Happy Sunday!
Dropping in to say that Daylight Savings messed with my sleep schedule and by the time I woke up, it threw off my whole day. So no Flash Fiction today, we’ll be back next week!
I’m making a slight adjustment to Mad World’s release plans. I’m still going to start posting in April but rather than beginning daily Monday-Friday posting, it’ll be a bit slower — one chapter a week until May when I’ll increase to five chapters a week.
I was proofing my second draft and came to small storyline arc that just felt a bit superficial, and I realized that some of the characters involved had been huge beats going back to Book 1. It just didn’t feel like a satisfactory ending. I started to reorganize it, and along with some other changes as well as some real life complications, I just got about a week, maybe two behind my schedule. When we get to that point in the story as I post it, I’ll be more specific 😛
This is sort of similar to what happened with Fool Me Twice last year, except that was made a lot worse by the anxiety issues I was having and my general level of burnout and stress in real life and with writing. The entire editing process of that book got derailed and messed up because I felt such a deep pressure to maintain a posting deadline I had promised, and now I have some regrets on how I handled a few things in Book 1. Nothing major, just a general level of wishing I had made more time and given myself more space.
I’ve worked on Mad World off and on since 2014, and mostly on since 2017. The serial rapist storyline had been in my head since 2004. As we head into the final book in this series after nearly a decade, I just want to do right by myself and the universe, as well as the readers who’ve stuck by me this long.
Chapters 76-79, the first four chapters, are relatively solid. They need the last bit of polish, but other than that, they’ll be good to go. That’s why I feel really good about slowly building up the posting schedule. I’ll have an actual schedule ready in a few days.
I really appreciate your patience and understanding 🙂