Your Update Link: Not Knowing When – Part 4
I’m going to be harassing you basically every day this week, LOL! Tonight, we kick off the fourth week of Flash Fiction, so that’s Monday, Wednesday, Friday AND Saturday. Then tomorrow, you’re getting the first chapter of Mad World, Book 3. It’s already scheduled and ready to go, so it will be up around 7 AM tomorrow like in the old days. You’re getting one more preview chapter next Tuesday — and then the whole thing goes live at 7 am on October 6. I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW CLOSE WE ARE! I’m so excited for you guys to read this book.
And — on Thursday, you’ll have the edited version of The Ghost in the Girl. If you read the Flash Fiction series, you’ll probably still want to peruse the edit. I’m cleaning up typos, some dialogue notes, and I’m contemplating adding just one or two more scenes. I’m still editing that.
It’s a busy week!
I’m so very excited! It seemed so far away and now the time is near. I can’t wait!