Link: Fool Me Twice – Preview Chapters
Why Flash Fiction Is Delayed
Hey! I was planning a trio of daily updates for Flash Fiction beginning today and ending on Sunday. But then – ugh. Because I switched districts, I lost my health insurance for two months, and I wasn’t able to get a refill on the meds I take for my TMJ or my migraine medicine. I ran out a few weeks ago, and was mostly managing because at home, I can control the triggers – you know, keeping rooms dark and cool, not a lot of stress. But back to work means less control. The bright overhead lights always trigger migraines and I had a lot of professional development this week where I had no choice in the lighting (I NEVER use those lights in my classroom). And always terrible seating which messes with my neck – ugh. Just generally miserable.
Anyway, my body has a way of managing just long enough to get to the weekend — that survival mode kicking in on schedule. I guess it gave up last night since I have the next four days off. My neck was so sore I wanted to cut it off, my jaw was sore, I had a migraine — just generally miserable.
BUT today is September 1 and my health insurance is back in effect! I already called in refills on the meds. I’ll have the TMJ ones tonight, so relief will come soon. Migraines have to be ordered.
The plan is to shift to tomorrow and update through Monday, but I wanted to give you guys something today just in case I have another night like tonight and I have to cancel tomorrow.
Preview Chapters & Patreon Perks
I posted the two chapters in the FMT Section of the Free Digital Shop on Patreon. FMT Book 2 is going to have split storylines — most chapters will take place in Port Charles with Book 1’s cast, but we’re also following the more Cassadine focused crew that I previewed in the flashbacks in Book 1 — Valentin is in Istanbul, and Lucky and Luke went to track him down on behalf of Jason and Drew and the WSB. So we’re following their story and what secrets they’re keeping. That’s the first chapter of the book — setting up that storyline. The second chapter is more traditional with Jason/Elizabeth, Drew/Sam, etc.
In other news, I posted the August update for the Adored tier ($7 and above) and it was so much bigger than I was expecting! I compiled the July update, and it was only 54 pages and about 32k. Respectful for six days of writing. But August — I was nervous. I’ve been struggling with writing since August 21, so I figured three weeks wouldn’t have that same rate — except I still managed to produce 91k which is, uh, pretty damn good, lol. I’m halfway through the second draft, and really hoping to get back into daily writing once I get the new school schedule settled. As always, I appreciate everyone who supports me on Patreon. You make it possible for me to spend so much time writing in the summer because I can pay my property taxes without working as a tutor which is why I was able to write 122k in 28 days (lord, no wonder my brain hurts, lol).
Anyway, enjoy the preview chapters and let me know what you think! I’m really interested in your reactions to the Istanbul storylines!
See you tomorrow (fingers crossed!)
I’m glad you finally realized how much you accomplished this summer, I tried to tell you how proud you should be.
I hope you feel better!