Flash Fiction Monday!

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 18

Good morning 🙂 Hope everyone had a good weekend! I woke up yesterday morning and realized I had relaxed a little too hard on Saturday, and I’d forgotten to complete two assignments for my online class. I spent yesterday morning on that, then wrote a chapter for the Hours beta draft, so I didn’t get to a Flash Fiction update.

The plan right now is to update, obviously, this morning (posting this at 11 AM) and then, if I finish the online classwork I planned for today and get my laundry and hair washed & dry, I’ll post Warning Shots at 4PM, then head down to my parents for dinner and the Phillies game. My birthday is this Friday, so I’m trying to schedule very little for myself out side of going to work that day 😛

These Small Hours is going well. I’m largely rewriting Act 1, which I knew I would have to do. It’s usually the weakest part of any draft for me because there are always plot threads and characters I feel like I don’t know until I actually write them. That was particularly true for this draft, but Act 2 and Act 3 should be much more straight forward and go faster. Hoping to be working on them in another week or so.

I may pop in later this week for another Flash update, but I don’t know for sure. The kids are always insane when we come back from Memorial Day break because it’s their last day off before summer hits, and they scan smell it in the air like a hunting dog, lol.

See you for sure next Monday!


  • Happy Birthday Week to you! I hope it’s a good one. Good luck with the kiddos, haha. I still remember that feeling at the end of the year, with the weather being good and just could hardly stand to be indoors doing classwork. Almost there, hang on!

    According to Jill on May 27, 2024