Flash Fiction Updated!

Update Link: Chain Reaction – Part 28

ALERT: If you’re not watching GH and not keeping up, today is a Liason day! So check out the episode and engage on social media!

Apologies for just skipping yesterday. I felt like I just hit a wall with simply everything, and I literally just sat and watched TV all afternoon, then went to bed early. I feel better today, and we’re good to go for today and tomorrow. This is part of the reason I’m pulling back on daily updates. As always, I’ve spread myself a little thin, lol, between summer school, the college class (that’s nearly over!), and just general, you know, LIFE. I wish I could write as a full-time job, but it’s not feasible. I’m still nursing tendonitis in my elbow, so I’m also not pushing myself as much as I normally would.

I’m finally making some good progress on These Small Hours. I knew the first half of the book needed the most work, and it’s been a tough go of it with my scheduling issues and then the elbow soreness. I have to write two new chapters, and then I get into a chunk of already written material, so really hoping I can start making significant progress.

See you guys tomorrow!


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