An Everlasting Love – Finished!

Your Update Link: An Everlasting Love – Part 16

The first of my flash fiction series is wrapped up. While I enjoyed writing it, I definitely think it was the weakest of the four I launched — primarily because it’s a historical piece set in a time period that I’m not super familiar with and the story changed a lot as I wrote it.  That’s definitely something I’ll be fleshing out  and correcting when it goes into revisions. I should know next week how long it will take me to rework it and have a tentative publication date.

As for the Flash Fiction schedule, we’re shifting into a six day a week schedule –

Mondays & ThursdaysDarkest Before the Dawn

Tuesdays & FridaysDesperate Measures

Wednesdays & SaturdaysWhatever It Takes

Basically — we’ll be back on the old schedule with Darkest Before the Dawn slotted into An Everlasting Love’s time and taking Sundays off.  also expect to be able to update at 10 again, starting tomorow.

In other news, I’m still plugging away at Mad World’s final section — what was going to be seven chapters is now eight, and that’s just because I plotted those seven chapters before I wrote the first 15 and I just need a bit more space to finish out some of the stories. Like I said — this is going to a MESS of a first draft so it should be interesting to see how revisions go.

See you guys tomorrow!


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