December 29, 2020

This entry is part 8 of 9 in the Vlog: Fool Me Twice

Note: This is a re-publishing of this video. I accidentally forgot to change the title last time. Sorry.



I know I said I wouldn’t touch the draft, but well, I wanted to reread! So I read the first fifteen chapters. How bad is it? What work do we need? Uh, it’s actually good news? In 2020? I know, I was shocked, too.


coming soon

December 28, 2020

Note: I have posts going out every day this week. Today is the Patreon tier release, then three vlogs over the next few days, then on January 1, my 2020 In Review/2021 Year Ahead. Just an FYI 🙂

In September 2019, I relaunched my Patreon tiers with new benefits and tiers. Over the last sixteen months, that community has grown INSANELY and allowed me to really expand the time and energy I put into both my writing and the site itself (as well as making room for launching the channel). That being said, my writing process has really changed during 2020 so it was necessary to revisit those tiers and benefits for the next year.

If you are a current subscriber, you are losing no perks — I’m just making the ones you already receive BETTER. If you haven’t joined, that’s totally okay! All of my writing is completely free, and the only thing that Patreons get that you don’t is access to work products like drafts. The final published products are, and will always be, free.

For the lower tiers, it’s a lot of behind the scenes and early access to any flash fiction, videos, or short stories. Beginning with the $3 tier, you get varying levels of access to my work in progress projects. Let me briefly explain what those drafts are.

Alpha Draft — This is my first pass at the story and the messiest. I do not edit as I write, so there are typos, inconsistencies, dropped stories and characters, and also things that come out of nowhere. If I get an idea halfway through, I just start writing it like it already exists, then fix later. It’s the version that looks least like the published version and probably the hardest to read, lol.

Beta Draft – My first pass at cleaning up the first draft. I clean up typos and inconsistencies. Scenes and chapters are added or cut. It makes a lot more sense and is closer to the final draft.

Posting Draft – My final pass.  This is the version that gets released to the public.

Crimson Fan ($1 Tier)

EARLY ACCESS (One Day Before General Public)

  • Short story or full novel releases
  • Crimson Glass on YouTube video (eventually — the scheduling is being cranky right now, but I will figure this out!)
  • Ebook Releases


  • Livestreams & Patreon filmed writing updates
  • Polls about upcoming stories & site changes

Crimson Love ($3 Tier)

All benefits of Fan Tier included.

EARLY ACCESS (One Week Before General Public)

  • Any short story or full novel release
  • Crimson Glass on YT (if possible, sometimes the editing doesn’t work out)
  • Ebook releases


  • Alpha Draft – When completed

Crimson Devoted ($5 Tier)

All benefits of Fan & Love Tier included.


  • Ebook Release as soon as its formatted. It’s my hope to get these to be done a full month before general release, but we’ll play it by year in 2020.


  • Alpha Draft – Monthly Update
  • Beta Draft – When Completed

Crimson Adored ($7 Tier)

All benefits of Fan, Love & Devoted Tier included.


  • Alpha Draft – Weekly Updates
  • Beta Draft – Weekly Updates
  • Posting Draft – When completed

Crimson Obsessed ($10 Tier)

All benefits of Fan, Love, Devoted & Adored Tier included.


  • Alpha Draft chapters as completed.
  • Beta Draft chapters as completed
  • Posting Draft as chapters are completed.
  • Flash Fiction Request – you can give me an idea or request for a flash fiction series. This is a one-time benefit, not a recurring monthly thing, LOL. I can’t write them all!

The tiers kick off with the Beta Draft of Fool Me Twice, starting January 1!

December 23, 2020

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the Vlog: For the Broken Girl, Book 2



Why does Broken Girl, Book 1, need a sequel? I talk about how Book 1 narratively works on its own if you’re following just the LL2 marriage or the Liason relationship, but as an Elizabeth story, we needed more. I also included a clip that inspired the entire story when I was rewatching back in 2015. We get into my original vision for the story, how it’s changed, and what I know I’m struggling with going into the sequel. I know why I want to tell this story, but how do I do it?


coming soon

December 21, 2020

This entry is part 7 of 9 in the Vlog: Fool Me Twice



In this video, I check in after a few months of radio silence. How did writing this draft go since I got a full-time job, ended up on quarantine, and then switched into remote teaching while the election was going on in a pandemic?

Uh, as well as can be expected.

We also get into the roadmap and what’s next for the process.


coming soon

December 17, 2020

I am checking in with the best of all possible news. I finished Fool Me Twice’s first draft tonight around 8 PM. Like — done. Last chapter. It’s a really great feeling because, of course, the hardest part of any draft, is just getting all the words out.  The final draft clocks in around 495 pages and 184k in Word, it’s about 180k in Scriv. If you’re a Adored or Obsessed tier supporter at Patreon, I uploaded the last four chapters tonight for you guys. All Patreons at $3 get the Alpha Draft on Monday.

