January 17, 2021

Your Update Link: A Shot in the Dark – Part 16

If you usually skip my blog updates, I get it. I’m asking you to read this one because I’ve asked for this before, and I think maybe some people missed it. Thanks. 

Hello 🙂 Thanks for the response to yesterday’s flash fiction. I won’t be updating tomorrow even though I have the day off from work. I’ll be spending my morning working on digital content for my students, my afternoon editing Fool Me Twice, and then relaxing in the evening.

I don’t anticipate changing my Flash Fiction schedule from the Friday-Sunday updates,. In fact, the only reason I can update on Friday nights this year is that my school district has made that a half day and I don’t have to spend all six hours teaching Zoom classes. Next year, when the schedule is back to normal, I won’t be updating on Fridays at all. The good news is that after next weekend, A King’s Command shifts to double updates, so you’ll get more that story more often so hopefully that’ll  make up for the cliffhanger.

Please do not ask me to increase my posting, even if you think you’re joking around or that it’s not a big deal. I already feel guilty enough for having started these stories and promised updates last fall, then not being able to deliver on that.  I love reading my replies,, and I love every single one of you who posts. I honestly don’t think you know how much I appreciate you and look forward to the replies. Now, I feel tense and worried before reading them.

I need you guys to think about what my life looks like right now as a remote teacher. I spend literally my entire day glued to the computer screen. I am on this computer from 7-3 teaching Zoom, going to meetings, and creating content. I never get a break from this computer, and there are days I don’t even want to look at it. Honestly, I got those replies as I was prepping to write tonight’s Flash Fiction, and I wanted to just close the entire laptop and walk away.

And that’s not your fault. That’s on me for not managing my stress and anxiety better. For not setting more realistic goals last fall, and not being kinder to myself about this flash fiction hole I’ve dug myself.

I try to be very transparent about my schedule — when I’m going to post, when I’m not — and what kind of content you can expect. I set deadlines and dates so that I’m not disappearing for weeks and months at a time. And I don’t mind doing any of that. All I’m asking is that you respect my schedule and not ask me to post extra on top of the content I already do. Flash Fiction Updates take almost 90 minutes of my time from prepping the posts and the site and then the writing–and that’s three times a week.

I love my Patreon supporters who keep this site funded, I love the readers who reply to every single thing I post, and I love the people who just visit and read (I see the hits, so I know you’re here). I’m just asking you guys to respect my time, too.

I repeat. I love you all. I am extraordinarily lucky to have the kind of community I do for the genre and fandom that I write. Please don’t think I’m not grateful. I just need some kindness and patience in return.

Thanks and I’ll see you guys next Friday.

January 15, 2021

Your Update Link: A Shot in the Dark – Part 15

Happy Friday! We’re back for another trio of flash fiction updates — two updates with A Shot in the Dark, and then A King’s Command tomorrow. I’ll be updating tomorrow in the morning or early afternoon because I have plans tomorrow night. I think A Shot in the Dark is wrapping up sometime next week, but I don’t know for sure. As always, I’m prepping this post before I write so I don’t know where the story is going to take me.  Also — sorry that this is being posted late. I usually start writing around 7 PM and post at 8, but I decided to order dinner at the last minute and it took longer than I thought it would to get here.

I definitely feel like 2021 is kicking my ass so far over these last two weeks. I didn’t sleep well at all this week, particularly last night. I’ve been dragging all day, and it’s messing me up. The good news is that I have a three day weekend and some plans with my quarantine pod — my mother, my sister, and her kids — are going to get together and start a monthly murder mystery game, lol. Then my middle niece is gonna bunk overnight and go out to breakfast on Sunday. (While I’m typing this, my sister has sent me a video of the trio holding a mock court session where the middle niece is deciding who gets the next shower — and my older niece’s defense is that the little brother is really mean “I mean, I am, too but he’s worse!” can you even deal with that level of cute???)

In other, more fun news! I mentioned in my 2021 Preview Video that I wanted to start thinking about CG’s 20th anniversary (which I know is 18 months away, but I’m a prepper) so next week, I’m starting a series on the YouTube channel — Crimson Glass Origins. Basically a narrative of my writing career — where I started as a GH fan, why I started writing, how each of my stories developed and my writing changed. I have four episodes filmed (and it only takes us through the fall of 2002 and talking about Deserving & Surviving the Past), but I’m still editing the first one. I’ll be posting it on (I think) Wednesdays, with a companion series on Friday — Crimson Glass Future Projects — where I talk about the Future Projects page and preview things on the drawing board. I’ll let you know if that date changes. I think I want to have a few episodes edited before I actually upload and post the first one.

