June 10, 2024

Update Link: Warning Shots – Part 13

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Where do I start? WHERE DO I START?

Today’s GH episode was absolute perfection. As soon as I get access to clips, I promise you, I’ll share it. GH also shared an amazing BTS photo of Jason and Elizabeth CHILLING WITH THEIR FEET IN THE METRO COURT POOL. Like — the sheer perfection from beginning to end. Lizzie came out to play, stood her ground, stood strong, didn’t let Finn gaslight and then Jason came in, made it clear he was there to do whatever Liz wanted (if she’d given him the slightest hint that she wanted Finn dead, my boy would have seen it done), and then they left together! AND HAD THE BEST CONVERSATION–

I just–

I spend way too much of my life thinking about these characters, lol, and I wrote my own version of today’s show — but I’m telling you — GH was better. This feels like when I wrote Choose Your Moment before the NOP aired in August 2006, and some GH’s version felt like nonstop fan service for like a week straight. And today — they just gobsmacked all of us with how much they absolutely KNOW these characters and this couple.  Just sheer brilliance. Absolutely amazing.

In other news — lol — half days started!

I got approved to teach French for summer school, but it’s definitely only going to be one session, so 2 hours a day for 3-4 days a week. A little extra cash so my summer savings will go further. I still have to wait to see if kids sign up — I hope so. I have about 8 kids who will fail for the years, so we’ll see. For the first two weeks of summer, I’m going to be juggling summer school and writing next year’s curriculum, but July will be much more flexible.

I’m doing three days of Flash Fic this week and next because my schedule can handle it, and then I hope I’ll be able to add a fourth day in July so I can update both stories twice a day. I’m really excited with where Warning Shots is going — I had a completely different vision in my head for this story and even now, it keeps shifting. I was laying in bed last night, and I got the idea for today’s update (complete derailment, lol). When I got up to make some quick notes on my phone, someone posted a preview pic for today’s episode CONFIRMING Jason was going to be at Finn’s and we all LOST IT, lol. So I was up for an hour, alternating between sketching out this part and freaking out on the TL.

It’s a good day to be a Liason fan, my friends.

I’ll see you on Wednesday.

ETA: GH made it their clip of the day FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW YOU GUYS

June 8, 2024

Update Link: The Measure of a Man

So, my boys went across the ocean and kicked some New York ass, I wrote a little episode tag for Friday’s GH. I haven’t done one of these in a long time lol, not since 2020, but I’m always happy when GH makes me want to pick up where they left off and add on.

I hope you like it.

June 7, 2024

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 20

WELL it was a day on GH SoapTwitter! Jake caught Finn cheating on Liz, and after telling his mom (who immediately headed to confront Finn) he called Jason! Jason shows up in the previews! We get Liason on Monday!

Today was the last full day — very happy for that, lol. Plus, it was my last day of content – so we’re all just relaxing and counting down the minutes until Thursday, 12:30. The Phillies play tomorrow in London, so I’m super excited for that.

Plus, my elbow feels a lot better, so hoping to get back into writing with more time on my hands!

June 6, 2024

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 19

I hope everyone is having a great week! Things are going well at work. Tomorrow is our last 2:30 dismissal for the year. I have to go in M-W full days next wee, but kids are done at 12:30! So ready for summer break. I’m writing curriculum, but other than going into office next Friday, I can write it at home which is great. I’m still waiting to hear about summer school, but my list of failures for the year isn’t that long so I’m thinking probably not.

See you guys tomorrow — the Phillies aren’t playing tonight or tomorrow night since they’re in London, so we’ll get another update of Chain Reaction, same time, same place!

June 3, 2024

Update Link: Warning Shots – Part 12

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I celebrated my birthday on Friday, and we did a family party on Saturday. I got to hang out with all the nieces and nephews and watch the game with the baseball side of the family.

My elbow’s pretty sore off and on for the last few weeks, and it was pretty bad at work today. I have an appointment with urgent care to see if I can get a stronger anti-inflammatory because I feel like I’m eating ibuprofen, and that’s not good, lol. I did stop today and picked up Biofreeze gel and that’s really helped take off the edge. I’m limiting my time at the computer today just for the flash update and hoping that’ll keep helping.

The Phillies head to London for their special series against the Mets and will be off on Thursday and Friday, so I’m planning to do a back to back update for Chain Reaction as long as my elbow doesn’t get worse.

