Don’t Forget to Vote: Excerpts from both stories

If you haven’t voted in the poll yet to choose my Camp NaNoWriMo project, I decided to give some small previews. I have an entire chapter from Mad World, and an opening scene from For the Broken Girl. I’ve been writing Mad World longer, so I had an entire chapter. I had to write the scene for Broken Girl, that’s why there’s less.

Mad World – Chapter One

For the Broken Girl – Opening Scene

Please make sure to vote by June 26!

In other news, I started a GH commentary series over at my boring blog where I basically rewrite ongoing GH stories in the form of a plot sketch. It’s called If I Wrote GH, and I launched it with a recounting of how I would rewrite the gaslighting story of Carly and Nelle.

I’ll be back this weekend with some story updates!




  • I haven’t been able to vote because my adblocker doesn’t like your voting scheme for some weird reason.

    Mad World definitely has my vote, not that I would fight you about either story.

    According to Jane on June 16, 2018