CG Flash Fiction Day!

I’m trying to get into a routine of writing Flash Fiction on Fridays, but just when I was going to start writing last night, I had an asthma attack. Apparently, I am more sensitive to my scented candles than I was a week ago. Ugh. Growing old is stupid.

Thanks again to everyone who signed up for Patreon this month. I didn’t have the account set up so that you were charged as soon as you pledged so you don’t get charged until September 1. I don’t know if that means you can’t get access to any of the benefits. Can someone let me know if that’s true? Because maybe there’s something I can to fix that.

I wrote Smoke and Mirrors, Part 4 today as part of my first Flash Fiction. I had set my timer for 20 minutes, but then I was writing the scene and couldn’t quite finish, so I kept going. I finished in 35 minutes which is still under 60 minutes which is my maximum. I’m going to try to get to Fool Me Twice tonight.

I don’t yet have a date for Bittersweet’s return but I really don’t want to wait longer than the first week of September, so hopefully I’ll be able to figure out something. I may just post un-beta’d chapters here and then repost when they’re beta read. We’ll see.

If you don’t follow me on Twitter, then you probably don’t know how Mad World, Book 2 is going. It’s a bit slower than Book 1, but it’s possibly because I wrote 77,000 words in July and my brain is still recovering. I’m still writing every day — I’m just not writing entire chapters every day. I’m on Ch. 26 (which means I’ve written 5 1/2 chapters in Book 2), and I hope to get some of my mojo back next week. My goal is to get through 10 chapters a month, which puts me at a finish line of the end of October. We’ll see 😛


  • We’re able to access the benefits! I’m sure you’ve already heard this by now but just letting you know! So excited to finish Bittersweet and Mad World Book 1.

    According to Jules on August 25, 2018