Early Flash Update!

Update Link: Warning Shots – Part 21

Popping in before I have to leave for Sasha’s vet appointment. I’ve been leaving the new cat carrier out all week hoping the comfy bottom would attract her to take naps, and it has. So cross your fingers when I leave at 2:30, all I have to do is zip her up and go, lol.

After today, we’re switching to Chain Reaction next week. I should be able to keep going on the daily updates, but I don’t know what times yet. I have to sit down and look at my schedule, so I usually try to update the widget to the left. I hope I’m leaving you in a good place on Warning Shots. We made a lot of progress this week and now both stories have the same amount of updates, which is good.


  • Hope your kitty is ok. I never did have luck with leaving the carrier out. There is now way, no how they have anything to do with it. Fortunately I have a few people around to wrangle the cats into it. Poor cats, they just don’t know why we have to torture them this way! Thanks for the update. I’m feeling spoiled again!

    According to Jill on June 21, 2024