, shifting her glare from one brunette to the other.

“It just so happens that Sam is here to talk to me,” Elizabeth said. “We met while I was still working at Kelly’s and she brought me flowers for Brianna. You know—that friendship with Carly is really working out for you.”

“Oh what is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that Carly had a tendency to jump all over any woman in Jason or Sonny’s immediate area. She tried to intimidate me into staying away from both of them for years but—look how well that worked out. Why don’t you worry about your own marriage without jumping down everyone’s throats?” She turned to Jason who had a tired look on his face. “Tell Emily I’m at the nursery. Sam—you want to see Brianna?”

“Uh…yeah, sure.” Sam blinked and followed the irate mother down the hall.

“The absolute nerve,” Courtney muttered.

“What are you doing here?” Jason asked, rising from his seat.

“Sonny told me you were here—why did you let Elizabeth rip into me like that?” his wife demanded.

“Because you started it,” Jason stated. “You attacked Sam who wasn’t doing anything wrong—”

“Except sleeping with a married man,” Courtney remarked scathingly.

“That’s none of your business. Sonny and Carly are separated,” Jason reminded her. “They’re adults and they get to do what they want to do. Sonny likes Sam and if you were any kind of sister, you’d lay off of her. But you walked up and launched into this whole attack before you even knew why Sam was here and then you set into Elizabeth who just lost her husband and nearly lost her child.” He shook his head, a little disgusted. “Grow up, Courtney. It’s not always about you.”

— General Hospital: NICU —

“Um—I’m sorry about that back there. The last thing you probably need is hearing her voice,” Sam remarked as Elizabeth led her to the nursery window.

“I’m used to her,” Elizabeth said. “Wasn’t too long ago I was the one who was being accused of going after Jason. I feel for you since you probably have to deal with Carly and Courtney.”

Sam grimaced. “If I don’t see one, I see the other. I’m living in Hell.”

“That’s Brianna,” Elizabeth gestured.

“She’s so small,” Sam breathed. “She looks like a little china doll.”

“Yeah—we took her off the machines a little while ago and—she took a breath.” Elizabeth smiled then. “No one expected her to survive and here she is—still going.”

“I know how that is—fighting every day just so you can feel like you’re living and not existing,” Sam nodded. “That’s part of the reason I’m still sticking with Sonny even though I have to deal with the Double mint Twins on crack.”

Elizabeth laughed then—one of the first genuine laughs she’d experienced in days. “I’ve never heard that before.”

“It’s true. They’re just like those girls from the commercials—only scarier, you know? And listening to them talk?” Sam rolled her eyes. “It’s like these little dogs yapping. I want to throttle them but I try to control myself because I don’t want Sonny to know they’re doing it.”

“Sonny’s a good man—I never understood what he saw in Carly but they were together for so long…” Elizabeth shook her head. “Carly and I have never gotten along. Since the day I became friends with Jason, she’s tried to force me from his life.”

“But you keep fighting back because it looks like you guys are still pretty close,” Sam nodded. “I have no idea what he sees in that wife of his. My God.” She sighed. “But—Sonny—he’s worth it. He doesn’t make me feel like…I’m something he needs to fix. Like—he doesn’t see my past—and it’s a pretty bad one.”

“Well Sonny’s past isn’t exactly stellar so he really shouldn’t judge.” Elizabeth smiled. “I’m glad he’s happy.”

Sam frowned. “How do you know he’s happy?”

“I saw him today,” Elizabeth reminded her. “He looks a lot better than he has in a while.”

“Oh…well, that could just be the sex,” Sam said seriously. “Or—like the idea of not having Carly to deal with.”

“It could be you.”

“Yeah—probably the sex,” Sam nodded.