Flash Fiction Schedule Change & December/January plans

Hey! I’ve been thinking about making a change for a few weeks, and this last week has definitely given me ideas how to adjust my writing schedule to update Flash Fiction and have time/energy to write/edit other projects. I’ve been doing Flash Fiction on the weekends thinking that was the best idea, but I’ve found that diving into a story for an hour in the morning and then going into another story in the afternoon isn’t really working for me at the moment. Since weekends are my best opportunity to get a lot of writing done, and I’m not doing much writing during the week anyway, I’m going to move Flash Fiction to week days and leave weekends completely for my ongoing editing and drafting.

Scars is being moved to Tuesdays/Wednesdays and Signs of Life will be Thursdays/Fridays. I’m not updating all four of those days, but I’ll give myself the space to update either of those days so that you’re getting two updates a week even if they’re not quite regular, then writing/editing on Saturdays & Sundays. I can manage an hour of writing at least twice during the week which is all Flash Fiction needs, but it’s been harder to get the energy together for my longer projects.

I hope that makes sense, lol. It’s all about finding the right schedule that works best for me and still lets me write.  I’ll have the first update for you on Tuesday, I think, based on looking at my schedule (I have an after school meeting that may or may not change that) and definitely something on Thursday since I’m not going to be working that day.

Here’s what the next six weeks or so looks like.


  • Flash Fiction moving to week days.
  • December 31 – Karma, Part 1 gets posted at The Liason Haven.
  • Editing Mad World, Book 1 – ebook for rerelease
  • Editing Mad World, Book 4 – still in the reread, it’s a massive project and it’s been slowed down by IRL. hoping to get my notes and whatnot done by the end of the month.
  • Writing Smoke & Mirrors. Got slowed down on that but getting back into it this week and next. Plan is to finish up the first novella in the project by end of the month.


  • January 7 & 8 – Karma, Parts 2 & 3 posted at Liason Haven. Exclusive to that platform until at least April or May.
  • Diving into editing Mad World, Book 4.
  • Editing Mad World, Book 2 ebook for re-release
  • Re-releasing Book 1 as an ebook.
  • Fool Me Twice discovery

So you’re going to get some ebook re-releases since I’m cleaning up typos of Mad World and working on formatting. Book 1 — will be January, Book 2 – Feb, Book 3 – March, and then I’ll be releasing Book 4 in April. We’re still on track with that.

Still working on a full status update of everything, but here you go. You’re still getting an entire novella at the end of the year, so new content is coming 🙂


  • I just love your organization. I’m happy that you found a way that works for you and we reap the benefits of your talent. Have a great week!

    According to arcoiris0502 on December 12, 2021