Flash Fiction Back Again

Update Link: Dear Reader – Part 13

Don’t forget: These Small Hours, Book 1 | Book 2

So, heeeeyyyyyy.

I know I said I’d come back on Friday, but then I continued to have the worst week ever and I decided that I really needed to take a deep breath, and spend the night organizing what needed to be done for March and just generally getting some order in my life, and well, it paid off. I’m mostly caught up at work. Just a few things left to do, and I’m even mostly prepped for next week. So I feel like it was a good choice. We should be good to go on Tuesdays for a while. Baseball season is back but I’m working on scheduling Flash for around 4 PM most Tuesdays so it won’t be moving around so much. I think it’s better earlier in the day.

I’ll see you next week 🙂


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