April 8, 2021

Update Link: Ricochet, Chapter Nineteen

Good morning! It’s a good thing I checked this post before it went at 6:30 — it almost posted the link for Chapter 16 for some reason, LOL. I hope everyone is having a good week. My second day back after spring break and I already miss not setting my alarm. Tomorrow is my last Remote Friday — starting next week, I’m back in the building five days a week from 7 AM to 3 PM.

Having a good week writing and editing! I finished Chapter 22 on Tuesday, then yesterday, I edited two more chapters for Fool Me Twice. I’m on schedule to complete my beta draft next Thursday, and then the final round of edits by April 30.  After Saturday, I’m on a two week posting hiatus for FMT while I finish the edit. This is a great chance to catch up or reread. New chapters will return the week of April 27. If everything is on schedule at that point, I’ll be back to posting on Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday. If something comes up and I get delayed a bit, I’ll be dropping the Saturday updates.  I’ll keep you in the loop.

Still working on Smoke & Mirrors, but with editing FMT finally getting back on track, I haven’t been able to spend as much time as I wanted the last few days. But as long as I devote 25 minutes a day, I’m writing a scene a day and progress is being made.

See you tomorrow for Flash Fiction!

April 6, 2021

Update Link: Ricochet, Chapter Eighteen

This week’s chapters are some of my favorites in this portion of the story, so I’m super glad we’re getting to this part of the story. Because I’m setting up  a whole trilogy, I definitely felt like everything up to the twin reveal was a slow burn build, but now that we’ve got that out of the way, we can hit the ground running with the story itself.

I did a ton of writing this weekend! I’ve finished the first three chapters of Smoke & Mirrors, and I’m having a lot of fun with it. Writing it has reminded me that I like writing, LOL, and today I wrote three scenes for Fool Me Twice — I’m working on Chapter 22 which is a brand new chapter. I have three more scenes to write tomorrow, and then my plan is to edit through Chapter 29 this week. Chapter 30 is also brand new, so I’ll work on this weekend, and then *fingers crossed* finish editing the last eight chapters next week.

I’ll check in on Thursday and Saturday to let you know how that plan’s going. See you then!

April 4, 2021

Update Link: Not Knowing When – Part 12

Happy Sunday! I’m happy to be bringing back Not Knowing When, which actually only has five parts left. I didn’t know that back in January, LOL, or I probably would have been updating this instead of A King’s Command. I’m not sure whether I’ll be doing Flash Fiction twice a week or once a week right now. I wanted to write yesterday, but I didn’t get around to it. I’m hoping to get it in on Saturday & Sunday mornings, but my schedule is kind of all over the place so a second update will be optional and will probably float around based on the day.

Smoke & Mirrors is going really well. I’ve been trying to listen to my own process and writing as much as I want when I want, and stopping. I’m setting my timer for 25 minutes to set a minimum amount of writing time, and then if I want to go for another round or write for another ten minutes, I do. Yesterday, I ended up writing an entire chapter which is great. I’m happy with how it’s going, but I don’t know much yet about how long it will be or when you can expect a release date.

Just a reminder: I’ll be posting Ricochet on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday this week and then taking a hiatus until April 26. When Ricochet returns, we’re dropping to two chapters a week on Tuesdays & Thursdays. The Saturday one was great, but I’m not sure I can edit as fast as I need to maintain that pace without driving myself crazy. If I get a lot edited over the next few weeks, I might change my mind on that.

Happy Easter!

April 3, 2021

Update Link: Ricochet, Chapter Seventeen

Happy Saturday! You probably noticed that I didn’t update Flash Fiction last night. It was the first day of spring break and I really just wanted to lay back and relax. I thought I might get to it in the morning, but I ended not being able to. I’m definitely keeping the Sunday morning Flash Fiction, but that second one might move around a bit until I find a good spot for it.

I got my new iPad with all the extra disk space. I’ve been saving up for it for months, so I’m really excited to finally have it. I haven’t been able to make anything for the channel on the old iPad because I was so out of space I couldn’t even film 2-3 minutes and upload it to the computer. I’ll be working on a few things this week.

Camp NaNoWriMo has kicked off and I started writing Smoke & Mirrors, the new AU. I’m really excited about how it’s going so far. I’ve finished the first chapter, and I’m taking the first draft slow to kind of get back into writing again. I’ll keep you guys in the loop on how that’s going. See you tomorrow for Flash Fiction and the return of Not Knowing When!

