May 20, 2024

Update Link: Warning Shots – Part 9

I was just sitting here, relaxing, congratulating myself on getting everything done today and being on time — and then Mariah sent me a message asking if I needed nagging to remember to write. I was about to tell her how awesome I was, and then I looked at the clock. Turns out if you want to post Flash Fiction at 8, you need to, uh, start it at 7. And it was 6:48.

Couple of things I’m going to try and rush to type as I sit here at 6:56 waiting to start writing — the schedule has changed. Until at least June 13, I’m dropping the W/F Flash Fiction unless it’s optional. I’m only updating Warning Shots until then because it’s plotted out (just about — I’m on Part 9, and I’ve sketched ten parts ahead). I just made a huge storyline change in Chain Reaction that I need to sit with and do more sketching.

Any W/F additions to Flash Fiction until summer break, I’ll update Chain Reaction. Otherwise, it’s on hold until June 14 when I find out my summer school/curriculum schedule and have more time to do my online class.  Luckily I left you guys in an okay place, I think.

Okay, let me know what you think and I’ll see you next week!


May 17, 2024

Hey! Just wandering into let you know I’m doing a slight adjustment to the posting schedule for the next few weeks. I’m hoping it’s just through the end of May, but it’s possible it might go a week into June.

might have bitten off a little more than I could chew in May, lol. In my defense, my students completely forgot how to work independently over the last week or so. They can smell the break coming. I used to have about 10-15 minutes during each class where I could just do admin work like grading, organizing content, etc. but now it’s zero, so instead of using my prep and lunch for my college class, I’m scrambling to get the second week of work done by tomorrow night.  Plus, like I  said, the kids are just off the wall and I really wasn’t expecting the level of behavior issues I’ve had this week. I’ve been tired, migraines, TMJ, just ugh. Not great.

ANYWAY. I figure most of this will resolve itself as we move through these rougher almost done but not quite there weeks. June 3 begins the last full week of classes and ironically because the kids can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel and not just sense it, they do tend to calm down. (I am praying).

I’m keeping Flash Fiction on Mondays. Wednesday and Fridays will be optional as time and energy allows. Check my Twitter for updates, subscribe to the blog to get emailed, or just wander onto the site when you can. And it goes without saying, I’m not updating tonight.

May 13, 2024

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 15

It has been the most Monday of all Mondays. The kids were absolutely insane at school (one month from today is the last day of school so you know, they’re never going to be normal again) and then at 9 this morning, my mother sends me a text that she’s in the ER, waiting on an echocardiogram — like, universe, what. And if that’s not enough, Dad’s not with her because he has poison ivy.


She’s okay — I just got a text from her that all things are good, but you know, my friends, I could have done without all of this day.

I’ll see you on Wednesday for Warning Shots.

May 11, 2024

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 14

I definitely meant to update yesterday before the Phillies game, but by the time I got home from work, I really wasn’t feeling great. The temperature keeps going back forth in my region — it’s dropped into the 50s from the 80s earlier this week, and it just screws with my sinuses and allergies. I was just miserable, and went to bed early. I feel a lot better today, and this is supposed to be the last week of wildly varying temps.

I added a widget in the sidebar where I’ll change any future updates, so you can keep track of future postings. Until I’m done on June 13, the times will continue to flucuate though I’ll do my best to continue three updates a week 🙂 We’re into the last few weeks of classes and I’ve already prepped the content and materials for about 75% of the days I have left so that just makes life so much easier. Can’t believe we’re a month away from summer break. It really went so fast!

I’ve been working hard on prepping Fool Me Twice, Book 3 and These Small Hours for the next stage of writing which starts on Monday.

May 8, 2024

Update Link: Warning Shots – Part 8

Happy Wednesday! Feels really good to be more than halfway through the week — can’t wait to not set the alarm on Saturday! Only 18 full days left!

I should be back on Friday at 7 (Phillies are playing a half hour later since they’re on the road!) See you then!

May 7, 2024

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 13

Hello and happy Tuesday! I read my Monday schedule incorrectly, and the Phillies were playing at 4! By the time I got home, the game was about to start, and I just knew I wouldn’t have the energy to write at 7:30 or 8:30 after such long Monday so better to put it to Tuesday, and squeeze it in after grocery shopping but before the game. I went through and updated the Posting Schedule with times through the end of the school year.

The kids and I sat down with the calendar and realized there are only 21 full days of school left–and since my grades are due the last full day, it’s not that much content left to plan. Feels wild to be at the end of the school year. I know I’m going to be doing some work this summer (curriculum and summer school). I remember how absolutely dead I felt the three years I worked at the last job (the first year I was in therapy for anxiety and stress!) and barely any writing done in the school year itself — but this year — wow, have I produced. I edited FMT2, wrote Hours, all that flash fiction, the Crimson Swift work, and so much other behind the scenes stuff you guys don’t get to see. It’s just crazy what a difference a good schedule and a supportive admin can make.

I’ll be back tomorrow with an update for Warning Shots.

May 5, 2024

EDITED: I’m checking in on Monday to let you know that I misread my Phillies schedule, and the game starts at 4:05, so I won’t be able to do Flash Fiction tonight. I’ll be posting tomorrow at 6 PM. Stay up to date with my Posting Schedule Google Doc.

April was a hell of a month, to be honest. Not sure how I managed the first full month of Phillies baseball, a new Taylor Swift album, and teaching and managed to write 150k, but I did it. I thought I’d do a quick recap of everything that’s been posted since the beginning of March when this really productive period got started, quickly list what I’m working on in the background, and then some links to a few older stories if you’re looking for something to read.





  • Drafting: Fool Me Twice, Book 3
  • Drafting: TTPD, Collection 3: “The Black Dog”
  • Editing: These Small Hours
  • Discovery: evermore


May 3, 2024

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 12

I gotta tell you, I miss writing for both these stories, lol. I got really used to updating one of them each day. I’m definitely hopeful to add another day once summer break hits next month.

I took a mental health day (my last sick day, too!). I was just so tired all week. I only stayed up on Monday night for the Phillies games — the other late night on Tuesday, I went to bed at 11 but it was ridiculously warm here in NJ all week and the nights didn’t cool down. I didn’t get my AC in the window yet, so I roasted and didn’t sleep. Between that, and the kids testing and being off the walls in the afternoons — I just couldn’t quite get myself together. I woke up this morning at 6 and just — noped out. I called out, and went back to sleep for 3 hours. I feel a lot better now, lol.

I’m gonna get my AC in the window this weekend or next because otherwise, I will be miserable AF.

Tomorrow, I’ll post the final chunk of “no body, no crime” for you guys. Hoping you’ll like today’s update for Flash. 😉

May 2, 2024

Update Link: Warning Shots – Part 7
Recent Updates: “no body, no crime”

I am so ready for Friday, I can’t even tell you. I am dragggiiing this week. And it’s probably because like 60 out of 73 kids are testing — I’m not seeing around 20 of them at all, and the other 40 are coming to me dead behind the eyes after being in state testing for three straight periods, so I’m really letting them relax — and I thought, yay, great — I get prep work done, but the days are impossible, lol. Glad to be back to normal next week for the last push through the end of May.

I’m really excited about where Warning Shots is going–I’m so glad I tossed my original outline and went with it something different. Sometimes you just gotta go where the story tells you 😛 I’ll be back tomorrow for Chain Reaction and then the conclusion of “no body, no crime” on Saturday morning. THEN NOTHING ON SUNDAY.


See you tomorrow – I’ll be posting around 6 because the Phillies are back at 6:40 and your girl can sleep like a normal person tomorrow night.