I had hoped to begin posting this last week, but alas, things got away from me a bit. This story is unbeta’d at the moment, so if you notice any typos in the chapter, let me know ASAP so I can fix them. This story is about halfway finished, and I have plenty of chapters ready to go so there should be no lull in posting (save my own insane schedule)
So All We Are, Chapter One has been added and Friday is your official day for future chapters. 🙂
I still need to update The Best Thing‘s in progress ebook, I’m completely aware of that fact. I had planned to do it but then you know…life. I’ll take care of that and the events calendar later this afternoon after I run another errand or so.
You might have noticed that Life for Rent has been moved to the series page, as well as a bit of sprucing up on thatpage in general — All of Me now has a cute little featured banner image. I still have some more plans for that section but for now, it’s cleaned up as much as I can do at the moment.
I am still playing around with a Valentine’s Day story for next week, but I can’t make any promises. My entire writing schedule was thrown off when I got sick last week so if it gets posted it might be late.
Love your stories and am willing to wait till you feel better, sad but willing.