Bittersweet Updated

Hey 🙂 So I updated Bittersweet earlier today, but forgot to write the main post. It’s updated everywhere so enjoy 🙂  I also updated the basic Updates page (the one that lists the new additions without my inane chatter).

As usual, my dears, when things start to go my way, the world says, Whoa there. I went down the beach and promptly sliced my foot open because people are dicks and leave broken glass in the sand. Awesome. My foot hurts like hell, and I still have go to work and stand on it. I swear, this is the worst year for me and my health.

But I have the weekend off, save for a Labor Day BBQ on Sunday and the usual researching. I’m working on Bittersweet pretty steadily and it’s really starting to take shape — I’m finally getting to some of the scenes I’ve been writing in my head for almost a year.

Damaged is still on hiatus. I haven’t had the time to dedicate to it, but once Bittersweet is done, I’ll try and get Season Three done.  For those of you who like the BBC’s Sherlock, Damaged is kind of like that. New seasons when I’m available and the world cooperates 😛


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