Flash Fiction & THREE New Excerpts

Update Link: Invisible Strings – Part 10

Sample Excerpts: These Small Hours – Chapter 1 | For the Broken Girl, Chapter 33 (Book 1 was 32 chapters) | Burn in Heaven | Malice | Unlock full chapters

After today, Invisible Strings goes on hiatus until October.

When I posted the first excerpt last night and set out the plan for daily updates to continue throughout the week with excerpts from the chapters I was using to pick the next project, that really was the plan.

And then, after posting, I thought I’d get a head start on today’s chapter, For the Broken Girl. I finished the whole thing. And then I wrote the entire chapter for Burn in Heaven (and accidentally posted it to the Site News category, which triggers the emails. And after that, I wrote Malice. I don’t even know anymore, lol.

Once I’d accidentally posted an excerpt, I decided to hell with a schedule, lol. Let me throw all four of them at you to keep you busy in case I don’t finish the last two chapters quickly (one of them is Fool Me Twice, and you know that story plagues me).

Getting them up early is actually going to work out for the best, since I’m going to ask you guys to vote on which story you want to read. I’m not guaranteeing the winner will be the project I pick, but I’m curious if you guys will pick out the one that I’m leaning towards (there are two, I think, that are in the lead right now).


  • I was hoping that we would get to vote. I’m excited because there is lots to read.

    According to arcoiris0502 on August 29, 2022