Your Update Link: Darkest Before The Dawn, Part 2
Other Links: Crimson Glass Survey | Bittersweet sub-site
Happy Sunday! I worked late last night and finished the preliminary version of the Bittersweet sub-site. The layout is a bit different than either Mad World or For the Broken Girl, so let me know you if you have any suggestions or issues accessing parts of it. I still have some content to work on — I’ve been having weird website errors and upload issuse so it just took longer to get the theme ready.
Five years ago, I asked my readers to give me some feedback on the website — about a year after I opened it up as a WordPress Archive, I wanted to see how everyone was using it and to get some ideas. I got some great feedback from that survey — I added the Recent Updates and Alphabetical List of All Stories pages. It also helped me de-clutter the sidebar I had at the time.
So five years later (wow!), I’m looking to get some more ideas. So for the next week, I’ll be linking the survey in all my updates. It should take no more than 4 minutes and it’s anonymous so be completely honest! I’ve got a few anniversaries coming up — this July is the 18th anniversary of my first Liason story, Deserving (lost to the wilds), and September 19, 2002 is the 18th birthday of my original fanfiction website, In A Perfect World. Crimson Glass proper opened in April 2004, but I don’t celebrate that because I just moved it from one home to the other.
Since I turned 36 year this year, the 18th anniversary of these things means that for literally HALF my life, I’ve been writing Liason fanfiction. I want to make this a special year 🙂
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