Update Links: Scars – Part 16 | Mad World, Book 4 – Chapter 113
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I’m going into my final full week of summer and only two doctor’s appointments the entire week, one of which is remote, so yay for that. No MRIs or CTs or anything else that’s made this a crappy summer vacation. I’m getting the MRI results on Tuesday for my back and neck, which is the next step to finally starting treatment. Nothing like having to wait 16 months, but at least we’re on the right track.
This upcoming week, I may start experimenting with switching Flash Fiction up a bit. Instead of writing at 10 AM and posting at 11, I’ll start writing at 7 PM and posting at 8. I’ll be updating on Fridays this fall for the first time in a few years, so I want to start reworking my schedule to adjust to being back to work. Saturday & Sunday will remain at 10 AM because I do like getting it out of the way on weekends.
Only two more days of updates for Mad World! Chapter 114 goes live at 7 AM on Tuesday, Aug 23 and Chapter 115 & Epilogue, Thursday, Aug 25. Still insane to me that we’re almost done. Sorry about the cliffhanger, lol. It’s the biggest one in the entire series, and it’s on a Saturday, with two days until the next chapter. Whoops.
See you tomorrow!