September 26, 2020

Your Update Link: Signs of Life – Part 2

Ugh. This day, lol. It was going well until I went to my niece’s birthday. My sister has a lot of friends who all apparently had twelve kids each, so the house was packed with small screaming children. I was counting down to the singing of Happy Birthday so I could nope out of there. We get everyone gathered around for the cake, and then we start looking for the birthday girl.

We search the entire house, the kids are sent on search teams — she’s nowhere. We start yelling her name. Nada.

The anxiety starts to set in — she’s the only kid we can’t find, and we start getting close to panicking —

And then we find her. She, along with two friends invited to the party, decided to go across the street to play with the toys in the other yard. Without telling anyone. She’s safe, but now I feel  thousand years old, and I’m gonna chip this kid like a dog so I can always find her.

ANYWAY. That was my day. I also edited another chapter of Book 3 — I had to add a scene and tweak half of it, so I didn’t get more than the one chapter done. No worries. I’ll make up the other two chapters tomorrow. I’m taking most of the day off tomorrow (I promise!) to clean the house and to relax. I’ll do a few hours in the morning, and then leave the office after that.

September 25, 2020

Your Update Link: A King’s Command – Part 4

Happy Friday! I hope you guys had a good week. I was very busy here at CG as you probably noticed, so make sure you check out the Recent Updates page for any missed updates.

Today, I cleaned up Alternate History a bit by moving a bunch of my smaller 2002 Ficlets into a cluster I’m calling Take the Chance. I’m doing that because I looked at making graphics all of these smaller stories and realized — they’re nearly identical. They were all episode tags written between October-December 2002 when Liason fans were still delusionally thinking Courtney was a pit stop on the road to our couple. So it’s a lot of the same concept written over and over again, LOL.

I got a bit distracted in my Facelift journey by thinking I could just organize all my Liason screencaps to make graphics easier, and then work my way through the stories once those were done. The summer of 2002 is really kicking my butt, so I’m going to start moving stories into the History category and leave graphics for later.  The other History change I made was adding listings for all my Flash Fiction series. They’re noted as a Flash Fiction series necessary, so that you can see where they fit in and that you don’t miss them.

My final bit of news for the day is a production schedule change. I was supposed to start planning Damaged in December once the first draft of Fool Me Twice was done, but then I really thought about what writing that project would look like. Damaged is a lot like Mad World and Fool Me Twice. A lot of moving parts and huge ensemble piece. I’m kind of tired already, and I still have to edit the rest of Book 3 and Book 4 and write Fool Me Twice. I’m feeling burnt out just thinking about it.

So I’m going to switch Damaged and Book 2 of For the the Broken Girl. This means Broken Girl 2 will be out in May/June and not September. Broken Girl will be intense, but it’s more narrowly focused and I think I definitely need that after the last six months, LOL.

I’ll see you guys tomorrow for the next part of Signs of Life!

September 24, 2020

Your Update Link: The Ghost in the Girl

Good morning! As promised, I am posting the revised short story, The Ghost in the Girl. I wrote it as the first Sunday Rewrite short story in three parts. Parts 1 & 2 are largely the same — but they’ve been edited and refined–even expanded in some areas. Part 3 was heavily rewritten. I added a lot to the Liason scene in the park and rewrite the ending of the story entirely. Please take a read and let me know how you like it!

I’ll see you guys tomorrow for Flash Fiction!

September 23, 2020

Your Update Link: A Shot in the Dark – Part 4

ICYMI: Mad World, Chapter 51

I hope you’re having a good week! A reminder that I posted the first chapter of Mad World, Book 3, yesterday and the next preview will be up on Tuesday. The full novel will be released in chapters everywhere on Tuesday, October 6. I’ll be scheduling all the chapters next weekend when I finish the editing. I’m about halfway through now.

Today, I finished revisions for The Ghost in the Girl, and those you who read the Flash Fiction version will be pleasantly surprised, I hope. I refined and edited Parts 1 & 2, then mostly rewrote Part 3, adding a few new scenes and rewriting the ending. It’ll be up tomorrow at 7 AM.

Have a great night!

