A Normal Routine Flash Fiction Update

Update Link: Warning Shots – Part 19

I hope you guys liked that unhinged double update, lol, last night, but don’t expect it tonight. I’m exhausted from curriculum writing all day. The only good thing is that I’ve literally written lesson plans for the first month of classes, and I have the bare bones of the LPs for the rest of the year. I’m killing myself the last two weeks of June so that September feels like a breeze. And I’m getting paid for it, so you know, go me 😛

I’m so happy you guys are enjoying this story so far! It’s been a really fun one to write, even though Jason and Elizabeth keep having conversations I didn’t ask them to and looking at each other when they’re not supposed to (and Emily going off the rails was a pleasant surprise that turned out to be a really good thing). I keep going off script with this one a bit more than I usually do, but it’s fun (even if it’s exhausting to keep resetting, lol). Thanks again to Lila for the plot bunny that inspired this 🙂

We’ll be updated this story two more times, then taking the weekend off (I have to get back to These Small Hours!) and returning next week with Chain Reaction.

See you tomorrow around 5!


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