Flash Fiction Updated!

Update Link: Warning Shots – Part 27
Tracker: These Small Hours – Beta Draft

So I guess we liked Saturday’s update?

One of the fun things about flash fiction is just throwing things out there, and the final scene of Saturday’s Chain Reaction was one of those. I had sketched out that scene very briefly, just noting a character who shows up. But it wasn’t until I was actually writing it that I had to figure out what to do — so it really was planned in the moment, but I’m glad I did it!

If you fall behind in any updates, I’m doing pretty decent with keeping my Recent Updates Page up to date since I redesigned it to be organized by story, not by date. So always check that, then the update blog.

In other news, I learned how to make fancy digital trackers to track my students better, and I tossed together a better track for These Small Hours. The chapter count isn’t accurate — I’m not quite done breaking the story down, so I overestimated how many chapters I’m going to need.

It’s the All Star Break this week, and other than the Home Run Derby and All Star Game tomorrow, my nights are free. I’m hoping to get more writing done.

See you on Wednesday!


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