September 21, 2020

Your Update Link: Not Knowing When – Part 4

I’m going to be harassing you basically every day this week, LOL! Tonight, we kick off the fourth week of Flash Fiction, so that’s Monday, Wednesday, Friday AND Saturday. Then tomorrow, you’re getting the first chapter of Mad World, Book 3. It’s already scheduled and ready to go, so it will be up around 7 AM tomorrow like in the old days. You’re getting one more preview chapter next Tuesday — and then the whole thing goes live at 7 am on October 6. I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW CLOSE WE ARE! I’m so excited for you guys to read this book.

And — on Thursday, you’ll have the edited version of The Ghost in the Girl. If you read the Flash Fiction series, you’ll probably still want to peruse the edit. I’m cleaning up typos, some dialogue notes, and I’m contemplating adding just one or two more scenes. I’m still editing that.

It’s a busy week!

September 20, 2020

Your Update Link: The Ghost in the Girl, Part 3

ICYMI: Signs of Life – Part 1

Happy Sunday! Today is the last part of my 2001 short story, The Ghost in the Girl. As I said in yesterday’s update, I’m shifting my schedule slightly so that I can keep four regular updates a week  but also the idea of a day where I just fill in Liason history I haven’t written yet. This is the last Sunday update for the moment. I mean — I honestly might write next week, but I also might not. You’ll never know 😛

I’ll be cleaning up The Ghost in the Girl this week — fixing typos, adjusting dialogue in a few spaces — then distributing it on all platforms including a full link on the Alternate History page.

I did watch the Liason scene from last week (9/14) a little bit ago, but I want to get caught up on the rest of the week before I think about an episode tag.  I don’t have a lot to say in today’s update because I’ve been harassing you guys a lot lately, LOL, and I’ll be back tomorrow with Not Knowing When.


September 19, 2020

Your Update Link: Signs of Life – Part 1

Vlog Update: Fool Me Twice – Part 6

Happy Birthday to Crimson Glass! With the exception of a brief period in 2012, my GH fanfiction has been online somewhere since September 19, 2002 which means today, CG turns eighteen! It’s insane, LOL, because it means half my life has been spent writing or thinking about fanfiction.

In celebration, I wanted to do something fun and special. I said last night that I wasn’t sure what I wanted to write for my Sunday series once The Ghost in the Girl wraps up tomorrow, so I was thinking of shifting to another series from either 1997 or 1999. But — both of these stories are going to be in depth series. They were actually on my drawing board as full-fledged novels. If I don’t write them as Flash Fiction series, you won’t be reading them for another 3-4 years so I tossed them into Flash Fiction.

Writing one of them on Sundays means that I would be changing what I wanted Sundays to be — short stories and single shots to flesh out pieces of Liason history.  What I’m doing is replacing regular updates on Sunday with Saturday updates. You’ll get Signs of Life on Saturdays for as long as it takes me to write it. Then, on Sundays, when I’m struck with inspiration, you’ll get new Flash Fics there. It feels like a good compromise, and then I can write on Sundays when I truly feel inspired.

In other news — I’m also posting the newest vlog update for Fool Me Twice. There’s a lot of details in here about flashbacks, soundtracking, and even some sneak peeks for subplots. I’ll see you guys tomorrow with the conclusion of The Ghost in the Girl!

September 18, 2020

ETA: I just wanted to say that I write these posts before I start my Flash Fiction which means I wrote all of this before I got the news that amazing, legendary, iconic, irreplaceable Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away. I was literally finishing up my spell check when my friend Lauren texted me and Ang DM’d me. So I just — I just want to say that I hate this year. I hate the fact that we’re losing these people who matter and that we just–please go vote. We can’t do four more years. We just can’t.  I barely think I can manage a few more months of this. 

Your Update Link: A King’s Command – Part 3

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a great week! In less than three weeks, Mad World: Book 3 will be here! Crazy to think it’s almost ready! On Tuesday, I’ll publish Chapter 51  (September 22), then Chapter 52 on September 29 before publishing the last 23 chapters on October 6. The chapter numbers are continuing from Books 1 & 2, which is why this book starts at Chapter 51 and Book 4 will start chapter Chapter 76.

