Your Update Link: Desperate Measures, Part 12
Hey! Just a single update as we’re back on track. I’m also knee deep in the facelift — I put together a quick post summarizing some of the changes I’ve been working on so far. I’ll have a more detailed one as I continue working. Here’s a list of what I’ve finished so far.
- I updated the footer images so that the copyright years are correct (I hadn’t updated the main one on CG since 2016) and updated the link.
- I added the Featured Banner for No One Else Sees Me.
- I fixed the bullets for the lists of chapters and the comment links. That’s mostly cosmetic, but it was annoying me, lol.
- I reorganized the Alternate History Page into sections. Basically, to make it easier to find the stories, they’ve been split into time periods. I’ve also added a few upcoming stories to flesh out the emptier sections. I’m hoping that will, A, make it easier to find what you’re looking for, and B, get you excited about future projects.
And that brings me to the poll question! Up until now, I’ve organized my stories by length. Anything longer than 15000 words is on the Alternate History or Alternate Universe pages, while the shorter stories are organized into Short Stories and Ficlets. I’ve already designed to merge the Series section into the History/Universe page respectively.
My question to you guys is — since I’ve organized the History Rewrites by time period, would you like to see me merge the Short Stories and Ficlets page into the main history page?
Reorganize Short Stories & Ficlet pages?
- Yes (46%, 11 Votes)
- Don't Care (46%, 11 Votes)
- No (8%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 24

This poll will run until Sunday. I know a lot of you guys said you use the Alphabetical listing, but I wonder if it would be easier for you guys if all the stories were on one page and then just split up by time period. Let me know what you think of the changes!
Voted don’t care but need to be sure you know it’s not because I don’t care. It’s just that (1) I’m going to find your stories when I want them whatever it takes and (2) I’m just as content for you to spend more time writing than re-organizing. But I do care and support and appreciate all of your efforts!!!!!
I would like to second living liasons opinion. I do care about your writing and support and appreciate what you do. Whatever works best for you is fine by me.