Flash Fiction Updated!

Update Link: Warning Shots – Part 9

I was just sitting here, relaxing, congratulating myself on getting everything done today and being on time — and then Mariah sent me a message asking if I needed nagging to remember to write. I was about to tell her how awesome I was, and then I looked at the clock. Turns out if you want to post Flash Fiction at 8, you need to, uh, start it at 7. And it was 6:48.

Couple of things I’m going to try and rush to type as I sit here at 6:56 waiting to start writing — the schedule has changed. Until at least June 13, I’m dropping the W/F Flash Fiction unless it’s optional. I’m only updating Warning Shots until then because it’s plotted out (just about — I’m on Part 9, and I’ve sketched ten parts ahead). I just made a huge storyline change in Chain Reaction that I need to sit with and do more sketching.

Any W/F additions to Flash Fiction until summer break, I’ll update Chain Reaction. Otherwise, it’s on hold until June 14 when I find out my summer school/curriculum schedule and have more time to do my online class.  Luckily I left you guys in an okay place, I think.

Okay, let me know what you think and I’ll see you next week!



  • You made me laugh. You did very well getting the flash done. Lol I know I speak for all that we will patiently wait for your other stories. I’ve been reading and rereading some of your other stories. It’s all good. Soon, school will be over.

    According to arcoiris0502 on May 20, 2024