Update Link: Invisible Strings – Part 8
Well, we’re moving into the final weeks of my summer vacation — three full weeks left, and I have to have my wisdom teeth out halfway through that time. Boo to the world, lol. I’ve started to work on content for the school year — finished revising last year’s units and am starting on the new units I have to create for my eighth grade class. I’d rather get it done now than trying to do it during the limited prep time once we get back to school.
Finally scheduled that MRI I need to start treatment for my neck issues, so fingers crossed we’re going to get some relief on that.
I ended up switching Discovery projects this week — instead of Malice, I’m going to work on Burn in Heaven. I just had some thoughts and visuals for that story and it’s always better to get it out while you can.
See you tomorrow for another update of Mad World and flash fiction ๐