Hey 🙂 Not a lot to say here today. I wasn’t able to make any headway on the facelift yesterday beyond finishing up edits and organizing screencaps. I had to babysit in the morning, then got my haircut in the afternoon. I think I mentioned a few months ago in my site and story status post that I’d been having some minor health issues since May that occasionally messes with my energy and ability to write for long periods of time. This is the third month in a row that I’m having the same problem, so I’m hoping to see a doctor soon to get it sorted out.
Without getting into details (I want to wait until I see the doctor before I speculate on what’s wrong), it basically just means it’s hard for me to sit for long periods of time and I need a lot of breaks. I’m also really tired. With the Mad World deadline looming, time in front of the computer really needs to be focused on that draft. Today is particularly bad day — instead of feeling better as the day continued, I actually feel worse so I’m going to take a long break before coming back to work on MW in the afternoon.
Normally, in other months, I only had one really bad day where I couldn’t push through and get things done — so hoping I can come back tomorrow. I love writing Flash Fiction, and it’s killing me not to have the energy for something I enjoy particularly when I’ve been on a roll, word count wise.
I started looking at revisions for An Everlasting Love, reworking the setup and how the story unfolds. It’s been kind of fun to spend a lot of time on the setting, making sure it feels like a historicanext l romance. Once I’m finished the discovery part of the revision process, I’ll let you guys know when you might be able to expect the revised novella. The story will conclude Thursday.
Melissa, take the time you need – we’ll still be here. Love your stories, but your health is more important. Take care.
Sending lots of love and good vibes. Take care! ♥️