I did post a new FMT video on the channel, but I forgot to make a post on the site — I’ll link it below. I’m finished formatting the flashbacks, and I’m so excited to dig into them this week. I’ve got a lot of great edits and revisions planned over the next week.

And the best news — FMT finally has book titles! I realized last night I’ve been calling them Books 1, 2, and 3 for over a year — but finally, I can tell you that Fool Me Twice, Book 1: Ricochet will be published on Tuesday, February 23, 2021. Very excited to have you guys read this first entry, and I can’t wait to see what you guys think about my take on the great twinning.

No word yet on if we’re going back to school on Feb 1. I should find out on Monday since the district is usually giving us two weeks notice if we’re going to stay out. Honestly, based on my region’s numbers, I imagine we’re pushing back the return another two weeks. Not that I want it, but now that NJ is so close to opening up vaccinations to teachers, I kinda hope they let us stay out until I can get at least the first dose.

January 10, 2021

Your Update Link: A Shot in the Dark, Part 14

I’m so happy at how this weekend went! I really missed writing these stories, and I’m excited you guys are back into it. We’ll be back with the same schedule next week. I might be wrapping up Shot in the Dark next week, I don’t know yet.

In other news, I finished the plan for the beta draft of Fool Me Twice. It’s about 36 chapters, four of which are brand new. I’ll be editing 12 chapters a week over the next three weeks, and then spending three weeks getting it ready for publication on February 23. That’s the plan for now.

I’ll be publishing some vlogs this week — an update on FMT and kicking up my CG retrospective series which me taking the next 18 months building up to CG’s 20th anniversary by talking about my writing, my time in the community, and just my journey. I didn’t want to start it in 2022 — I wanted it be something that was ready when we got there. I’m excited to start this series because I think I tried to talk about my older writing before and I was too critical. The videos weren’t fun. I want to find the good memories and really look at what everything I wrote taught me.

January 9, 2021

Your Update Link – A King’s Command, Part 12

Thanks for all the support in coming back! I know how many of you guys really do enjoy the flash fiction, and I love writing it. It was hard to shelve it for a few months, but it was just really important for my own mental health and happiness to focus on one thing. Four series at the same time I was doing an alpha draft — complete insanity. I have learned a valuable lesson. I’m also much happier with the quality of the 60 minute entries, so this is definitely going to stay like this.

I misspoke last night when I said that I had deconstructed the first 24 chapters of FMT — it turns out that I had only done the first 19. I still had like 14 chapters to do. I’ve been working on it most of the afternoon, and I have about five chapters left. I’m typing this at at about 6:11 (I prep this post early so that it’s ready to publish at 8 PM), so that might be closer to 1-2 by the time I start Flash Fiction. I’ll update this note if it that changes.

EDIT: I actually managed to finish just before I started my timer. So it’s 36 chapters. 

This process is me taking the scenes from the alpha draft and putting them into the beta draft — adding new chapters or scenes, moving scenes around from chapter to chapter, etc. Just getting a handle on how many changes I’m making and how much work. Once I know that, I can set a target of how many chapters to edit per week. Then I’ll know for sure if that Feb 23 date works. I’ll have an answer for you tomorrow with my final update for the weekend.

In other news — I updated the Flash Fiction page so that it has the correct schedule now.

January 8, 2021

Your Update Link: A Shot in the Dark – Part 13

So. Hey. How are you?

It’s been a minute since we did a Flash Fiction post, and I almost forgot how to set these things up, LOL. Thanks again for your patience, particularly since this story left on sort of an explosion and gunshot wound that left Elizabeth bleeding out while tryin to rescue Jake from the Cassadine Estate. Super good cliffhanger for like two months.

*bats eyes*

ANYWAY. We’re back, and starting our new schedule. I’ll mostly be doing these at 7 PM, except on weekends when my nieces talk me into staying over. The eldest launched a sneak attack last week, and the middle child decided it was her turn and it was all I could to convince to wait until next week. They’re sisters, so right now they’re too busy hating each other but man, if they ever figure out they’re stronger together, watch out world.

In other news, uh, so this week, huh? It’s been a lot. You know, there was the normal stuff that makes me want to scream all day. My pipes are still having clogging issues, I was finishing a class cycle and starting over, my kids are wonderful but they refuse to listen to the simplest of directions, and NJ is still getting 5-6k positives when we’re supposed to find out sometime in the next ten days if we’re still going back into the building on Feb 1 and my county can’t get vaccine supplies even if I were eligible to get it yet which I’m not.

