Hey! *waves* Checking in. I feel so much better since my last post. I went back to the doctors and got loaded with up more meds, including antibiotics and I’ve felt better in the last four days than in the last two months. I’ve been playing catch up all week with classwork, but I wanted to keep my brain and muse going so I started a small mini project.
I reorganized the Coming Soon page by dividing it into writing categories (Draft, Plot Sketch, Development, and Idea Stage) and then writing cover copies for each project. The cover copy would basically be what you might read on the back cover should you get the novel in paperback. I’ve written ten cover copies to cover ten of my fourteen projects. (Yeah, I’m not sure when that happened, ha).
So if you’re interested in seeing more details about upcoming projects and learning what order they’re probably going to be written (Drafting & Plot Sketches are more likely to come first), then go on over and check them out.
I need a few more days to get completely caught up and back on track before I start adding writing back into my regular routine, so let’s hope my health holds and I can get back to business 🙂
Take your time your health is important.
Hope you feel better soon and can’t wait for more ideas or just your writing of one of my fave couples.
Hope you feel better soon and can’t wait for more ideas or just your writing of one of my fave couples.
So glad to hear you are starting to feel better! Don’t overdo.