Flash Fiction Returns

I started doing flash fiction last year but I converted into the Workshop because I realized a lot of what I was posting was things I wanted to write about more later. Quickly, the flash fiction stuff became more and more of a stressful thing and I kept starting stuff and abandoning it. The opposite of the stress relief it was supposed to be.

I’m rethinking the workshop stuff at the moment — I’ll be back with more about that later this week, but I’m bringing back Flash Fiction, and I’m going to try to do it on a schedule again.

I wanted to do a Flash Fiction today because I won’t be posting Bittersweet tomorrow. I apologize for this but some things have come up that have prevented the last few chapters from being ready for posting. The story is done, but it’s still in the editing stages, and the edit has been postponed due to family issues. I wish I could be more specific, but I can’t.

So in order to kind of still give you new content, I’m posting this Flash Fiction today, and if things go as planned — a new one each day this week.

Without further ado: Flash Fiction: Count on Me is available now to read.


  • I loved your flash fiction. You can always go back and redo and expand any of the stories. We love your work

    According to leasmom on July 31, 2018