And that was before Wednesday.

I turn off my social media and Internet during school hours usually, and not being in the classroom means I’m like cut off from the world. On my lunch, my best friend from college and my fellow political history addict texted me to let me know she had some time before a meeting and would watch the EC vote if I could take over after class was over at 2:30. Told her fine, text me if there was a civil war.


So, that happened and my week has been kind of trying to recover from the batshit insanity of all of that because I lost like eight straight hours to a panic attack from a girl who has spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME reading and writing about failed democracies for my history degree.

But you’re not here for a peak inside my dark and twisted mental health — you want to know how the writing is going.



It’s going.

Honestly, it was fine on Monday. And Tuesday. And then…welp. Basically, the big thing that’s not done is the Fool Me Twice Beta Draft Construction. This just means I’m not done figuring out how much of it needs work. I’m organizing the chapters, and I think I’m at Chapter 24 or something. I’ve got about eight more to do. I’m going to finish that tonight or tomorrow morning. And then I’ll be kicking off the actual beta writing on Monday.

The good news is that it’s not a lot of changes. It’s clean up, it’s a few extra scenes, a few extra chapters. I’m still on target for that Feb 23 date. Broken Girl is going well, and everything is fine. In the writing.  I wanted to be done the FMT Beta Construct on Tuesday, but it’s not a huge deal. We’ll all live, and that’s one of the reasons I gave myself extra time with the 23 date and not 16.

If you made it down here, I LOVE YOU. I am insane, I am aware. Try to survive until tomorrow, and I’ll see y’all then. Same time, same bat cave.

January 3, 2021

Hey guys! It’s been a few months since I put Flash Fiction on hiatus, and I am grateful to you guys for your patience 🙂 I mentioned in my 2021 Preview post and video that Flash Fiction would be returning on weekends going forward, and I’m here to tell you that it starts this Friday night!

Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at 7 PM!

On Fridays & Sundays, I’ll be updating A Shot in the Dark — that’s about two, maybe three parts away from being completed. On Saturdays, I’ll be updated A King’s Command. Once A Shot in the Dark is completed, I’ll put King’s Command on Fridays & Sundays, and bring back Not Knowing When on Saturdays. When A King’s Command is over, I’ll shift Not Knowing When to Fridays & Sundays, and bring back the final flash fic, Signs of Life.

I’m also bringing back the 60 minutes because the quality of those parts are better than the 20 minute ones, and will be easier to revise in the future. That’s the main reason we’re keeping Flash Fiction on weekends when I don’t work all day.

In other news, I’m really excited to tell you that my holiday break was a success — both Mad World and For the Broken Girl were completely broken down by chapter and scenes. All that’s left for both is to soundtrack them. I also started working on Fool Me Twice’s beta draft. I’m really happy with it so far. I’m adding two chapters early on, and I know there’s definitely a chapter I’m adding later, but overall, I’ll mostly be working on the flashbacks and make them more cohesive.

In February, I’ll be starting the alpha draft for Broken Girl, and I think I’m setting a tentative release date for Fool Me Twice for February 23. I’m hoping I can actually make it earlier on the 16, but I want to make sure I have enough editing time.

I’ll see you guys on Friday night for the return of Flash Fiction!

January 1, 2021

Note: This is not a transcript of the video. I wrote it before I filmed the video. It’s the basic facts. I get into more detail and whatnot in the video if you’re interested.

Recapping 2020: The General Gist

  • 2020 was, uh, a year that happened which is probably the best I can say at this point.
  • In all seriousness, outside of the world falling apart and the pandemic, for me, personally, 2020 had a lot of ups and downs personally and career wise. I took over my parents’ house at the end of 2019, but 2020 was the year where I definitely proved I could handle it financially, even on the reduced income I was making last year as a long-term sub.
  • Professionally, I worked every day over the last two academic years which is great. Last year, I worked as a long-term substitute in one district, then was fortunate to find full-time district employment in a new school this year. I have a steady paycheck, paid holidays, more sick and personal time, and health insurance. It’s a one-year contract but the odds are in my favor that as long as this position is here next year, I should get an invitation to return.
  • Writing wise, this was also my best year on record. I spent a lot of the year studying my own process and refining it so that I could be more productive and make firmer promises about release dates and quality.  I wrote more this year than any year since I started writing Liason fanfiction in 2002 and 2003.

