Your Update: Mad World – Chapter Twenty-Five.
My Babble
Next, on Saturday, I finished the last of my major revisions for Book 2 which include a brand-new chapter and a revised final chapter (converted from an epilogue. Book 2 is thirty-one chapters. The last two chapters are slightly shorter than the rest of, so I’ll be posting 49 & 50 on November 7 and keeping my original completion date.
With Book 2 finished (*happy dance*) I’m moving on to Fool Me Twice. I’m still ironing out the scene breakdowns, but I started the first draft yesterday, building on the sample chapter. Right now, it’s about 37 chapters. That might shrink by a chapter, but it’s more likely it’ll grow by a chapter or two. That’s no real worry. I’ve scheduled nine weeks to work on the first draft. That’s 4-5 chapters a week, and I can usually get a chapter done a day when I’m in the groove. Which means I have a built in 2-3 days to play with every week for illness or schedule insanity.
A lot of changes coming in my life this upcoming school year — I finished my graduate degree last May and part of the reason my writing productivity has increased is because I no longer have to shuffle reading and studying which is something you have to do even in during the summer in a rigorous program. If you don’t follow me on Twitter (#crimsonglass for writing related posts), you might not really understand how much I’ve written this summer, so let me be specific:
By May 20, I had only completed eight chapters of Book 2. By May 24, I had made it halfway through Chapter 29. I was stuck on 29 for a while — you’ll see when I post it why it was so difficult to approach, and then 30 was even harder. I got sick and then needed to buy a new computer, so I really wasn’t able to get a lot of writing done. By June 19, I had only written through Chapter 33. In the last two months, I wrote seventeen chapters, revised all 31 chapters, and then wrote about 15k more words to add additional material to the first draft.
You guys, I wrote A LOT this summer. Even more than last summer. And I still managed to relax, take a week off here and there, and do a full revision before you guys even read the majority of the story. Book 2, when put into Microsoft Word, is 424 pages long at more than 163,000 words.
I also really paid attention to my writing process — what works for me, what makes me feel like I’m set up for success and it’s let me set the realistic deadlines that have been working so far.
Upcoming Plans
So this week, I’m looking to write Chapters 1-5 of Fool Me Twice and finish formatting the ebook for Mad World, Book 1. Patreon supporters will get Book 1’s ebook on August 24, but the rest of you guys will get Book 1 on August 31. Book 2 will be available for Crimson Adored subscribers in ebook on August 31, and then for Crimson Fan subscribers on October 31. Everyone else will get Book 2 on November 7 when I post the final chapter. I will also have an option to download both books in one file at that point.
On September 1, the new tiers will go live as described in this post with the exception of Crimson Obsessed. Right now, the reward to request a story isn’t particularly realistic. It’s important for me to get on my production schedule and adjust it accordingly. I also won’t be making Flash Fiction a priority right now. That’s something I like to do when I’m not posting or writing much, but right now — I’m doing both so it’s less fun for me to feel like I have to write flash fiction.
I’m hoping *crosses fingers* to be in a position with the next two projects to be able to post three times a week (MWF) which would be great for everyone. I could do 3 chapters now but honestly, I’d rather stretch out the posting time so you go less time between project posting.
I know this was a long post and I appreciate any one who managed to get this far!
I had to go back to read Book One before I start on Book Two. So glad your schedule is working for you. Hope you enjoy your writing as much as I’m enjoying reading.
This is exciting, I hope you realize how much your writing gives so much pleasure to us. Thank you