July 17, 2022

Update Link: Not Knowing When – Story Page | Part 1

In late summer of 2020, I started a flash fiction, rewriting the Jason/Brenda marriage storyline because I realized I hadn’t really tackled the Alcazar storyline since it originally aired (twenty years ago!). I finished it that spring, and always meant to edit it and put it up as a story here and other places. Not Knowing When was the first flash fiction I’d written that I didn’t think needed a lot of work and felt like a really good version of a story.

Starting today, you can revisit this flash fiction in six parts, each one posted daily. I tried to split them into mostly equal parts, but also places where it made sense to split them.

Recent Updates (July 11-16)

July 15, 2022

Update Link: Signs of Life – Part 40

I spent about two hours last night scheduling chapters and posts through the end of July. Mad World, Chapters 98-104 are scheduled to go live on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays by 7 AM. Then, starting Sunday, the revised Not Knowing When goes live. One part a day. Next week is going to be super busy! You’ll have something from me every day until next Saturday, July 23. Hopefully I’ll remember to post the update posts, but if not, I’ll make sure to relink things on Flash Fiction days.

July 15 – Signs of Life, Part 40
July 16 – Mad World, Chapter 98 (Saturday updates start!)
July 17 – Not Knowing When, Part 1
July 18 – Invisible Strings, Part 5 | Not Knowing When, Part 2
July 19 – Mad World, Chapter 99 | Not Knowing When, Part 3
July 20 – Watch Me Burn, Part 5 | Not Knowing When, Part 4
July 21 – Mad World, Chapter 100 | Not Knowing When, Part 5
July 22 – Signs of Life, Part 41 | Not Knowing When, Part 6
July 23 – Mad World 101

I’ve been doing some cleanup behind the scenes with some light cosmetic updates to Alternate History, Series & Flash Fiction. The Alternate Universe page was relaunched (I might have forgotten to mention that). I was also cleaning up the code to make it easier to update. I also cleaned up the sidebar and deleted some sections that I don’t think anyone really utilized.

I’m planning to wrap up Signs of Life next week, which means Scars returns on July 29.  I’m going to miss this story, but I’m still working in the 2000 era for Counting Stars which I hope will be out sometime this fall.

July 14, 2022

Update Link: Mad World, Book 4 – Chapter 97

I feel like I didn’t explain myself well yesterday when I posted about the thumbs up addition and Mad World reviews because it sounded like I was complaining, and I definitely didn’t mean it  that way. I love reading what people think (or even just seeing loved it!), but I also understand people who don’t reply.

My stats plugin for WordPress used to be really reliable — I tend to average between 40-50 hits on individual chapters in previous books, but lately the stats are all over the place — between 20-100. One chapter will get 25, then the next will have 115. I think it’s just search engine bots. I’ve been looking for ways for you guys to just note your support, and finally found a simple plugin that just lets you do a thumbs up. I’m hoping that’ll give me a more accurate idea of who’s reading what so that I can better plan future content.

July 13, 2022

Update Link: Watch Me Burn – Part 4

Hope everyone is having a good week! I got my first round of test results back, and there’s nothing my doctor can see that’s causing the tinnitus in my right ear. He wants one more to completely rule things out, but it’s just looking like this is a symptom caused by my TMJ and may or may not just be my life now. Boo to that.

I added a plug in that does thumbs up/thumbs down to the posts — I might turn off the thumbs down, lol. I really just hope that if you read the chapter or a story, you give me a quick thumbs up.

I’m not really sure how many of my hits are from search engine bots or from real people, and the reviews for Mad World are a bit lower than the other things I’ve posted, so I’m trying to figure out readership.  I was tossing out ideas for a Book 5 in a year or two if I came up with a good one, but if no one wants to continue in this universe, I won’t bother.

ETA: I apologize if the above part made it seem like I was complaining about replies, lol. We’ve been having weird traffic spikes lately, so I can’t trust my stats. I totally understand not everyone wants to reply — I figure hitting a quick thumbs up would be easiest for everyone.

July 11, 2022

Updated: Invisible Strings – Part 4

NOTE: I’m aware there’s a bug keeping the previous/next chapters from showing up on the stories. I use a WordPress plugin to power the stories, and there’s a bug in that plugin. There’s a fix supposed to come out today. Hopefully it does. 

Happy Monday! Just a couple of notes as we head into this week –

  • Mad World’s posting schedule gets updated again. We’re keeping Tuesday & Thursday. I’m scheduling a chapter to go live on Saturdays, so we’re moving to 3x a week.
  • Starting on Sunday, I’m going to be posting the revisited flash fiction, Not Knowing When. I didn’t make any massive changes, just cleaned it up and edited it into six parts. It was about 36k and 110 pages. I’ll post one part a day for most of next week.
  • With any luck, this is the last week I have to go to doctor appointments and tests (I’ve had them every week since school ended).
  • I’m hopeful that I can add Tuesday and Thursday to flash fiction, so that I can update both stories twice a week. Those would be optional updates (I’ll do it if time and energy allows), but it would be great to have daily updates.

Patreon Updates

  • Early Access (Love $3 Tier): Mad World, Chapters 96 & 97 | Not Knowing When, full story.
  • Weekly Alpha Draft Update (Stalker $15): Counting Stars, Chapters 6-8
  • Crimson Discovery #20 (Stalker & Obsessed)
  • Crimson Check #24 (All Tiers)

July 8, 2022

Update Link: Signs of Life – Part 39

Happy Friday! Today kicks off a celebration on Twitter for Rebecca Herbst’s 25th anniversary of playing Elizabeth. I began a thread with clips and caps that I’ll embed below, and will hopefully be able to update every day. Feel free to join in or just like and retweet to get her trending. It’s no secret that Elizabeth is the character I keep coming back for, and I definitely plan to celebrate her.

Even more exciting, creating the clips was the first time that I’d used Premiere since upgrading to a new computer, and holy crap, it moved so fast! My old laptop really hated it, so I had to give up even attempting any video projects, but now I can get back to organizing my clips and doing research and watch party livestreams.

See you guys on Monday!

Update Link: Watch Me Burn – Part 3

Starting today, you can also download new ebooks for Mad World! Book 3 is available for the first time, and I’ve collected Books 1-3 into an ebook. So if you’ve fallen behind or never got around to reading it, and it feels like too much, this is a great way to caught up. You can also change the fonts and display in an ereader device. Clicking on the links will download zip files with all three available formats. Choose the one best for your device and needs.

Tomorrow, I’ll be releasing a partial ebook for Book 4 with Chapters 76-95 to mark the halfway point in Book 4.

I’ve tested these on my own devices, but if you run into any display issues, please let me know by commenting below!

I have three more books I need to organize into ebooks — Ricochet (Fool Me Twice Book 1), Reflections of You (Broken Girl Book 1), and Bittersweet. I’ll focus on Ricochet first because it’s never been released in ebook.

See you tomorrow!