Today was the last full Monday! Four full days left, and then just half days ahead of me! We’re in the true home stretch — only one more weekend of the school year!

May 28, 2024

Update Link: Warning Shots – Part 11

I took a look at the start time for the Phillies, and welp, it’s another West Coast trip night game, and it doesn’t start until 9:45 so to keep me awake, I decided to update tonight. It’s Warning Shots because Chain Reaction isn’t ready for an update, lol. I may come back on Thursday because it’s an off day, but that would definitely be a Chain Reaction update.

May 27, 2024

Update Link: Warning Shots – Part 10
In Case You Missed It: Chain Reaction – Part 18

Here I am for your regular Monday update! My evening plans fell through — it’s going to be storming the whole afternoon, and the way I drive home from my parents is on the Atlantic City Expressway — which is also how half the country drives home from Memorial Day weekend down the shore — so we decided to nix going down for the game. Works out since I don’t have to get ready or drive, lol, so I have extra time for things I didn’t get to.

Enjoy this update and see you next week when we start our Spring Break subplot 😛

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 18

Good morning 🙂 Hope everyone had a good weekend! I woke up yesterday morning and realized I had relaxed a little too hard on Saturday, and I’d forgotten to complete two assignments for my online class. I spent yesterday morning on that, then wrote a chapter for the Hours beta draft, so I didn’t get to a Flash Fiction update.

The plan right now is to update, obviously, this morning (posting this at 11 AM) and then, if I finish the online classwork I planned for today and get my laundry and hair washed & dry, I’ll post Warning Shots at 4PM, then head down to my parents for dinner and the Phillies game. My birthday is this Friday, so I’m trying to schedule very little for myself out side of going to work that day 😛

These Small Hours is going well. I’m largely rewriting Act 1, which I knew I would have to do. It’s usually the weakest part of any draft for me because there are always plot threads and characters I feel like I don’t know until I actually write them. That was particularly true for this draft, but Act 2 and Act 3 should be much more straight forward and go faster. Hoping to be working on them in another week or so.

I may pop in later this week for another Flash update, but I don’t know for sure. The kids are always insane when we come back from Memorial Day break because it’s their last day off before summer hits, and they scan smell it in the air like a hunting dog, lol.

See you for sure next Monday!

May 25, 2024

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 17

I thought about leaving you with that cliffhanger and writing Warning Shots tonight, but well — I’m not a monster.

I took an actual break today — I went out around 10 AM, spend my teacher appreciation gift cards on the new Nora Roberts (sooooo goood, I always feel creative and inspired when I read her) and a Starbucks drink that was delicious and ridiculously overpriced, lol. Then I spent almost the entire day out of the office, reading. I really should do that more often.

I might update Flash tomorrow because the Phillies are playing late (3Pm instead of 1PM) and I don’t have anything to prep for this week (I actually finished the entire prep list AT WORK DURING CONTRACT HOURS wild, right?) So stay tuned to your emails and Twitter.

May 24, 2024

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 16

Happy Friday! I said that I would do Wed/Fri as the schedule or energy allowed, and, well, it all worked out today! In my last district, the Friday before Memorial Day was a half day with an afternoon PLC for staff. When my schedule in my new district said early dismissal for students, I just assumed it was a regular work day with some hours to work in our classrooms. BUT it was actually a mistake and staff got to leave at 12:30 too!

So I came home, relaxed, then wrote for These Small Hours (edits are going really well!), caught up on some GH from last week (the Brook/Chase wedding was well-done but boring since I don’t really like any of the characters except we got a 26 second Liason scene, woot!), and then decided to throw in some Flash Fiction since the Phillies don’t play until 8:40 tonight (another West Coast trip!) They’re playing at 9 tomorrow night, so don’t be surprised if I update again!

I’m so glad you’re all enjoying Warning Shots. It’s been really fun playing with how Nikolas and Emily would react to Lucky being a jackass if you didn’t have that intervening “he was brainwashed and dead feel sorry for him” angle, and I just think they’d be more objective. You don’t need to save someone who didn’t die, lol. Does that make sense? Anyway, it’s been fun planning a straight sort of romance without a lot of mob/external plot factors. I have lots of fun stuff planned for spring break and retreading some OG Liason beats for the summer 😛

See you tomorrow!