I worked on the structure of Book 4’s beta draft to start getting an idea of changes, but I’m really in the early stages because I’m focusing on meeting my editing goals for Book 3. If I keep up at the pace I’m at, I’ll finish the posting draft around September 28, which actually gives me time to do one more read through for any final typos. It’s a really realistic pace — only two chapters a day right now but these first 14 chapters really only had line editing. I think towards the end, where I decided to add or rewrite some scenes, it might take longer so we’ll see.

Fool Me TwiceFool Me Twice is just about ready to move into the final stage of Discovery which is creating a soundtrack. I’m still refining the flashbacks — I have about eighteen planned, which means I need maybe fourteen more to match one for each chapter. I’m hoping to finish that tomorrow, but it’s okay if it takes the rest of the weekend since soundtracking honestly doesn’t take that long. I’ll have a vlog up for that story tomorrow, and I’m so excited with how this is going. This is the best position I’ve ever been in to start a fresh new draft!

The last thing I want to mention is that on Sunday, I’ll be writing the final part of my 2001 story, The Ghost in the Girl, which means next week — we’re launching a new story. My original plan was to stay in 2001 and write a bit more but nothing on my drawing board is kind of speaking to me yet. What am I thinking about is going to another time period and starting a new series from earlier in Liason history – either Kismet or Signs of Life. If you have a preference, comment and let me know! I’ve attached their descriptions below.




Set December 1997. Jason is the newly minted, inexperienced leader of the Port Charles underground. Elizabeth is the black sheep nursing student at General Hospital. They meet over the bleeding body of Nikolas Cassadine, the victim of a drive-by shooting at Luke’s Club that might have been targeted at Jason. When they both end up at the PCPD, arrested for simply breathing, the attraction between them is immediate.

But life is never that simple in Port Charles, and Jason has a lot of baggage—an ex-girlfriend he might still be in love with, the ex-friend with benefits who is about to drag him into another crazy scheme, the woman his best friend stood up at the altar on his way out of town, and the controlling family still desperate to drag Jason back home at any cost.

Can Elizabeth see past all of this drama and give Jason a chance? Or is there just one too many secrets to deal with?

Status: Not yet Published
Genre: Romantic Drama
Type: Novel
Characters: Jason, Elizabeth, Robin, Carly, Emily, Alan, Monica, Taggert, Brenda
Couples: Jason/Elizabeth, Jason/Robin

Signs of Life

Set December 1999. No one even knew they were friends until Nikolas Cassadine announced Jason and Elizabeth were sleeping together at the annual hospital Christmas Party, and now, suddenly everyone wants to weigh in on the subject. It’s not true, of course, but that’s never stopped Port Charles before.

At first it’s amusing when her grandmother and his sister pass judgment, but things quickly get serious when Anthony Moreno’s body surfaces in the Port Charles harbor, and their fictional relationship might be Jason’s only chance to stay out jail. Elizabeth can alibi him, and after all, only Bobbie and Carly know he was shot. They’re not telling anyone, right?

Until Carly decides she needs Jason’s help in yet another desperate scheme, and she’ll use any leverage at hand to make him dance her to her tune.

Status: Not yet Published
Genre: Romantic Drama
Type: Novel
Characters: Jason, Elizabeth, Nikolas, Sonny, Carly, AJ, Taggert, Edward, Alan, Monica, Audrey
Couples: Jason/Elizabeth, AJ/Carly

September 17, 2020

Hello! Just a quick check in to let you know I’ve posted two new videos on the YouTube channel. One is the Mad World vlog update about the beta draft and the other is my magnum 35 minute opus taking apart the Mike Corbin storyline. As part of the Mike video, I had about an hour’s worth of footage, including 8 minutes of talking the story and my grandmother. I cut three minutes from that section because they weren’t relevant to the story, and I needed to cut a lot, LOL. I’m linking you guys to the 8 minutes as well.

Still working on the YouTube section of the site, but the writing comes first at the moment 😛 See you guys tomorrow!

AND! I have an instagram for Crimson Glass! I’ll be posting on the Story & Reels feature and posting new updates there when I can. Follow me there! I haven’t linked the account with the others in the right-hand column yet because I don’t have an icon that matches yet. I’ll get it.

Mad World: The End Is So Close, Yet So Far (#6) – 8 mins

Dear General General Hospital, We Need To Talk About Mike – 35 mins

BONUS – Full Clip – Talking About Alzheimers & Dementia on The Show