I did a livestream that I meant to be for the Patreons, but I was so tired that I forgot to make it unlisted so I go into the details a bit and you get to see me all loopy and weird lol.  Other than that — here’s the road map for publication –

January 1 – Construct beta draft.

January 7 – January 31 – Write beta draft.

Feb 1 – 15 – Posting Draft.

Aiming for Publication Feb 16. It might also be Feb 23. It will depend on the beta draft work.

Over the next two weeks, I am not planning to do any creative writing. I will not be bring Flash Fiction back before January. I’m sorry about that, but I’m exhausted. I wrote 50k just in the last week, and 180 k in the last 78 days. I’m really looking forward to not spending a lot of time in my office.

What I am planning to do is to look over the flash fiction, reset the schedule going into January, and then also do some planning for Mad World Book 4 and Broken Girl Book 2. But, at the moment, I’m not even planning to do my usual holiday updates. I really just need the break, you guys. I wrote four novels this year because Mad World Book 4 has a draft that exists — most of you just haven’t read it yet, lol.

Sorry this post is messy, but I don’t want to do any of this tomorrow. After I’m done teaching tomorrow at 2:50, I’m leaving the office and not coming back until like…Sunday. LOL. I AM TIRED.



December 8, 2020

Hello 🙂 So, I’m going to miss my FMT deadline by a day or two. I was hoping to finish up between December 14-16, but I had a minor issue this weekend and I lost two days of writing. On Sunday, all the pipes in my house got massively backed up, and I had to deal with the plumber, the city, and my dad to get it fixed, and they always seem to show up around the time that I usually write. So I couldn’t write on Sunday or Monday. It’s Tuesday, the problem is sort of fixed, or least that I can try to get back on track on the writing. If I get back to a chapter a day, I’ll finish on December 17. I’m hoping to manage an extra two chapters over the next few days — I usually can do this by just writing an extra two scenes or so every day. We’ll see.

I’m starting my next exploratory cycle with my students tomorrow, but I’m actually feeling super great about it. I’m completely prepared — I’ve even posted three days worth of materials so that all I have to do is show up for my classes until Friday which gives me all of my prep time to get ready for NEXT week. If that works out, I can use more of my weekends to relax and write. This is great, and what I’ve been aiming towards for weeks.

To thank you guys for your patience and support, I’m posting the opening scenes of the alpha draft — they haven’t been edited for typos or content and might still change. I’m giving you the very first scene as well as three scenes from the end of Chapter Two.

FMT Previews

December 4, 2020

General Writing

  • In my last update, I mentioned that I was hoping I’d have a decent amount of time to write in November because of the way my schedule was working out. I was supposed to have November 16-30 off from students I’d have to grade and lesson plan for while I covered absences in the building, and that I was anticipating being on remote learning again at some point in the future.
  • I ended up covering a sixth grade science class that had no lesson plans and that I had to put in grades for, so in addition to preparing for my own classes in the next cycle, I had to prep for a subject and curriculum I don’t teach with no textbook. Fun.
  • I also got exposed to Covid around November 9-10 through school and had to quarantine at home. November 13 was my last day in the building, and then my entire school kind of…went crazy. The school got two more positive cases and shut down on Wednesday while the entire district closed as of Friday, November 20. We’re on remote learning through AT LEAST January 8 with a return on January 11.
  • That’s…a lot to process, to be honest. My nieces were individually exposed at their schools, so my hometown district closed, and my sister needed to be tested after being exposed by her best friend. Thankfully, we all tested negative but it was a lot more stressful than I thought it was going to be (and I was expecting stress.)
  • Flash Fiction kind of went all over the place–we’ll get into that–and I didn’t quite hit the deadline I needed for Fool Me Twice. However, I still participated in NaNoWriMo and wrote about 62k for FMT over the entire month. That was pretty awesome and a silver lining to an otherwise crazy month.

Patreon, Site & Channel

  • I had hoped to make some NaNoWriMo videos like I did last month, but it honestly never manifested. I do have plans for 2021 to be a bit more regular with content, but I also understand it’s not the main draw to my site.
  • The site work is also completely on hiatus until at least winter break, if not spring break.
  • Patreon Tiers are going to be revised starting January 1, 2021 to better reflect benefits and add some more. I’ll have them ready sometime in December.

Individual Story

Flash Fiction

  • My Flash Fiction schedule was really hard to maintain in November. It became really sporadic and I think in some ways, the quality for some of the stories suffered. I definitely think while the 20 minute sprints are easier to fit into my schedule, the 60 minute efforts are better. I won’t be bring them back until I can devise a schedule that works in 60 minutes for each update.
  • I’m thinking that means Flash Fiction might not return until 2021, so we’ll see what we’ll see.

