Crimson Glass: State of the Archive (Year in Review)

So rather than my normal monthly story status post, I thought it would be more fun to look back at where this site has gone since I reopened it on January 19, 2014 and where it’s going to go in 2015 while updating you guys on various stories.

The Site

After I lost my domain, I had moved the archive to But I decided to close that down, which meant moving the site again. Rather than just moving the clean archive, I decided to bite the bullet and convert it to WordPress, which I tried to do ages ago but in the intervening years, the right plugin (Organize Series, you kick ass!) made it possible.

At the moment I’m writing this (December 20, 2014 at 8:27 AM), we have 651 posts, 685 comments, and 94 pages. Wow. I just can’t believe the amount of content I added this year — from old and lost stories, to new stories, to sprucing completed stories. And there’s still so much to do!

In 2015, I’ll continue adding to the Fiction Graveyard. I hope to complete that section by the middle of the year through my Monday updates. I also want to think of new ways to organize stories to make sure the little tiny ones that I wrote a long time ago get attention. Maybe finding some sort of way to do them by theme. I found a great plugin that organizes them by tag, so I’ll be looking for ways to continue that.

I also want to add more about the show it self — I have a ton of photos from collecting over the last twelve years and running various websites. I have a lot of screencaps. I have DVDs that I’ve screencapped — so you can imagine that I’d love to share even a portion of my collection. I’ve got more ideas for my little home on the web.

And even though I finished designing my own theme, I’m looking into ways I can improve it — to make it prettier and more functional. I think finally learning how to edit my own WordPress theme is probably the best accomplishment personally. I missed designing and playing with colors, so it’s been fun to get back to it and learn how much I’ve misssed in web design since 2008.

The Stories

So my output in 2014 was relatively decent. I wrote several short stories, a few novellas, and completed three full length stories: Daughters, A Few Words Too Many, and All I Want for Christmas (though Daughters is cheat, I edited it a bit, and wrote in some new material but only the last two chapters are brand new). I also wrote about half of The Best Thing, which is one of the most difficult pieces I’ve tackled until now. Until next year when I plan to challenge myself all over again. All in all, I wrote more than 200,000 words and around 500 pages in Microsoft Word.

As for 2015, well that’s where it gets fun. Here’s the traditional part of this post: the progress review.

Stories on the In Progress Page

The Best Thing — I had a thought while I was writing that changed my concept for the end of the story. Not terribly, but I’m taking a day or so to play with it because I think if I do it right, the story will be just as powerful as my original idea.  I have three chapters written that aren’t posted, two of which are with Cora, and plan to post next week, but take off the week after that and return in January 2015 with my ending firmly in mind and a mind to finish writing it the entire story by the end of January and complete posting it by the end of February.

Come On Eileen/Turning Points – These are only listed on that page because they are technically in the process of being completed but every time I open them, nothing to seems to happen. I don’t see that changing in the rest of December, but hopefully sometime in January.

Life For Rent — I’m reworking the series page (some of the stories listed there now don’t quite belong) and at that point, LFR will move there. Each part  of my outline can work as a standalone story, so it’ll move there in 2015. While I anticipate working on it in 2015, there’s just a lot in my mind before I get there.

All We Are – I got a bit stuck after finishing Chapter Five, but plan on getting through it this week. Once I finish this next chapter, the rest of the story is straightforward and shouldn’t be very difficult. It’s going to be about twenty chapters, so if I can do three a week, I’ll have it all but finished at the end of January. I anticipate posting this by the end of January, first week of February.

All I Want For Christmas – This is completed. I just have to finish posting it and put the final touches on the ebook/

Inside Your Fear – I had storyboarded this as a short story but I tried to write it and realized it didn’t quite work. So it’s going back to the drawing board.

Coming Soon – Stories In Active Development

Burn in Heaven – It was originally not on my radar, but I had an idea that I wanted to write down, and then that idea led to another, so a plot sketch came together. Now I’m working out the scene breakdown to make sure all the angles are covered. It’s a bit more ensemble than A Few Words and the tone is less relationship angsty than action angsty, so I don’t want it to be unbalanced.

Mad World – I have a working outline and a rough scene breakdown. I’ll be sending both to Cora at some point in the new year to get her feedback but I’m still covering some of the angles because MW is a massive ensemble piece. This and Heaven are pretty far along in the development process.

These Small Hours – I know the major events, but I’ve been having issues breaking them down scene by scene. I’m still working on it, but I’m not sure how long this particular outline is going take.

Feels Like Home (Tangle rewrite) – This is outlined and storyboarded. I have some scenes written, but I haven’t actively worked on in a bit. It’s in the best shape to be posted next, but I’m not sure yet.

Other Stories on the Drawing Board

The following stories are still in outline status, meaning I have the concept in my head, I have some general ideas about the flow of events and the ending, but they’re not actively being worked on due to othe projects:

Counting Stars
Fallen From Grace
For The Broken Girl

The following stories aren’t much more than basic concepts — I have a foundation, but I haven’t done anything else with them.

Heaven Forbid


  • Love your work and am rereading your short stories again now. Keep them coming please. Love the really long ones but sometime I just want the short ones.

    According to leasmom on December 20, 2014