Flash Fiction Update!

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 33

Happy Monday 🙂 I have only two weeks of summer vacation left, which is a little said. August 26, I return for a week of PD and teacher prep and the kids are back September 3. I got my preliminary class schedule, and it’s actually worse than my old middle school schedule. I’m teaching five classes in a row from 8AM to 11:40PM, and then I have two periods off (lunch & prep) until around 1PM, when I have two more classes. In the old school, I had a 3omin duty in that 11-1PM  time slot, so I can’t decide what’s worse — an extra class or cafeteria duty. We’ll see, lol.

In case you missed it, These Small Hours got a release date! Well, release dates, lol. I’m already working on the posting draft for Book 1, and I’ve finished marking up Chapters 1-7, so those edits are coming along nicely.  Check out Saturday’s post for more information.

See you on Wednesday!


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