Fool Me Twice, Book 1

  • I started writing Fool Me Twice on October 1 with a deadline of November 30. Honestly — a few things go differently and if it’s a normal year, the draft is finished on time if not early. But I really never caught up from getting that job on September 30. I needed to be further along in October, and , well, I probably didn’t need the pandemic stress.
  • That being said, the great thing is that the story itself is going really great. I’m so happy with the progress so far. I’ve finished 20 chapters — I still have roughly 14 chapters left to write. Today is November 30. I should finish this draft around December 14. Two weeks over my scheduled time — that’s not too bad.
  • I can’t tell you now if that means I’m missing the February deadline. I don’t think I will. The draft is in good shape so far — while it needs work, it doesn’t need the top down, drag out revisions that Mad World Book 3 needed, and I understand my process better than I did when I revised Broken Girl last spring.
  • I also didn’t set a specific day for posting. Since I publish on novels on Tuesdays, I could go with Feb 2, 9, 16, or the 23. It’s more likely to be like 16 or 23. I’ll keep you in the loop on that.

Mad World, Book 4

  • I haven’t looked at this since early October. At that time, I was creating the structure of the second draft of Book 4 — what scenes and chapters, etc. Once that’s done, I’ll be able to make better revision notes. What stays, what needs to be rewritten. Once I know how much work needs to be going into it, I can put it more firmly on my schedule.
  • I actually plan to give myself two weeks off from FMT between December 15-December 31 and distract myself by digging into Book 4 which will make FMT feel fresher when I open it back up to revise.
  • I’m hoping to write this book in the background, but it also might be my June/July project (which makes it year 5 lol for series — please let 2021 be the last year)

For the Broken Girl, Book 2

  • I’m still putting this into production after I complete the alpha draft for FMT. I plan to work on the Discovery Draft from December 15-January 31. After working on FMT’s Discovery Draft, I am confident that a prolonged Discovery process put me in the best possible position to get more than 110k written for FMT in eight weeks.
  • As long as FMT is ready to go with revisions and I’m comfortable, Broken Girl’s alpha draft starts on Feb 1, with a deadline of March 31, and a publication of May/June depending on revisions needed.

Thanks so much for reading and following! I’ll be back at the end of the year with my 2020 Year in Review & 2021 Year Ahead (instead of January Update). I love all of you so much!

November 28, 2020

Hey — no surprises here I’m sure! Flash Fiction is officially on hiatus while I finish Fool Me Twice’s first draft. I made great progress last week, and then did my usual mid-draft reset where I took a look at what was left and reworked based on what I’ve rewritten and what I want to see happen. I ended up adding two extra chapters, LOL, so we’re at 34 and not 32. I’ve written eighteen chapters, so I still need to write 16. That puts me at roughly around December 11 to finish up, which isn’t terrible considering I got a new job, I was put on quarantine and just the general anxiety, LOL.

I’ll be back with Flash Fiction towards the end of 2020!

November 20, 2020

Your Update Link: A Shot in the Dark – Part 12

It has been a crazy week, honestly, and I don’t know that it’s going to get any better. Let’s catch up 🙂 So – one, I tested negative. Super good news there. I kind of thought I would, but I was still a  bit nervous. I’m still on quarantine to be safe, but that’ll be over on Tuesday.

You guys know it’s been getting crazy here in NJ — today, my school district opted to go to 100% remote through learning through January 8. This is, honestly, a huge relief for all of us. We had another positive case late Tuesday night, and last minute remote learning for two days for just my school was crazy for parents and students, as well as teachers. I’m glad that my district is just making a sweeping decision — we are out and not even going to reassess until the new year. It gives all of us some certainty in a crazy time. ALSO! Teachers, right now, have the option of working from home which means I can continue isolating like I did last year which really does improve my own stress levels.

The other thing is that I got handed a class to cover for a few weeks and there was, uh, no lesson plans set up. I had to scramble to put together some science lessons. With parent/teacher conferences, I couldn’t write last night. But I’ve got the new science stuff mostly under control, so hopefully I’ll be back on track. I did write another chapter of Fool Me Twice this week, and I’m going to try to write two more this weekend.

This weird writing Flash Fiction whenever I want is gonna continue probably until FMT’s first draft is done, and then I’ll pause them to reassess. It’s 2020, y’all, we’re just trying to get to January.

November 18, 2020

Your Update Link: A King’s Command – Part 11

Hey — not much to say in this update. I’m starting to get a routine back, but I have conferences tomorrow, so I’m not even thinking about it too much to be honest. This has been a weird month — my district just put out the “closing down is imminent so make a plan” and I’m just thinking about my cursed headphones.

Last year, in early March, before the world shut down, I ordered a new set of headphones for my classes for independent work. Delivery was delayed and my kids were very impatient. And then they finally arrived — on March 16, 2020. The day the district shut down. We never went back and headphones sat in my house, brand new and unopened.

This year, I didn’t bring them in right away. I waited — and brought them in on Thursday. Kids loved them, they worked great, and I went home on Thursday to work remotely on Friday, planning to return on Monday because that’s how this works.  Then on Sunday — I got the call that put my into quarantine.

So anyway, my headphones are cursed. See you guys on Friday for more flash fiction!