Daily Flash Fiction Back! (For Six Days!)

Update Link: Invisible Strings – Part 11

Catch Up/Reread: Invisible Strings – Part 1

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Daily Flash Fiction

  • I had plans for a holiday project this year, promise. Even had a little short story planned that I would have posted in the week leading up to Christmas Eve, but of course, my immune system had other plans.
  • And then I was going to do daily flash fiction starting on Christmas Eve, my head cold had lingered, so I decided to start on Monday, a day on which my pipes clogged so I had to deal with my dad coming up to look at it, and then on Tuesday, the plumbers were here. Ugh.
  • ANYWAY. We’re back in business. It’s Wednesday, I still have six days of break left (unless a snow storm wants to help like last year), and there are seven parts and an epilogue left for Invisible Strings, the Flash Fiction I put on hiatus last August and never got back to.
  • I won’t quite finish it this week, but we’ll wrap it up that first weekend in January and get back to Watch Me Burn after that. I just wanted to clear my Flash Fiction board a bit.
  • More on that tomorrow.

Winter Break Priorities

  • I need to do a decent amount of housekeeping on the site–updating the sidebar and site to reflect Counting Stars.
  • I also need to update the Recent Updates page.
  • I’m breaking down Fool Me Twice Book 2 and soundtracking. More on that tomorrow, but we’re making great progress.


  • Thanks for returning to this story. It’s become one of my favorites. I left water running in my basement because I was so afraid of freezing pipes. I hope you can enjoy the rest of your break and are feeling better. Again, thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us.

    According to arcoiris0502 on December 28, 2022