Update Link: Not Knowing When – Part 13
Happy Sunday! I’ve had a pretty productive week writing wise, and the main reason I didn’t update Flash Fiction twice is that I wanted to make sure I continued working on Fool Me Twice and Smoke & Mirrors. I edited eight chapters of Fool Me Twice and wrote two chapters of Smoke & Mirrors. I’m almost finished the beta draft for Chapters 21-38 for FMT (the first round of edits), and I’ll be moving into the second round of edits (polishing it) during week 2 of my posting hiatus.
As for Flash Fiction, this Sunday morning flash fiction time is working out pretty well. I’ve arranged my Sunday schedule to give me time to rest and relax and still do errands. I’m going to tackle Saturday next since starting this week, I’ll be five full days in the building and I’m back in the classroom full-time which is awesome. I can’t wait for windows. Up until now, my weekends have started kind of weirdly since I was remote teaching from home on Fridays so it was both work and not.
I hope to add back a second Flash Fiction update on Saturday mornings at some point, but it might not be for a few weeks. Thanks for bearing with me. For now, it’s just going to be these Sunday morning updates.
Since there’s no Fool Me Twice updates this week, I’ll see you next Sunday!
Good luck being in school and in your classroom with windows.