Flash Fiction Update & Mad World Progress

Your Update Link: Darkest Before the Dawn, Part 15

Good morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend! It seems crazy that this Thursday we’ll be ending the daily flash fiction updates. It’s been really fun (and challenging!) to follow this content schedule and I had a lot of fun, even if juggling four series and one novel project drove me a bit batty once in a while. I’ve also liked checking in with you guys often as Mad World took shape — usually when I’m in progress on a novel, I check in once every few weeks but I really feel like you guys were able to live through this experience with me.

I had a bit of a crazy weekend, but I still managed to do a lot of work! Mad World, Book 3 is now 23 chapters and seven of those chapters have been revised. This week, I’m focusing on writing the new chapters and finishing up the other 8 chapters that need line edits. When I started revisions, Book 3 was about 93k. I’ve already addded 9k to that total and 6k of that is just new scenes between Chapters 51-57. I started Chapter 58 yesterday which is brand new–and I’m so happy with the Sonny/Carly and Jason/Elizabeth scene I just wrote. I think these two chapters I’ve inserted at this point in the story are going to be some of the best.

Fool Me Twice is still moving along — I’m really deep into the outline and looking forward to moving that project into its next stages. I’m really glad I gave myself two full months to plan — it’s been so relaxing and fun to lean in to it like this and just do a bit a day. It keeps my interest engaged and really makes me excited to get to it. I can’t wait to finally start writing it! And — I even opened up my Broken Girl scriv file to jot down some brainstorming notes for Book 2. This summer has been crazy productive, and I’m hoping to find a way to manage that momentum going into the fall and going back to work.

I have a couple of things planned this week, but I’m not sure how my schedule is going to work out so just stay tuned!


  • Wow! I’m enjoying reading your update because I feel like I’m involved in your writing. The flash fictions are great. I can’t wait to start reading Mad World. You’ve been very creative and busy.

    According to arcoiris0502 on August 17, 2020