Update Link: A King’s Command, Part 26
Not a lot to babble about since I just updated yesterday, but I will say my car is testing my patience, LOL. I typed Thursday’s update blog on Wednesday — and then Thursday morning, I went out to start my car and it was completely dead. It was raining the day before, and I left my lights on. It was so annoying, LOL. Luckily, my VP was super awesome and let me hold my meetings from home so I could still work and not take a day. My dad came up and took care of it, so I’m just relieved it wasn’t a more annoying situation.
I’ve edited two chapters this week, and I’ll be working on a third tomorrow so I’m meeting my goals in that respect. I also finished the large scale outline on Smoke & Mirrors. I’m waiting on my iPad to start filming videos for the channel. My old iPad is completely out of space, so I can’t even film in segments. I’ve been saving up for six months for this thing, so I’m just hoping Apple ships it soon. I’m enjoying working on AU — I don’t write them a lot because I usually feel more inspired by GH canon and there’s also other challenges I really want to dig into. I don’t know yet how long the project will be and I’m not setting a deadline for writing it. I think I’ll have a better sense of all of that after I get into it.
And in preparation to work on Smoke & Mirrors, I worked on the template for the Alternate Universe page. Like Alternate History, I’m working on streamlining how my stories are listed. Right now, they’re kind of scattered across a few pages. I want you to be able to go to one or two places and find everything. The AU page will be divided into genres and is in the early stage.s
See you tomorrow for another update of Ricochet!
Sounds like you’re doing well after the car issue. Yikes!!! I’m so behind on Ricochet!!! I hope to catch up this weekend.