Chapter Four of FMT: Ricochet!

Update Link: Ricochet, Chapter Four

So excited to be posting Chapter Four today! I love the flashback in this chapter and we’re finally out of the setup and exposition part of the story. I’m still working on getting more chapters edited so I can post more frequently.

Health wise — the ear situation isn’t resolved, but I’m going back to the specialist in about two weeks. I’m struggling mostly because I’m not sleeping well — I get 7 hours but it’s not quality, and I spend a lot of time tossing and turning. Then, at work, I’m in windowless room all day, remote teaching, staring at a screen in a crappy chair. I’m pretty exhausted by the time I get home just from the lack of good sleep. So when I go back to to the doctor, I’m going to ask him to help me focus on this. It’s making it difficult to do anything at home once work is done.

But weekends are clear of prep work, so that’s great. Saturdays are set aside entirely for editing, and I’m planning to get done about 5 chapters this weekend, which would be great, maybe even more. We’ll see how that goes.

I’ll see you guys tomorrow for Flash Fiction, and I’ll do better this weekend, promise 🙂


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