Recapping 2020: Site & Channel

  • The site underwent massive renovations which are continuing through next year. I moved the site to its new home on a domain which allowed me to create sub-sites for my larger stories and create a more immersive experience for each story. I also began reorganizing how my stories are presented and making an effort to make the site more user friendly and easier to navigate.
  • I started the YouTube channel last December, then relaunched in February with a firmer idea of how it would be used. I have a quasi-schedule with monthly site & story status updates as well as individual story vlogs. I did a few livestreams as well. It was my goal to be more accessible to the community since I decided to start releasing my projects all at once so I might disappear for a few weeks or months between releases.

Recapping 2020: Promises Kept

  • Last year, I made two big promises. I said that you would get For The Broken Girl, Book 1, and Mad World, Book 3. I kept both those promises. Broken Girl was released in May and June, and Mad World Book 3 was my first giant, all-at-once release, which I think went over pretty well.
  • I also said I wanted to write more flash fiction and short stories. I did both of those things, particularly during the summer with daily flash fiction.
  • I’m really proud of myself for setting realistic goals and then holding myself to general deadlines. I might have missed some internal deadlines for first drafts and releases, but once I gave you guys firm dates for releases, I kept them.

What’s Next in 2021: General Life

  • In 2021, I hope to continue my professional success. If I get invited back next year, I’m on the tenured track which would be amazing. I’m looking into getting additional certificates in middle school ELA, Science, and French to make myself more useful to the district and my observations this year have led me to believe that as long as – A, the position is here and B, I don’t mess up somehow, I’m in good shape to return.
  • I have a lot of personal projects to work on in the house I took over — as soon as I’m on tenure track, I’m going to buy the house from my parents and start making renovations — painting, working on the bathroom, kitchen, and making my office and bedroom even more suited to my needs.
  • Writing wise, I’m going to continue my 2020 approach:  tracking my process to make adjustments, being kind and generous to myself by taking time off when I need it, and keeping firm promises to the community.

What’s Next in 2021: Site & Channel

  • I plan to continue working on the site renovations which are detailed in the Crimson Glass Facelift post I put together. I have some larger projects (the sub-sites) to work on. I also want to relaunch some of my older ebooks by cleaning them up and redesigning them. I want to offer more ebooks as well.
  • The channel is going to have more regular content. As I get better with editing, it becomes easier to do that. We’ll keep the monthly site & story status updates, and I’ll be adding weekly vlogs for whatever project I’m working on.
  • I’m also interested in doing more GH commentary on the channel in 2021. One of my resolutions this year is to put GH and Days back in my daily schedule. I fell off this year because I was busy with work, but I do miss my soaps.
  • I’d be interested in doing an Live Q&As if that’s something anyone wanted.

What’s Next in 2021: New Promises

  • This coming year, I will be publishing three novels which is realistic since one of them is already drafted. General release dates are as follows:
    • Fool Me Twice, Book 1: February 2021
    • For the Broken Girl, Book 2: June 2021
    • Mad World, Book 4: October 2021
  • I also plan to work on the following projects
    • Fool Me Twice, Book 1:
      • Revisions: January & February 2021
    • For the Broken Girl
      • Discovery: January 2021
      • Alpha: February-March 2021
      • Revisions: April-May 2021
    • Mad World, Book 4 (this might change — I’ll keep you updated)
      • Alpha: June-July 2021
      • Revisions: August-September 2021
    • Fool Me Twice, Book 2
      • Discovery: August-September 2021
      • Alpha: October-November 2021
      • Revisions in 2022. Expected release February 2022.
  • Flash Fiction & Short Stories
    • I don’t have a firm date to reintroduce and complete in progress flash fiction at this time. I’m spending part of my holiday break thinking it over.
    • Once they do come back, we’ll probably be doing one story at a time on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays until all are complete.
    • I won’t be writing any new flash fiction until the stories I’ve posted have been revised and republished.

December 31, 2020

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the Vlog: Mad World, Book 4



After reading Mad World Books 1-3 (a whopping 1100 pages and like 480k words over five days), I made some notes about what I want to finish, the characters I want to make sure we get closure for, and what my central narrative conflict is for the whole series. Plus, let’s talk about the tricky balance of writing versions of characters that are recognizable to the viewers from 17 years ago, newer viewers, and also characters who grow over three books.

No pressure.


coming soon

December 30, 2020

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the Vlog: For the Broken Girl, Book 2



After rereading the first book, I sat down to start my official stages of the Discovery process which are usually: Brainstorming, Outline, Anchor Scenes, Plot Sketch, Chapter Breakdown, Soundtracking. Uh, we’re already on step 3. After one day. That’s fast, right? Too fast?


coming soon