Ask And Ye Shall Receive – TBT/All I Want Early Updates

storyI’m not even sure why I bothered to ask if you wanted updates earlier than scheduled. Ha. Maybe to hear myself speak 🙂 As stated earlier, I’ll be moving servers on Friday. This will likely lead to the site being down for at least a day while things are shifted around and reconnected.  I’ll retain the address to the page, so you don’t have to change any book marks. I’m basically upgrading the hardware behind the scenes. I keep getting 404 Page Found links when I’m doing updates so it’s bugging me.

So, The Best Thing, Chapter 14 and All I Want For Christmas, Part 3 is now online. I might not update next week mostly because I wrote myself a little close to my buffer zone, and Cora, without whom I could not live, has an actual life separate from being my beta reader. Ha. So my new chapters are not yet Cora-approved. I don’t want to have to change and edit typos later. So wish her good luck on her finals 🙂 We’ll probably only miss a week. (Though now that I think about it, I’m not even sure I sent her Chapter 15 and 16. Hm. Will have to get on that.)

In other site news, the media page has now been redesigned into the music section to reflect better organization. On that page, you can links to sitenewsmy Spotify and Grooveshark music profiles — if you’re going to follow one of them, I recommend Spotify because you can preview soundtracks that I’m building for upcoming stories and you have access to the entirety of 2000+ Writing Soundtrack.

The page also has an artist/song highlight and musical spoilers. Plus a Matt Hunter music videos. Good times.

In site customization news, I finished tweaking the majority of the stories on the Alternate History section so that they’re all styled with the new colors, character pages cleaned up, etc. I also added a Character Guide page under Extras to remind readers of the minor GH characters of old that I tend to throw into the mix, as well as my small stable of original characters.


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