March 30, 2021

Update Link: Ricochet, Chapter Fifteen

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is having a good week! I’m so glad everyone enjoyed the end of A King’s Command. I had a lot of fun writing that story, and I’m glad I spent some time this last year working on alternate universes.

I wanted to let you guys know that I’ll be taking a break from posting Fool Me Twice after Chapter 20. That’s going up on April 10, and then we’re taking a two week break until April 24. New chapters will return Tuesday, April 27. I’m running a little behind on editing chapters, and I don’t want to feel rushed. I’m going to use my spring break this weekend to get a few chapters put away, but I’ll feel better if we take a break. Also, I know some of you might be a bit behind or were holding off on reading so this would be a great chance catch up.

I’m trying not to feel too guilty about taking this break. I used to run out of chapters all the time, but they were written chapters. I’m okay with running out of edited chapters because it feels like a lot less pressure and I think you guys are more reassured the story is still on track since you know I’ve written an entire first draft.

I’ll see you guys on Thursday!


March 28, 2021

Update Link: A King’s Command, Part 27

Happy Sunday! As always, I’m writing this update post before I actually start writing for the day, so I think I’ll be finishing up King’s Command, but you never know. I think honestly, the only thing I might not get to is like a wrap-up, epilogue situation, you know? So maybe I’ll just tack that on in a 20 minute session later this week. We’ll see.

ETA: Checking in after writing. I was able to finish it, so yay! Not Knowing When will be back next week!

My original plan with Flash Fiction was to use these as first drafts and then rework the content at some point. I still have that vision, and I think King’s Command will definitely benefit from that. I didn’t do enough research when I started it, and so you can kind of see my thoughts and plans changing as we went through it. I don’t know when I’d get to it, but it’s something I might revisit this summer.

I don’t have a lot to say other than that. I’ll see you guys on Tuesday!

March 26, 2021

Update Link: A King’s Command, Part 26

Not a lot to babble about since I just updated yesterday, but I will say my car is testing my patience, LOL. I typed Thursday’s update blog on Wednesday — and then Thursday morning, I went out to start my car and it was completely dead. It was raining the day before, and I left my lights on. It was so annoying, LOL. Luckily, my VP was super awesome and let me hold my meetings from home so I could still work and not take a day. My dad came up and took care of it, so I’m just relieved it wasn’t a more annoying situation.

I’ve edited two chapters this week, and I’ll be working on a third tomorrow so I’m meeting my goals in that respect. I also finished the large scale outline on Smoke & Mirrors. I’m waiting on my iPad to start filming videos for the channel. My old iPad is completely out of space, so I can’t even film in segments. I’ve been saving up for six months for this thing, so I’m just hoping Apple ships it soon. I’m enjoying working on AU — I don’t write them a lot because I usually feel more inspired by GH canon and there’s also other challenges I really want to dig into. I don’t know yet how long the project will be and I’m not setting a deadline for writing it. I think I’ll have a better sense of all of that after I get into it.

And in preparation to work on Smoke & Mirrors, I worked on the template for the Alternate Universe page. Like Alternate History, I’m working on streamlining how my stories are listed. Right now, they’re kind of scattered across a few pages. I want you to be able to go to one or two places and find everything. The AU page will be divided into genres and is in the early stage.s

See you tomorrow for another update of Ricochet!

March 25, 2021

Update Link: Ricochet, Chapter Thirteen

Happy Thursday! I’m having myself a pretty decent week for a change. I’ve finally managed to do a few chores around the house I’ve been putting off, and I always feel better when my space feels more organized.  There’s still a lot I need to get done, but I’m finally chipping away at the big to-do list.

I went to my first physical therapy appointment for my TMJ, and my therapist told me my neck muscles are messed up which might explain the whooshing in my ear. The TMJ is a factor as well because it’s like all my muscles in my head, neck, and shoulders are completely out of whack and so my body is just rebelling. She gave me a deep tissue massage and it hurt like a son of bitch today. I’m going to need to go there twice a week, so that should be interesting for my schedule. We’ll see how it goes.

I honestly haven’t had a chance to start editing yet this week, but I’m typing this on Wednesday night, and I have a few scenes in Chapter 20 left to edit that I’m going to try to finish tonight, so I can work on writing a brand-new Chapter 21 Thursday-Sat. That would take care of the three chapters a week goal I set myself.

I should see you guys tomorrow for Flash Fiction Friday!